Imágenes de páginas

a pupil of the Futtehgurh school, 311.
Siam Mission, 2, 132, 161, 208.

South Seas: extracts from Report of London
Missionary Society, 65.

Statistics: of American missions, 1, 10; of Eu-
ropean, 33; of population and Evangelical
churches in the U. S., 34; of religious and
benevolent societies, 204, 277.

J., 385; Lloyd, Rev. J. 208, 252; Loo- || Salvation by Christ, an Essay written by Adam,
mis, Rev. H., 209, 252; Loughridge, Rev.
R. M., 22, 184, 206; Lowrie, Rev. W.
M., 2, 116, 136, 167, 208, 209; McAuley, Rev.
W. A., 2, 208, 373; McCartee, Dr. D. B., 2,
208; McBryde, Rev. T. L., 2, 208; McKin-
ney, Rev. E., 2, 206; Miller, Rev. J. W. 385;
Morrison, Rev. J. H., 3, 47, 207; Newton,
Rev. J., 2, 207; Owen, Rev. J., 3, 14, 48, 77,
145, 182, 207, 246, 337, 368; Porter, Rev.
J., 2, 207; Priest, Rev. J. M., 2, 207; Ran-
kin, Rev. J. C., 2, 40, 207; Sawyer, Rev. R.
W., 2, 176, 207,-death of, 148; Sawyer,
Mrs., 147, 207, 282; Scott, Rev. J. L., 2, 13,
207; Vanderveer, Miss J., 2, 54, 207; Walsh,
Rev. J. J., 2, 207; Warren, Rev. J., 3, 207;
Wilson, Rev. J., 2, 207; Wilson, Rev. H.,
54, 206; Wilson, Rev. H. R., 2, 207, 220;
Wilson, Rev. T., 2, 207.

Recent Intelligence, 19, 62, 118, 148, 186, 221,
251, 283, 319, 349, 383.

Texas Mission, 1, 54, 206.
The true spirit, 83.

Thoughts on the support of missions, 74.

United States: Statistics of Population and of
Evangelical Churches, 34.

Usefulness of missionaries dependent on their
piety, 144.

Young, Rev. Dr. J. C., Sermon of, before the
Board, 329.


A. A., Letter from, 295.

Board of Missions: Action and position of, 60.
Board of Publication: Books of wanted, 157.
Books: Religious, and Tracts. Want of, 58;
importance of, &c., 156; value of, 198.

Christians, Address to, 89.

Church Extension: Action of the General As-
sembly, 257; action of the Board of Missions,
259; Address of the Committee, 260.
Church formed, 93, 126, 154, 355, 358.
Congregations in the West, growth of, 156.
Day of small things, not to be despised, 159.
Elder, Presbyterian, a good one, 94.
General Assembly, action of, 229.

House of worship erected, 121, 291, 294.
Indiana, Northern, wants of, 155.

Intemperate, warning to, 123.

Iowa, Wants of, 189.

Labourers, want of, 126, 154.

in Indiana, 27, 28, 93, 124, 125, 156, 197, 198,
229, 262, 291, 358, 390; in Iowa, 356, 357,
393; in Kentucky, 94, 230; in Michigan,
57; in Missouri, 26, 126, 326, 355; in
New-Jersey, 390; in New-York, 157; in
Ohio, 28, 29, 30, 59, 94, 198, 230, 231, 292;
in Pennsylvania, 125, 322, 326; in Tennes-
158, 293; in Virginia, 60, 95, 159, 294,
355; in Wisconsin, 57; in the West, 27, 158.
Missionary aid, fruits of, 58; importance of, 92.
Missionary field, 293; in the interior of Penn-
sylvania, 322; in Iowa, 355.
Missionary labours, results of, 92.
Missionary life, lights and shades of, 94.
Montgomery, Rev. J., death of, 59.


Notice, 295.

Pastors and Elders, Address to, 126.
People, anxious to hear the gospel, 94; spiritual
wants of, 197.

Readers, Address to, 159.

Remarks, editorial, 262, 326, 359.

Lord, what he hath done, 229; knoweth them Report, Annual, abstract of, 225.
that are his, 30.

Marshall, Rev. George, report from, 195.
Minister, instalment of, 262; want of, 358.
Missions, Domestic: No. 1, 151; No. 2, 193;
No. 3, 289; No. 4, 321; Friends of, Address
to, 327; Claims of, 90; Thoughts on, 25, 121.
Missionaries: Communications from-in Ala-
bama, 30; in Arkansas, 59, 154, 155; in Flo
rida, 293; in Illinois, 59, 92, 123, 124, 357, 358;

Revival of religion, 28, 95, 124, 157.

Scovel, Rev. S., report of, 196.

