Imágenes de páginas

Howard, Thomas, earl of Arundel,
297, ii. 192

Howard lord Thomas, earl of Suf-
folk-a privy-councillor, 113-
further promoted, 114.-Bribed
by Spain, 198.-Lord-treasurer,
408.-Chancellor of Cambridge,
ii. 2, 54, 109


INCLOSURES, grievance of, 104, 106


JAMES I.-Birth, 2-accession to
the Scotish throne, ibid.--edu-
cation by Buchanan, 4.-He as-
sumes the power, 9-chooses
two favorites, 10-is controlled
by the nobles, 12--liberated, 13
-humbles the church, 15--ca-
pitulates to the nobles and allies
himself with queen Elizabeth, 16
--writes on the Apocalypse, 17.
--His conduct on his mother's
death, 18-conduct to the ca-
tholic nobles, 19, 25, 27--voy-
age to Denmark, 19-profes
sions respecting presbytery, 22
--is endangered by Bothwell,
23, 24, 26, 27.--His transactions
with the Scotch church, 29 to
32.--Writes to the pope, 32.--
His Basilicon Doron, 33-con-
duct respecting Gowrie conspi-
racy, 39 et seq.-transactions
with the earl of Essex, 46-cha-
racter at the close of his reign
in Scotland, 59.-Accession and
title to the English crown, 86.-
He takes leave of his Scotch
subjects, 95.-Description of his
person and manners, 97.-He
hangs a thief without trial, 103.

-How described by Bacon, 111.
--Conduct to Raleigh conspi-
rators, 171, 174.-Speeches at
Hampton-court conference, 178,
179.--Proclamation respecting

choice of members of parlia-
ment, 182.--Unpopular man-
ners, 183.-First speech in par-
liament, 184.-Letter respect-
ing the union of the kingdoms,
188..--Blasphemy and profane-
ness, 189.-Love of wit, 228.-
Examination of sleeping preach-
er, 230.-Conduct respecting
powder-plot, 255,-respecting
catholics, 275.-Speech on the
union, 284.-Conversation with
Harrington, 286.-Conduct re-
specting oath of allegiance, 319.
-Disparages the common law,
348. Makes an arrogant speech
to parliament, 350.-Confers
with sir H. Neville and other
members, 375-Attacks Vor-
stius, 381.-Burns two heretics,
385.-Visits Cambridge, ii. 1.—
His parting with Somerset, 11.
-Approves d'Ancre's murder,
51. Conduct to the Scotch
church, 59.-Respecting Sab-
bath-keeping, 76.-Appears in
Star-chamber, 117.-Publishes
his works, 121.-Sends dele-
gates to the synod of Dort, 122.
-Ill-treats Selden, 127.-Con-
duct in Bohemian affairs, 145,
147.-Speech against flocking
to London, 150-against the
common law, 153.-Attempts a
benevolence, 189.-His conduct
to Usher, 226.-Speech against
monopolies, 228.-Tries in vain
to soothe the commons, 235.—
Adjourns them in anger, 237.—
His letter to the speaker, 280.
-Rejoinder to parliament, 284.
-Caricatures of him, 303.-Li-
berates recusants, 304.-Letters
to Bucks and the prince, 325,
335, 338.-Sickness--death--
character-works and funeral
sermon, 394 et seq.
Jesuits, female, ii. 142
Jonson, Benjamin,
masks, 209




LAKE, Sir Thomas, ii. 118.
Laud, archbishop, ii. 227, 255, 262
and 4

Lenox, duke of. See Stuart
Literature, its state in England,

Lyttelton family, 244 and 5


MANNERS, State of, 80
Markham, sir Griffin, his plots,
147, 148, 149.-Convicted of
high treason, 163.-Behaviour,
170, 172.-Reprieved, 174.-
After fortunes, 175
Masks, described, 207.--Mask of
Blackness, 210-of Beauty, 292
- of Queens, 357
Middlesex, earl of. See Cranfield,

Montgomery, earl of. See Her-
bert, Philip

Montjoy, Charles Blount lord,
113, 138, 290
Morton, earl of, 9, 10
Murray, earl of, 24
Music, state of, 79

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

strance of, ii. 275-Reply to the
king, 282.-Protestation, 292
Parsons, father Robert, 360
Pembroke, earl of, 296
Percy, Thomas, 238, 240, 243, 244
Plague in London, 150.-In the
court, 159

Poetry, character of that address-
ed to James from Cambridge,

Pound, Thomas, punished by the
Star-chamber, 201

Purveyance, 191, 203
Puritans, 201, 232, 234, 302


RALEIGH, Sir Walter, 141, 150, 164,
170, 174, 176. ii. 86 to 108
Ramsey, sir John, 294, 390
Religion, its state in England, 65
Rich, lady, 215

Russian embassy, ii. 80

SACKVIL, Thomas, earl of Dorset,

Sanquar, lord, 392

Savile, sir John, ii. 296

Say and Sele, lord. See Fiennes
Shakespeare, William, ii. 23
Selden, John, ii. 127, 294, 298
Sleeping preacher, 230

Somerset, countess of. See Essex,
countess of

Somerset, earl of. See Carr, Robert
Southampton, earl of, ii. 238
Spencer, sir John, 352

Robert, lord, ii. 245
Stuart, Arabella, 144, 146.-Let-
ter of, 160, 378

Stuart, Esme duke of Lenox, 10,
11, 12

Stuart, James earl of Arran, 10 to 16
Suffolk, countess of, 214

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VILLIERS, George, his introduction
at court, ii. 4 to 9.-Made earl of
Buckingham and master of the
horse, 56.-His conduct in his
brother's marriage, 64 et seq.—
Haughty treatment of Bacon,
72.-Dignities held by him and
his family, 138.- His guilt con-
cerning monopolies, 206.-Fol-
lows the advice of Williams,
210. His conduct to Bacon,
215.-Plans to take the prince
to Spain, 313.-Gives offence
there, 337, 345.-Conduct on
his return, 355, 361.-Takes

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Printed by R. and A. TAYLOR,
Shoe-lane, London.

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