Imágenes de páginas
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I. iii. 33. Shake, quoth the dove-house,' referring to the effects of the earthquake; Daniel conj. 'goeth' for 'quoth.'

I. iii. 66, 67. honour'; Pope's emendation (from Quarto 1); Quartos, Folios, hours' and 'hour.'

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I. iv. 39. The game was ne'er so fair, and I am done'; "an allusion to an old proverbial saying which advises to give over when the game is at the fairest" (Ritson).

I. iv. 41. Cp. Chaucer's Manciple's Prologue :—

Ther gan our hoste for to jape and pleye,

And seyde, sirs, what!

Dun is in the myre!

A proverbial expression originally used in an old rural sport, and meaning, "we are all at a standstill!" or, "let us make an effort to move on " (vide Prof. Skeat's Notes to Canterbury Tales, Vol. v. p. 435-6). I. iv. 42. 'Of this sir-reverence love'; Singer's emendation from (Quarto 1); Quartos read' Or saue you reuerence loue'; Folios 1, 2, 3, 'Or saue your reuerence loue.'

I. iv. 45. Capell's emendation; (Quarto 1) reads We burne our lights by night, like Lampes by day'; Quartos,' We waste our lights in vaine, lights lights by day'; Folios, 'We wast our lights in vaine, lights, lights, by day.'

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I. iv. 66. 'Maid'; Pope's reading (from Quarto 1); Quartos, Folio 1, man'; Folios 2, 3, 4, ‘woman'; Ulrici (from Collier MS.), ‘milk-maid.' I. iv. 77. Courtier's'; Pope (from Quarto 1) reads 'lawyer's'; Theobald conj. 'taylor's.'



I. iv. 85. Of healths'; Thirlby conj. Of delves'; Keightley conj. 'Trenches'; Clark MS. Of hilts.'


I. iv. 91. Untangled'; 'which once u.,' the untangling of which.

I. iv. 103. 'Face'; Pope's reading (from Quarto 1); Quartos, Folios, 'side'; Collier MS., ' tide.'

I. v. 18. Will have a bout'; (Quarto 1), 'will haue about'; Quartos, Folios, 'will walke about'; Pope, ‘we'll have a bout'; Daniel, ' will walke a bout.' I. v. 46. It seems she'; so (Quarto 1) Quartos, Folio 1; Folios 2, 3, 4 read ' Her beauty'; Bulloch conj. 'In streams she'; etc.

II. i. 10. 'pronounce'; Quartos 2, 3, ‘prouaunt'; Folio 1, ' Prouant'; Folios 2, 3, 4, Couply'; Rowe, 'couple.'

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II. i. 13. 'trim,' Steevens (from Quarto 1); Quartos, Folios, 'true.'

II. i. 13. 'Young Adam Cupid, he that shot so trim'; all the early editions read' Abraham Cupid'; Theobald conjectured 'auborn'; Upton, ' Adam,' referring to Adam Bell, the famous archer. It must be borne in mind, however, that ' Abram,' ' Abraham,' was a regular corrupt form of auburn, formerly often written abern, abron.


II. ii. 41-42.

nor any other part Belonging to a man. O be some other name!' Malone's emendation; Pope (from Quarto 1) reads 'nor any other part'; Quartos, Folios, O be some other name Belonging to a man.'

II. ii. 44. name'; so Pope (from Quarto 1); Quartos, Folios, 'word.' II. ii. 61. 'fair maid, if either thee dislike'; so Quartos, Folios; Pope (from Quarto 1) reads 'fair saint displease'; Theobald, 'fair saint dislike'; Grant White, 'fair maid displease'; Anon. conj. 'fair



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II. ii. 107. blessed moon I swear'; so (Quarto 1) Quartos; Folios read 'moon I vow.'

II. ii. 153. 'suit'; so Quarto 5; Quarto 4, 'sute'; Quartos 2, 3, Folios, 'strife.'

II. ii. 189. 'father's cell'; Capell's reading (from Quarto 1); Quartos, Folios 3, 4, Friers close cell'; Folios 1, 2, Fries close cell.'

II. iii. 1-4. Omitted in Folios 2, 3, 4.

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II. iii. 4. 'day's path and Titan's fiery wheels'; Malone's reading (from Quarto 1); Quartos, Folio 1, 'day's path, and Titans burning wheels'; Pope, 'day's pathway, made by Titan's wheels.'

II. iii. 23. 'small,' so Pope (from Quarto 1); Quartos, Folios, 'weake.' II. iv. 157. I an am none of his skains-mates'; ‘skains-mates' occurs nowhere else, its origin is uncertain; it is perhaps connected with skain, skein, ‘as if associated in winding yarns' (or skain's=gen. of skain, skean = dagger; 'as if a brother in arms").

II. vi. 34. sum up sum of half my'; so Quartos 2, 3; Quartos 4, 5, 'summe up some of halfe my '; Folios, sum up some of halfe my,' etc.

III. i. 115. ‘kinsman,' Capell's reading (from Quarto 1); Quarto 5, other texts, cousin,'

III. i. 168. 'agile'; Quarto 1, Quartos 4, 5, ‘agill'; Quartos 2, 3, Folio I, 'aged'; Folios 2, 3, 4, 'able.'

III. i. 190. 'hate's'; Knight's emendation; Quartos, Folios, read 'hearts'; Hanmer, 'heats''; Johnson, 'hearts'.'

III. ii. 6. That runaways eyes may wink'; an epitome of the various interpretations of these words fills no less than twenty-eight pages of Furness' variorum edition; the Quartos and Folios do not mark the possessive, and scholars are divided on the subject of the singular or plural possessive. The Cambridge editors evidently make runaways' = runagates, night-prowlers. The present editor cannot bring himself to believe that Shakespeare intended this reading, and has substituted 'Runaway's' in the sense of Day's'; 'Runaway' may have belonged to the playful phraseology of Elizabethan girls, and savours of the expressive language of children's rhymes.

