Imágenes de páginas

Of Inglond suld þei hold þorgh right & skille,

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Fo wild þe feffementes ald, & þei granted pertille. þis was certified, & sikere on ilk side.

It might not be denied, for þing þat mot betide. pis conseild Sir Antoýn, þe bisshop of Durham, þat non eft mad essoyn, þe kynge's right to clamc.

Now wex pe Scottes wode, now haue þei nythe & onde,

Who of þat fals blode ouh to be king of pe londe.
þat was right heire is dede, on þat side is no mo,
borgh blode & right rede to Dauid salle it go.
Dauid of Huntington was kynge's Wiliam broper,
Tille his heires þorgh reson, of William is non oper.
Of William now is non, Dauid heire salle be,
& his heirs of him gon salle haf þe regalte,
Dauid had douhtres pre were gyuen to pre lordynges,
þat claymes þe regalte, Baliol, Brus, Hastýnges.
þis ilk pre barons, porgh descent of blode,

Haf right & resons to be coroune fulle gode.

þise pre gald þer right vp to Sir Edward,

Tille it wer atried þorgh sight, whom it felle afterward.
Sir Edward is seised in Scotland ilk a dele,

þise pre barons pesid, & hold þam paied wele. 1 Now com pis barons eft, & ask jugement,

To whom it salle be left, þorgh comon assent.
þe kyng wille bot wele, pe lawe alle vnderstandes,
þe hie folk ilk a dele, he did com of bobe þe landes
Scottis & Inglis, he said to be wisest,

"Gyue now gode dome of þis, whilk of þise may best

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Ecce mur

mur factum

pro rege Scottorum,

Ecce Angli & Scotti tractant

pro regno Scocia

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Forma homagii Jo

"To resceyué þé coroune, Scotlond forto gemé,

þat þe right go not doune, & best may gow alle geme. What for þe kynge's sawe, & skille þei vnderstode, & þorgh be londe's lawe, & descent of blod, þe triours alle pat caste, & put per saw tille on. "We say with word stedfaste, we chefe Baliol Jon. "Sir Jon þe Baliol es a man he reame maỷ saue, " & nere of blode & flessh, þe heritage to haue, "For euer we vnderstond, tille him & alle hise, "Holdand of Inglond, for homage & seruise. Our kyng Sir Edward held him wele payed, He did pam no more hard, ne langer was delayed. Disseised him self of alle, gald it to Sir Jon,

Bot Jon his homage salle mak or he be gon.

Saynt Steuenday it felle, þat Jon mad his homage,
At þe Newe castelle, listnes pe langage.

66 I

'My lord Edward þe kyng Inglis,

hannis Ba & chefe lord of pe Scottis,

liolensis a


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pud Novum ❝ I Jon Baliol þe Scottis kyng,
"I bicom þi man for Scotlond þing,


This form is thus express'd (but not in Rhythm) in the French Copies: Moun seygnoure Sire Edward, Reis Dengleterre. & souerayne seignour du realme descoez, [vel de Escoce sive descoce] Jeo Jon de Balyol, Rey descoce, deuenk vostre home lige de tut le realme descoce,

oue les [vel ouf tuz les] apur-
tenaunces, e ou qaunt qe
apent, [vel ouf kauncke apent]
le quel ioe [vel io, sive ieo]
tenk de dreit e [vel et] clayme
a tenir [vel tenir, absque a]
heritablement de vous & de
vos heyrs reis de Engleter-
de vie & de membre, e de
terrien honour en countre qe

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OUR kyng gode Edward þorgh Scotlond ferd,
As he com howard he souht S. Cutberd,

& mad þer his offryng, sipen com to Beuerlay,
& offred per fair þing, to London his way.

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M°. CC.

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De bello

inter Porticos & Nor


On fele pinges he pouht, & wex heuỷ als lede,
How chances on him souht, & pat pe quene was dede.
His solace was alle reft, þat scho fro him was gon,
Ne no sonne him left, bot ging Edward alon.
He was tendre & ging, of him had he no speyre,
Himself in ille likýng, & had no waxen heyre,
þat mot kepe be coroune, if he of lond went,

He drouped perfore donne, & said be lond were schent,


If he tille Acres gede, in perile sulle alle be,

Of he child wer drede pe lond als wele as he.

¶ In þinkeng of alle þis, þe batailed in þe se,
Normans & Inglis were slayn grete plente.
þe Normans þat day les, for þer powere was nouht,
þe portes had als þei ches schippes inow þam brouht.
To Douer & Germne cam, & vnto Wynchilse,

To Romeneye & Schorham, & to Peueneshe,
To Gipwiche & Sandwiche, & to Southamptoun,

3 Alle pe portes were riche, Irays & Bayoun.

be fiue portes porgh powere pe se had so conquerd,
þat Normans alle þat zere durst not be sene for ferd.
þorgh þe lond of France was said fulle sone,
Philip herd þat chance, how þe Inglis had done,
& alle how it bigan, & alle þe skille why,

þat þei togider ran, & we had pe maistrie.

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SIR Edward God him saue, he is in grete longing
A where he mot haue, þat auenant is & ging
þat wer of hie perage, suilk on wild he take

His euenbed in mariage, gentille gendrure to make.
His herte gaf tille dame Blanche, if hir wille wer perto,
& holy kirke wild stanche sibred bituex þam tuo,
Hire pan wild he wedde, forto saue þe pes

In luf þat þei þam ledde, in werre þat nouper les.
For Blanche bis cosýn he sent how it mot be,
To mak a mariage fŷn, Philip sister was sche.
& als vnto pe pape, for to wite pe certeyn,

What be clergie wild schape, whan pe courte were pleýn. ¶ Edward messengers vnto þat mayden sent,


To wite of hir maners, to se hir body gent.
þei com vnto pat may, & sauh hir contenance,
So fair lady þat day was not in alle France.

Whan þei had sene þat sight, þei com & teld our kyng,
Creature non might be fayrer bi no þing.

‘Lý Reis sir Edward ad | taylle.
grant volente, Esposer gen.
týl femme de halt parentee,
Dount auer engendrure pur
son herite, Pur refourmer la
pees, e norir amiste, Codd.
Gall. 2 Sire Edward en
Fraunce ad messagers maun
de, De vere la damoy-
sele enquere de sa bounte.
Les messangeres [vel bounte,
Si elesait, sive E si ele soyt,

auenaunte en face, en cors

Les messagers] i

vount, e le ount refigure En
cors, en facoun, en mayn, en
iaumbe, & pe. [vel en pe] Al
Reis sunt reuenuz, e le ount
nouncye, Plus bele creature
est nule part troue. Sire Ed-
ward, allas! deueent en a-
moure, Et a la damoysele par
lettre ad monstre, [vel admu-
stre, sive ad mustre] Et al Rey
Phelipp son quoer, & sa pen-
se, MSS. Gall.

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De Blan-
chia sprore

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