| J. Kerkhof - 1982 - 524 páginas
...whether or not it is accompanied by so, which introduces an illustration of a previous statement: Bifil that in that seson on a day, In Southwerk at the Tabard as I lay (I-19/20) And so bifel that in the taas they founde, Two yonge knyghtes liggynge by and by, (I-1009/11)... | |
| Neil Forsyth - 1988 - 204 páginas
...with supplication for cure of the soul. When, after this passage closes, Chaucer continues with Bifil that in that seson on a day, In Southwerk at the Tabard as I lay Redy to wenden on my pilgtymage. . . . the line of sight comes to rest on one man in one place on one particular day. The... | |
| Julia Bolton Holloway - 1992 - 352 páginas
...salus, both salvation and healing. Their pilgimage begins, as did the vita Christi, at an inn: Bifil that in that seson on a day, In Southwerk at the Tabard as I lay Redy to wenden on my pilgrymage To Caunterbury with ful devout corage, At nyght was come into that hostelrye Wei nyne and... | |
| Edith P. Hazen - 1992 - 1172 páginas
...wende The hooly blisful martir for to seke That hem hath holpen whan that they were seeke. (1. 15-18) 6 In naked majesty, seemed lords of all, And worthy seemed; for in their looks d pilgrymage To Caunterbury with ful devout corage, At nyght was come into that hostelrye Wei nyne and... | |
| Raymond Van Dam - 1992 - 378 páginas
...Tours, had a specific purpose similar to that of later pilgrims to Canterbury: The holy blisful martir for to seke That hem hath holpen whan that they were seke. As we will see in the next chapter, the notion of illness often implied that people had infringed on... | |
| Merja Kytö - 1993 - 228 páginas
...wende, The hooly blisful martir for to seke, That hem hath holpen whan that they were seeke. '':-:'''. that in that seson on a day In Southwerk at the Tabard as J lay, Redy to wenden on my pilgrymage To Caunterbury with ful deuout cprage, Txt1 «Tab: Split Screen... | |
| Martin E. Marty, R. Scott Appleby - 2004 - 540 páginas
...And specially, from every shires ende Of Engelond, to Caunterbury they wende, The holy blisful martir for to seke, That hem hath holpen, whan that they were seke. It is very likely that these obligatory pilgrimages set the stage for the later development of a more... | |
| Geoffrey Chaucer - 1996 - 324 páginas
...for to seke, That hem hath holpen whan that they were seeke. Bifil that in that seson on a day, 20 In Southwerk at the Tabard as I lay Redy to wenden on my pilgrymage To Caunterbury with ful devout corage, At nyght was come into that hostelrye Wel nyne and... | |
| 2002 - 812 páginas
...The holy blisful martir for to seeke That hem hath holpen whan that they were seke. A em Tabard Bifel that in that seson on a day, In Southwerk at the Tabard as I lay, Redy to wenden on my pilgrimage To Caunterbury with ful devout corage, At night was come into that hostelrye Wei nine and twenty in a... | |
| Laurie Rozakis - 1999 - 406 páginas
...blisful martyr for to seeke continues continued That hem hath holpen whan that they were seke. Bifel that in that seson on a day, In Southwerk at the Tabard...Redy to wenden on my pilgrimage To Canterbury with ful devout corage, At night was come into that hostelrye Wei nine and twenty in a compaignye Of sondry... | |
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