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Letter Box.

Mount Lebanon, N. Y. Mar. 1884. DEAR EDITOR;-I enjoy reading the letters in the Letter Box. Last evening we had a short but very good meeting. I am sowing the seed of life, and I hope that the seed will be good. These few verses I like very much : "I am Jesus' little friend, On his mercy I depend; If I try to please him ever, If I grieve his spirit never, O how very good to me Will my Savior always be. He is with me all the day, With me in my busy play; O'er my waking and my sleeping Jesus still a watch is keeping; I can lay me down to rest Sweetly pillowed on his breast. I am Jesus' little friend, On his mercy I depend: Jesus will forsake me never, He will keep me safe forever. How I wish my heart could be Loving Savior, more like Thee. " Yours, Wm. Sherman

Enfield, Conn. 1883. TO THE YOUNG;-In whatever situation you may be, strive to render yourself useful. Study yourself. Make yourself acquainted with your own imperfections, and your inclinations to stray from the path of rectitude.

Guard closely the avenues of the heart where temptation and sin may enter, and place a double watch at the weakest point of this celestial fortress. Now look about you and make yourself wise by observation, and experience. Where you discover goodness

strive to imitate it. Fear God and keep his commandments. Waste not time in idle, useless pursuits, or conversation. Ever heed the admonitions of your superiors, and well improve the precious moments allotted you to store the mind with useful knowledge, for time once gone can never be recalled. Would you enjoy happiness? Seek it in the fulfillment of your various duties, and in the cultivation of intellect, in cherishing that which is good. Seek and find whatever of real happiness is allotted here below, in the consciousness of having endeavored to live as becomes an intelligent being destined to immortality. From your true friend, Anna Ervin.



THE shaft is broken!-all is o'er;
Unbidden tears may flow,

But our dear brother is no more,
Upon this earth below.

He sought, we know, but sought in vain,
Life's mission to fulfill,

For tragic Fate usurped its reign,
And he in death is still!

In death we say,-but that sad word
Has but one meaning here,

Its certain summons he has heard,
And all that earth holds dear,
Unto its own is now consigned,
While we stand grieving by,

That one so noble, true and kind,
Were born, so soon to die.

Ah! brother, can we justly say

That it is well with thee,

That thou should'st pass from earth away,

While so endearingly

Thou art attached to loving hearts

That fondly hoped and prayed

That Fate, with all its baneful darts,

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APRIL, 1884.

which their inspired spirits are yearning with a fervency unknown, undreamed of by those whose being is all absorbed

Mount Lebanon, N. Y. Mar. 1884. with earthly sciences, and filled to sleepPRECIOUS GOSPEL FRIENDS ;— lessness with philosophies and sophistries that fulminatingly betray each other.

WE present the following considerations for most earnest thought, and vital action. We are living in a very eventful age, a period of human history wherein the powers of mind and the soul of humanity are reaching out, in every direction, in both the material and spiritual world, to discover causes of phenomena manifest to the senses; and energetically tracing those discovered causes, to their normal and legitimate


Investigation is peering into science, Philosophy is instituting new inventions and guiding the fingers of art; Literary researches are inquiring after the past history of our "ace, to find its origin in God's great universal plan, and, if possible, to mark out a path for the future. Geology is postulating the origin, and date of the advent of the creation of man. But, with all these things, the hungering and restless soul of humanity is not satisfied.

These soul-stirred beings are reaching heavenward, after a pure religion; having unsatisfactorily tried those systems which dwarf, stultify and virtually enslave, instead of liberate the soul, or postulate its salvation as a bequest upon a vagrant vicariously bestowed, they are reaching out, inquisitively, seeking a religion that is in harmony with a God character who is a merciful HEAVENLY FATHER, and a charitable, forgiving, and NURSING MOTHER to the penitent soul. A religion bearing in its vessels the waters of repentance from the wells of salvation, to clean up the sin-sooted soul, and a healing balm of righteousness to restore the bruised soul to healthy soundness and beauty; a religion whose converts to its theology may not only sing of Heaven, and the Heaven of Heavens, but, if obedient to its behests and revelations, bask in the sunshine of the bliss of God.

