be kynge's side salle be pe hede & his name writen. pe croyce side what cite it was in coyned & smyten. þe pouere man ne be preste pe peny prayses no ping. Men gyf God þe lest, þe feffe him with a ferping. A pousand & tuo hundred & fourscore geres mó, On þis mone men wondred fist whan it gan go.
WAS mad an oper statute, þat non erle no baroun, No oper lorde stoute, ne fraunkeleyn of toun..
Tille holy kirke salle gyue tenenement, rent no lond, Fro po þat now lyue in to be dedis hond,
Without leue of þe kyng, or of his consaile. þe encheson of þis þing may mykille auaile. For freres of pe croice, & monk & chanoun, Haf drawen in ovoice his feez to per almojn, þorgh whilk draubt his seruise is lorn & laid doun, þat is tille him & hise in disheritsoun.
Not for pi he wille, þat alle religioun
Haf & hold in skille þat gyuen is at resoun,
þe londes þat þei haue now in possessioun.
His seruise he wille now saue, pat non be porgh tresoun. Ne no baron so bold, to selle pam lond ne gyue. For myght þei as þei wold, no man suld bí þam lyue; Men here biforn haf gyuen þam out of skille. on 07 s It lies now waste & lorn, half may þei 'not tille.
Regioun) Est fet lestatut, qegioun, &c. Dele. counte ne baroun, Ne seyn- gnour de tere par my la Re-
A pousand & tuo hundred pe date fourscore & tuo,r. On Leulyn has men wondred, no gynnes Dauid to thro.
Defalsitate FOR now bigynnes Dauid to wax a werreour,)
Dauid. With Leulyn gan he kith to be be kynge's traytour.
þei mad a samenyng, & did als bei were wonne, rerinc To disherite pe kyng, & his gongest sonne.
On his londes bei rais, & robbed ilk a toun,
Brent & slouk ilk man, his kastelle bette pei dou Sir Edward herd wele telle of his grete misdede, i þer power forto felle, it catchis him to spede. He sent North & South after his baronage,ood hood Sone it was fulle couth, bat Leulyn did outrage. Atired per wendyng toward pe Marche right sone., Leulýn ageýn þe kyng & Dauid were alle bone, To maynten forth be werre, & susteyn per treson; þe entres did þei sperre, & hold pam in Snowdoun.
IN Wales it is fulle strong to werre in Wynter tide, For Wynter is þer long, whan Somer is here in pride... þat was to pam grete pyne, þat werryng vndertoke, insol. & Snowdoun did Leulyne wele to kepé & loke od e. þe kỷng knowe no side, how he mot com per inne,aa Nouper go no ride, ne how he suld it A water in Snowdoun rennes, Auber is the name, won on, i An arme of þe se men kennes, þe depnes may non ame. be kyng controued þer ouer, a brigge forto make,
& of Leulýn to couere, Snowdoun forto take, Cevolg 4
Botes he toke & barges, pe sides togidere knytte,
Ouer þe water pat lage is, fro bank to bank raubt itte. þei fleked þam ouerthuert, justely forto ligge,
Ouer þewater smerte was so ordeýnd a brigge.
WHAN be brigge was ent at Inglis men paý, Withouten auýsement, þe brigge þei wild asay. Sent þei non bifore, to wite how pei mo passe, perfore had þei lore, for non avisement wasse. Forth went knyght & sueyn, & fote men alle in fere, þe Walsch com þam ageyn, did our men alle arere, þat turning þer vnthank, as heuy was pe charge, Vnder þam alle sank, bothe batelle & barge. þe gode men þat were lorn, on our Inglis partie, pe Clifford first biforn Sir Roger did folie. William of Lyndeseie & Jon le fitz Roberd, Sir Lucas of Tame, pise grete per misferd, & alle per squierie, & oper þat with þam nam, Alle drenkled porgh folie, & faut of wisdam. A man þat oste salle lede, & controues no quaýntise, Howe he disceit salle drede, scape vmwhile salle rise. Had þei had a spie among pe Walssh oste,
& warned þam priuelie, þat þei were bi þat coste, þei had bien men lÿuand, þat þer to dede went, þat folie tok on hand withouten avisement.
De ponte præparato & facto. Ecce ruina facta in medio pontis super gentem Anglorum.
De domino THAT tyme pat pis crie com of pise barouns,
Vescy, ve
nit cum basklis & super Leulinum.
Ecce decollatio
Leulini per Robertum
Com Sir Jon Vesey fro pe kyng of Aragouns, Brouht fote folk inouh of baskles & Gascouns,
þat þe Walsh men slouh raumpand as leouns.. þorghe mountain & more pe baskles ze þer weie, Oure nesch & hard þei fore, & did þe Walsch men deie. pei passed alle pe Marche, Snowdoun þei wan in, Of tounes þei mad þam parche, & souht after Leulyn. Dauid couth non oper, pe folowed pam so streite,:: Bot fled fro his broper skulkand with Sir Roger be strange, & Sir Reynald þe Gray,
þei ne wold turne ne change, bot spied þer Leulyn lay. ¶ Leulŷn in a wod a bussement he held,
Biside a more a mod quaýntly was he teld. a m. Sir Roger lay biside with priue folk & stoutej « mo & spied tỷme & tide whan he suld issue oute, ba Leulýn wend nó gile had bien per so nere, He went to play a wile with fo of his banere. Sir Roger was perceyued whan Leulýn out cam, þer pencels þei weyued, tille Sir? Leuly he nam "Traitoure," said Rogere," what salle þe werre auaile, "Now I find þe here, wele set is my trauaile...... 66 Tuys ert þou forsuorn, & tuys þi feaute broken, "Tuys was pou doun born, & for pes eft spoken. ❝þis is þe prid týme, þat mykelle pou him misbede, "Dayet who þe kýme, for þou has souht þi dede. "Salle pou neuer þi lyue do Inglis man more wo, "Hastilie pe schryue, pi hede pou salle for go.
Sir Roberd Body a knyght his suerd best bote, Doun sone he he light, & Leulyn hede of smote. Now is Leulyn forsuorn, & his hede of smyten, His heritage is lorn fro his heỷres ze wyten. More þan a zere beforn þat he lauht þis schame, A douhter was him born, Wencilian hir name. In hir credille ging tille Inglond scho cam,
þorgh conseile of þe kyng was brouht to Sempyngham, & per was scho inne four & fifty gere,
Norised with Wynne, nunne and seculere.
Now haf we new tateles, dede is Wencilian,
Leulyn douhter of Wales, pat on Inglond ran.
Hir dede was mykelle ment, for scho was fulle curteys, Among pe ladies gent, pe los of hir so seys.
pe seuent day of Juny, Whitson euen þat tyme, Died þat lady, bituex vndron & prime.
pe date of Criste pundred, pus many geres euen, A pousand & pre hundred pritty zere & seuen. Hir cosyn dame Gladous, of Dauid douhter born, A Nunne of Sixille hous died a gere beforn. Of Wencilian wrote I here next Leulýn story, Scho was his douhter dere, to bere him company,
Now skulkes Dauid aboute, to wynne it ilk a dele, His heritage pat is oute, he wenes fulle wele. Alle þat Leulýn held lond & tenement,
Holy to haf þe scheld þorgh heritage descent. With lordes þat were nehi he held his parlement At zole at Denebeghi, after þam alle he sent,
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