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Notices of New Publications.

A HARMONY of the FOUR GOSPELS in the authorized Version. Following the Harmony of the Gospels in Greek, by EDWARD ROBINSON, D.D., L.L.D., Author of Biblical Researches in Palestine, &c. With Explanatory Notes and References. Pp. 203.

London: Religious Tract Society. Ir is no doubt for good reasons that the harmony of the four gospels" is not so palpable as to supersede the necessity of elaborate books to prove it. At first view, one might be tempted to ask why was not the work of preparing an inspired and authoritative gospel history entrusted to a single writer rather than to four? If the object of writing it had been to form a clear and orderly narrative, containing the largest amount of facts in a given space, surely this would have been best accomplished by one continuous history. Or, if variety were desirable, that out of the mouth of two or three witnesses every word might be established, why, since all the four evangelists were moved by the same Holy Spirit, do not all their separate records fall into each other so naturally and exactly, that a perfect correspondence is visible to every reader at the first glance? It might be answered, that different witnesses relating the same fact will vary in their testimony according as they have seen from different points of view; so that a perfect agreement is not to be expected, but would, if it took place, give rise to the suspicion of collusion rather than confirm our confidence in their testimony. What, then, if some apparent discrepancy in regard to minor matters is felt in comparing the four gospels? Instead of shaking, it may establish our faith. But it will gain another, and no less important object. It will keep alive attention to the word of God; and this sustained attention is itself a blessing of incalculable value. It is said that the alchemy of the ancients-the vain attempt to discover a process for making gold-led to the really precious discoveries of modern chemistry. It is certain that the felt difficulty of reconciling some statements of the different evangelists has brought into view points of harmony, as well as disclosed new truths, which, but for this difficulty, might never have come to light. God, who maketh the wrath of man to praise him, can also make the very unbelief of man instrumental in confirming the faith of the gospel. It was thus with the apostle Thomas, when his

doubting gave occasion to the clearest de-monstration of the resurrection he denied. It has been thus with the lynx-eyed examinators who have tested the harmony of the Evangelists. In their effort to detect a discrepancy, they have lighted upon unexpected resemblances, which were fitted greatly to establish their convictions of Bible truth.

The work before us is, in some respects, an improvement upon the numerous harmonies which have successively appeared within the last sixteen centuries. It is based upon that of Dr Robinson of New York, so well known for his accurate and elaborate Researches in Palestine; and it is distinguished by the same pains-taking diligence, and the same fresh and vigorous independence of thought, which marks that well-known production. In one or two unimportant points, which we regret the British editor has not been at the trouble to specify, and which (with the exception of a judicious alteration proposed by Wieseler's Synopsis, in regard to the chronology of Luke x. 1), we have not had time to ascertain or examine, a change, it seems, has been adopted in the present edition as compared with those issued under Dr Robinson's inspection. The grand landmarks, however, recognised by this editor, are the same with those of his original, which assign to our Lord's ministry a period including four passovers, or about three and a half years. The passage on which this interpretation chiefly depends (John v. 1), is examined with great critical care, and, as it seems to us, in a manner very satisfactory and conclusive. In dealing with the various, and, at first view, almost irreconcilable narratives which the different inspired historians have given of our Lord's resurrection, the author has shown great acuteness and ability. His treatment of this rather difficult point, which few reflective readers of the gospel history can have passed without feeling it to be more or less perplexing, affords a specimen of sifting, arranging, and adjusting evidence, admirable in itself, and well fitted to exercise and educate the mind of the student in such investigation. The expository notes interspersed throughout the volume, illustrating some of the more difficult expressions and allusions in the sacred narrative, are brief; but as they always bear closely on the point needing explanation, they are more valuable than lengthy annotations oftentimes prove to be.


London: C. A. Bartlett.