To us, dear Gospel Friends, this Precious Gospel Pearl is given; yet, not alone for us, but for all, who, baptized with the truth-seeking spirit, are peering into the archives of revelation, to find food for their hungering souls. To us have been given these blessings to dis

Lost, in contemplating the infinity of the universe, and unable to account for the freedom of the human will, millions are wrestling with the question, "If a man die, shall he live again?" Other millions chafingly inquiring" Is life worth living?" There are still left a multitude of soul-quickened intelligences, whose seminate! Is not the inquiry momentspirit visions reach beyond the tomb, and whose semi-fledged angel wings are beating a more ethereal air than of the earthly heavens; and whose spirit eyes, visioned by beams of radiance from the sun of God's truth, are beholding celestial abodes for the soul of man, for

ous, How, with our limited measure of strength we may most efficiently accomplish our work? Considering the limited able capacity among us to officiate as heralds in the mortal form, to us it feels important that we store our " MANIFESTo" that every number of it shall be a

living epistle of the gospel of a full and yard dismiss them from His service, turn them out of the vineyard, and, to occupy their places, call in those who will labor for the salvation of souls.

free salvation and redemption, and every number be so dispensed, as to be a missionary of the same, both at home and abroad.

Truly the harvest of humanity who need to be gathered into the garners of God is very great, but the laborers are very few, and many of them worn with toil and very feeble, and their waves of usefulness fast ebbing from the shore of earth's boundaries, to return no more in time! Every condition of Zion is pulsating with demands for more laborers, active souls, baptized with power to preach the kingdom of God, both by precept and example; to tell the world that the dual Christ, in his glory, has come, to sit as a refiner's fire, and as fuller's soap ;-a healer who hath a balm for the wounded, and a provider of both mil for babes in Christ, and meat for the hungering, who, when baptized with the Christ spirit, are able to become men and women of God.

Let every soul in Zion earnestly pray to God that He may hear the Heavens, and that the Heavens may hear the earth, and the earth may hear the corn and the oil and the fruit of the vine.

Let those who would cry, "It is yet three months, and then cometh harvest, hear the Lord of the Vineyard crying, "Lo, the fields are white, ready for the harvest; thrust in thy sickle and reap, for the harvest of the earth is ripe!" Let the Covenant-breaker renew his pledge, and those whose faith hath waned, and their lamps of gospel light grown dim, arise and trim their lamps, for the heralds of the Lord of Hosts are crying, "Lo the Bridegroom cometh with his heavenly Bride, Go ye forth to meet them."


Note. WE hereby solicit that those whom Heaven hath blessed with a good degree of spiritual communication, would labor to feel the pulse of the souls of needy humanity, and have something to contribute for our "Manifesto" that will be food and drink to hungering and thirsting souls.—G. B. A.


IN the November Manifesto, 1883, the hymn entitled "Sweet Praise," is credited to Enfield, N. H., but it should

have been West Gloucester, Me.

In the January Manifesto, 1884, the hymn, "Trust in God," has the words credited to Enfield, Conn., but their origin is unknown.—ED.

The light of this Gospel Day is sufficient to show to every soul, a path of perfect purity; and the baptismal inspiration of its testimony is powerful enough to enable every soul, who receives and keeps it, to live without sin. Therefore, let the sinner in Zion be confounded, and repent, and turn to God. Let those who would live in ease, "crying the burden of the Lord," and unwilling to toil for lost souls, and the upbuilding of the kingdom of God, arouse from their lethargy and slumbers, and work for God, great evidence that the love of God has lightlest the spirit of the Lord of the Vine-ed the soul.-E. A. S.

It is profitable to take an active interest in all laudable enterprises, and even join in innocent amusements.-M. E. II.

A HUMBLE, honest confession of error is a




Let land lim

from the scenes of their unpatriotic earthly labors?

I think there is far more latent good

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LAND limitation is the one thing need- in the hearts of evil-doers than philanful in these United States. The thropists give them credit for. Witness woman or paper that will begin an agita- the fact that some of the most efficient tion upon this subject and pursue it to a abolitionists were from the ranks of successful issue will become as immor-slave-holders and that the civil war itself tal as John Brown, whose soul is march- was largely sustained by the self-sacrificing on toward the emancipation of wages, ing capitalists to whose misdirected fislavery, hirelings, which is much deeper nancial abilities it owed its origin. "The seated and far more universal than chat- foundations of the earth are out of tel slavery ever was on this planet. course. The system of government Vested rights may not be touched. may be largely improved. It can come What then can be done? Where there only gradually. is a will there is a way. The blessings flowing from a land limitation be prospective. From Jan. 1, itation law require an abler pen and more 1884 no citizen of these United States, vivid imagination than mine to properly male or female, shall buy and become depict. In every town in each county possessed of more than 160 acres of of New York state would begin a new land. So fast as present landlords die life. Young men and women now looktheir estates shall pass to landless heirs, ing westward for a homestead in which 160 acres each, the overplus shall go in- to build up a family would begin to lay to the market and be sold within one by a little capital, to wait and watch the year, cach heir receiving equal share of annual land market to secure the covetthe proceeds. The operation of such a ed prize. Farms would multiply, dwelllaw would be like the dew of Mt. Her- ing houses with their accessories be mon, the people would be continually re-built, schools be better supplied with freshed thereby. Death would be a joyous messenger in the land. Let the funeral of a land monopolist become a festive occasion. But if death claimed a land mcnopolist who had voluntarily sold or given away the legal overplus of his estate, let the mourners honor him or her by erecting some cheap but enduring memorial, such as planting a particular kind of tree in a section of the burial ground set apart by each town as a memorial ground wherein none other should have the honor to be interred. How

