Imágenes de páginas



Appointment of Sir John Moore.-Route of his army.—He ar-
rives at Salamanca :-Is in great peril :-Deceived in his expec-
tations of assistance :-Resolves to retreat.-Protest of Mr. Frere.
-Interview of Sir John Moore with the Spanish Generals.-Mor-
la.-Resolutions of Moore.-Letter transmitted by Charmilly.—
Sir John Moore communicates with Romana.-Retrospect of the
operations of the Spanish armies.-Folly of the Supreme Junta.-
The French approach Madrid :-Surrender of that city.-Napo-
leon's proclamation.-Sir John Moore advances.-Halt of the army
at Toro.-Romana retreats.-Engagement of Lord Paget.-Re-
treat of Moore.-Perilous situation of his army. He reaches As-
torga.-Sufferings and insubordination of the troops.-The retreat
continued. Battle of Corruna.-Death of Sir John Moore.-Em-
barkation of the army. Observations on the campaign.

Second Siege of Zaragoza.—Preparations for defence.-Palafox
refuses to surrender.-Progress of the siege. The command of

[blocks in formation]

Landing of Sir Arthur Wellesley at Lisbon. He is appointed to
the supreme command in Portugal.-New era in the war.-Bridge of
Amarante carried by the French.-Plan of Sir Arthur Wellesley.
-He crosses the Douro.-The French driven from Oporto.-
Movements of Soult.-Soult escapes by the mountain-paths.-Ob-

Successes in Gallicia.-Capture of Vigo.-Romana enters Aus-
turias.-Movements of the French armies.-Ney and Soult aban-
don Gallicia.-Occurrences in Catalonia.-Movements of Reding.
-Battle of Valls.-Death of Reding. He is succeeded by Blake.
-Early successes of Blake.-He is defeated at Belchite.-Advance
of Suchet. Origin of the Guerillas.-Guerilla warfare and leaders.

Distribution of the hostile armies.-Description of the country be-
tween the Douro and the Tagus.-The British advance to Placentia
and Majadas.-Repulse of Cuesta by Victor.-Cuesta falls back on
the British army :-Its danger.-The French determine to attack.
-Relative positions of the armies.-Battle of Talavera.-The
French under Soult retire to Placentia.-Sir Arthur Wellesley ad-
vances to attack Soult.-Cuesta follows.-The British cross the

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[blocks in formation]

Recapitulation.-Speech of Napoleon to the Senate.-Prepara-
tions of France.-Gloomy prospects of the allies.-Hopes of Lord
Wellington-His policy-Moves his head-quarters to Vizeu.—
Soult enters Andalusia-Forces the mountain passes and enters
Seville.-Cadiz saved by the Duke del Albuquerque.-Deposition
of the Supreme Junta, and appointment of a Council of Regency.-
The French in Andalusia annoyed by Guerillas.-Description of
the Isla de Leon and of Cadiz :-Their defences.-Matagorda a-
bandoned.-Dissensions in Cadiz.-Albuquerque retires in disgust.
-Preparations of Sir Thomas Graham for the defence of Cadiz.-
Atrocious proclamation of Soult, and consequent decree of the
Spanish government.-Character of Joseph Buonaparte.—Opera-
tions of Suchet.-State of Aragon and Navarre.-Suchet advances
against Valencia :-Retreats.-Blake appointed governor of Ca-

diz.-Affairs in Catalonia.-Siege and fall of Hostalrich.-Fall of

Lerida and Mequinenza.-Siege and capture of Astorga.-Move-

ments of Romana.

State of public feeling in England.-The French armies rein-
forced. Movements of Lord Wellington.-Massena prepares to
invade Portugal.-Strength and character of the hostile armies.-

[blocks in formation]

Position of Lord Wellington in Lower Beiria.-Siege of Ciudad
Rodrigo:-Its gallant defence, and surrender.-Massena enters
Portugal. His proclamation.-Almeida invested by the French.-
Combat on the Coa.-Proclamation of Lord Wellington.--Move-
ment of the British army.-Siege and surrender of Almeida.—
Massena violates the terms of capitulation.-Boasting of the
French bulletins. Fears in England. Firmness of Lord Wel-
lington. Massena advances into Portugal.Description of the
country north of the Mondego.-The British halt at Busaco,
and prepare for battle.-Distribution of the armies.-Battle of
Busaco. Consequences of the victory of the British.-Massena
turns the British position. The British retire on Lisbon, and
enter the lines of Torres Vedras.-Massena goes into position.-
Description and observations.-Retrospect of the campaign.-Co-
imbra taken.-Massena retires on Santarem.-Is followed by Lord
Wellington.-State of Lisbon.-Observations.

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