| Margaret Carpenter Evans - 2004 - 358 páginas
...commitment to learning, and remembered for frequently quoting Bacon's famous dictum that learning is "for the glory of the Creator and the relief of man's estate." His students never doubted that the life of the mind was a life devoted to divine purposes. Rosemond... | |
 | Roy Gardner, Denis Lawton, Jo Cairns - 2005 - 294 páginas
...too far from the reference given in Wrigley (ibid.: 6) quoting Francis Bacon, who saw knowledge as 'a rich storehouse, for the glory of the Creator and the relief of man's estate'. At its best a school mission can articulate, for those both in and outside the school, the wider purposes... | |
 | David Read - 2005 - 190 páginas
...mind to raise itself upon; or a fort and commanding ground, for strife and contention; or a shop, for profit or sale; and not a rich storehouse, for the glory of the Creator and relief of man's estate. But this is that which will indeed dignify and exalt knowledge, if contemplation... | |
 | Barry L. Craig - 2005 - 254 páginas
...searching and restless spirit." Instead knowledge should be directed toward two proper ends: "[to be] a rich storehouse for the glory of the Creator, and the relief of man's estate." In regard to the knowledge of God, reason is not to speculate about it; that knowledge comes to us... | |
 | Ellis Sandoz - 2005 - 368 páginas
...first principles, or to prima philosophia. According to Bacon, the purpose of "primary philosophy" is for "the glory of the Creator and the relief of man's estate." Its aim is to "separate and reject vain speculations and whatsoever is empty and void, and preserve... | |
 | Ilse Vickers - 2006 - 224 páginas
...life', he equally stressed that it should be 'perfected and governed [by] charity'; knowledge should be 'a rich storehouse, for the glory of the Creator and the relief of man's estate' (III: 294). It is important that we remember that 'Bacon professed no such narrow utilitarianism as... | |
 | Willem B. Drees, Hubert Meisinger, Zbigniew Liana - 2006 - 182 páginas
...wandering and variable mind to walk up and down with a fair prospect . . . and not a rich store house, for the glory of the Creator and the relief of man's estate' (Bacon 1857-74: III.294). referred to as the 'democratization of science', according to which, in principle,... | |
 | Stephen A. McKnight - 2006 - 209 páginas
...philosophy requires a return to first principles, or to prima philosophia. The aim of prima philosophia is for "the glory of the Creator and the relief of man's estate," and its purpose is to "separate and reject vain speculations and whatsoever is empty and void, and... | |
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