Imágenes de páginas

Alienation office, history of it, iv. 132, the reason of its name, with
its uses, iv. 105, 133, the parts of each officer therein, iv. 141,
how its profits might increase without damage to the subject,

Aliments changed, good


iv. 154, 155, 156

i. 277
ii. 67

Allegiance, does not follow the law or kingdom, but the person of
the king, iv. 330, 332, 346, 347, is due to sovereigns by the law
of nature, iv. 325, 326, statutes explained relating thereto, iv.
331, 332, is more ancient than any laws, iv. 347, continueth after
laws, ibid. is in vigour even where laws are suspended, ibid. must
be independent, and not conditional, iv. 427, oath of it altered,
with disputes following thereupon between the reformed and


ν. 308

Allen, cardinal, is mentioned for the popedom, iii. 98, a stage actor


of the same name, with an epigram upon him

v. 505

Alleys close gravelled, what they bring forth

i. 436

i. 512

Almonds, how used in clarifying the Nile water

Alonso Cartilio, his pleasant speech concerning his servants ii. 423
Alphonso Petrucci, his plot against the life of pope Leo v. 60

Alphonso duke of Calabria, eldest son to the king of Naples, has

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Altering the colours of hairs and feathers

i. 287, 288

Altham, baron of the exchequer, a grave and reverend judge iv. 504

Amalgamation, ii. 204, mixing mercury with other metals in a hot



Amber formed from a soft substance, i. 283, its virtue
Ambiguitas patens, what is meant thereby in law, iv. 79, how to be
holpen, ibid. latens, what meant by it, ibid. how to be holpen,
80, another sort of it

ii. 53


Ambition, ii. 343, to take a soldier without it, is to pull off his

spurs, ii. 344, the mischiefs of it, ibid. the use of ambitious

[blocks in formation]

Andrews, Dr. Lancelot, bishop of Ely, vi. 189, 233, knew early of
the lord chancellor's being engaged in writing his Novum Or-


vi. 253

Angelo, Michael, the famous painter

ii. 426

Anger, the impressions and various effects thereof, i. 492, causeth
the eyes to look red, why, ii. 32. Anger not to be extinguished,

only confined, ii. 386, compared by Seneca to ruin, which breaks
• itself on what it falls, ii. 387, its great weakness, from the sub-

jects in whom it most reigns, ibid. remedies of it

[ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small]

Animals and plants, that put forth prickles, generally dry ii. 70

Animate and inanimate bodies, wherein they differ

i. 449

Anne of Denmark, wife of king James I.

vi. 145

Anne of Bullen, what she said at her death

ii. 401

Anne, inheritress of the duchy of Britain, intended for Henry VII.

v. 10, but married to Charles VIII. of France

[blocks in formation]

Annuity given pro consilio impenso et impendendo, is not void, if

the grantee is hindered from giving it by imprisonment

iv. 16

Anointing of birds and beasts, whether it alters their colour, i. 287.

Anointing the body a preservative of health, i. 502. Anointing

of the weapon said to heal

ii. 75

Answers insufficient, how to be punished in chancery, iv. 518, in

what case they must be direct

iv. 519

Antalcidas the Spartan, ii. 448, rebukes an Athenian

[blocks in formation]

Antipathy and Sympathy, i. 288, of plants, i. 411, et seq. instances

of Antipathy in other kinds, ii. 65, et seq. Antipathy between

[blocks in formation]

Antonius, his genius weak before Augustus, ii. 56, ambassadors of

Asia Minor expostulate with him for imposing a double tax, ii.

452, his character, ii. 274, calls Brutus witch

ii. 316

Ape, its nature, ii. 70, virtue ascribed to the heart of an ape by the

writers of natural magic


A pelles

ii. 357

Apollonius of Tyana, ii. 43, the ebbing and flowing of the sea,
what, according to him, ibid. tells Vespasian, that Nero let down
the strings of government too low, or wound them up too high,
ii. 297, 438, tires Vespasian at Alexandria with his insipid specu-
lations, ii. 449, his affectation of retirement

ii. 314

Apophthegms, an appendix of history

Apophthegms, their use

i. 89

ii. 400

Apothecaries, how they clarify their syrups, i. 247, their pots, how

resembling Socrates

ii. 443

Apothecaries incorporated by patent, vi. 278, and notes (a) and (b)
Appetite, of continuation in liquid bodies, i. 253. Appetite of
union in bodies, i. 350. Appetite in the stomach, ii. 9, what qua-
lities provoke it


