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ceased was an honorary member, deeply feels a bereavement which invades its own chosen walks, and affects the interests of historical inquiry throughout the world.

"The Society, at this early hour, would bear its public testimony to the distinguished merit of the departed scholar, and lay the chaplet of mingled cypress and bays, moistened with the tears of its regret, on his honoured grave.

"In that circle of eminent men in the department of history who have done honour to their country and enriched the literature of the world, a chief has fallen in this event. The genius of history has no more worthy son to lose among the writers of the age, no brighter star to be stricken from her shining galaxy.

"The graces of a generous nature, the candour of a noble mind, the accumulation of vast and discriminating research, and the fidelity of a sound judgment, award to his memory a very high place among the chroniclers of human events, past and present.

"So long as fine writing and graphic statement shall be admired, and veracious narrative sought after, the works of Prescott will be read. That name, already renowned in our political history for patriotic deeds of the sword, henceforth will be still more renowned in our national literature for the instruction and pacific labours of the more excellent pen; 'the excellency of dignity and

the excellency of power,' belong to civic deeds.

"America is proud of a mind whose treasures, in the department he had chosen to cultivate, are richer and more valuable to mankind than the glittering wealth of that Mexico and Peru whose conquest he has rendered immortal by his writings.

"This Society would commend to the aspiring and ambitious youth of our land, in the pursuits of literature and philosophy, the example of the glorious dead, as illustrating under physical difficulties, which to most men would have been insurmountable, the capabilities of the human mind when assisted by patient toil, in the pursuit of a noble object.

"We place on our record to-day, with mingled pride and affliction, this testimony of our exalted appreciation of the merits, moral, social, and literary, of the deceased historian; merits which confer on his memory a fame that can never die."

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Lessons by the delay; or, Things to Think On.


VARIOUS interesting facts have been noted in relation to the demeanour of animals prior to a great convulsion. It was towards noon, beneath a clear and almost cloudless sky, with the sea breeze freshly blowing, that the cities of Conception and Talcahuano, on the coast of South America, were desolated in 1835. At ten o'clock, two hours before their ruin, the inhabitants remarked with surprise, as altogether unusual, large flights of sea-fowl passing from the coast towards the interior; and the dogs at Talcahuano abandoned the town before the shock which levelled its buildings was felt. Not an animal, it is believed, was in the place when the destruction came. In 1805, previous to the earthquake at Naples, which took place in the night, but was most severely felt in the provinces, the oxen and cows began to bellow, the sheep and goats bleated strangely, the dogs howled


terribly, and the horses fastened in their stalls leaped up, endeavouring to break the halters which attached them to the mangers. Rabbits and moles were seen to leave their burrows; birds rose, as if scared, from the places on which they had alighted; and reptiles left in clear daylight their subterranean retreats. Some faithful dogs, a few minutes before the first shock, awoke their sleeping masters by barking and pulling them, as if anxious to warn them of impending danger, and several persons were thus enabled to save themselves. On the recent occasion all the dogs in the neighbourhood of Vallo howled before the people were sensible of their danger. To account for these circumstances, it is conjectured that, prior to actual disturbance, noxious gases and other exhalations are emitted from the interior of the earth through crannies and pores of the surface, invisible to the eye,

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which distress and alarm animals gifted with acute organs of smell.


IS FRIDAY AN UNLUCKY DAY? Americans, at any rate, have no reason to be afraid of Friday. Mr. Timbs gives us this catalogue of fortunate circumstances occurring on that day: "On Friday, August 21, 1492, Christopher Columbus sailed on his great voyage of discovery. On Friday, October 12, 1492, he first discovered land. On Friday, January 4, 1493, he sailed on his return to Spain, which, if he had not reached in safety, the happy result would never have been known which led to the settlement on this vast continent. On Friday, March 15, 1493, he arrived at Palos in safety. On Friday, November 22, 1493, he arrived at Hispaniola, on his second voyage to America. On Friday, June 13, 1494, he, though unknown to himself, discovered the continent of America. Friday, March 6, 1496, Henry VIII. of England gave to John Cabot his commission, which led to the discovery of North America. This is the first American state-paper in England. On Friday, September 7, 1565, Melendez founded St Augustine, the oldest town in the United States by more than forty years. On Friday, November 10, 1620, the แ May Flower," with the Pilgrims, made the harbour of Provincetown; and on the same day they signed the august compact, the forerunner of our present glorious Constitution. On Friday, December 22, 1620, the Pilgrims made their final landing at Plymouth Rock. On Friday, February 22, George Washington, the father of American freedom, was born. On Friday, October 7, 1777, the surrender of Saratoga was made, which had such power and influence in inducing France to declare for our cause. On Friday, September 22, 1780, the treason of Arnold was laid bare, which saved us from destruction. On Friday, October 10, 1781, the surrender of Yorktown, the crowning glory of the American arms, occurred. On Friday, July 7, 1776, the motion in Congress was made by John Adams, seconded by Richard Henry Lee, that the United States Colonies were, and of right ought to be, free and independent."


