A BY THE REV. THOMAS HAWEIS, Rector of Aldwinckle, Northamptonshire; and Chaplain to the WHITEHALL: Printed by William Young, FOR WILLIAM BARLAS, NEW-YORK. ................ 1802. gift 4-29-1932 PREFACE. THE subjects in this volume are highly interesting. The words of our Saviour to Nicodemus merit the strictest attention. Nothing can be of greater importance than to understand the nature, and be persuaded of the necessity of Regeneration. Some affect to ridicule that great change as impossible, while others despise it as useless. Having a general belief that a change of some kind is necessary, many substitute in its room something of a very different nature. In no case can self-deception be more fatal. Others have very different views of themselves, and are deeply persuaded that, unless they are created anew in Christ Jesus, they must die in their sins. By the law in the hand of the Spirit, discovering its spirituality and extent, they are convinced of their sin and misery, and their utter inability to establish a righteousness of their own. They find that the imaginations of their hearts are only evil continually, and that they are carnal, A ....... |