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with me, puts himself now, as it seems, in new hopes to prevail with my lord treasurer, for your lordship's good and advantage, by a proposition, sent by Mr. Johnson, for the altering of your patent to a new mould, more safe than the other, which he seemed to dissuade, as I wrote to your lordship. I like my lord treasurer's heart to your lordship, so much every day worse than other, especially for his coarse usage of your lordship's name in his last speech, as that I cannot imagine he means you any good. And therefore, good my lord, what directions you shall give herein to Sir Arthur Ingram, let them be as safe ones as you can think upon: and that your lordship surrender not your old patent, till you have the new under seal, lest my lord keeper should take toy, and stop it there. And I know your lordship cannot forget they have such a savage word among them, as fleecing. God in heaven bless your lordship from such hands and tongues; and then things will mend of themselves.

Your Lordship's, in all humbleness

[blocks in formation]

I FIND my lord treasurer, after so many days and appointments, and such certain messages and promises, doth but mean to coax me-it is his own word of old, and to saw me asunder, and to do just nothing uponhis majesty's gracious reference, nobly procured by your lordship for this poor remnant. My lord, let it be your own deed; and, to use the prayers of the Litany, good lord deliver me from this servile dependence; for I had rather beg and starve, than be fed at that door.

God ever prosper your lordship.

Your Lordship's most bounden

[blocks in formation]

Remembrances of the Lord Viscount St. ALBAN, upon his going to the Lord Treasurer. (a)

My Lord,

For past matters, they are memorial with me. I thank God I am so far from thinking to retrieve a fortune, as I did not mark where the game fell. I ascribe all to Providence. Your lordship hath greatness; and I hope you will line it with goodness. Of me you can have no use; but you may have honour by me, in using me well: for my fortune is much in your hands.

For Sir G. I heard by Sir Arthur, (b) you thought well of my dealing to him; for so Ingram told me.

But I doubt he reported somewhat amiss of me, that procured that warrant; since which he thinks he may bring me to his own conditions, never comes to me, flies from that he had agreed; so to conclude with the letter upon even terms.

For the king, I must submit. Ingram told me there should be a favour in it, till I might sue to the king. The sequestration as much as a resumption; for if it be as in the king's hands, all will go back; so it requires a farmer.

My pension and that the rewards of my long service, and relief of my present means. In parliament

(a) These are written in Greek characters.
(b) Ingram.

he said he would not have me know what want meant.

LA. B. (a).

OF York-house garden :

Of New-hall :

Of my being with my lord treasurer :

Of my business.

It is well begun: I desire it may be your act.

It is nothing out of the king's purse: it laid fair;

a third part of the profit.

The king bestows honour upon reward, one honour upon alms and charity.

Time, I hope, will work this, or a better.
I know my lord will not forsake me.

He can have but one mother. Friends wayfarers, some to Waltham, some to Ware, and where the ways part, farewel.

I do not desire to stage myself, nor pretensions, but for the comfort of a private life. Yet will I be ever at your and the king's call. Malcontent, or busy-body, I scorn to be.

Though my lord shall have no use of me, yet he shall have honour by me.

For envy, the almanack of that year, is past.

You may observe last parliament, though an highaiming parliament, yet not a petition, not a clamour, not a motion, not a mention of me. Visitations by all the noblemen about the town.

A little will make me happy: the debts I have paid.

I shall honour my lord with pen and words; and be ready to give him faithful and free counsel, as ready, as when I had the seal; and mine ever suavibus modis for safety, as well as for greatness.

The king and the prince, I hear for certain, well


To dine with:
To go to New-hall.

(a) Lady Buckingham, mother of the duke.


Excellent Lord,

I PERCEIVE this day, by Mr. Comptroller, (a) that I live continually in your lordship's remembrance and noble purposes concerning my fortunes, as well for the comfort of my estate, as for countenancing me otherwise by his majesty's employments and graces; for which I most humbly kiss your hands, leaving the times to your good lordship; which, considering my age and wants, I assure myself, your lordship will the sooner take into your care. And for my house at Gorhambury, I do infinitely desire your lordship should have it; and, howsoever I may treat, I will conclude with none, till I know your lordship's farther pleasure, ever resting

Your Lordship's most obliged

Bedford-house, this 5th of Feb. 1622. (b)

and faithful servant,



My very good Lord,

I HAVE received, by this bearer, the privy seal for the survey of coals, which I will lay aside, until I shall hear farther from my lord Steward, (c) and the rest of the lords.

I am ready to do as much as your lordship desireth, in keeping Mr. Cotton (d) off from the violence of

(a) Henry Cary, viscount Falkland.

(b) Two days before the marquis of Buckingham set out privately,

with the prince, for Spain.

(c) Duke of Lenox.

(d) Probably the surety of lord Bacon, for the debt to Harris the goldsmith, mentioned in his lordship's letter of May 30, 1622.



those creditors: only himself is, as yet, wanting in some particular directions.

I heartily thank your lordship for your book; and all other symbols of your love and affection, which I will endeavour upon all opportunities to deserve : and, in the mean time, do rest

Your Lordship's assured faithful

Westminster-college, this 7th

of February, 1622.

poor friend and servant,


To the right honourable his very good lord, the lord viscount St. Alban.


Excellent Lord,

THOUGH your lordship's absence (a) fall out in an ill time for myself; yet because I hope in God this noble adventure will make your lordship a rich return in honour, abroad and at home, and chiefly in the inestimable treasure of the love and trust of that thrice excellent prince; I confess I am so glad of it, as I could not abstain from your lordship's trouble in seeing it expressed by these few and hasty lines.

I beseech your lordship, of your nobleness vouchsafe to present my most humble duty to his highness, who, I hope, ere long will make me leave king Henry the Eighth, and set me on work in relation of his highness's adventures.

I very humbly kiss your lordship's hands, resting


February 21, 1622.

Your Lordship's most obliged

friend and servant.


Excellent Lord,

UPON the repair of my lord of Rochford unto your lordship, whom I have ever known so fast and true

(a) In Spain.

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