It is a curious fact that the love of our race is so innate in the robin as to render him unhappy in any other society-excepting only in the breeding season, when all birds are naturally shy and suspicious for the welfare of their offspring. Go into any wood, walk down any shady lane, enter any cemetery, seat yourself in any country churchyard, or perch yourself on any rural stile-within a few moments you will assuredly have a robin beside you, and he will assuredly introduce himself with a song. It is in vain for you to say "Nay." He fairly fascinates you; he woos your heart, and wins it. How many of my successes in winning human hearts are attributable to the hints afforded me by this ingenuous, bold, open-hearted, all-conquering bird!-Kidd on the Robin.


A dream within a dream-as we grow older

each step has an inward awakening. The youth awakes as he thinks from childhood

-the full-grown man despises the pursuits of youth as visionary-the old man looks on manhood as a feverish dream. Is death the last sleep? No-it is the last final awakening.-Sir Walter Scott.


The better men are, the more terrible it would make death if there were no future state. For the better they are, the more they love God. Good men have found the fountain of good. They have experience of a much better happiness in life than others; and therefore it must be more dreadful for them to have their being eternally extinct by death. Hence we may strongly argue a future state. -Edwards.


The eminent author of "The Saint's Rest," being reminded of his labours on his deathbed, replied, "I was but a pen in God's hand, and what praise is due to a pen ?"


If there be within us any sparks of Divine love, the best way not only to preserve them, but to excite them, to blow them up into a flame, is by the breath of prayer. O prayer, the converse of the soul with God; the breath of God in man returning to its original; the better half of our whole work, and that which makes the other half lively and effectual!Leighton.

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Books are spectacles with which we read nature. They teach us to understand and feel what we see, to decipher and syllable the hieroglyphics of the senses.-Dryden.


Great personal activity at times, and close sedentary and severely thoughtful habits at other times, are the forces by which able men accomplish notable enterprises. Sitting with thoughtful brows by their evening firesides, they originate and mature their plans; after which, with energies braced to their work, they move to the easy conquest of difficulties accounted formidable, because they have deliberated upon and mastered the best methods for overcoming them.

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and knowledge, said, "I never take up a newspaper without finding something I would have deemed it a loss not to have seen; never without deriving from it instruction and amusement."


I once met with an aged coloured woman who, in giving me the history of her humble life, mentioned the following circumstance:

"We lived a good while in the family of Dr. Livingston, of New Brunswick. Oh, that was a good time for old Joe and I! That was a heavenly house-worship every morning and evening, and always called in." Such was Aunt Betty's idea of "a heavenly house," and she was not very wide of the mark; where God is worshipped "every morning and evening," and the humblest members of the family are always called in.

The Lay Preachers' Corner.


Ir is a happy and successful trait in the minister of the Gospel, to possess a faculty for making a close, discreet, and timely personal application to his hearers of the truths he proclaims. Next to the possession of ardent and soul-enkindling piety, this faculty of bringing the solemnities of his theme to bear directly and personally upon the moral state of his hearers, is perhaps the minister's best assurance of success. The word of God is quick and powerful. It has a marvellous adaptedness to move the soul. It makes its appeal to the most susceptible and most impulsive elements of our moral nature. If it can be brought home to the inner man, and can be made to grasp the sources of emotion with its full energy, it will seldom fail of some effect-how often of the happiest effect! Such an application of the truth is not indeed always easy to be made; it pre-supposes the exercise of a delicate taste, and thorough knowledge of human nature, and that peculiar spiritual skill which is only learned in prayer and by the teaching of the Spirit. Yet so invaluable is it such a rich and beautiful attainment-that every pastor should seek for it as for hid treasures. Day by day, while moving among the souls whom he is seeking to save, should the careful study go on, for the acquisition of that special knowledge of the circumstances, character, idiosyncrasies, and tastes of his hearers, needful to shape the ministrations of the truth for effect. Effect, deep, lasting, and as immediate as possible, on the deathless spirits in his charge, should be the minister's great and earnest study. How short the time in which truth can be urged! How brief the period of hope! How terrible the power of habitual impenitence! Surely, if with any mortal the

