Imágenes de páginas




Bishop of Rochester, he was promoted to the Lady | stone; and in 1622 by the present, which is ten feet Margaret's professorship of Divinity. He was Greek high, and is the work of Henry de Reiser. professor at Oxford, and rector of Aldington, in Kent: still, however, he continued travelling and writing, and provoking replies to the attacks, which, in the struggle for truth, he repeated in all the forms of learned controversy. Some of these answers irritated and annoyed him; while one publication of the day, in Latin, entitled, The Letters of obscure Individuals, the authorship of which was wrongly attributed to himself, was so amusing, that it threw him on the perusal into a violent fit of laughter, and thus cured him of an abscess in the face: it broke by the exertion, and never troubled him again!

But the writings of this remarkable man now began to tell upon the great event of the Reformation, which was then approaching, and in the advancement of which he greatly assisted, by opposing ignorance and superstition, while he encouraged toleration, the promotion of knowledge, and genuine piety. "Erasmus," it was said at the time, with reference to the Reformation, "laid the egg, and Luther hatched it." In 1516, was printed and published at Basil, Erasmus's edition of the New Testament, a work of infinite labour; labour so severe, he tells us, as, in fact, to destroy his constitution. He also put forth the works of St. Jerome in six folio volumes, a grand addition to sacred literature, which, while it occasioned an immense sacrifice of time and health in its collection and arrangement, tended to raise still higher the fame of the editor*.

Yet Erasmus had his faults. Indecision, and an undue love of great men's praise, beset him at a trying moment; and strange to say, notwithstanding his clear convictions on the erroneous and unscriptural character of the Romish Church, as evinced in all his works, he shrunk from exhibiting any open proof of his attachment to the reformed religion. He was startled at the magnitude of the change, and probably not a little vexed at the boldness of Luther, who did not hesitate to quarrel with him for his lack For whilst that eager of courage in so good a cause. champion of Protestantism went warmly and vigorously to his work, Erasmus treated his opponents with civility, or was content with playing off against them the lighter weapons of wit and ridicule; and not being openly separated from a church, the forms and traditions of which he abhorred and despised, he did not abandon its discipline. He even dedicated one of his publications to Pope Adrian the Sixth, in language of timidity and compliment: the succeeding Pope invited him to Rome; and Paul the Third, knowing his power, and wishing, perhaps, if not to gain him over, to keep him quiet, is said to have designed for him the honour of a cardinal's hat. But whatever might have been the real reasons of Erasmus in refusing these preferments, he pleaded his ill health and poverty-while the deeper motive probably lay in his objections to popery, and his distrust of those whom he had assailed in his writings. 1536, he became exceedingly ill; and was aware for some time before his death, that his disease, which was dysentery, was too likely to terminate his life. He died in July 1536, aged 69, at Basil, and was buried in the cathedral church of that city, where his tomb in marble is to be seen, with a Latin inscription. His statue in bronze, as represented in the engraving, stands on an arch crossing one of the canals at Rotterdam, and the house in which he was born is still shown. The original statue was of wood, and was erected in 1519; it was succeeded in 1555 by one of


The works of Erasmus were published at Leyden, in 1703, in ten large and closely-printed folio volumes,-a rare monument of talent and industry.

