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imal products when out, not having them at that feet that become cold accidently by standmy table.


ing in the street, on the cold ground, on the snow or cn the ice, but we wish to speak of a condition of disease which consists in having the feet habitually cold. If a person cannot have the feet warm, in spite of warm felt shoes, in spite of woolen stockings, and these moreover in a warm room, and his feet are cold in bed during the night he is in a condition of chronic malady, which is the cause of many other maladies. What is the cause of such cold feet? The physiologist would say that animal heat depends on the blood which gives out its heat to all parts of the body, and if the circulation is sluggish in any part, there is in that part a sensation of cold. In that chronic condition which consists in having the feet cold we have then a defective distribution of the blood. As the cold feet do not receive a sufficient quantity of blood, therefore they do not get a sufficient quantity of warmth, the nutrition of these extremities is perverted, some of their functions are arrested and organic troubles follow. Not only the part affected becomes diseased, but as a result other remote organs.

Now compare this diet with one of flesh or a mixed one. The latest analysis shows flesh to contain from 70 to 74 per cent of water, the dry residue being very rich in nitrogen, and it contains a little carbonaceous or fatty matter. Hence, to live on meat alone, as much as eight pounds a day is necessary. Then there are to be considered the diseases of animals which are communicable to man if that flesh be not thoroughly cooked all through and as very few of our animals live a perfectly natural life, most of them are more or less diseased, especially the fat ones. The excess of nitrogen taken into the system in eating flesh meat has to be got rid of by the liver, kidneys and lungs; hence these organs, are overtaxed, and much disease is the consequence. In fact, were it not for flesh food we doctors should have very little to do. Man living in towns can not afford to cat much flesh, because he does not get sufficient exercise and oxygen to burn up the excess of nitrogen. If he does eat this flesh, and if he eat much, then he must suffer from many complaints, such as indigestion, bilious attacks, congested liver, hemorrhoids, gastric eatarrh and other gastric troubles. If the habit be continued in gall-stones or urinary calculi may follow, or rheumatism and gout. This ebbing tide of blood, which sometimes Then the kidneys become diseased and more causes extravasations of blood has often been work is thrown on the heart, which becomes followed by dangerous symptoms. Thus we also diseased; the end is death by one of the find hemorrhoids in men, and nearly all uterlingering diseases, which shows a diseased or-ine affections in women, are due to habitually gan somewhere. Even epilepsy and many nervous diseases are aggravated by flesh. Cancer is on the increase, and from some observations I have made, it may be indirectly traced to flesh. Consumption has only a remote connection with flesh, it being due chiefly to the want of fresh air. Vegetable food is cheap, contains an abundant supply of nutri. ment at first cost, and our systems are so formed as to use it with least expenditure of

vital force."


WE often hear persons complain of having cold feet, not only in the winter but at all seasons of the year We do not understand by

To have the feet habitually cold is not the result of a deficient quantity of blood in the system; the quantity exists, but it is blocked up in other places, in the arteries and veins.

cold feet, and when these cease, the affections that follow disappear also.

Habitually cold feet are the origin of many affections of the stomach. This unequal circulation of the mass of the blood often causes diseases of the liver, of the intestines, of inflammations and catarrhs of the stomach. This blood repelled from the extremities goes very often to congest the lungs, organs which easily yield to sanguine congestions. And it can be said that ninety times in one hundred, diseases of the lungs are due to cold feet. Cold feet often induce difficult respiration and asthma; the heart becomes subject to palpitations. The congestion reaches the larynx, the head; from these the trouble extends to the brain and to the eyes.

All these affections disappear when the feet are kept warm.

It is to our own carelessness that habitually cold feet are due. We systematically render ourselves ill. Even from the cradle they raise us to have cold feet. The stockings are thin and the shoes narrow with elastic tips, so that the blood cannot circulate in the feet; add to this the evil custom of having garters, and the general want of care for the feet, and it is easily seen why these organs revenge this treatment later.

What is necessary to avoid cold feet, and to cure this infirmity when it exists?

