The Mannour of Melles. Rentes of Assise and Customary Tenanntes, The Rentes of Assise and Customary Tenanntes there, apperteynyng unto the said Manour, with the Workes and Customes whiche they are bounde to doe by Tenure of there Landes, are of the yerely value of The Scyte of the saide Manour, with the Demaynes apperteynyng unto the same, are letton by Indenture for the some of xxxvii li. Rentes and Fermes. vi li. vi s. m iii. cxixli. viii s. ix di. q. LXXi li. viiis. iii d. ob. Per Perquisites of Courtes and Fynes. The Profittes of the Courtes, Fynes and other Casuallties, are answered to the King's Highness this yere at Able men to serve the King. 1 xxvii li. iii s. iii d. Also there are of able menne belonging unto the same, able to doe the King servyce, to the nomber of xxx. Bondemen. Also there be within the sayde Lordeship certayne The Mannour of Budcleigh. I The Rentes of Assise and Coppye holders belongeing unto the sayde Manour, with the Workes and Customes, whiche they are bounde to doe by tenure of theire Landes, are of the yerely value of Rentes of Fermes. xxxix li. iii s.viiid. ob. The Scyte of the sayde Manour, with the Demayne Landes apperteynyng unto the same, are of the yerely xili. value of Perquisites of Courtes and Fynes. The Perquysites of the Courtes, Fynes, Herietts and other Casualties, as appereth in the Boke of Accompts, v s. x-d. a Also there is Woodde in the Comone conteynyng ii MI. acres, well sett with Alders, Wethyes and Okes, wherof the late Abbat and Convent made a yerely Wood sale, and are estemed to be worthe Also there ys Grove, called Butlesbeare, contaynyng XL. Acres, wherein is moche fayre Tymbre, to the value of XX DCCiiii- DCCC- XL li. Able men to serve the King. Also there are within the Precincte of the sayde Lordeship, certaine Tenanntes, and able men, to doe the Kinge servyce, to the nombre of Bondemen. ¡ cli, ixs. vid.ob. xxiii. There be also certayne Bonde menne within the same Lordeship, at the Kinge's pleasure, to the nombre of xvii. Common. Also there is a Common apperteynyng unto the said Manour, called Allermore, wherein the Coppie holders of the same Lordeship have fre Common for their Ca- ii. myles. tall, and are bounde to drive the same, and it conteyneth in circuyte The Mannour of Bastesborough. Rentes and Demaynes. The Rentes of Assise, Customarye Tennantes, and ci li. viis. Demaynes, perteyning to the saide Manour, are of the yerely valew of Perquisites of Courtes and Fynes. x d. q. The Profitts of the Courts, Fynes, and other Casualties, 7 xxxiii li. as appereth in the Bokes of Accompts of this yere, are xvi s. iiid. Woodes. Woodes: Also there are ii. Woodes pertaynyng unto the sayde Manour, called Southwoode and C LXiii s. Northwoode, contaynyng viii. Acres, well C naunts, worthe to be solde iiii. li. wherin there may be a yerely Wood sale be made of Able men to serve the King. Also there are within the sayde Lordeship certayne Tenanntes, and able persons to doexxiii. the King servyce, to the nomber of I Bondmen. Also there be within the same certayne Bondemen, beyng in ervytude both of Bodye and Goodes, at the King's pleasure, in nombre vii. The Mannour of Estpennard. Rentes of Assise and Customary Tenanntes. The Rentes of Assise and Coppeholdersapperteynyng unto the sayde Manour, with theire Workes and Customes, whiche they are bound unto by Custome of there holdyng, are of the yerely value of Demaynes. XLIX li. Xs. ob. 4. The Demaynes apperteynyng unto the 7 saide Manour, beyng let out for terme of XL s. yeres, are of the yerely value of Perquisites of Courtes and Fynes. The Perquisites of Courtes, Fines, and lxxix li. other Casualties, are worthe, as it doth ap- pere by the Boke of Accompts, Xs. ii d. CXxxviii li. vii s. vii d. q. xx li. ob. q. Able men to serve the King. There be also perteynyng to the saide Lordeship certayne able persons, to doe the xx. King servyce, if nede be, to the nombre of Bondmen. Also there inhabite within the sayde Lordeship certayne Bondemen, to the nom-xi. bre of The Mannour of Dicheyat. The Rentes of Assise and Customary Tenauntes. The Rentes of Assise and Customary Tenanntes there, apperteynyng unto the sayde Lordeship, with the Workes and Customes there unto due, are of the yerely value of Lix li. xiii d. ob. Perquisites of Courtes and Fynes. The Perquisites of the Courtes, with the viili. vii s. Lxvi li. Fynes and other Casualties, were this yere d. answered to the King at Able men to serve the Kinge. Also there be within the Precincte of the Y saide Lordship certayne able persons, to doe xx. the King servyce, to the nombre of The Mannour of Myddleton. viii s. iiid. ob. The Rentes of Assise and Customary Tenanntes. The Rentes of Assise and Coppie holders, that apperteyne unto the sayde Manour, with (xvii li. the Workes and Customes due unto the same, are of the yerely value of Demaynes. The Demaynes belonging unto the same Lordeship, lett owt by Indenture for terme of yeres, are of the yerely value of xxii d. q. vi li. vi s. jxd. Perquisites of Courtes and Fynes. The Perquysites of Courtes and Fynes, with other Casualties, are of the yerely va-iiii li. ixd. lue of xxvii li. ix s. v d.q. Able |