THERE is a story in the Arabian Nights' tales of a king
who had long languished under an ill habit of body, and
had taken abundance of remedies to no purpose.
length, says the fable, a physician cured him by the follow-
ing method. He took a hollow ball of wood, and filled it
with several drugs; after which he closed it up so artificially
that nothing appeared. He likewise took a mall, and after
having hollowed the handle, and that part which strikes the
ball, he enclosed in them several drugs after the same
manner as in the ball itself. He then ordered the sultan,
who was his patient, to exercise himself early in the morn-
ing with these rightly-prepared instruments, till such time
as he should perspire: when the virtue of the medicaments
perspiring through the wood, had so good an influence on
the sultan's constitution, that they cured him of an indis-
position which all the compositions he had taken inwardly
had not been able to remove. This eastern allegory is
finely contrived to show us how beneficial bodily labour is
to health, and that exercise is the most effectual medicine.
Absolutely necessary, however, as exercise is, there is
another great preservative of health, which in many cases
produces the same effects as exercise, and may, in some
measure, supply its place, where opportunities of exercise
are wanting. This preservative is temperance, which has
those particular advantages above all other means of health,
that it may be practised by all ranks and conditions, at any
season, or in any place. It is a kind of regimen into which
every man may put himself, without interruption to business,
expense of money, or loss of time. If exercise throws off
all superfluities, temperance prevents them; if exercise
clears the vessels, temperance neither satiates nor over-
strains them; if exercise raises proper ferments in the
humours, and promotes the circulation of the blood, tem-
perance gives nature her full play, and enables her to exert
herself in all her force and vigour; if exercise dissipates a
growing distemper, temperance starves it.-Spectator.
A FEW years ago, when the scarcity of provisions was so
severely felt throughout Italy, the inhabitants of the Tus-
can Apennines, who rely very much upon chestnuts for
their support, would have been almost exterminated, from
the complete failure of that crop, had they not been per-
suaded the year before into the more general cultivation of
the potato. The prejudice against it was so great, that it
was only by offering a reward to each peasant for a certain
quantity of his own cultivation, that the government suc-
ceeded in the attempt. It is to the credit of the Tuscan
character, that numbers, who in the time of famine had felt
the benefit and importance of this vegetable, when they
produced certificates of their being entitled to the govern-
ment bounty, declined accepting it, declaring that they no
longer wanted bribing into the belief of the great utility
of a plant to which they owed the preservation of their
lives.—Diary of an Invalid.


BEHOLD the western evening-light!
It melts in deepening gloom;
So calmly Christians sink away,
Descending to the tomb.

The winds breathe low; the withering leaf
Scarce whispers from the tree;

So gently flows the parting breath,
When good men cease to be.
How beautiful on all the hills

The crimson light is shed!
'Tis like the peace the Christian gives
To mourners round his bed.
How mildly on the wandering cloud
The sunset beam is cast;
"Tis like the memory left behind,

When loved ones breathe their last.
And now, above the dews of night,
The yellow star appears;

o faith springs in the heart of those
Whose eyes are bathed in tears.
But soon the morning's happier light
Its glory shall restore,

And eyelids that are seal'd in death,
Shall wake, to close no more. -PEABODY


Although the common house-fly is so well known, in its perfect state, as to require no description, yet the places in which it is bred, and the appearance of the larva, is very little understood; by some it is said to deposit its eggs in the Autumn in stagnant waters, where they remain and undergo the usual changes, until, in the Spring, the perfect insect makes its appearance. According to the celebrated naturalist, De Geer, (from whose works figs. 2 and 3 are copied,) fig. 2 is a representation of the larva, which he found

How frequently it happens that the objects which come most commonly under our notice, are those with which we are least acquainted. Every schoolboy can describe the form and the habits of a lion or a tiger, or the wonderful luminous properties of the lantern-fly; but yet, with all this knowledge of the wonders of foreign lands, how few are there, even of the well informed, to whom the natural history of so common an insect as the House-fly is known. The following observations occur, in alluding to this sub-in wet horse-dung; fig. 3 is a magnified view of one ject, in Kirby and Spence's beautiful introduction to Entomology.

extremity of the same larva, showing a curiouslycontrived hook, by which the creature is enabled to move from place to place, and to secure itself from removal from any occasional cause. It is most likely that the eggs of our common fly are deposited in many other substances besides horse-dung, where the necessary qualifications of moisture and warmth are to be found.

"You have, doubtless, like every one else, in the showery days of summer, felt no little rage at the flies, which at such times take the liberty of biting our legs, and contrive to make a comfortable meal through the interstices of their silken or cotton coverings. Did it, I pray, ever enter into your conception, that these blood-thirsty tormentors are a Annoying as flies appear to be to us in hot weather, different species from those flies which you are wont we can form no idea of their numbers and troubleto see extending the tips of their little proboscis to a some nature in the warmer climates of the south. “I piece of sugar, or a drop of wine? I dare say not. met," says Arthur Young, in his travels through But the next time you have sacrificed one of the France, "between Pradelles and Shuytz, mulberries former to your just vengeance, catch one of the and flies at the same time; by the term flies, I mean latter, and compare them. I question if, after the those myriads of them which form the most disnarrowest comparison, you will not still venture a agreeable circumstance of the southern climates. wager that they are of the very same species; yet They are the first torments in Spain, Italy, and the you would most certainly lose your bet. They are Olive District of France; it is not that they bite, not even of the same genus, one belonging to the sting, or hurt, but they buz, tease, and worry; your genus Musca (Musca domestica), and the other to the mouth, eyes, ears, and nose, are full of them; they genus Stomoxys (Stomoxys calcitrans); and on a swarm on every eatable. Fruit, sugar, milk, every second examination you will find that, however alike thing is attacked by them in such myriads, that if in most respects, they differ widely in the shape of they are not incessantly driven away by a person who their proboscis; that of the Stomoxys being a horny, has nothing else to do, to eat a meal is impossible. sharp-pointed weapon, capable of piercing the flesh, They are, however, caught on prepared paper, and while the soft, blunt organ of the Musca is perfectly by other contrivances, with so much ease, and in incompetent to any such operation. In future, while such quantities, that, were it not from negligence, you no longer load the whole race of the house-fly they could not abound in such incredible numbers. with the execrations which properly belong to a quite If I farmed in these countries, I think I should different tribe, you will cease being surprised that an manure four or five acres every year with dead flies." ordinary description should be insufficient to discriminate an insect."