THE Family Discourses were among the earliest of Mr Jay's productions as an author, and have contributed largely to the reputation and esteem in which, for the last half century, he has been held as an able and accomplished minister of the New Testament. With the exception of the "Morning and Evening Exercises," which, from our long acquaintance with them, have come to rank among our selectest books of devotional reading, and which we apprehend are not likely to be eclipsed by any work of this class, howsoever more meritorious, which may fall into our hands at our time of life, we should be inclined to place these Short Discourses first in our recommendation of Mr Jay's works to the student and the thoughtful Christian. His elegant simplicity and ingenious brevity; his faithful directness of appeal, and his exhaustless power of felicitous scriptural illustrations; his cheerful piety and singular tact in arranging and stating the subject of his address-are seen to great advantage in the brief and condensed sermons here collected.

As these volumes complete the uniform edition of Mr Jay's works, the author closes with a kind of valedictory address. Referring to the whole twelve volumes, he says, "Such as they are, I now leave them to the public, and commit them to the blessing of God. At my age it is not very probable that I shall add to this edition." He gives us room to hope, however, that the world may still hear more of William Jay, from an autobiography which he has preserved, and which may be available after his departure. We may not, of course, desire that the posthumous work should appear soon; yet from the eminent character of the writer, as well as from the times through which he has passed, and the sphere in which he has moved, the autobiography of Mr Jay of Bath will be looked forward to with no common interest.

SCENES from the BIBLE. By the Rev. J. A WYLIE, A.M., &c.

The PHILOSOPHY of RELIGION: or, an Illustration of the Moral Laws of the Universe. By THOMAS DICK, LL.D., &c. WANDERINGS of a PILGRIM in the SHADOW of MONT BLANC and the JUNGFRAU ALP. By GEORGE B. CHEEVER, D.D.

Glasgow: W. Collins.

THESE Volumes are the last three hitherto issued in Collins' cheap series, and they are

all possessed of merit enough to make them worthy, if to say so be any compliment, of appearing in the ordinary expensive style of publication. The two first mentioned are reprints of copyright works, formerly the property of the publisher; and to him we offer our thanks for the enterprising spirit he has shown in offering works so valuable at a price so extremely small. The Scenes from the Bible, consisting of lectures on descriptive and picturesque passages in the Old and New Testament, are sketched with great animation, good taste, and in the spirit of practical Christian wisdom. The Philosophy of Religion is a book fitted at once to make the Christian think, and to satisfy him that Bible Christianity will bear close thinking and searching investigation. Dr Cheever's Wanderings form a charming volume; quite different from ordinary books of travel. It is not simply a tourist's guide, descriptive of valleys and mountains in their gigantic splendour and attractive beauty. It is rather a brilliant picture of their varied images as reflected from a mind glowing with intelligence, piety, and the voice of freedom. Even in the shadow of Mont Blanc, it is living, breathing men, and their immortal natures, that occupy his thoughts; as witness the following :

DESPOTISM AND FREEDOM COLLATED. "Beneath the shadows of Mont Blanc there dwell, side by side, one of the truest forms of liberty, and one of the most thorough-going despotisms in the world, together with the brightest piety and the deepest superstition. A line divides these kingdoms. Beneath the shadow of Mont Blanc there have been transacted some of the most glorious and most humiliating scenes recorded in history. We are now on a spot consecrated to freedom and truth. We can take our Bibles to the top of this tower, and we might read from them and teach from them, unmolested, to as many thousands as could assemble within the reach of our voices. But in the direction in which you are looking towards Mont Blanc, you see the smoke ascending from the cottages within the boundary line of the kingdom of Sardinia. Step across that line and enter these cottages, and your teachings, with the Bible in your hand, will carry you to prison. There is religious tyranny, here is religious liberty. The grass is as green there as it is here; the air is as bright and sweet there as it is here. You can see the kingly crown of Mont Blanc glittering there, as massive and silvery as it does here. The difference is not in external nature, but in the world of souls."

LECTURES on the Acts of the APOSTLES. By JOHN DICK, D.D., late Minister of Greyfriars Church, and Professor of Theology to the United Secession Church, &c. Third Edition.

Glasgow: Maurice Ogle & Son.

