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" And it came to pass about an eight days after these sayings, he took Peter and John and James,' and went up into a mountain to pray. "
The Works of the Reverend George Whitefield, M.A ...: Containing All His ... - Página 442
por George Whitefield - 1772
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A new self-interpreting Testament, containing thousands of various ..., Volumen1

John Platts - 1827 - 676 páginas
...they see the kingdom of God.6 28 ^f And it came to pass g about an eight days after these sayings/ he took Peter and John and James, and went up into a mountain to pray. 29 And as he prayed, the fashion8 of his countenance was altered, and his raiment was white and glistering....
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The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Volumen2

1827 - 524 páginas
...death till they see the kingdom of Go-1. And it came to pass, about an eight days after these sayings, he took Peter, and John, and James, and went up into a mountain to pray. And as he prayed, the fashion of his countenance was altered, and his raiment was white, and glistering....
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The achievements of prayer, selected exclusively from the holy Scriptures ...

Joseph Fincher - 1827 - 438 páginas
...continued all night in prayer to God. PRAYER ON THE MOUNT OF TRANSFIGURATION. LUKE ix. 28—31. And Jesus took Peter and John and James, and went up into a mountain to pray. And as he prayed, the fashion of his countenance was altered, and his raiment was white and glistering....
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Sacred Biography, Or, The History of the Patriarchs: To which is ..., Volumen2

Henry Hunter - 1828 - 356 páginas
...LUKE IX. 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 3i, 35. And it cam* lo pats aboul an eight days after these sayings, he took Peter, and John, and James, and went up into a mountain to pray. And as he prayed, the fashion of his countenance was altered, and his raiment was white and glistering....
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The Congregational magazine [formerly The London Christian ..., Volumen6

1830 - 744 páginas
...There is nothing in the sacred text which countenances the supposition. St. Luke merely tells us that "he took Peter and John and James and went up into a mountain to pray," ix. '28. St. Matthew is rather more explicit : he informs us " Jesus taketh Peter and James and John...
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Recognition in the World to Come, Or, Christian Friendship on Earth ...

Christopher Ralph Muston - 1830 - 458 páginas
...1—3; xvi. 16, 22. LUKE ix. 28—33. " And it came to pass about an eight days after these sayings, he took Peter and John and James, and went up into a mountain to pray. And as he prayed, the fashion of his countenance was altered, and his raiment was white and glistering....
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Expository notes, with practical observations, on the New Testament, Volumen1

William Burkitt - 1832 - 780 páginas
...the very fall be victorious over it. 28 And it came to pass about an eight days after these sayings, there. 30 And great multitudes came unto him, having with them those 29 And as he prayed, the fashion of his countenance was altered, and his raiment was white and glistering....
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Bible stories, for the use of children, Volumen2

Samuel Wood (B.A.) - 1832 - 244 páginas
...28— 36 j Matt. xvii. 1—9.) AND it came to pass about eight days after these sayings, our Saviour took Peter, and John, and James, and went up into a mountain to pray. And as he prayed, the fashion of his countenance was altered, and his raiment was white and glittering....
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Liturgia Britannica tutamen: an essay toward a revision of the Book of ...

1833 - 82 páginas
...death till they see the kingdom of God. And it came to pass about an eight days after these sayings, he took Peter and John and James, and went up into a mountain to pray. And as he prayed, the fashion of his countenance was altered, and his raiment was white and glistering....
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An Exposition of the Gospels of St. Matthew and St. Mark: And Some Other ...

Richard Watson - 1833 - 786 páginas
...they see the kingdom of God. 28 ^[ k And it came to pass about an eight days after these * sayings, worth of bread, and give them to eat ? 38 He saith unto them, How many 29 And as he prayed, the fashion of his countenance was altered, and his raiment was white and glistering....
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