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Long Journey Home

Finding peace and serenity can take a lifetime of searching. Maria has been looking for her mother for a long time. Who is the woman she finally finds? Her mother or herself?

A Kabri from Windemere

Born with amazing abilities, Kabri had promised not to use them until she had more understanding of what they might do. But, how could she not use her empathic healing gift when it was needed so desperately? Should she let him die, knowing that she could have cured him? What if saving his life altered history? Or worse yet, what if NOT saving his life altered history? Fortunately, she was not able to make that choice. It had been made for her millennia ago.

An Acquired Affair

Attorney Kaitlin Rand watches everything she’s worked for dashed to pieces. A victim of raging feelings she can’t command, she struggles to regain control.

The Radio Funny Book

“The Radio Funny Book” is not only 156 pages of radio humor off and on the air, it has its warm moments.

Connected Dreams: How Ideas Move and Connect in Unexpected Ways

The idea of Connected Dreams: How Ideas Move and Connect in Unexpected Ways can only be skillfully layered and beautifully crafted otherwise it wouldn’t conform to its own thesis.


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Anna's Secret Legacy
by S.A. Williams