long would land monopolists run the risk of having the bells rung, the cannon fired and bonfires lighted at their exit

Roads, lec

children and far better supported than at
present; and public schools would soon
become industrial schools, where econo-
my, industry and health would be among
the subjects of education.
ture halls and meeting houses would be
within easy reach of the people of a
densely populated town, and the products
of each district would be largely con-
sumed by the producers in that neigh-

When so much good and no possible evil would flow from the land limitation

law why may we not have it without unneither rich nor poor left in the land? necessary delay, to the end that there be Mt. Lebanon, N. Y.

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I would like to reach clear over 600 miles and shake hands with you, but in so doing I should reach over and past hundreds of other thinkers, who like you and me have caught the gleam of the coming dawn of the day of truth.

soul? Joseph Cook lectures in the near vil-
lage, on subjects I long to study, but cannot
hear him. I have not the time nor the few
cents to spare. There are Libraries within
reach of me, but I must not read. Even
cheap books are too dear for me while I am
paying for the right to work. And if I suc-
ceed in heaping up a few dollars at such a
cost, and then lifting my son out of the class
of the oppressed into the class of the op-
pressors, then the monopolist thinks I ought
to be satisfied. Why, sir, the mortgage-rid-
den farmers of this country are dead intel-
lectually and morally, and do not know
it. They think if they pay for their farms at
the expense of half a life-time of toil, and
throw their souls in, they are doing well.
God prosper you, sir.

With respect, James Marlin.

[Contributed by Eld. G. B. A.]


I suppose the word Elder signifies that you are a follower and standard-bearer of the Nazarene. In my weak way I try to be the same. I believe that his word, his truth, will yet rule the world. And I am sure that "Land Limitation" is precisely in the line of his doctrine. The Church is not up to the teachings of its great Head, nor will it be, I suppose, forever, for our progress towards the Infinite must needs be eternal. But I am persuaded the time is not far distant when all monopoly, and especially land monopoly will be reckoned, by our religious teachers, in the same list with robbery and extortion. This would be "political preaching," it is THERE are two classes of people, one saytrue, but we all remember how the abolition- ing, "What profit shall we have, if we pray ist preachers were reminded that "Christ's unto Him?" and the other declaring, "The kingdom is not of this world." And we re- effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man member too how they preached on, being as-availeth much." At a time when this quessured that although not of the world, that kingdom must dominate the world. Those who feel the pressure of the tyrant's heel, can best describe his power. I know there are thousands, who like myself could tell bitter stories of seemingly unending strife against hard circumstances. Yet, to the ery of the monopolist, our condition is good enough.


They tell me I can succeed if I work. admit it. I can. I think I will. I can work. I am not afraid of self-denial. I can manage my farm. I say I will succeed. To the monopolist, this is enough. Having sold his own soul, and dwarfed and shrivelled every noble power of his being to gain wealth, he is not ashamed to ask me to do the same. So I toil on. I give the years, the best of my life, to get me a home-to gain the right to plow the land and make bread.

Why, God gave me the right to plow. And while I am thus toiling for a foot-hold on the earth, and as the monopolist views it, it may be succeeding, what am I doing for my own

tion is much discussed, let us see what the rational and Scriptural idea of it is; for manifestly there are wrong impressions in regard to it.

It is not the doctrine of the Bible nor the dictate of reason that asking, alone and of itself, is prayer. It has no real existence separate from a rightful aim, aspiration, character. One may seek for spiritual knowledge, and be none the wiser; for spiritual strength, and be no stronger; for faith, sure and steadfast, and receive nothing. He may ask and receive not, because he asks amiss. If he does not group together and observe the conditions, and all of them announced, as the law in the case, failure meets him at every step. The Apostle John gives his understanding of the question, "And whatsoever we ask we receive of Him, because we keep His commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight. '

Prayer has a place, is a factor, a means, in the great spiritual lives that have moved the

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