Imágenes de páginas
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Affair of the Chesapeake and Leopard-Popular and Official Movements thereon-Presi-

dent's Views-His Attitude in relation to Spanish Affairs-Indian Difficulties-Private

Correspondence-Considers a Presidential Tour improper-The President and his

Grandson-Anecdotes-Carrying a Kentuckian en croupe-The drunken Soldier-An

Acquaintance made under unusual Circumstances-Our Relations with England-Was

the rejection of the Treaty the Cause of English Hostility?-Canning's Intercourse with

American Ministers-British Proclamation and Orders in Council-Effects on United

States-Meeting of Congress-President's Message-Embargo recommended-Was the

President then apprised of last Orders in Council?-The Embargo Bill passes-Presi-

dent transmits to Congress Proceedings in Burr's Trials-Motion to expel Smith as an

Accomplice of Burr-J. Q. Adams's Report thereon-Bayard's Opinion of Burr's Guilt

-Vote in Smith's Case-Bills to amend the Laws of Treason-Pennsylvania Resolu-

tions-Wilkinson's Conduct investigated-Supplementary Embargo Acts-Gardenier's

Speech-Johnson's and Campbell's Replies-Duel between Gardenier and Campbell-

Bills passed-Deaths-Adjournment-Arrival of English Minister-His Correspondence

with Madison and Departure-President's Views of Objects and Effects of Embargo-

His View of our Foreign Relations-Legislative and other Addresses approving Em-

bargo--Eight Legislatures nominate the President for a Third Term-His decisive

Refusal arrests further Nominations-Presidential Caucus-Clinton and Monroe's dis-

satisfaction-Correspondence between the President and Monroe-Claims of the latter

compared with Madison's-The President's impartial Overtures to England and France

Their Replies-Pinkney writes Home urging a full persistence in Embargo-Effects

of Embargo on different Classes and Sections of our Country-Its comparative Effects

in United States and England-England encouraged to persist by the Conduct of New

England Federalists-Disingenuousness of their Appeals to Sectional and Class Inte-

rests Comparative Exports and Tonnage of different Sections of the Union-Infrac-

tions of Embargo in New York and New England-Revenue Officers forcibly resisted

-Conduct of New York and New England Executives-President's Impartiality in

granting Permits-General Armstrong's Dispatches in regard to Florida-President's

Views Germ of the "Monroe Doctrine "-President's Views of English Relations—

His View of the proper Manner of executing Criminal Justice on Indian Offenders-

History of the "Batture Case,"

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Mr. Jefferson's return Home-His Correspondence with the President Jefferson's and

Madison's Friendship-Their Similarities and Contrasts of Character, etc.-Their dif

ferent Degrees of Popularity among Political Friends and Opponents-Their Useful-

ness to each other-Erskine's Treaty-Jefferson's Views of it-His Annexation Views—

The Treaty rejected by England-"Copenhagen Jackson" succeeds Erskine-

Habitual deportment of British Ministers in the United States-How the Treaty had

been received by the Federalists-Their Declarations on its Rejection-Feelings of the

American people-Jefferson to Eppes-His Views on Equilibrium of Agriculture,

Manufactures and Commerce-Dissensions in Mr. Madison's Cabinet-Jefferson dis-

suades Gallatin from retiring-Engaged in correcting Marshall's Life of Washington-

Loss of his Indian Vocabularies-Domestic affairs-Letter to Kosciusko-Jefferson's

Pecuniary Affairs-A Statement of them and of the Sources of his Pecuniary Misfor-

tunes-Amount of his Property-Causes of the Depression of the Agricultural Interest

in Virginia-Monetary Revulsions-Life at Monticello-Its Scale of Hospitality-A talk

with old Wormley-Mr. Jefferson's proposed and actual Style of Living-Anecdote of

Mr. C***.-The Current of Events unchangeable-The Sequel-Description of Monti-

cello-Its Approach-The Grounds and Mansion-Interior of the House forty years

ago-Prospect from Monticello-Looming of the Mountains-Jefferson's proposed

Improvements to the Scenery-An early English Description of the Climate and

Inhabitants-A Rain Storm and an important Computation-Reasons for Jefferson's

building his House at Poplar Forest-The House and Life there described by his

Grand-daughter-Journeying between his two Residences described by another Grand-

daughter-An Omission in the Sketch of the House at Poplar Forest-Interview with

a Parson at Ford's Tavern-Jefferson in the Interior of his Family, his Reading, his

Rural and Horticultural Tastes, described by a Grand-daughter-His Conduct and Man-

ners in his Family, described by different Grand-daughters,

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Gallatin-His Appeals to Jefferson for Aid-His Attack on the President-Jefferson's