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The annexed engraving represents the distinction between the common house-fly and that species which is so frequently met with in the autumn, when according to the common belief, "flies bite." Fig. 1, is the head and proboscis of the house-fly considerably magnified; when thus enlarged, the difference between its trunk and that of the Stomorys, fig 4, (also magnified,) is very palpable; in one the trunk is a mere sucking instrument, while in the other it is a sheath, containing a sharp-pointed instrument. Fig. 5 represents this sheath very highly magnified, and the weapon of offence raised from the groove in which it usually lies.

JOHN SMEATON, the celebrated engineer, exhibited at a very early age great strength of understanding, and originality of genius. His playthings were not the toys of children, but the tools with which men work; and he appeared to take greater pleasure in seeing the men in the neighbourhood work, and asking them questions, than in anything else. One day he was seen, to the no small alarm of his family, on the top of his father's barn, fixing up something resembling a wind-mill. On another occasion, he watched some men who were fixing a pump at a neighbouring village; and, observing them cut off a piece of bored pipe, he procured it, and actually made with it a working pump that raised water. All this was done while he was in petticoats, and before he had reached his sixth year.

About his fourteenth or fifteenth year, he had made himself an engine to turn rose-work; he also made a lathe by which he cut a perpetual screw in brass,--a thing but little known at that time. In this manner he had, by the strength of his genius, and indefatigable industry, acquired, at the age of eighteen, an extensive set of tools, and the art of working at most of the mechanical trades, without the assistance of a master. Of his talents as an engineer, the Eddystone Light-house, near the western entrance of the British channel, is a remarkable monument.

THERE are those who are rich in their poverty, because they are content, and use generously what they have: there are from their insatiable covetousness or profusion.-CALMET. others, who in the midst of their riches, are really poor,

THE day is long when it is well distributed, and affords sufficient time for serious employments, for exercise, and pleasure.-PHILIP DE MORNAY.


"THE star! the star! the fiery tressed star!"
"Which now pursues its long and trackless voyage
Down the deep bosom of unbounded space.
And there, the angel of each separate star
Folding his wings in terror o'er his orb

Of golden fire, and shuddering till it passed
To pour elsewhere Jehovah's cup of vengeance."
MILMAN'S Belshazzar.

MYSTERIOUS Stranger! whence art thou? and wherefore on thy way?

Is thy bright path beset with suns which yield eternal day? Com'st thou from 'neath the great white throne, a messenger of ill,

To pour o'er earth the vial drops that burn, and blight, and kill? Art thou that fallen mighty One, who filled an angel's throne, Now wandering in immensity, there ever doom'd to roam ? Can'st thou not view that land afar, once thine own happy seat, And sigh for the bright and beautiful which there in gladness

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Yes, 'tis to thee the azure way and silvery path is given,
The vast unmeasured star-paved floor of cherubim-trod Heav'n;
Thou art pavilioned far beyond the journeys of the sun,
For when his daily race is o'er, thy journeying's scarce begun.
Far in the blue ethereal plain, no bound nor landmark there,
Around thee are the azure wilds, the pure unbreathed air;
But the golden chain that binds thee with an ever-circling

Is held by Him who changes not, by an Almighty hand.

