Imágenes de páginas

De Maddok & Morgan,

Saynt Seuere was golden þorgh force in couenant,
Burdeus wild þei no wolden, had Frankis & Normant.
pan gede ilk a Pikard, scornand & makand rýme,
Lorn is now Edward, Gascoyn in alle his tỷme.
I pe Inglis wend haf help of þe kỷng of Aragoune,
Of Edward had þei mad gelp, & his broper Edmoun,
& of pe erle of Lincoln, bei wend þei suld com pider,
Bot alle bei were forholn, & failed þam alle togider.
To while our Inglis alle wer in tribulacioun,
Wales (wo mot it falle!) res eft porgh tresoun.
Bot after þe Pask tide þe kyng so on þam ran,
Maugre alle per pride, Snowdon on þam wan.
Sipen in Angleseie did set his pauilloun,
Romand in his weie, cried pes in ilk a toun.
Tille alle pat pes wild haue, pes he wille gyue.
& lyue & lymme suld saue po, þat in pes wild lyuc.
Bot þe erle of Gloucestre so had him misborn,
Southwales, þat was his estre, porgh Morgan had he lorn.
I ne wote whi it was bituex him & Morgan,

Ne how com þat trespas, þat Morgan on him ran.
Tille Edward our kyng wild Morgan not be gode,

Bot Maddok mad werryng, & cald him prince of blode.

Was taken þorgh consaile, & led to Londoun,

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Now is Maddok wroperhaile don in þer prisoun,
porgh Edward long trayne Gascoyn is born doun,
Non defendes his chayne, bot only Bayoun.

If he bi tyme had gon þorh help of bis Gascons,
þer suld haf standen non, Philip no Charlons,


He suld haf wonnen Saynt Seuer & Rions,
Tolouse & Tolousan, Burdeus with his somons.

WALES wo! be be, pe fende þe confound.
Scotland whi ne mot I se be sonken to Helle ground?
Was neuer in þam both terme set ne stounde,
þat þei discorded wroth, pe pes tion in þam founde.
In Wales said beforn alle day is mischance,
& Gascoyn now is lorn, þorgh treson of France.
What did Jon Baliol, þat Edward did auance,
Bot falsly, as a fole, bigan a disceyuance?
borgh conseile of hise he sent vnto pe pape,

& controued a quaintise, a new falsnes did schape,
& said Scotlond suld be, þorgh right & olde setnesse
Holden of his se, & of non els pat es,

& Edward of Inglond, þorgh force & myght,
In his homage him bond, ageÿǹ his wille & right.
"We ask gow grace of þis, assoỷle him of þat othe,
"þat he did maugre his, to wrong was him lothe,
"Bot he mot quitely go in world where he fore,
" & frely passe him fro, fro whom þat he to suore.
'þe pape Celestyn, of non avisement,

With letter bulled fýn assoyled to Scotlond sent.
Whan þis bulle was brouht home bi messengres,
A vileyine pami pouht, to mak þam duze pers,

I Le pape Celestine trop desauise Assolt le Rey descoce par lettre enbulle, Gall.

De Wallia & Scocia, & falsitate corum.





Desherite Edward of alle his seignorie,

1 Of Jon Baliol musard suilk was his curteysie.

For Edward gode dede

pe Baliol did him mede

Turne we ageyn to rede

& on our geste to spede

a wikked bounte.

a Maddok þer left we.

Now is Morgan golden, & Maddok he bendes,
be kyng comen to London, bi consail of his frendes.
Tuo Cardenalles of Rome pe pape hider sent,
To Paris bope þei come, to be parlement,

þei said luf to make, þe pape wild entermet,
þat non ageyn oper take, tille tyme þat he had set.
pise cardinals so bond Edward & Philip,

Nouper suld werri bi lond, no in water bi schip,
Bot hold þam stone stille in pes at þer cuntre,
pat nouber of þam did ille, pe pape wild justise be.
þise kynges stille þei left at þe pape's request,

þe Normanz com now eft, & mak a newe gest.

ALS pes was mad of partie þorgh cardinals þat com ouer,

insultum ad þe folk of Normundie aryued vp at Douer,


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& men of Caleis camen with pam wele I wene,

To brenne þe toun alle samen, & slouh men prittene. be wardeyn herd it telle of pe castelle bisidé,

A monke of a Celle bare him wele þat tide.

þei sette so wele þer wardes, & stifly samen stode,
þat Normanz & Pikardes left bope hede hode.
A monke þer was I wene, he slouh tuenti,
per hedes quýte & clene, he laid pam bi & bi.

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A monk was of þat celle, þei slouh him danz Thomas,
A saynt he men telle, with Normanz slayn he was.
I wene þat þei gede, mykelle not bei wonnen,
þe Frankis þat mot spede, to schippes fast ronnen.
After alle pis fare, pe cardinals went þer weie,
What ansuere þei bare, pe sope can I not say.
No þe les of fele pis was be comon sawe,


þer folk alle sulle pe spele, & fro werryng þam drawe
Edward & Philip, & late pe folk ouer wend
& passage haf in schip, to londes forto lend.
In þe sufferance of pes, tille pe acorde wer ent,
be Inglis perto ches, if Almanz wild consent.

To while pise cardinals trauaild for þe pes,

Here of a wikhals how he bigan a res.
'Thomas Turbeuile was taken at Rions,

At Paris he duelte a while in hold with oper prisons.


I Thomas de Turbeuyle, qe a Riouns fu pris, En taunt ad parle al prouost de Parys, Ke [vel Qe] fet ad

Vol. II.

son homage, & hostages mys
Les. ii. fiz en garde, & sure
ment promys, Aler en Eu-
gleterre, espyer le pays, Et


De tradici one Turbe uile.

To be proucst he spak, & bed him his homage,
His oth þat he ne brak, he left in his ostage
& hise childre tuo, & suore him his leaute,
Tille Inglond suld he go, to spie ilk a cuntre,
Tille pe kyng suld he say, þat he of prison fled,
He wist non sikerer way, for socour tille him sped.
þe prouest als tite to Thomas perfor him bond,

& granted him with scrite tuo hundreth pounde of lond,
& Thomas trouht him plight, & suore on þe messe,
Of Inglond alle þe right, & Wales more & lesse,
& of Scotlond alle pe men, þat were of pris,
Suld enclyn & falle to Philip fitz Lowys.
Now gos pis Thomas, his treson to purchace,
Bot' how Edward was warned porgh⚫ Gode's.
Thomas tille Inglond com to kyng & said,

Bi nýght he skapid of bond of prison þer he was laid,
For his luf to haue, suilk perille on him drouh,
& þat he vouched saue for his luf wele inouh.
be kýng tille him perfore did grete curteỷsie,
Wynnyng for his lore he gaf him largelie.

gos Turbcuile, & serchis day bi day,
To do be kyng a gile, how & whan he may.
He serchis alle pe coste, where were best coming,
To bring in Frankis oste, forto tak our kỳng.

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