It is not well to give baths too warm to children; it is well to continue baths at all ages. The feet should be attended to, and infants should have loose shoes, without elasties, and then the feet will keep warm. If the feet have become habitually cold, it is necessary to have patience and not think that a trouble that has required twenty or thirty years to establish can be cured in one night. There is no specific for the cure of chronic cold feet. The cure of the evil pertains to natural therapeutics, as rubbing, vapor baths and walking. In this way warmth comes to the feet, and with it health returns. When the feet are warm it becomes easy to talk, for then the head is cool and the blood circulates freely. The old proverb which said that "head cool, feet warm and waist free may laugh at the doctors" finds here confirmation. An excellent vapor bath for the fect is made thus:

In a small box put a jug of boiling water, and envelop this jug with cloths wet with ho: water. Place the naked feet on slats that cover the box. and then envelop them with flannel. The vapor which rises from the wet cloths warms the feet and dilates the blood vessels; thus the blood has more space to circulate, and the nerves are excited to action. After a certain time wipe the feet with a dry towel. It is well also to have at the feet, in the bed, during the night, a bottle or jug filled with hot water.

-Hall's Journal of Health.

Books and Papers.

PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL AND SCIENCE OF HEALTH. September, Contents; Allan Pinkerton, the detective; True Religious Education; Organic Cerebration; Cranial Affinities of Men and Apes; Language No. 6; Blarney Castle and the Blarney Stone; Robin and the Phrenologist; The Founder of the Schwenkfelders; Hints on Child Training; Della and Blanche; The Mind Cure; Many of the above articles are illustrated by portraits. Notes in Science; Trichinosis, No. 2, is an article to be studied; A Child Prodigy; etc., etc. Fowler and Wells, Co. 753 Broadway, N. Y. Terms $2. a year.

HALL'S JOURNAL OF HEALTH. August, Contents; Cholera; The Sick Room; Care of the Teeth; A Study of Leprosy; The Paraguay Tea Tree; Yel low Fever Chicago Beef; Effects of thin Atmosphere; Health Alphabet; etc., etc. E. H. Gibbs, M. D. 21 Clinton Place, N. Y. Terms $1. a year.

HERALD OF HEALTH. September, Contents; National Health and work; New method of Reducing Fever; Hypnotism; The Cholera; Florence Nightingale's Remarks about the Sick in India; Studies in Hygiene for Women; etc., etc. M. L. Holbrook, M. D. 13 & 15 Laight St., N. Y. $1. a year.

MRS. HURD'S NIECE. By Ells Farman. The Young Folks' Library. Illustrated. Boston; D. Lothrop & Co. Price 25 cents. This fascinating story, one of the best from the author's practised pen, will find a multitude of earnest and appreciative readers. It draws a sharp contrast between genuine, practical religion and its fashionable substitute, and shows the hollowness of a life not based upon sound principle. The character of Lois Gladstone is clearly and effectively drawn, and the story of her experiences in the Hurd household, with the changes brought about in it through her quiet but persistent influence, is told with skill and feeling. There is hardly a page without its suggestive passage, and we know of few books which contain so much that is really helpful to young girls placed in positions where self control, moral courage and self-sacrifice are required.


A YOUTHFUL speaker, nervous at the prospect of addressing a literary society on its anniversary, was advised by a clergyman to look upon the audience as if it were so many cabbage-heads. The suggestion was not a bad one, provided the youth had thoroughly preparel the specch for heads with brains. The young man, though he did not know it,

Ir is better to retrace a wrong step than to held in that nervousness, at least, one claim persist in a wrong course.

to a place among orators. For there is scarce

ly a public speaker whose words move men, who does not feel a similar tremor every time he rises before a great audience.

"My throat and lips," said the late Lord Derby, surnamed the "Rubert of debate, ', from his dashing, fearless style, "when I am going to speak, are as dry as those of a man who is going to be hanged."

Mr. Mathews, in his essay on "The Orator's Trials," has collected a number of cases to illustrate the fact that the very sensibility which gives the orator his power makes him nervously anxious before rising to address an audience.

Patrick Henry usually began with a hesi tating timidity, which continued until the excitement of speaking threw it off. William Pinkney, a haughty, defiant, and vehement orator, would turn pale when about to speak, and his knees would tremble, as though he were Belshazzar, gazing at the mysterious handwriting on the wall. Even years of practice failed to repress this nervousness.

It is fortunate for the orator that years do not do this. For without the sensibility which begets it, one of the forces of oratory would be wanting.

Tristam Burgess, "the bald eagle of Rhode Island," while speaking, on some important question, in the House of Representatives, suddenly pointed his fore-finger toward his opponent and made a long pause. "That pause was terrible," said a colleague to Mr. Burgess, on leaving the House. "To no one so terrible as to me, replied the orator, "for I couldn't think of anything to say. Nothing but strong excitement and a great occasion, wrote Lord Macaulay while he was looked upon as one of the orators of the

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House of Commons, "overcomes a certain re

serve and mauvaise honte [bashfulness] which I have in speaking; not a mauraise honte which in the least confuses me or makes me hesitate for a word, but which keeps me from putting my fervor into my tone or my action." Dr. Storrs, the most finished of pulpit orators, whose extemporaneous sermons are marvels of rhetoric, thought and eloquence. It is said made a dead failure when he first preached without notes. After floundering for twenty five minutes, he came to a full stop.