THOUGH, since the first edition of this book

was given to the public, many works illustrative of the Acts of the Apostles, some of them of no small merit, have appeared, Dr Dick's Lectures have continued to hold the high place originally assigned them in the estimation of the thoughful and inquiring scripture reader. For the lucid statement of weighty scripture truth, and for search ing and forcible argumentation in matters disputed among professing christians, they are certainly not yet surpassed. The style is that of the Scotch lecture, now displaced in many quarters by what is deemed a more symmetrical method-that of dividing the passage, however long, into various heads, as in the ordinary sermon. The specimens before us, however, show that there is no need of the sermon form to give the lecture both distinctness and symmetry. In every page there is the close and compact thought of a thoroughly independent reasoner, who bows only to his convictions of the word of God, and is anxious mainly to let that word speak to the hearts of his readers. While Dr Dick's other writings prove how well qualified he was as a theological professor to lead his students into "all mysteries and all knowledge" connected with their pursuits, this record of his pulpit ministrations bears evidence that the people of his congregation also were fed with the finest of the wheat.

Of this new edition it is enough that we say, it is worthy of the book. Many who have hitherto read the Lectures on the Acts only from a library copy, will be glad to know that this new issue enables them, at a moderate price, to have a copy of their


BAGSTER'S CHRONOLOGICAL SCRIPTURAL ATLAS: a Complete Series of New Maps; an Elaborate Chart of General History: with a Geographical Index and Concordance of all the Scripture Occurrences.

London: S. Bagster & Sons. THE idea of this work is very ingeniously conceived, and most elaborately executed. Beginning with the earliest accounts we possess of the Holy Land, it exhibits first, "Canaan in the Patriarchal times," noting those localities which had acquired distinction prior to the conquest under Joshua. In the second map, it presents the region of Israel's bondage, and the course of their pil grimage up to their arrival at the promised land. Then follows,-" Canaan as divided among the tribes:" while in succeeding maps, we have the same ground divided and marked according to the successive forms of government under which it was held, as the Hebrew kingdom under Solomon; the kingdom of Judah; the kingdom under

Rehoboam; Palestine at the commence-. ment of the Christian era; Medieval Palestine, illustrative of the Crusades; and, finally, Modern Palestine, under the dominion of the Turks. The adjacent countries referred to in scripture are shown in two separate charts, in which the same strict regard to chronology is manifest as in those already mentioned. Besides these auxiliaries to the study of scripture history, we have "Christendom at the rise of Mohammedanism," and "Christendom during the Crusades," which will prove valuable guides to the student in reading the early history of the Christian church. The historical table, with the index, concordance, and accompanying letter-press description, display immense research and ingenuity.

We have been thus minute in describing this work, because we deem it one of the most valuable contributions which has been furnished for many years back to our apparatus for the study of sacred scripture. The well-known enterprise of the publishers, which seems quite regardless of elaborate toil and consequent expense, when the illustration of the Bible is concerned, has never perhaps been engaged more profitably for the scripture student than in providing him with this Atlas.

POPULAR NATURAL HISTORY; or, the Characteristics of Animals portrayed in a Series of Illustrative Anecdotes. By Captain THOMAS BROWN. (With coloured plates.) Vol. I.

Edinburgh: A. Fullarton & Co. As a book of entertainment for a young family, we know of none better fitted to make home delightful and instructive than the book of natural history; and of all modes of treating that comprehensive and varied science, we can hardly imagine any so captivating as the form of anecdote pursued in the volume before us. The author is plainly an enthusiast in his favourite pursuit ; and his familiarity with the nature and habits of the different animals about which he writes,

qualifies him to tell their several stories, both in an easy lively manner, and with an accurate regard to scientific truth. We should have liked this book all the better had it been less strictly confined to what the author may have deemed his own proper subject. In relating the feats of the racehorse, for example, his references to the gambling transactions of the turf might as well, if they were to be introduced at all, have been accompanied with an adequate reprobation of the system of betting; and his description of the bull-fight might have

borne a more ample denunciation of the savage cruelty connected with such scenes.

The book is adorned with coloured engravings, which are executed with much skill. There is a want of the indices usual in such a work; but these, we presume, will be forthcoming in the subsequent volumes. THE HOLY SPIRIT; His Personality. Divinity, Office, and Agency, in the Regeneration and Sanctification of Man. By D. DEWAR, D.D., LL.D., Principal of Marischal College, Aberdeen. 12mo, pp. 332.