Apple, inclosed in wax for speedy ripening, i. 360, hanged in smoke,
ibid. covered in lime and ashes, ibid. covered with crabs and
onions, ibid. Apple in hay and straw, i. 361, in a close box,
ibid. Apple rolled, ibid. Apple in part cut besmeared with
sack, i. 361, rotten apples contiguous to sound ones, putrefy


i. 365
i. 374
ii. 356

Apple-cions grafted on the stock of a colewort

[ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small]

Apple-trees, some of them bring forth a sweet moss

i. 431

Aqua fortis dissolving iron

ii. 205

Aragon, kingdom of, is united with Castile, iii. 303, is at last natura-

lized to prevent any revolts, iii. 304, causes of its revolt iii. 264

Archbishop of Vienna, his revelation to Lewis XI.

ii. 72

Archbishops, how they came in use

ii. 512

Archidamus retorts upon Philip that his shadow was no longer than

[blocks in formation]

Aristippus, his abject behaviour to Dionysius, ii. 439, his luxury,
ii. 443, insulted by the mariners for shewing signs of fear in a
tempest, ii. 447, his censure of those who are attached to parti-
cular sciences

ii. 452

Aristotle mistakes the reason why the feathers of birds have more
lively colours than the hairs of beasts, i. 246, his precept that
wine be forborn in consumptions, i. 269, his reason why some
plants are of greater age than animals, i. 271, his method of har-
dening bodies with close pores, i. 284, full of vain-glory ii. 380


i. 108

Arms, the profession of them necessary to the grandeur of any

ii. 327


Army, a project of reinforcing it in Ireland, without any expense,

ν. 441

Arraignment of Blunt, Davers, Davis, Merick, and Cuffe, all con-
cerned in lord Essex's treason; with their confessions, evidences
against them, their defences, and answers thereto

iii. 179

Arrest, in what cases the constable has power to execute it iv. 313
Arrows, with wooden heads sharpened, pierce wood sooner than

[blocks in formation]

Art of war, its progress, improvement, and change

ii. 327

Arthur, prince, born, v. 19, married to Catherine, v. 156, v. 162,
dies at Ludlow-castle, v. 163, studious and learned beyond his

years and the custom of princes


Artichokes, how made less prickly and more dainty, i. 405. Arti-
choke only hath double leaves, one for the stalk, another for the


i. 472

Arundel, lord, some account of him

ν. 460

Arundel, Thomas earl of, sworn of the council in Scotland, vi. 155,

wishes lord viscount St. Alban well

vi. 371

Ashes in a vessel will not admit equal quantity of water, as in the
vessel empty, i. 261. Ashes an excellent compost

i. 446

Asp causeth easy death

i. 461

Assassin, this word derived from the name of a Saracen prince,

iv. 444, 445



ii. 349

Assimilation in bodies inanimate, i. 285, in vegetables

Astriction prohibiteth putrefaction, i. 368, of the nature of cold ibid.

Astringents, a catalogue of them

ii. 220, 221, 222


i. 108

Astronomers, some in Italy condemned

ν. 466

Atheism, ii. 290, rather in the lip than the heart, ibid. the causes

of it, ii. 291. Atheists contemplative rare


Athens, their manner of executing capital offenders, i. 461, there
wise men propose, and fools dispose, ii. 454, their wars

ii. 328


i. 126

Atlantis, New, ii. 79, described, ii. 94, et seq. swallowed up by an

earthquake, as the Ægyptian priest told Solon

[ocr errors]

ii. 389

i. 290, 291
v. 137

Atoms, how supported by Democritus
Aton, in Scotland, its castle taken by the earl of Surry
Attainder, cases relating thereto explained, iv. 20, 21, 48, 49, what
sort of them shall give the escheat to the king, iv. 102, etc. and
what to the lord, iv. 108, by judgment, 102, by verdict or con-
fession, iv. 108, by outlawry, ibid. taken often by prayer of
clergy, iv. 109, forfeiteth all the person was possessed of at the
time of the offence, iv. 110, there can be no restitution of blood
after it, but by act of parliament, with other consequences there-
of, iv. 111, if a person guilty of it shall purchase, it shall be to
the king's use, unless he be pardoned, ibid. cases relating to a
person guilty of it, and his children, iv. 110, 111, the clause of
forfeiture of goods thereby, found in no private act till Edward
IV.'s reign
iv. 175