Views on proper Sacrifices to Party Unity-His Toleration of Individual Differences

of Opinion in his Party-Gallatin-Thomas Ritchie-South American Revolt-Jefferson

advises Barlow how to address Napoleon-His Views on War and Peace-" Gives

Glory" to Gerry for "Rasping down" Traitors-The Conduct of the New England

Federalists Quincy's Declaration that it was the Duty of some States to prepare for a

Separation of the Union-Resolutions of Federal Caucus in Boston-Gerry pronounces

their Doctrines Seditious-Legislature go further-Jefferson's Illness-His Letter to

Rush-Correspondence of 1812-His Reconciliation with John Adams-War declared

between United States and Great Britain-Jefferson's Views of the kind of War it was

Expedient to wage-His Suggestions to the President-Sanguine Hopes-Views after

Hull's Surrender-A Glimpse of Jefferson's Pecuniary Affairs-He is urged to become

a Candidate for the Presidency-Urged to enter Mr. Madison's Cabinet-General

Result of the War in 1812-Conduct of the New England Federalists-Disunion insti-

gated from the Pulpit-Quincy's Attack on the War and on Jefferson in Congress-

Tallmadge's Speech-Clay's Reply to Quincy-Presidential Election-Progress of the

War in 1813-Jefferson's Remarks and Suggestions thereon-Massachusetts Legislature

resolve that it is "unbecoming a Moral and Religious People" to express Approbation

of the Military or Naval Exploits of the War-Massachusetts Officials do not attend

the Funeral of Lawrence-Quincy's Resolution in regard to Admission of States formed

from Louisiana-Remonstrance of Massachusetts Legislature against the War-False

Statements of the Document in regard to Impressment, etc.-Smuggling and Selling

Supplies to the Enemy-How fostered in New England-Evasions of the Revenue

Laws-British Blockade extended-The portion of New England still Exempted-Gov-

ernor of Vermont attempts to Recall the Militia of that State from Canada-Proceed-

ings in Congress thereon-Resolves of Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and New Jersey-

Commodore Decatur's Account of the "Blue-light" Treason-Jefferson's Corres-

pondence in 1813-Dirge of the Indian Race-Jefferson's Letters to Eppes on the

Banks and Currency-Attempt of Boston Banks to prevent the Government from

obtaining Loans-Their Run on Banks of Middle and Southern States-Purchase of

English Government Bills-The Massachusetts Press and Pulpit denounce those

who lend Money to our Government-A new Rupture between Adams and Jefferson

threatened-Reconciliation between Jefferson and Mrs. Adams-Jefferson's Views

of Style in Writing,

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tution-Massachusetts and Rhode Island appoint Commissioners to proceed to Wash-

ington-Attempts to annoy, and thwart the Measures of the General Government

-The Commissioners proceed to Washington-The Bubble burst-Public Derision-

The Speculations on the Secret Proceedings of Hartford Convention-Discrepancy in

the Explanation of its Members, etc.-Wherein the Explanations agree-Character of

the Members-John Holmes's Solution-Jefferson's several References to the Conven-

tion-His Contempt for its Menaces-His Erroneous Views in respect to some of its

Members--Sources of the Odium which rests on the Measure-The Sequel-Action of

the States on the Constitutional Amendments proposed by the Convention-Domestic

matters at Monticello in 1815-Agricultural Statistics, etc.-Correspondence-On the

Right to preach Politics from the Pulpit-How Jefferson wished to be treated in History

-His Occupations in the Summer of 1815-Correspondence in 1816-His Health and

Habits-Letter to Adams on Living this Life over again-On Uses of Grief-To Col.

Yancey on the Bank Mania-Jefferson's continued Hostility to United States Bank-

To Austin on encouraging Domestic Manufactures-How far he went in this Direction

-Virginia Improvements, etc.-Jefferson to Kercheval on amending the Constitution

of Virginia-Tucker's and Grigsby's Statements-A Singular Tribute to Jefferson's

Influence Jefferson accuses King of having suppressed his Friendly Overture to Eng-

land-Family Letters-A Hint concerning Pecuniary Matters,

Lieutenant Hall's Account of his Visit to Monticello-Jefferson to Mrs. Adams-To

Adams in regard to Disclosing religious Views, etc.-A Practical Commentary on

Arraigning Private Religious Views of Candidates for Office-Monroe elected Presi-

dent J. Q. Adams Secretary of State-Jefferson's Comments on Adams' Appointment

-Central College-Miscellaneous Correspondence of 1817-Views in regard to the

Great Canal in New York-On an Amendment of the Constitution sanctioning Internal

Improvements-On Persecution of Shakers in New York-Indoor Occupations of the

Year, described by Himself-He keeps Copies of only a portion of his Letters-Omis-

sions in the Congress Edition of his Writings-Illness in 1818-Kosciusko's Death-

He leaves Jefferson Executor of his Will-Death of Mrs. Adams-Jefferson's Letter of