London: Ward & Co.

No doctrine of Christianity needs more careful treatment than the one which forms the subject of this volume. It is our distinguishing privilege, as living under the New Testament economy, to enjoy the promised ministration of the Spirit; and if, in our views of the divine administration, we limit the Holy One of Israel, by denying to the Spirit of grace any of that honour which is due to him, or by failing to seek his aid for any of those purposes which his Almighty influence alone can accomplish in the work of redemption, the error will infallibly affect our own spiritual state, depriving us, in proportion as we are wrong, of the joy and peace of believing. And if, on the other hand, we ascribe too much to spiritual influence, and, in mistaken dependence on it, forget the work which is required of ourselves; if we imagine that it operates on us without the concurrence of our own will, and without the instrumentality of means which human diligence is needed to employ, the misconception will prove equally injurious, robbing us of the delights of Christian activity, and lulling us asleep in a spirt of fatalism. But while it is not difficult to perceive the danger on both sides, it requires a cautious mind and an humble heart to observe the true line of separation between them.

It would seem as if the controversy on this question were subject to periodic exasperations; and it has been the lot of the church, within the last few years, to experience one of these. We would fain believe that they are becoming less violent; and that each successive discussion, by enabling the opponents to see more distinctly the points of real difference between them, is serving to bring them to a calm resting in the truth. Mean time, however, it is important that such a favourable occasion as our day has offered, for declaring the doctrine of Scripture on this subject, should not be lost; and the author of the work before us has seized the opportunity. With a wellfurnished mind, a ready pen, and indefatigable perseverance in such labour, Dr

Dewar is semper paratus for theological discussion.

The work exhibits, with much fulness, and in a plain systematic order, the theology of the subject. The first book is occupied with establishing, by the usual scripture arguments, the personality and divinity of the Holy Spirit, and illustrating his office in relation to Christ and to the church at large. A very useful chapter is added, containing an examination of the history and nature of the Pelagian heresy. The second book, which is much the largest, and fills nearly two-thirds of the volume, treats of the work of the Spirit in regeneration. The third and concluding book, is taken up with the work of the Spirit in sanctification, and in the various exercises of the Christian life. They who know Dr Dewar's former writings will find here what these will have led them to expect; not startling novelties, nor subtle and minute distinctions, but sound scriptural divinity, clearly stated and illustrated, and practical truth earnestly, and sometimes eloquently, applied. From the style of some of the chapters, and specially from the form of improvement with which they close, we could suppose them to have been originally written as discourses for the pulpit. From one of these, in which the author is showing the necessity for the Spirit's work, in consequence of the disinclination of the heart toward God, we quote the following passage:

This disposition is cherished under circumstances particularly aggravating, inasmuch as they are powerfully fitted to render it otherwise. The God of holiness has revealed himself as the God of mercy, rich in mercy, delighting in mercy, abundant in mercy. He has set before us his own claims to our love, the extent of our obligations, the awfulness of our prospects, the vastness, the constraining power of his kindness-every thing by which the heart might be touched and won. He has presented to us his own Son, veiling his glories by the assumption of our nature, dwelling among sinful men, sorrowing and suffering for the guilty wanderers, weeping over their distresses, praying for their forgiveness, and dying for their salvation; and yet their disposition remains hostile to God, and reckless of perdition; it is so averse to him, and so strongly and desperately attached to sin, that not all these manifestations of the tenderest compassion, that not all that God has ever spoken in his word or in his providence, that not all the patience and forbearance which he exercises, that not all his invitations, or entreaties, or terrors, that not all the glories of redeeming love, displayed by the death of the Cross, will ever change his heart, so intensely and astonishingly evil.