And e'en beyond the limits of thy far stretching chain,
The frontiers of his kingdom lie, Jehovah's wide domain;
And there in that most holy place, where angel foot ne'er trod,
The brightness of his presence dwells, our own our Fathers'

Be thou an ensign of his wrath, the herald of his will,
Upon earth's guilty nations now, his judgments to fulfil,
Or in mercy sent to wake us from life's delusive dream
Jy Him, who mighty to create, is mightier to redeem.
Yet thou with all on this fair earth, or in the sparkling sea,
With the lamps of living gold that light heav'ns azure canopy,
And the pictured scenes which in silver float or in floods of
glory roll,



EVERY liquid which is susceptible of fermentation will yield alcohol, or spirits of wine, by distillation, after the first or vinous stage of that chemical action has taken place. Now as all liquids which contain starch or sugar of any kind will ferment if the fermenting principle is present, the juices of all vegetables containing farina or saccharine matter may be employed to obtain alcohol from.

The peculiar flavour of the different spirits obtained from these vegetable substances, depends on the presence of some foreign matter, as an essential oil, &c., for the alcohol or basis is the same, from whatever source it may be obtained.

The process of distillation is founded on the principle of different degrees of caloric being requisite to convert different liquids into vapour. Thus, if water and alcohol are mixed and exposed to a moderate heat, sufficient to volatilize the spirit,-but not to convert the water rapidly into steam, and the vapour arising from the mixture, be collected and condensed in a separate vessel, the liquid will be found to be stronger, or to contain more alcohol in proportion to the water, than that from which it was obtained. The instrument contrived to effect this separation is called a STILL. It consists of a large copper or boiler, with a vaulted head, from which rises a funnel-shaped tube, which, being bent downwards, terminates at some distance from the fire of the boiler, in a leaden, copper, or tin tube, made into a spiral form of many turns, and hence called the Worm. This tube is enclosed in a tub, or vat, capable of holding water, and the end of the worm terminates in a tap, which passes out of the vessel at the bottom.

When the liquid to be distilled is put into the boiler and is heated, the vapour produced passes through the head and into the worm, and, by the coldness of the water in the tub, is condensed into a liquid, which may be drawn off at the tap. This liquid product is called singlings, and is again returned to a still, and the process repeated,-the resulting condensed liquid being each time stronger, or containing less water, till the spirit is obtained of the requisite purity, or at what is termed proof. All spirit for drinking remains diluted with a large proportion of water. Instead of redistilling the products, after a certain number of times, other chemical processes are employed for the purpose of separating the alcohol from the water, and from any badflavoured essential oil which may have been distilled over from the original liquid. These processes are generally termed the rectification of the spirit, and vary for every different liquid employed.

There are three principal spirits used in this country; from grain of some sort, and known by the names of Geneva, of the first of these there are several varieties, all obtained Whisky, Hollands, &c.

Gin, or Geneva, is procured from raw barley, oats, and malt, mixed together in certain proportions. Every particle of soluble matter is obtained from these ingredients by repeated mashings, (see the article BREWING, Vol. VI., p. 243.) The worts are then made to ferment by the addition of yeast, as for brewing, but the fermentation is continued till all the saccharine matter is converted into alcohol. This fermented liquor is called wash by the distillers. The grains are put into the still along with the wash, and the first product being redistilled, the spirit obtained is rectified. The peculiar flavour is given by infusing a few juniper-berries and some hops.

The Dutch employ barley, malt, and rye meal only to distil their Hollands from.

Irish Whisky, Potsheen, or Potteen*, owes its highlyprized flavour to the mode in which the usual processes are conducted, rather than to any peculiarity in the grains. The barley is wetted with bog-water, in order to excite germination, and the malt is dried with turf instead of coal. The malt is mixed with about one-fourth of raw corn, and with young heath and oat-husks, to supply the place of a the mashing is made in a tun, the bottom of which is covered When the wash begins to boil in the still, the When on his cloudy throne shall come, the last great husband-fire is suddenly quenched, and the spirit which runs, though

With the crimson curtain❜d skies shall then be as a burning



[blocks in formation]

false one.

The account of the peculiar process of manufacturing potteen, is taken fro 1 Professor Donovan's work, that gentleman having, at some pains, procured an opportunity of witnessing the whole in a genuine Irish illicit distillery. Mr. Donovan is doubtful whether the turf used is the cause of the flavour of the spirit, but attributes this to the proportions of the grains and the mode of distillation.

weak, is of the true flavour. The singlings are distilled again and yield the real potteen.