Treasury, receipts in, 32, 63, 95, 128, 159, 199
231, 296, 328, 360, 395.
What are we to do? 27.
Wisconsan, state of society, &c. 57.
Year, the new, 30,

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JANUARY, 1844.



Compiled for the Foreign Missionary Chronicle, from the Annual Reports of 1842-3.


Home Department. MEMBERS OF THE BOARD.-The Board consists of one hundred and twenty clerical and lay members, elected by the General Assembly; one-fourth being elected annual. ly. The Rev. Samuel Miller, D.D., is the President of the Board.

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE.-Rev. Dr. W. W. Phillips, Chairman, Rev. Drs. J. McEl roy, J. J. Janeway, G. Spring, G. Potts, and J. M. Krebs, Rev. D. Wells, and Messrs. J. Lenox, H. Auchincloss, W. Steele, and W. Lowrie.

BUSINESS OFFICERS.-Walter Lowrie, Esq. Corresponding Secretary, the Rev. Daniel Wells, Treasurer, and the Rev. John C. Lowrie, Assistant Secretary. Address Mission House, 23 Centre-street.

AGENTS. Rev. I. N. Candee, in the western and south-western Synods. AddressSpringfield, Ohio.

Rev. A. B. Quay, in Synods of Pittsburgh and Wheeling. Address Beaver, Pa. Rev. W. M. Hall, in the Synod of Phila. delphia.

Address-Lewistown, Pa.

The Rev. W. H. Foote, is the Correspond. ing Secretary and General Agent of the Central Board of Foreign Missions. Address-Richmond, Va.

Foreign and Domestic Boards, published monthly at one dollar per year; circulation 4800 copies.

The Foreign Missionary, a small news. paper, published monthly by the Foreign Board, at one dollar for eight copies to one address, two dollars for twenty copies, three dollars for thirty-five copies, and five dollars for sixty copies; circulation, 13,500 copies.

RECEIPTS-For the year ending May 1, 1843, $63,334 95, of which, from the American Bible Society $3000, from the American Tract Society $2200, and $3375 from individuals for the Mission-House. From May 1 to Nov. 1, the receipts of the Board were $22,257 93, besides $10,000 specially for China.


The Board has missions in Texas, among the Indian Tribes, in Africa, Siam, China, and India.

TEXAS.-There is one missionary, the Rev. W. C. Blair, at Victoria, who has a school under his care, and has religious services, which are attended chiefly by the inhabitants of the town; though occasionally also Romanists from the Mexican states are brought within reach of the means of grace. The Foreign Board was charged with the oversight of the whole field in Texas by the last General Assembly; and the Committee, The Missionary Chronicle, organ of the having authorized three appointments, have VOL. XII.-1.

PUBLICATIONS-The Annual Report made to the General Assembly, published in June of each year.

been in correspondence with several persons, in the hope of procuring the services of more clergymen in that country. The results of this correspondence are not yet known.

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INDIAN TRIBES. There are missions among the Iowas, the Creeks, and the Chip. pewas. The Rev. W. Hamilton, Mr. S. M Irvin, teacher, and Mr. F. Irvin, farmer, are stationed among the Iowas, and they endea. vour to be useful to the Sacs also, who are a neighbouring tribe. A school has been conducted for several years, but without much encouragement. It is now to be made a Manual Labour Seminary, supported in part by the Indians themselves, and its prospects are quite promising. A small printing establishment has been placed at the service of this mission.-Among the Creeks, are sta tioned the Rev. R. M. Loughridge, and the Rev. E. M'Kinney, who reached their scene of labour during the last year, and are cn. couraged by the prospect before them, though no particular events require notice in this cursory review. The Rev. P. Dougherty and Mr. H. Bradley are labouring among the Chippewas and Ottawas at Grand Traverse Bay, Michigan. Their school is prospering; the Indians are forming habits of industry and sobriety, and a church has been organ. ized with a number of hopeful converts as members. This mission continues to enjoy abundant proofs of the Divine favour.

AFRICA. The Rev. R. W. Sawyer, Rev. J. M. Priest, and two or three assistant missionaries, are settled amongst the Kroos, with a boarding-school of 36 pupils under the care chiefly of Mrs. Sawyer, assisted by Miss Vantyne, Mrs. Priest, and Mr. M'Donough. Mr. Sawyer has many opportunities of preaching the gospel to the people.-At Monrovia, the Rev. J. Eden is pastor of the church, which has 32 members. Mr. E. also teaches a school of about 60 scholars.-At Sinoe, the Rev. T. Wilson is probably before this time settled, and engaged in missionary la. bours among the colonists and natives.-All || the missionaries of the Board in this field are persons of colour, excepting Mr. and Mrs. Sawyer. Messrs. Wilson and Priest joined the mission during the last year, having left this country in April.