Condolence to Mr. Adams-Wirt's Life of Henry-Historic Reclamations--Jefferson

advises a Course of Female Education-His List of approved Novels-Tribute to

Franklin-Temperance Reform Theories forty years ago-Correspondence of 1819-

His Account of his Physical Habits and Condition-His Reading for half an hour

before going to Bed-His first Book of Selections from the New Testament-His

Remarks on it to Charles Thompson-His Polyglot Book of Selections from New Tes-

tament-Contents of both Selections-His Remarks on the Materials for writing his

Biography, etc.-His Strictures on Judicial Encroachments-Attacks of Illness in

1819 The Missouri Question-Jefferson's Remarks on it in 1820 and 1821-Virginia

University-Its History Published in 1856-Professor Minor's Sketch of its Early

History-Meeting of Commissioners to select a Site, etc.-First Board of Visitors

Chosen-Jefferson appointed Rector-Plan of the Buildings-Establishment under

Control of Jefferson-Expense exceeds Public Expectation-Struggles and Triumphs-

Jefferson's Coadjutors-Joseph Carrington Cabell-An exciting Episode-Dr. Cooper's

Appointment as a Professor, attacked by the Clergy-The Sequel-Later Charges—

Explanations of Professors Tucker and Dunglison-The Charge that Religious Instruc-

tion was excluded from the University-Invitation of the Visitors to all Sects to establish

Chairs of Divinity-Reasons for the Omission of the Visitors to provide for Religious

Instruction with the Funds of the Institution-By-laws in regard to Religious

Instruction Jefferson's Miscellaneous Correspondence in 1820-Financial Affairs in

Virginia-On the Florida Treaty and Texas-"Monroe Doctrine" full blown-Jeffer

son's Views of the Administration-His health in 1820-His Correspondence in 1821-

An Accident-Correspondence of 1823-On Style-On O'Meara's Voice from St. Helena

-Complaint that the Republican side of American History is Unwritten-Declares

that the breaking up of hordes of Private Letters will ultimately disclose the truth

-Considers J. Q. Adams unfriendly to himself To Monroe, on Interference of Holy

Alliance in South America-On the Acquisition of Cuba-On the Proposition of

England to join in Resisting Interference of the Holy Alliance-The "Monroe Doc-

trine" proposed to Monroe six weeks before he announced it-John Adams's Cun-

ningham Correspondence published-Jefferson to Mr. Adams, on the Strictures it

contained on himself Their remaining Correspondence-Jefferson's Expressions in

regard to the Presidential Candidates in 1823-Letter to George Ticknor-Their pre-

vious Acquaintance-Jefferson's Absorbing Topic in 1824-Selection of Professors of

the University-To Dr. Sparks, on Emancipation and Colonization-To Garnett, on

Constitutional Amendments-To Englebrecht, on 15th Psalm of David-Reconcilia-

tion with Edward Livingston-Correspondence with the old "Heart of Sedition" in

England-Displeasure with Cartwright, and its Termination-Correspondence with

Henry Lee-Lafayette's Visit to the United States-Jefferson proposes a Public

Testimonial to him-Lafayette's Visit to Monticello-The Banquet-Jefferson's Speech

-Ticknor and Daniel Webster Visit Monticello-Webster's Account of his Visit-

Remarks ascribed to Jefferson in regard to Wirt's Life of Henry, and to the Character

of General Jackson-A Letter from one of Mr. Jefferson's Family on the subject—

Jefferson's Feelings towards Wirt, and his habitual way of speaking of Henry-His

Feelings towards General Jackson-Mr. Jefferson Twice in a Rage-His Remarks on

the Presidential Candidates in 1824-Arrival of the Professors, and Opening of the

University Jefferson's Estimate of the Professors Dr. Dunglison's Memoranda-

Extracts from these Memoranda-The University Buildings-Architecture-All the

Professors Foreigners-Jefferson's Illness-His Ideas of Physic-Jefferson at his

Table, his Visitors, etc.-His Manners-His Openness in Conversation-Lafayette's

Second Visit to Monticello-Levasseur's Statements-The Dinner in the Rotunda-

Lafayette's Solicitude for Jefferson's Health-Sends Instruments to him from France-

Proposes to send Dr. Cloquet-Laws of the University-Republicanism thought un-

able to stand against College Burschenschaft-Difficulties in the University-Mr.

Jefferson's Attentions to the Students,

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