Rum is a spirit obtained from molasses, or the fluid which drains from the crystallizing sugar: the molasses are diluted with water, fermented and distilled. In the distillation acetic ether passes over, and communicates a strong disagreeable flavour to the spirit, which must be subsequently got rid of. The leaves of different plants are put into the still to give a pleasant taste to the rum. Brandy is distilled from any wines, but the best is procured from weak French wines, which are unfit for exportation.

In consequence of the enormous quantity of this spirit consumed, every mode of economizing labour and expense is had recourse to: the principal of these is the adoption of a peculiar mode of distillation, which merits description here, and by which fuel is saved. Instead of a single still there are a series of copper vessels, which we shall distinguish as 1, 2, 3, &c. A tube rises from the top of 1, and is bent down again to pass through the top of 2, to near the bottom of that vessel; from the top of 2 another similar tube communicates in the same way with 3, and 3 again communicates with 4, and so on. These tubes are open at both ends, but are soldered air-tight to the holes in the vessels through which they pass, so that there is no opening to the external air by means of them. Each of the vessels being half filled with the wine to be distilled, the fire is applied to the first only, the vapour which passes over is condensed by, and mixed with, the wine in the second, and as this vapour, by the nature of distillation, contains more alcohol than water, the wine in the second vessel is strengthened by the addition, while it is heated by the caloric disengaged from the vapour: and since a less degree of heat is sufficient to convert this stronger liquid into vapour, that which rises from it contains a yet greater proportion of alcohol to the water. This vapour from 2 is condensed again in 3, the wine in which is thus strengthened more than that in 2 was, and the heat imparted to 3, though less than that which 2 acquired from 1, is yet sufficient to distil the stronger wine contained in 3. The action is continued, if necessary, to four vessels, but usually three are sufficient, and the vapour from the last is condensed in a worm in the usual manner, only instead of water, the tub containing the worm is filled with wine, which, getting heated by the process, is pumped back into the first vessel, and is therefore made to boil sooner, and fuel is thus still further economized. This ingenious process was the invention of an uneducated man of the name of Adam, and goes by his name.

Brandy, whatever wine it may have been obtained from, is at first colourless; in France a good deal is used in this state, but the greater part is coloured by different methods. Cognac brandy is put into new oaken casks, and chips of the same wood are also added; the oak communicates a yellow tinge to the spirit, and probably some flavour likewise. The various liqueurs known by the names of Eau-doré, Maraschino, Kirsche-wasser, &c. consist of brandy, flavoured by the essential oil of different aromatic plants, and sweetened by sugar. Arrack is a name given in the East to spirits generally, and has hence been employed here to designate very different liquors, as that obtained from rice, the cocoa-tree, &c.

The fermented liquids obtained from potatoes, beet, carrot, turnips, the fruit of the potato, service-tree, apples, cherries, &c. have been employed with different degrees of success for obtaining alcohol from. In Kamtschatka, grass is made use of for this purpose, and many plants might, doubtless, be employed with advantage, if it were not for the severity of our Excise laws; but no friend to his species could wish to see the use of spirits as a drink increased in any country.


THERE are three stages of the action of fermentation which liquids containing saccharine matter undergo. The first, termed the vinous, has been sufficiently alluded to in the previous sections on wine and spirits; but any of this class of liquids, after undergoing this stage, if left exposed to the air at a certain temperature, passes on to the second, or to the acetous, fermentation; and the liquid in consequence acquires a new set of properties, not less different from those it possessed when alcohol predominated in it, than these were from the qualities of the original liquid. When wine of any kind undergoes this second fermentation, it is converted into vinegar, and, in common language,

this term is also applied to the corresponding liquid obtained from malt liquor.

Vinegar is made in England by brewing from malt, and leaving the beer to turn sour, either by exposure to the sun and air in casks, the bung-holes of which are left open, and covered up lightly with a tile to exclude the dust; or else the casks are kept in an apartment warmed artificially to the requisite temperature. It is necessary to bring on, and accelerate, the acetous fermentation, by adding sour beer, lees of wine, or vinegar, to the new beer, for though this fermentation would ensue naturally, yet it would take some months, or a year, or more, to perfect without this assistance. When the vinegar is completed, the fermentation must be stopped by decanting off the liquid from the dregs and lees, fining it, and closing up the vessels containing it. If these processes were delayed, the third stage, or the putrefactive fermentation, would come on, and the vinegar would be spoilt.