v. 15


Attainders of the adherents of Henry VII. reversed, v. 14, 15.
Attainders of his enemies
Attention without too much labour stilleth the spirits i. 503
Attorney-general, used not to be a privy-counsellor, iv. 363, did not
then deal in causes between party and party
Attraction by similitude of substance, i. 487, catalogue of attractive
ii. 215, 216
Atturnement, what it is, iv. 117, must be had to the grant of a re-
version, ibid. in what cases a tenant is obliged to atturne ibid.
Audacity and confidence, the great effects owing to them ii. 57
Audibles mingle in the medium, which visibles do not, i. 332, the
cause thereof, ibid. several consents of audibles and visibles, i.
341, 342, several dissents of them, i. 343, 344, 345. Audibles
and visibles do not destroy or hinder one another, i. 342. Audibles
carried in arcuate lines, visibles in straight ones i. 343, ii. 55
Audley, lord, heads the Cornish rebels, v. 130, his character, ibid.
taken, v. 135, beheaded on Tower-hill

Avernus, lake of


ii. 51

Augustus Cæsar, ii. 413, his wonder at Alexander, ii. 441, indigna-
tion against his posterity, calling them imposthumes, and not
seed, ii. 449, 450, died in a compliment, ii. 256, his attachment
to Agrippa, ii. 316, of a reposed nature from his youth, ii. 355,
commended as a great lawgiver

Aviaries, which recommended

iv. 5, 378
ii. 368

Auterlony's books of 2001. land in charge in fee-simple, stayed at

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Authority strengtheneth imagination, ii. 61, its power and influence,
ibid. followeth old men, and popularity youth

Autre capacité & autre droit, their difference shewn

iv. 243

Auxiliary forces, v. 72, aids of the same nation on both sides ibid.

Axioms to be extracted

i. 472

Aylesbury, Thomas, vi. 297, secretary to the marquis of Bucking-

ham as lord high admiral



BABYLON, its walls cemented by Naptha

[ocr errors][merged small]

Bacon, Sir Nicholas, a short account of him, iii. 96, bishop of Ross's
saying of him, ibid. was lord keeper of the great seal, ii. 407,
409, 422, 426, an old arrear demanded of him, vi. 368, indebted
to the crown

vi. 381

Bacon, Mr. Antony, ii. 420, 421, v. 273, our author's dedication
to him

ii. 251

Bacon, Sir Francis, made attorney-general, ii. 421, his conversation
with Gondomar when advanced to the great seal, ii. 422, his
apology for any imputations concerning lord Essex, iii. 211, his
services to lord Essex, iii. 213, two points wherein they always
differed, iii. 215, 216, a coldness of behaviour grows between
them, iii. 217, his advice to the queen about calling home lord
Essex from Ireland, iii. 218, his advice to lord Essex, when he
came from Ireland without leave from the queen, iii. 219, en-
deavours to reconcile the queen to lord Essex, iii. 220, etc. de-
sires the queen to be left out in Essex's cause, iii. 222, writes an
account by the queen's order of the proceedings relating to Essex,
iii. 232, 233, is censured by some for his proceedings in the
Charter-house affair, but unjustly, v. 506, he praises the king's
bounty to him, v. 567, complains to the king of his poverty, v.
568, expostulates roughly with Buckingham about neglecting
him, v. 573, does the same with treasurer Marlborough, v. 582,
begs of the king a remission of his sentence, and the return of his
favour, v. 583, promises bishop Williams to bequeath his writings
to him, v. 585, his last will, vi. 411, is charged with bribery. See

Bacon, Sir Francis, offends queen Elizabeth by his speeches in
parliament, vi. 2, 3, speeches drawn up by him for the earl of
Essex's device, vi. 22, & seq. arrested at the suit of a goldsmith,
vi. 41, 42, substance of a letter written by him to the queen for
the earl of Essex, vi. 43, insulted by the attorney-general Coke,
vi. 46, arrested again, vi. 48, desires to be knighted, ibid. going
to marry an alderman's daughter, vi. 49, and note (c), his letter
to Isaac Casaubon, vi. 51, writes to the king on the death of the
earl of Salisbury, lord treasurer, vi. 52, 53, his letter to the king
touching his majesty's estate in general, vi. 58, on the order of
baronets, vi. 63, his charge against Mr. Whitelocke, vi. 65, letter
to the king on the death of the lord chief justice Fleming, vi. 70,
his letters to Mr. John Murray, vi. 76, 77, supplement to his
speech against Owen, vi. 80, 81, thanks to Sir George Villiers
for a message to him of a promise of the chancellor's place, vi.
88, questions legal for the judges in the case of the earl and coun-
tess of Somerset, vi. 94, his heads of the charge against the earl

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