Imágenes de páginas

3. Mention all the cerebral venous Sinuses related to the Occipital Bone, and indicate their positions in relation to that bone.

4. Describe the course of the Sixth Cerebral Nerve. Mention its position—(a) inside the Cranial Cavity; (b) in the Cavernous Sinus; (c) in the Orbit.

5. Give the relations and branches of the Thoracic Aorta.

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1. What are the principal constituents of bile, and what function does this fluid perform in the act of digestion ?

2. What are the uses of the following instruments :-Pneumograph, Spirometer, Sphygmograph, Mercurial Manometer?

3. What are the differences between an organised and an unorganised ferment? Give examples of each class of ferments.

4. What are the functions of the kidney, and how far may these be vicariously performed by other organs ?

5. What is Succus Entericus? What methods have been employed in its study?



1. Enumerate the preparations of zinc in the B. P., and give the doses of those used internally.

2. Give the strengths of Syrupus Ferri Iodidi, Syrupus Ferri Phosphatis, and Syrupus Chloral.

3. Prescribe in full a carminative mixture for an adult.

4. What are the officinal names of Epsom Salts, Diachylon Plaster, Litharge, Blue Pill, and Paregoric Elixir ?

5. Characters, tests, uses, and dose of Quiniæ Sulphas? Name its officinal preparations.



1. Given one gram of dry oxalic acid (H2C2O4), calculate the volume (at o° C. 1760 mm.) of carbon monoxide gas it can afford.

2. Explain the softening of "hard" water by-(a) boiling; (b) addition of lime water.

3. How is "bleaching lime" prepared? Write its formula, and explain the action of hydrochloric acid upon it.

4. Explain the action of charcoal as a deodorant and disinfectant.

5. How is the atomic weight of an elementary gas determined?



1. Describe experiments by which the specific gravity of a solid may be measured by means of a balance, stating any precautions and corrections that may be required.

2. What volume at o° C. and 760 mm. will a mass of gas occupy that had a volume of 3000 cc. at 27° C. and 380 mm. ?

3. Describe experiments by which the specific heat of a substance may be measured.

4. What is meant by electrolysis, and how is the process of electroplating conducted?

5. Describe what is meant by electromotive force, resistance, intensity of current in current electricity.



1. Describe any of the systems of vegetable tissues.

2. In the living plant where may starch be met with?

3. Describe the growth and development of the yeast fungus. 4. How does a tuber differ from a bulb?

5. Describe the flower and fruit of Aconitum napellus.




1. Enumerate the diseases in connexion with which cutaneous hæmorrhages have been observed, and also the medicinal agents, the use of which has been followed by purpuric eruptions.

2. The symptoms of acute and chronic Alcholism, and the treat


3. The etiology of Sciatica—its varieties, symptoms, and treatment. 4. Describe the mental symptoms sometimes occurring in constitutional Syphilis.

5. The diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of Dysentery?

6. Bronchiectasis-its physical signs, symptoms, and diagnoses ?


1. Describe the nervous symptoms of the condition termed "uræmia." Under what circumstances do they occur? and what treatment would you adopt?

2. The diagnosis and treatment of empyema?

3. Describe a case of Scarlatina anginosa, with special reference to the period of incubation, the duration of the initial fever, the characters of the eruption, and the complications which may be expected.

4. The diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of "tinea tonsurans " of over a month's standing?

5. Enumerate the diseased conditions of the kidney in which enlargement of the organ is a marked symptom. What are the general characters of a Renal Tumor ?



1. What is understood by the term "Cloudy Swelling" of Virchow ? 2. Define "Dry Gangrene," and supply an instance in which it is a physiological rather than a pathological process.

3. Mucous membranes are liable to three forms of inflammation : name and describe them.

4. What anatomical alterations are observed in Syphiloma of the Liver ?

5. Mention some skin-diseases which owe their origin to the presence of filamentous fungi, and explain the mode of production of these diseases.



1. Compare the diseases known as anthrax and malignant pustule, stating the diagnostic characters relied on by Dupuytren.

2. Describe an acute external pile, and its treatment.

3. What is meant by the term "sympathetic pain"? State the tests you would apply to distinguish it, and determine its cause.

4. What is the tumour known as Enchondroma ? State the conditions under which its most familiar form is observed, giving its site, diagnostic characters, and treatment.

5. Give the details of the operation which you would adopt, if called on to amputate for disease or injury requiring the removal of the entire



1. Explain, by a reference to development, the occasional occurrence of an abnormal foramen or opening in the upper part of the septum between the ventricles of the heart.

2. Describe the position of the gall-bladder

(a) in its relation to surrounding structures;

(b) in its relation to the surface of the body.

3. Name the structures in immediate relation to the apex of the right lung.

4. State precisely the points in the abdominal cavity at which the jejunum begins and the ileum ends.

5. Name the arteries which supply the cerebellum with blood. From what vessels are these derived ?



1. Define astringents, and give examples of the general indications for their use.

2. Physiological action and uses of glycerine? How do large doses affect the characters and the flow of urine?

3. Prescribe an aromatic tonic for a case of flatulent dyspepsia.

4. Physiological action of tannic acid? In what forms is it excreted ?

5. Physiological action, uses, and preparations of Cantharides ?

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1. How would you conduct a case of labour where there was arm presentation?

2. Give the symptoms, diagnosis, and modes of treatment, of placenta previa.

3. Describe the diagnostic characteristics of a head, a face, and a breech presentation.

4. With what object is dilation of the cervical canal in the unimpregnated uterus practised? What are the methods employed to effect this dilatation ?

5. Describe a case of puerperal convulsions-the symptoms, prognosis, and treatment.

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1. By what means will you investigate stains or spots of a red colour on garments, articles of furniture, weapons, tools, or other objects, whether capable or not of absorbing, which are suspected to be blood? And further, if you determine them, or any of them, to be sanguineous, what means are available in such investigation for deciding that the blood must have been human?

2. What process would you apply-(a) to detect free hydrocyanic acid in the stomach, or in matter recently expelled from it, and (b) to ascertain the quantity so present?

3. In the examination of a recently born mature child, dead, but as yet unaffected by putrescence, what circumstances will convince you that it had survived its birth?

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