III. ii. 66. dear-loved'; Pope's reading (from Quarto 1); Quartos, Folios, read 'dearest.'

III. ii. 76.

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Dove-feather'd raven'; Theobald's emendation of Quartos 2, 3, Folio 1, Rauenous douefeatherd Rauen'; Quartos 4, 5, Folios 2, 3, 4, "Rauenous doue, feathred Rauen.'

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Quartos 4, 5, Thou fond mad man,

heare me

a little speake'; Folio I, Then fond mad man, heare me speake'; Folios 2, 3, 4, Fond mad man, heare me speake.'

III. iii. 132. Like powder in a skilless soldier's flask.' (Cp. the flask in the annexed cut which is reproduced from The Exercise of Armes, 1619.)

III. v. 31. According to Warburton there is a popular saying to this effect, due to the fact that the toad has very fine eyes and the lark very ugly ones.

III. v. 55. ' below '; Pope's reading (from Quarto 1); Quartos, Folios, 'so lowe.'

III. v. 152. Omitted in Folios.

III. v. 166. ‘lent'; Pope (from Quarto 1) reads ' sent'; Cowden Clarke conj. 'left.'

III. v. 177-179. So Quarto 2 and the other Quartos; Quarto I reads:

"Goas blessed mother wife it mads me,
Day, night, early, late, at home, abroad,
Alone, in company, waking or sleeping,
Still hath been to see her matcht."

Many attempts have been made to smooth the lines, but perhaps they express Capulet's excitement.


III. v. 182. train'd'; Capell's reading (from Quarto 1); Quartos 3, 4, 5, Folios, 'allied'; Quarto 2, ' liand'; etc.



IV. i. 3. nothing slow to slack his haste'; Collier conj. 'something slow,' etc.; Quarto 1, nothing slack to slow his haste'; Johnson conj. nothing slow to back his haste.'


IV. i. 16. Omitted in Quartos, Folios.

IV. i. 45. cure,' so (Quarto 1) Quarto 5; Quartos 2, 3, 4, Folios, 'care.' IV. i. 115-116. and he and I Will watch thy waking'; the reading of Quartos 3, 4, 5; omitted in Folios.


IV. v. 106-107. O play

me some merry dump, to comfort me'; the reading of Quartos; omitted in Folios.

IV. v. 125-127. These lines are from Richard Edwards' Paradise of Dainty Devices, 1576.

V. i. 1. flattering truth'; so Quartos, Folios; Malone following (Quarto 1) reads 'flattering eye'; Collier MS., 'flattering death'; Grant White, 'flattering sooth;' etc.

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V. i. 24. 1 defy you'; Pope's reading (Quarto 1), 'I defie my'; Quartos 2, 3, 4, Folio 1, I denie you'; Folios 2, 3, 4, Quarto 5,' I deny you.'


V. i. 27. I do beseech you, sir, have patience'; Pope (from Quarto 1) reads Pardon me sir, I dare not leave you thus'; Steevens (1793) reads Pardon me, sir, I will not leave you thus.'

V. i. 42-4. In his needy shop a tortoise hung, An alligator stuff'd and other skins of ill

shaped fishes.' (Cp. illustration from a picture by Teniers). 'Stumbled at graves,' etc. :

V. iii. 122

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"For many men that stumble at the threshold
Are well foretold that danger lurks within ;"

3 Henry VI., IV. vii. 11, 12.

V. iii. 169. rust'; so Quartos, Folios; Hazlitt (from Quarto 1) reads 'rest.'

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V. iii. 205. it,' i.c. the dagger; so Quarto 2; the rest read 'is.' 'mis-sheathed'; the reading of Folio 4; Folios 1, 2, 3, Quarto 5, 'misheathed'; Quarto 2, 'missheathd'; Quartos 3, 4, missheath'd'; Jackson conj. 'mi-sheath'd.'


V. iii. 211. After this line Quarto I read s' and young Benvolio is deceased





The First Edition. "Timon of Athens" was printed for the first time in the Folio of 1623; it occupies twenty-one pages, from 80 to 98 in the division of "Tragedies" (pages 81 and 82 being numbered twice over). “The Actors' Names" are given on the next page, a blank page follows, and then comes the play of Julius Cæsar, beginning a new sheet, marked kk instead of ii, and numbered 109. It is noteworthy that "Troilus and Cressida" would just have filled the space of pages 80-108, and judging from the fact that its second and third pages are numbered 79* and 80, one may perhaps safely assume that Timon took its place in the Folio (vide Preface to Troilus and Cressida). The text is one of the worst printed in the volume, and the famous crux " Vllorxa" (III. iv. 112) may be regarded as typical of the many errors, resulting from carelessness or other causes.

The Authorship of the Play. The doubtful authorship of a great part of the play accounts, in all probability, for the unsatisfactory. state of the text; it is now generally agreed that "Timon" contains a good deal of non-Shakespearian alloy. The following pieces do not stand the test:-Act I. Sc. i. 189—end of the scene (? 249-265 ; 283-294); the whole of Sc. ii.; Act II. Sc. ii. 45-124; Act III., except Sc. vi. 92-109; Act IV. Sc. ii. 30-50, (?) iii. 292-360, 402-415, 456-544; Act V. (?) Sc. i. 1-59; ii.; iii. Various attempts have been made to extract the ore from this "mineral of metals base," and, purged from grosser stuff, 'Shakespeare's Timon" was issued by the New Shakespeare Society in the * Be it observed that the first page of Timon is really 78, not 80; the mistake was due to the numbering of the last page of Romeo and Juliet, which was marked 79 instead of 77.


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