"Yet the heart of man is accessible to considerations of duty, of gratitude, and of interest. It is susceptible of the most gene

rous kindness, and the most devoted attachment. He whose understanding raises him so highly in the scale of being, who can reason so accurately, and form plans for his future welfare, acts the part of a fool in regard to his great and eternal concerns. He who discourses with truth and eloquence of God, his being, perfections, and moral government, remains all the while in apostasy from him, and rebellion against him. He who has so strong a sense of right and wrong, that he can perceive the reasonableness of giving to all their due, and powerfully plead for the injured rights of his fellow men, can wilfully wrong God, his first and best benefactor. He who is endued with a self-reflecting power by which he is capable of viewing himself in relation to the past, the present, or the future, does not seriously consider the things which belong unto his peace."

A Token of Remembrance designed for Children, and especially Sabbath School Children. By the Rev. DAVID SMITH, Biggar. 24mo, pp. 118.

Edinburgh Grant and Taylor.

ONE of the promising features of the present day is an increasing attention on the part of the press to the moral and religious instruction of the young. Our youthful population are, as our author justly observes in his introductory address, "the objects of deep and tender interest, not only to their parents, but to their ministers, to their teachers, and to all the sincere friends of the Saviour generally. They are the rising hopes of the Church; its future character depends upon theirs." And therefore all the well-wishers of the Church must cordially approve of the numerous and various literary efforts which, of late, have been put forth to direct and form the minds of children. This interesting class of readers have now Journals, Missionary and Sabbath School Magazines, Commentaries, Sermons, &c., wholly their own, dedicated to their use, adapted to their capacities, suited to their wants, and fitted, in conjunction with the other means employed for their benefit, to make them useful members of society, and the ornaments of the Church. It is with much more than silent satisfaction that we behold the increasing seed of moral and religious instruction thus prepared and dispersed; and though in many instances it "lie buried long in dust," yet who can presume to estimate the influence of its secret operation, or venture to predict the aggregate advantage of the final result?


thank these patient, but effective labourers, who have self-denial enough to bestow talent and toil on a species of literary labour which is generally deemed humble; their

work of mercy is not unblest, and shall not be unrewarded.

Mr Smith is the author of several wellknown useful practical works; but this is the first time, so far as we know, that he has, as an author, lent the aid of his vigorous mind to the young. He has succeeded in producing a most interesting and instructive little volume. By presenting to children in general, and to Sabbath-school children in particular, this unpretending, but truly excellent and useful work, he has laid them under a deep debt of obligation. The "Token of Remembrance" consists of ten short addresses or discourses. The sub

jects are not indeed novel; but they are well selected; are fitted to interest youthful minds, and are written with much fervour and affection of spirit. The address entitled "The Winged Instructors,"-will, we think, be a favourite. We give an extract from it as a specimen of the work. The motto or text is, "Ask now the fowls of the air, and they shall tell you," Job xii. 7.

The following is the first head:—

"Ask the fowls of the air, and they will tell you that there is a God."-Every thing that exists proclaims the being of a God. The smallest pile of grass, the least portion of earth, the minutest drop of water, declare the eternal power and godhead of Jehovah. But the fowls of the air, as being creatures of a higher order, do this in a peculiar, emphatic manner. Who was

it that made the fowls of the air? who endowed them with their different instincts, and clothed them with their garments of glossy feathers? Who bestowed the melody on the lark and the nightingale, and all the other songsters of the grove? It was not chanceit was not man. Much, indeed, human ingenuity has contrived, and human power effected. What wonders have the sculptor, the painter, the mechanic, performed in representing and imitating the forms, the colours, and even the motions of animals. But, however skilful in forming the likeness, none of them could ever construct the reality of the least bird that wings its course through the air. That was a silencing question which God proposed to Job. Gavest thou goodly wings unto the peacock, or wings and feathers unto the ostrich? Doth the hawk fly by thy wisdom, and stretch out her wings toward the south? Job did not, could not, do any of these things. The proper answer is. God did all these things. Hear the account which Moses gives of the fowls of the air. "And God said, let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creatures that hath life, and the fowl that may fly above the carth, in the open firmament of heaven. And God made every winged fowl after his kind." Every bird, therefore, as being God's workmanship, is a proof of his existence.

We conclude with cordially recommending this little book to the attention of our young friends.

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