1 Secondly, for what poore? I find it was founded for two poore Widdowes, and such are to be placed successively, and there is given, by your Grace's Directions, to either of them xx s. yearly. Thirdly, all the Profitts cominge to the Master, both by Pensions and Rents, are xiiii l. x s. Fourthly, the Patron of the Hospitall is the Lord Archbishop of Yorke, for the time beinge, and sede vacante the Kinge. I find a Bill of Remembrance in these Words: "This Bill made the xiith, day of July, anno ‘`xix°. "Henrici octavi, Witnesseth me William Hollgill to "have received of the right worshipfull Maister Barra, "Prebend of Suthwell, the day of these presents, VII. "Pieces of Evidences sealed, concerninge the Chappell "of St. Marie Magdalen of Bawtrie, to the use and be"hoofe of the Incumbent of the same Chappell that now "is, his and his successors. In witnesse whereof I the said "William Hollgill have sett my Seale, and subscribed my Name, the day and yeare above written. Butt where this Hollgill dyed, or what became of these Evidences, it cannot be knowne, which is a great Wound and Hurt to that Hospitall. The Certificate of Sir John Markeham, Knight, William Cooper, Nichollas Powtrell, Esquiers, and John Wiseman, Gent. Commissioners of our Soveraigne Lord the King in the County of Nottingham, for the survayinge of all Chauntries, Hospitalls, Colleges, Free Chappells, Fraternities, Brotherhoods, Guilds and Sallaryes of stipendarye Priests, within the said County, ac cordinge to certaine Articles, hereunder written, by the vertue of the King's Majestie's Commissioner to them directed, Dated the XIII. day of February, in the XXXVIIth yeare of the Raigne of our said most dread Soveraigne Lord, Henry the eight, by the Grace of God. of England, France and Ierland King, Defender of the Faith, and in Earth, under God, of the Church of England and Ierland the supreame Head, amongst other things, is contayned as followeth. "The parrishe of Harworthe. "The Hospital of Mary Magdalen juxta Bawtrie, "founded by one Robert Morton for a Priest, there to "be resident, and to keepe Hospitalitie for poore Peo"ple, to pray for the Founder's Soule and all Christian / Soules, as the Deputye of the Incumbent saith uppon "his Oathe, without any Writings shewed to the Com"missioners. In the Booke of the tenthe xii s. viii d. In the King's Bookes - viii li. per an. - XIII s. iiii d. paid to the Priest, with vi li. xiiis. iiii d. received aswell out of the King's Revenewes, as out of the late surrendred Monasterie of St. Oswald cvis. 8 d. as out of the Lordshipp of Scrooby xxvis. viii d. which Revenewes > have beene imployed to the use of Richard Pigott, Chapliene to Kinge Henry the eight, savinge that he did give to a Preist xiii s. iiii d. to say masse there two dayes. in the Weeke. 。 And it hath with 2 Closest and a Mancion rented before att XL s. by the yeare. The Names of some Archbyshops, who have beene Patrons, and whom they have presented to the Hospitall. combined with Robinson, Short, and Noble to subvert the Hospitall, and, uppon false Information, it was passed as a Concealement, and thereupon he was deprived. John Pierce John Cooper, and in both theire names was the suit commenced and decreed. Tobie Mathew kept out of the John Slacke, who was Pocession of the Hospitall, by ed to be a Concealement, and so passed under All these, that are here sett downe, did combyne in that Action: James Brewster, (then Maister of that Hospitall,) Thomas Robinson, Thomas Short, John Noble, as appear eth upon theire Confession before the Highe Commis sioners att Yorke. A Coppye of the Warrant from the Commissioners, to attach James Brewster, Tho. Short, Thomas Robinson, and others, for profayninge and ruinatinge the Howse and Chappell of the Hospitall. "Theras We are crediblie enfourmed, that diverse "evill disposed Persons have of late entred the Hospitall " of Mary Magdalen at Bawtric, and pluckt up, and "carried away certaine Stalls and other Furniture be❝longinge to the same, contrary to all order, and with*out any Aucthoritie; "On the behalfe therefore her Highnes Commissioners for Causes Ecclesiasticall to us and others di"rected, We will and commaund yow, and allso hereσε by do aucthorize yow, and every of yow, or any of 2 yow, that if any such Person do hereafter enter the " said Hospitalle, for the purpose abovesaid, that then 66 yow, or any of yow (not omittinge for any Libertie, Previlidge or Exempts) do attach the said Person or Persons, so intermedlinge in the Premisses, and there"upon 3 to bringe, or send, him or them forthwith be"fore us, and other our Associats, her Majestie's Com missioners for Causes Ecclesiasticall within the Pro"vince of Yorke, or three of us, to the Citty of Yorke, that such order may be taken with them, and every of "them, as to Equitie and Justice shall appertaine; And "these Presents shall be your Warrant in that behalfe. "Faile ye not hereof, as yow will answere the contrary ! Sic. Sic. 3 Sic "att "att your perills. Given at Yorke under her Majestie's "Signett, used in this behalfe, the sixt day of March "Anno Domini, 1590. "John Gybson. "John Bennett. "William Goodwyn. "To John Thornaighe, Esq;, Sherife of the County of "Nottingham, and to all Justices of Peace, Maiors, She"riffs, Baliffs, Headborroughs and Constables, and to "all other her Majestie's Officers, and loving Subjects, "within the Province of Yorke. And allso to Anthony "Morton, Esq; and Roger Collier, her Majestie's Pursivants, or to any of them. Now followes the Confession of Thomas Robinson before the high Commissioners at Yorke : "About May last I agreed with one Will. Ballard, of *Lincoln's-Inne, Gent. beinge deputie to Sir Edward "Stanley, havinge a Graunt for Concealements, for the "Summe of xii li. to have the Hospitall convey'd to me "by Fee-Farme, but before Sir Edward Stanley's Booke "passed, one William Typper passed a Booke, wherein "William Ballard got him to passe his Hospitall, and "tooke his hand to passe it to him by Fee-Farme. "I brought for Ralfe Dames, James Brewster and Ed"ward Watteson a Subpoena, to shew how they held it, " and they yeildinge, I entred to the Howse and Grounds, " and sold mine Intrest for about an hundred Markes, if "that I could obtaine the Pension, being 5 li. yerely to "the Maister of the Hospitall, whereof I have received xv li, and I have a Bill of his hand for 49. li. bond in an |