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"The oracular power and virtue which once dwelt in the pulpit," says George Gilfillan, “have departed to the printing-press on the other side of the street. The parish church which once lorded it over the landscape, and pointed its steeple, like a still finger of hushing awe over the landscape, and even the Minster, which lifted up a broader hand of more imperative power, have found formidable rivals not only in the Dissenting chapel but in the private school, nay, in the public-house of the village, where men talk, and think, and form passionate purposes over newspapers. Sermons are now criticised, not obeyed; and when our modern Pauls preach, our Felixes yawn instead of trembling. Ministers have become a timid and apologetic class; the fearlessness of Knox is seldom met with, save among the fanatics of their number, in whom it looks simply ludicrous. The thunders of the pulpit have died away, or, when they are awakened, it is through the preacher's determination to be popular, or through the agitation of despair; he in general consults, not commands, the taste of his audience; and his word, unlike his professed Master's, is without authority, and therefore as that of the scribes, nay, less powerful than theirs. John Howe could preach six hours to unwearied throngs; twenty years ago Edward Irving could protract his

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SIR,-In the Magazine for October two communications are inserted, desiderating information on the "Nature and duties of the deacon's office," and an invitation is given, in your notices to correspondents, to any one who shall furnish a satisfactory article on the subject. As the permanency and importance of this office are recognised in all churches of the Congregational order-which are not considered as fully organised without a competent number of office-bearers, among whom deacons hold a prominent place-it is certainly desirable that the churches should have clear and definite views as to the proper qualifications of persons to be elected to this office, and the specific duties and obligations devolving upon them. This is necessary to the due order and discipline of the society, and to the comfort and usefulness of the individuals so chosen.

In the institution of a Christian church, two objects are contemplated. First, the preservation and manifestation of Divine truth, with a view to the edification of believers and the conversion of sinners. And, secondly, the securing a proper provision for the decent and orderly performance of Divine worship, and the relief of the poor and needy. This gives rise to two distinct classes of duties-the one

spiritual, and the other secular; and to the right discharge of these two, separate orders of office-bearers are requisite one to administer the spiritual affairs of the church, and the other to manage its temporal concerns. For the performance of the former, pastors or bishops were appointed by the great Head of the body; and for the discharge of the latter the office of deacon was instituted.

The word deacon, in its original meaning, is of very extensive application. It signifies simply servant, and is used in a secular sense, as well as in relation to ecclesiastical matters. It is applied to a household servant or attendant at table, as in John ii. 5, 6, where, describing the turning of the water into wine, "The mother of Jesus says to the servants (literally to the deacons), whatsoever He saith to you, do." It is also applied to civil magistrates, Rom. xiii. 4. "He is the minister (diaconos) of God to thee for good." Paul applies it to himself and to Apollos, 1 Cor. iii. 5, "Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers (diaconoi) by whom ye believed ?" Yea, the Saviour himself is thus designated, Rom. xv. 8, "But I say that Jesus Christ was made a minister (diaconon) of the circumcision;" but in its official and restricted sense it was gradually appropriated to those whose duty it

was to manage the secular affairs of the church, and implies that they are specially set apart for the service of the house of God. The original institution of the office is recorded in Acts vi. 1-6, which also explains the reason of the appointment; and we shall best come to understand its nature, and the qualifications which it requires, by adhering to the law and to the testimony as laid down by the sacred writer in this simple and authentic narrative, and in other parallel passages.

