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To the Lord CHANCELLOR, and Sir LIONEL TANFIELD, Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer. (a)

My Lords,

His majesty having been moved by the duke of Savoy's ambassador in the behalf of Philip Bernardi, whom he is to send about some special employment over the seas to the duke of Savoy, that before his going, the business mentioned in this petition may be ended, hath commanded me to recommend the same unto your lordship's care, that with all expedition the cause may be heard and ended by your lordships, according to his majesty's reference; or left to the determination of the court of chancery, where it is depending, and where the party assureth himself of a speedy end. And so I rest

Your Lordship's very assured friend at command, Royston, the 19th of April, 1619.



My very good Lord,

I THINK fit to let your lordship understand what passed yesterday in the Star-Chamber touching Suffolk's (c) business.

There came to me the clerk of the court in the inner chamber, and told me, that my lord of Suffolk desired to be heard by his council at the sitting of the court, because it was pen * * * him.

I marvelled I heard not of it by Mr. Attorney, who should have let me know as much, that I might

(a) Harl. MSS. Vol. 7006.

(b) Ibid.

Thomas Howard, earl of Suffolk, who had been made lord treasurer in 1614. He was accused of several misdemeanors in that office, together with his lady, and Sir John Bingley, her ladyship's agent; and an information preferred against them all in the Star-Chamber.

not be taken on the sudden in a cause of that weight.

I called presently Mr. Attorney to me, and asked him, whether he knew of the motion, and what it was, and how he was provided to answer it. He signified to me, that my lord would desire to have the commission for examinations in Ireland to be returnable in Michaelmas term. I said, it might not be, and presently drew the council, then present, to me, and made Mr. Attorney repeat to them the passages past, and settled it, that the commission should be returnable the first day of the next term, and then republication granted, that it might, if accidents of wind and weather permit, come to hearing in the term. And upon motion in open court it was ordered accordingly.

God ever preserve and prosper you. I pray God this great easterly wind agree well with his majesty. Your Lordship's most obliged friend

May 6, 1619.

and faithful servant,



Sent by Sir Gilbert Houghton.


My very good Lord,

I AM much bounden to his majesty, and likewise to your lordship. I see, by the late accesses I have had with his majesty, and now by his royal and real favour, (a) that he loveth me, and acknowledgeth me for the servant I am, or desire to be. This in me must turn to a great alacrity to honour and serve him with a mind less troubled and divided. And for your lordship, my affection may and doth daily receive addition, but cannot, nor never could, receive alteration. I pray present my humble thanks to his majesty; and I am very glad his health confirmeth; and

(a) Probably the grant made to him about this time of 12001. a year.

I hope to see him this summer at Gorhambury: there is sweet air as any is. God preserve and prosper you both. I ever rest

Your Lordship's most obliged friend

May 9, 1619.

and faithful servant,




Je me tiens a grand honneur, qu'il plaise à vostre altesse de me cognoistre pour tel, que je suis, ou pour le moins voudrois éstre, envers vous et vostre service et m'estimeray heureux, si par mes conseils aupres du roy, ou autre devoir, je pourroy contribuer à vostre grandeur, dont il semble que Dieu vous a basti de belles occasions, ayant en contemplation vostre tres-illustre personne, non seulement comme tres cher allié de mon maistre, mais aussi, comme le meilleur appui, apres les roys de Grande Bretagne, de la plus saine partie de la Chrestieneté.

Je ne puis aussi passer sous silence la grande raison, que vostre altesse fait a vostre propre honneur en choissisant tels conseilleurs et ministres d'estat, comme se monstre tres-bien estre monsieur le baron de Dhona et Monsieur de Plessen, estants personages si graves, discretes et habiles; en quoy vostre jugement reluict assez.

Vostre altesse de vostre grace excusera la faulte de mon language François, ayant ésté tant versé es vielles loix de Normandie: mais le cœur supplera la plume, en priant Dieu de vous tenir en sa digne et saincte garde,


De vostre altesse le plus humble
et plus affectionné serviteur.

Indorsed, May 13, 1619.


My honourable Lord,

His majesty was pleased, at the suit of some who have near relation unto me, to grant a licence for transportation of butter out of Wales unto one Lewis and Williams; who, in consideration that the patent should be passed in their names, entered into articles for the performance of certain conditions agreed upon between them, which, now that the patent is under the great seal, they utterly refuse to perform. My desire therefore to your lordship is, that you would call the said Lewis and Williams before you, with the other parties, or some of them, who shall be ready at all times to attend your lordship; and out of your consideration of the matter, according to equity to take such course therein, that either the said agreement may be performed, or that they which refuse it may receive no benefit of the patent; which upon reason thereof was passed in their names. And herein I desire your lordship to make what expedition you can; because now is the season to make provision of the butter, that for this year is to be transported, whereof they take advantage to stand And so I rest


Your Lordship's faithful friend and servant, Greenwich, May 14, 1619.



My very good Lord,

THOUGH it be nothing, and all is but duty; yet I pray shew his majesty the paper inclosed, that his majesty may see how careful his poor servant is, upon every emergent occasion, to do him what honour he

(a) Harl. MSS. Vol. 7006.

can. The motion made in court by the king's serjeant, Crew, (a) that the declaration might be made parcel of the record, and that I hear otherwise of the great satisfaction abroad, encourageth me to let his majesty know what passed,

God ever preserve and prosper you both.

Your Lordship's obliged friend

and faithful servant,


Indorsed, June 29, 1619.

My lord to my lord marquis, inclosing the form of a declaration used in point of acknowledgment in the lady Exeter's (b) cause.


My very good Lord,

I PURPOSED to have seen you to-day, and receive your commandments before the progress. But I came not to London till it was late, and found you were gone before I came. Nevertheless, I would not fail to let your lordship understand, that as I find every day more and more occasions, whereby you bind me to you; so this morning the king of himself did tell me some testimony, that your lordship gave of me to his majesty even now, when you went from him, of so great affection and commendation, for I'must ascribe your commendation to affection, being above my merit, as I must do contrary to that that painters do; for they desire to make the picture to the life, and I must endeavour to make the life to the picture, it hath pleased you to make so honourable à description of me. I can be but yours, and desire to better myself, that I may be of more worth to such an owner.

(a) Sir Randolph Crew, made chief justice of the King's Bench, January 26, 1624.

(b) Countess of Exeter, accused of incest and other crimes by the lady Lake, wife of secretary Lake, and their daughter the lady Roos.

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