The vinegar manufactured at Orléans and Saumur is celebrated; it is procured by the following process. Wine of a year old, and just beginning to turn sour, is preferred for the purpose. Two large vats are placed in a chamber artificially warmed to the temperature of about 75°; a trivet is put at the bottom of each vessel, on which is laid a layer of green vine-twigs, and on this again are heaped up the stalks of raisins or grapes, to within a foot of the top. One of these casks is filled, and the other about halffilled with the wine. In about four-and-twenty hours the liquor is drawn off from the full into the other vat; this alternate filling up one cask out of the other is continued daily for about a fortnight or three weeks, when the vinegar will be perfected.

At Orléans, a vat, capable of containing about 130 gallons, is one quarter filled with boiling vinegar, and is left for eight days. The wine is contained in another tun, in which chips of beech, saturated with vinegar-lees, are thrown; at the end of that period about five or six quarts of the wine are drawn off into the vinegar, and this quantity is added every eight days, till that vat is filled up, and the whole will be found to be converted into vinegar.

The processes employed at our large manufactories for making vinegar from raisins, agrees in principle with that just described, only the implements are better constructed, and are more complete.

There are several modes of strengthening vinegar, which is not sufficiently acid. If a cask of vinegar be exposed to the air in a frosty night, the ice which will be found in it on the following morning, will consist of water only, congealed, and the liquid that remains will be considerably stronger, in consequence of the abstraction from it of so much water which diluted it: if the process be repeated several times, vinegar very much concentrated may be obtained. The same action will take place with wine, if exposed to cold, the water diluting it being alone congealed, and the remaining liquid will contain the whole of the original quantity of alcohol. The chemical principle of this process is the same as that on which distillation is founded. If sugar be added to vinegar, in a few weeks this liquid will be found materially increased in strength. Whether the sugar, when dissolved, passes through the vinous into the acetous fermentation is not known, but the fact is certain.

Vinegar consists of acetic acid, coloured and flavoured by the skins of the fruit, or partaking of the tint and taste of the fermented liquid which furnished it. The acetic acid may be obtained from wood pure, by the following process; pieces of oak, beech, ash, or almost any wood, except that of the fir tribe, are put into a large cylindrical iron retort, closed air-tight at both ends, and surrounded by fire in a furnace; a tube from one end is carried through a cistern of water, and terminates in a worm like that of a common still; in fact, this apparatus is no other than a still for distilling green wood. The products from the wood consist of water, tar, and acetic acid, the acid and water with some tar mixed together, will be found floating in the receiver on the top of the greater part of the latter substance, and are separated from it mechanically by means of a pump. The impure acid is then distilled by a low heat, and thus another portion of tar is separated from it; but it requires further, and more complicated chemical treatment, which cannot be described here, to purify it entirely from foreign admixture.

Acetic acid, when pure, is as clear and colourless as water, and of such a strength as to require to be diluted with eight or nine times its bulk of water, to reduce it to

an equality in that respect with the strongest vinegar ob- | tained by the ordinary processes: when thus reduced, and flavoured and coloured by the essential oil of the grape, or other fruit, it cannot be distinguished from ordinary vinegar. The tar obtained by this process is available for all the purposes to which that substance is applied, while the charcoal, or residuum in the retorts, is of the best quality.

The uses of vinegar in preserving animal and vegetable food, and as a condiment to many dishes, are well known, and have been already alluded to. Acetic acid is also employed in many arts, as in manufacturing white lead, and sugar of lead, and also in surger



THROUGH lofty groves the ring-dove roves,
The path of man to shun it;
The hazel-bush o'erhangs the thrush;
The spreading thorn the linnet.

Thus every kind their pleasure find
The savage and the tender;

Some social join, and leagues combine;
Some solitary wander.-BURNS.

It is curious to witness the assistance which some animals will afford to each other under circumstances of danger or of difficulty. I have observed it in several instances, and it shows a kindness of disposition which may well be imitated. It is not, however, confined to their own species, as the following fact will prove. A farmer's boy had fed and taken great care of a colt. He was working one day in a field, and was attacked by a bull. The boy ran to a ditch, and got into it just as the bull came up to him. The animal endeavoured to gore him, and would probably have succeeded, had not the colt come to his assistHe not only kicked at the bull, but made so loud a scream, for it could be called nothing else, that some labourers, who were working near the place, came to see what was the matter, and extricated the boy from the danger he was in. I have seen cattle, when flies have been troublesome, stand side by side, and close together, the head of one at the tail of the other. By this mutual arrangement flies were brushed off from the head of each animal as well as their sides, and only two sides were exposed to the attacks of the insects. Sheep have been known to take care of a lamb when the dam has been rendered incapable of assisting it, and birds will feed the helpless young of others.