SIAM The Rev. W. P. Buell and his wife are stationed at Bangkok, with encour. aging prospects of usefulness. The Rev.

R. Q. Way and wife embarked for this field of labour in November last.

CHINA. The Rev. Walter M. Lowrie, and Dr. J. C. Hepburn and wife, are at Macao. The Rev. T. L. M'Bryde and wife reached this country in November, on their return from China, on account of the failure of health. Dr. D. B. M'Cartee, and Mr. R. Cole, printer, and wife, embarked for this mission in October last. Mr. C. took charge of the matrices for casting Chinese metallic type, type-foundry, printing-press, &c. Mr. Lowrie expected to visit the ports open to foreigners at the north in September and October, to obtain information. The Committee are now making arrangements to send five missionaries to this great field early in the next


INDIA. In the north-western provinces of this country the Board has three missions.

The Lodiana Mission embraces the stations

of Lodiana, near the Sutlej, 1170 miles north-west of Calcutta ; and Saharunpur, near the Jumna, 130 miles south-east of Lodiana. Sabathu has been relinquished for the present, and the Rev. J. M. Jamieson and wife have removed to Simla as a temporary station, (see p. 311 of the last volume.) The Rev. Messrs. J. Newton, J. Porter, and L. Janvier, Dr. W. Green, and Mr. R. Morris, printer, with Mrs. Newton, Mrs. Janvier, and Mrs. Morris, are stationed at Lodiana, with some native assistants, schools, a printing establishment, and a small church.

The Rev. W. S. Rogers and fainily have returned to this country on account of Mrs. R.'s health. The Rev. Messrs. J. R. Campbell, J. Caldwell, and Mr. J. Craig, and their wives, are at Saharunpur, with one or two native helpers, a boarding and common school, church, &c. The last Annual Report states that upwards of eight millions of pages of forty-three works, in four languages, were printed at Lodiana in the preceding year. The Presbytery of Lodiana reports one native candidate for the holy ministry under its care.

The Furrukhabad Mission is composed of the Rev. Messrs. H. R. Wilson, jr., J. L. Scott, J. C. Rankin, W. H. M'Auley, and J. J. Walsh, with their wives, and Miss Vanderveer, teacher, and native helpers. Mr. and Mrs. Walsh embarked for this mission in July last. The only station at present

testant Episcopal Church.

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occupied is Futtehgurh, on the Ganges, || Board of Missions of the Proabout 750 miles above Calcutta, though Messrs. Rankin and M'Auley live nearer the city of Furrukhabad. It is probable a new station will be formed at Mynpoorie, a city 40 miles distant from Futtchgurh-for an account of which see pp. 172, 173 of the last volume. The boarding-school, with about 100 orphan pupils, the high school. with about 70 scholars, and some village schools, have been supported as in former years, and the other duties of the mission performed as usual. One native candidate for the ministry of the gospel is reported by the Presbytery of Furrukhabad.

The Allahabad Mission consists of the Rev. Messrs. J. Wilson, J. Warren, J. E. Freeman, J. Owen, and J. Wray, all of thein married men, excepting Mr. Owen, with several native helpers. The Rev. J. H. Morrison has returned to this country on account of health. The orphan schools contain about 50 pupils; and besides several day-schools, with about 250 scholars, an English and Vernacular seminary has been established, in which it is designed to give instruction in the more advanced branches of education. As this institution has been but lately established, we have no particular report to make of its progress. The church has received several native converts, and the printing establishment is vigorously conducted; of nineteen works in four languages, four millions and a half of pages were reported as printed during the last year. Allahabad is at the junction of the Ganges and Jumna, nearly 500 miles above Calcutta.

WESTERN AFRICA. Stations at Cape Palmas and five other places in that vicinity, with four clerical missionaries, Rev. Messrs. Savage (now in this country,) Payne, Smith and Hazlehurst; seven male and fe male teachers, mostly coloured; five native assistants; children catechised [and in schools] 157; communicants, 28. The Rev. Mr. Minor, Miss Coggeshall, and Mrs. Savage, were removed by death. The Report makes a brief reference to the difficul ties between the missionaries and the colonists, and mentions that instructions had been given to the missionaries" to retain the primary station at Cape Palmas, except in the last resort." Several considerations affecting the mission are stated briefly, which "continue to strengthen its claims for Episcopal supervision."