It appears, then, from the first institution of a Christian church in Jerusalem, there had been a common fund set apart for the support of the poor, especially widows and orphans, a 66 'daily ministration," to which the more affluent members contributed, and from which distribution was made, as every one had need. This fund, in the infancy of the church, the apostles undertook to manage, and they continued to do so for some time, with the entire concurrence and approbation of the body; but when "the number of the disciples was increased," the business became more complicated, and unreasonable jealousies and complaints of partiality arose. There were two parties in the church, one consisting of native Jews, who spoke the Hebrew language, and the other of foreign, or Hellenistic Jews, who used the Greek tongue. The latter, conceiving that the apostles were too partial to the former, as being more nearly connected with them by birth and language, a secret murmuring arose on the part of the Grecian brethren, not "because their widows were neglected" (or overlooked), as in our translation, which would seem to imply that there was some ground for this complaint, but merely "that" they were so overlooked. The historian simply states the fact, without giving any opinion as to whether it was well founded or not. This state of things determined the apostles to give up the management of the fund, as they could no longer give satisfaction to both parties, and to confine their attention thenceforth to their spiritual duties. Accordingly, having called a meeting of the church, they represented to the people that it was not reasonable (or agreeable) that they should "leave the word of God to serve tables." They therefore proposed that they should "look out from among them seven men of good report, full of the Holy Ghost and of wisdom, whom they might appoint over this business." This would free the apostles from all secular entanglements, and enable them to devote their whole time "to prayer and to the ministry of the Word." The proposal was unanimously agreed to, and having elected the number required, they placed them before the apostles, who set them apart to their office by prayer and the imposition of hands.

1. Here we may observe the qualifications of the persons to be chosen to the deacon's office. The doctrines and institutions of the church are all according to godliness. "Holiness becometh the house of the Lord," and those especially must be "clean who bear the vessels of the Lord." Accordingly, it was required of the primitive deacons, that they should be "men of honest report," (literally) witnessed to, by those that were without, as well as by the church; as faithful and just, and of blameless reputation in the world; full

of the Holy Ghost, either in His miraculous gifts, or in His sanctifying influence; possessed of a spiritual and devotional frame of mind. And we find that two of them at least were possessed of miraculous gifts, Stephen and Philip (Acts vi. 8; viii. 7); they were also to be "full of wisdom," or prudence, able to guide their own affairs and those of the church with discretion. In 1 Tim. iii. 8-10, we have a further account of the qualifications required in deacons. They must be "grave," that is, serious in their deportment, seemly in their carriage, as opposed, not to cheerfulness, but to all unseasonable levity; "not doubletongued," or addicted to flattery, or deceit, or backbiting, giving different accounts of the same thing to different persons, so as to excite misunderstanding between pastor and people, or jealousies between one member and another; "not given to much wine," sober and temperate in their habits, as essential to their respectability and usefulness; "not greedy of filthy lucre," or desirous of base or unlawful gain, so as to tempt them to appropriate the funds of the church to their own private use, or to grudge assisting the poor as occasion required, but disposed to devise and recommend liberal things, both by precept and example; "holding the mystery of the faith in (or with) a pure conscience," (like good wine in a clean vessel,) well instructed in Christian doctrine, and conscientious and consistent in maintaining it; they must also be not mere novices, but men of some standing in the church, so as to afford time and opportunity for testing their Christian character and trying their fitness; let these also first be proved, and then, having a faultless reputation, free from reproach, and such as to do honour to their religious profession, "let them use (or serve) the office of a deacon, being found blameless." If married men, they must be "the husband of one wife," free from all suspicion of polygamy or groundless divorce, so common at that period, both among Jews and heathens. If fathers, they must maintain good order and due subordination in their families, ruling their children and their own houses well. The same thing is required of bishops (see verses 4, 5), which would seem to imply that deacons as well as pastors are entrusted with a certain rule or care of the church of God, and that any deficiency in maintaining domestic authority, supposes a want of firmness, and consequently an unfitness for the efficient discharge of public duty. The eleventh verse is supposed to allude, not so much to the deacon's wives, as to the female deacons or deaconesses "the women also must be grave." Such was Phebe, who is described as a servant or deaconess of the church in Cenchrea; and such an office may still be necessary in those countries where the two sexes are kept strictly apart; and it is virtually discharged by the devoted wives of missionaries in India and other eastern regions. Yet, as a great part of a man's usefulness depends on the prudence and fidelity of his wife, it is of vast importance that the wives, both of ministers and of deacons, should bear the character here described-that they, too, should be " grave, not slanderers (or false accusers), sober and faithful in all things." When the apostle says of deacons, "let these

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