But when we know the grounds and authors of it, Of thine own cause. Fab. Good madam, hear me speak, Which I have wonder'd at. In hope it shall not, 370 Oli. Alas, poor fool, how have they baffled thee! Clo. Why, 'some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrown upon them.' I was one, sir, in this interlude; one Sir 380 Topas, sir; but that's all one. 'By the Lord, fool, I am not mad.' But do you remember? 'Madam, why laugh you at such a barren rascal ? an you smile not, he's gagged:' and thus the whirligig of time brings in his revenges. Mal. I'll be revenged on the whole pack of you. [Exit. Oli. He hath been most notoriously abused. Duke. Pursue him, and entreat him to a peace : He hath not told us of the captain yet: When that is known and golden time convents, 370. conceived against him, observed and resented in him. 371. importance, importunity. 374. pluck on, call forth. 390 377. baffled, ignominiously chastised. 391. convents, is convenient, suits. A solemn combination shall be made Of our dear souls. Meantime, sweet sister, Clo. [Sings] [Exeunt all, except Clown. When that I was and a little tiny boy, For the rain it raineth every day. But when I came to man's estate, With hey, ho, &c. 'Gainst knaves and thieves men shut their gate, For the rain, &c. But when I came, alas! to wive, With hey, ho, &c. By swaggering could I never thrive, But when I came unto my beds, With hey, ho, &c. With toss-pots still had drunken heads, For the rain, &c. A great while ago the world begun, But that's all one, our play is done, 398. and; used expletively in popular songs; cf.— He that has and a little tiny wit, K. Lear, iii. 2. 74; and Oth. iii. 2. 92 (Q2). 400. toy, trifle. [Exit. 412. toss-pots, drunkards. 400 410 DRAMATIS PERSONÆ DUKE, living in banishment. FREDERICK, his brother, and usurper of his dominions. JAQUES, lords attending on the banished duke. LE BEAU, a courtier attending upon Frederick. WILLIAM, a country fellow, in love with Audrey. A person representing Hymen. ROSALIND, daughter to the banished duke. CELIA, daughter to Frederick. PHEBE, a shepherdess. AUDREY, a country wench. Lords, pages, and attendants, etc. SCENE: Oliver's house; Duke Frederick's court; and the DURATION OF TIME The action of the play covers, according to Mr. Daniel's division, ten days, with intervals, thus :-- An interval of a few days: the journey to Arden. |