"I sank back in the chair," he said describing his mortification, "almost wishing that I had been with Pharoah and his hosts when the Red Sea went over them."

"My Lords," said the Earl of Rochester, as he began a speech to the House of Lords, "I-I-I rise this time-My lords, I-I-I divide my discourse into four branches. My lords, if ever I rise again in this house, I give you leave to cut me off, root and branch forever."

The lesson taught by these incidents is this: The orator should master, but not eradicate, his nervousness. Canning, one of England's wittiest and most classical of orators, used to say he was sure of speaking his best if he rose in a great fright. The more his heart beat the more certain he was that the heart of the audience would soon beat in responsive sympathetic rhythm. -Selected.


PLINY and Elian relate that Myrmecides wheels and four horses, and a ship with all wrought out of ivory a chariot, with four her tackling, both in so small a compass, that a bee could hide either with its wings. Nor should we doubt this when we find it recorded in English history on less questionable authority, that in the twentieth year of Queen Elizabeth's reign a blacksmith of London of

the name of Mark Scaliot, made a lock of iron, steel and brass, of eleven pieces, and a pipe key, all of which only weighed one grain. three links, which he fastened to the lock and Scaliot also made a chain of gold, of forty key, and put it around the neck of a flea, which drew the whole with perfect ease. The chain, key, lock, and flea, altogether weighed but one grain and a half!-Selected.

Individual effort alone gives growth,-substantial growth of character; what we possess, not what we profess, is a safeguard against error. Oft repeated ceremonies of confession are not the power that resurrects and brings the soul into newness of life; good homes do not form noble men or wom en, without thought beyond self and material

conditions.-E. M. II.

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THE Vessels used in the temple service were of pure gold; none were of silver, for


it was not anything accounted of in the days of Solomon; therefore it was not considered worthy to be mixed with the gold offered for the service of the King of kings. Whatever was for his service must be of the best qualiMay we not learn a lesson from this? Does it not teach that we are to offer to the Lord nothing but gold-pure true gold? What, then, is the gold which we are to give to God? Can we all give it? Yes, it is the soul's offering to him we call our King. It is the "soul's best" for God. How freely we give the best we can possibly afford to those we love! Shall we less freely offer ourselves and our best to him who first bestows whatever we possess of talent, influence or stance? Think you he will accept our silver if we withhold our gold? In our service for him let our energy be the gold of our strength, not the dribblings of a spent power. We willingly give our best exertion to obtain pleasure or recreation, let us see that we expend it not alone in this, reserving only the silver for God's work.


A Wonderful Business Rejuvenated and Established.

From Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper. THE name of Daniel F. Beatty, of Wash

ington, New Jersey, is tolerably well known to the majority of the people of the United States in connection with the manufacture and sale of musical instruments. By liberal direct with the purchaser, he built up a most and wide-spread advertising, and by dealing extensive business in organs and pianos. It was his ambition to erect and own the largest organ factory in the world, and he succeeded incident to a disastrous fire in 1881, and the in so doing. But the hindrances and losses want of adequate capital, combined with a lack of business method, led to a serious entanglement in his affairs. Although he made and sold over seventeen thousand (17,000) organs last year, his embarrassments, which dated their origin years before, became so serious that he finally sold his business to a sub-corporation composed of his creditors. It is understood that this company, with ample capital, has undertaken to make good as far as possible all the obligations of Mr. Beatty, giving preference to the purchasers of organs and pianos whose goods are still undelivered and to whom it is shipping daily their instruments. The company is under the presidency of Mr. I. W. England, of New York, his manager being Mr. W. P. Hadwen; and the gentlemen composing the directors and stockresponsible business men in the country. All holders are among the best known and most new orders, we are assured, are filled on receipt with instruments of the best quality; while arrearages are being manufactured and On such a basis, supplying a superior article shipped at the rate of not less than 100 a week. at a moderate price, free of agent's com missions, the new concern ought to achieve a great success.

Some of us may think we have not much to give compared to what many others have. This may also be true; but if that little is really our very best we may confidently offer it for God's acceptance. It is not the quantity he asks but the true pure metal, however small the quantity.-The Christian.

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