CHINA. The Rev. W. J. Boone, M.D., and his wife, spent a part of the year at Kulang-su, near Amoy, one of the ports lately open to foreigners, where they were engaged in missionary duties, and much encouraged in their work; but Mrs. Boone was called to her reward on the 30th of August, 1842. The Report mentions an impressive remark made by this lady during her last illness—


If there is a mercy in life for which I feel grateful, it is that God has condescended to call me to be a missionary ;" and a not less touching dying declaration was made by her father, the late Chancellor De Saussure, of South Carolina, that "the surrendering his child up to God's service had been to him a sanctified event, weaning him more from

For more particular details concerning all these important missions, the reader will consult the communications of the mission-carth, and enabling him to fix his affections aries as given in the pages of this Magazine. with more steadiness on heavenly things." See also an Abstract of the last Annual Re- The Rev. Mr. Boone has returned to this port on pp. 197-200 of last volume. country for a season, and measures are in progress for sending several missionaries with him on his return to China. A pledge has been made by two gentlemen to support three missionaries for a term of years. The Committee express much interest in having a Missionary Bishop for China.

SUMMARY.-Missions, 10; stations, 14; clerical missionaries, 29; physicians, 3; teachers, 4; printers, 2; farmer, 1-most of whom are married; female teachers, 2; native assistants; scholars, about 900, of whom upwards of 200 are in boarding-schools; communicants, exclusive of the mission families, about 100.

EASTERN MISSIONS.-Under this title are classed the missions of the Episcopal Board at Athens, Crete, and Constantinople and Mesopotamia.

The station at Crete, where there is one

The Domestic Committee, which has the charge of Indian missions, proposed a "Scheme" for the establishment of a Bishopric to the Indians. The Indian Territory,

missionary with his wife, is to be discon- communicants; and Bishop Kemper speaks tinued. At Athens there is one missionary, in very favourable terms of their "real with his wife, two female teachers, several healthful religion." Greek teachers, and 500 scholars. A vio. lent attack was made on this institution and its conductors by one of the Greek newspapers, misrepresenting their object, and denouncing those who should send their chil-west of the Mississippi, is to be constituted a dren to the school; which caused some public excitement for a while, but was allayed by the prudent course of the missionaries, and called forth many expressions of confidence from various quarters. The Committee propose gradually to reduce, and ultimately to relinquish, this mission.

It is not easy to give a satisfactory brief notice of the mission at Constantinople and in Mesopotamia. It consists of the Rev. Mr. Southgate, and of two other gentlemen recently appointed to the field in Mesopota

Diocese. The Board approved of this scheme, and resolved to raise $20,000 for the endowment of an "Indian Bishopric," towards which object $500 annually have been offered by several gentlemen in Savannah.

FINANCES.-The Foreign Committee reDomestic Committee $38,835 60. Of these ceived $35,197 50 during the year, and the

sums a considerable part, more than onethird, appears to be composed of special offerings on a particular Sunday, in view of the deficiency in the regular contributions of

the churches.

PUBLICATIONS.-The Spirit of Missions has a circulation of 3850 copies.

Baptist Board of Foreign

INDIAN MISSIONS.-Among the Ojibwas, there are two stations; two preachers, and two female assistants; 40 scholars in the English mission school, and five adult na. tives; 50 church members reported.-Otta. was in Michigan; one preacher and teacher and his wife; scholars, not reported; church

mia. The Committee had determined, for various causes, to relinquish their station at Constantinople, and to concentrate their strength in efforts for the good of the Syrian Church; but Mr. Southgate declined to leave that city, and proposed to place himself under the Gospel Propagation Society. It would seem that some joint arrangement is now contemplated, by which he will remain at his present post as the agent of both societies. His proceedings seem to aim at a closer union of the British, American, and Syrian Episcopal churches, in the hope of elevating and reforming the latter-an object which all the sincere followers of Christ will approve, provided it be not prosecuted in a sectarian spirit. The managers of Mis-members, 18.-Tonawandas and Tuscarawas sionary Societies and their agents, in these days of over-heated zeal, need to bear in mind the catholic spirit of true religion, as taught by our Saviour's reply to his zealous disciple, Luke ix. 49, 50, "And John answered and said, Master, we saw casting out devils in thy name; and we for. bade him, because he followeth not with us. And Jesus said unto him, Forbid him not: for he that is not against us, is for us."


in New-York: one preacher, and three female assistants; 60 scholars, of whom 12 were added to the church during the year; "The habits church members reported, 60. of the Indians are generally those of a civi. lized community."-Otoes, on the Platte ri ver: this mission has been discontinued.— Shawanoes: five stations; five preachers, of whom three are teachers, and one a printer; seven female assistants; two native assistants; churc hmembers reported, 61; se veral small works printed in Shawanoe, Putawatomie, and English. An unhappy state of things existed at this mission during the year; seven native members were suspend. INDIAN TRIBES.-The school at Green Bay ed, the boarding-school at Shawanoe station has been closed. The "Oneida mission" is broken up, and the preaching of the Word reported as having one missionary and 98 "rendered void; but matters were somewhat

TEXAS.-There are three stations and three missionaries in this new country-Houston, Matagorda, and Galveston, being the places occupied.

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