Birds also will cluster together for the purpose of keeping each other warm. I have observed swallows clustering, like bees when they have swarmed, in cold autumnal weather, hanging one upon another, with their wings extended, under the eaves of a house. have also heard more than one instance of wrens being found huddled together in some snug retreat for the purpose of reciprocating warmth and comfort. The following interesting communication on this subject was made to me by Mr. Allan Cunningham, an author of whom his countrymen are justly proud, and who, I trust, will long continue to delight his admirers with the productions of his pen.

He says, "I have once or twice in my life had an opportunity of answering that touching inquiry of Burns

• Ilk happing bird, wee, hapless thing,
That in the merry months o' spring,
Delighted me to hear thee sing,

What comes o' thee?

Whare wilt thou cower thy chitt ring wing
An' close thy e'e?'

"One cold December night, with snow in the air, when I was some ten years old or so, I was groping for sparrows under the caves in the thatch, where you know they make holes like those bored by swallows in the river-banks. In one of these holes I got a

handful or something soft; it felt feathery and warm, and a smothered chirp told me it was living. I brought it, wondering, to my father's house, and took a look at it in the light. The ball consisted of four living wrens* rolled together, the heads under their wings, and their feet pulled in, so that nothing was visible outside save a coating of mottled feathers. This I took to be their mode of keeping themselves warm during the cold of winter. If you ask, if I am sure my memory serves me rightly, I answer Yes; for having allowed one of the wrens to escape, it flew directly to where my father was reading at a candle, and I had the misery of receiving from his hand one of those whippings which a boy is not likely soon to forget.

"When eighteen years old, or thereabouts, I met with something of the same kind: there was a difference, indeed, in the birds, for on this occasion they were magpies t-not birds of song, but of noise. I went out with my brother, now in the navy, one fine moonlight winter night, to shoot wood-pigeons in a neighbouring plantation. The wind was high, and we expected to find them in a sheltered place, where the soil was deep, and the spruce-firs had grown high. As I went cowering along, looking through the branches between me and the moon, I saw what seemed as large as a well-filled knapsack, fixed on the top of a long, slender ash-tree, which had struggled up in I pointed it out to my brother, and seizing the spite of the firs, which you know grow very rapidly. shaft of the tree, shook it violently, when, if one magpie fell to the ground, there were not less than twenty dropt in a lump at my feet. Away they flew, screaming, in all directions. One only remained on the spot which they occupied on the tree, and I shot it, and so settled what kind of birds had been huddled together to avoid the cold. I looked at them before I shook them down for a minute's space or more, and could see neither heads nor feet: it seemed a bundle of old clouts or feathers."- -JESSE.

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THE law of our constitution, whereby the regulated activity of both intellect and feeling is made essential to sound bodily health, seems to me one of the most beautiful arrangements of an all-wise and beneficent Creator. If we shun the society of our fellow-creatures, and shrink from taking a share in the active duties of life, mental indolence and physical debility beset our path. Whereas if, by engaging in the business of life, and taking an active interest in the advancement of society, we duly exercise our various powers of perception, thought, and feeling, we promote the health of the whole corporeal system, invigorate the mind itself, and at the same time experience the highest mental gratification of which a human being is susceptible; namely, that of having fulfilled the end and object of our being, in the active discharge of our duties to God, to our fellow-men, and to ourselves. If we neglect our faculties or deprive them of their objects, we weaken the organization, give rise to distressing diseases, and at the same time experience the bitterest feelings that can afflict humanityennui and melancholy. The harmony thus shown to exist between the moral and physical world is but another example of the numerous inducements to that right conduct and activity in pursuing which the Creator has evidently destined us to find terrestrial happiness.-COMBE.

NATIONAL happiness must be produced through the influence of religious laws.-SOUTHEY.

GOOD sense, and Christian principle, must be in a very languid state, when a disrelish or weariness of life is the predominant feeling.-Private Life.

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