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Reg. U.S. Pat. Off.

Liquid Paraffin

In Gynecology

Stanolind Liquid Paraffin is an ideal, odorless agent in which to suspend the powerful, antiseptic astringents, employed in gynecological work.

Its adaptability as a vehicle for astringents makes it the more convenient to use them in the treatment of inflammations of the vagina, cervix and endometrium.

Stanolind Liquid Paraffin combined with ichthyol, and similar products, is an excellent agent to apply to the inflamed vaginal surfaces, by means of tampons of cotton-wool.

Stanolind Liquid Paraffin also is indicated in the treatment of constipation and intestinal stasis.

Stanolind Surgical Wax | Stanolind Petrolatum For Injuries to the Skin

While it is more generally used in the treatment of burns, it also is employed successfully in the treatment of all injuries to the skin, where, from whatever cause, an area has been denuded-or where skin is tender and inflamed-varicose ulcers, granulating wounds of the skin, etc.

Surgeons will find it useful to seal wounds after operations instead of collodion dressings.

It maintains the uniform temperature necessary to promote rapid cell growth.

It accommodates itself readily to surface irregularities, without breaking.

For Medicinal Use

in five grades to meet every require


Superla White, Ivory White, Onyx, Topaz and Amber.

Stanolind Petrolatum is of such distinctive merit as to sustain the wellestablished reputation of the Standard Oil Company of Indiana as manufacturers of medicinal petroleum products.

You may subject Stanolind Petrolatum to the most rigid test and investigation-you will be convinced of its superior merit.


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The Original

Russian White Mineral Oil

Literature and liberal sample gladly furnished upon request.



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Helpful Points

the official name given it by the Federal Trade Commission, and this name must be used as the principal title by every firm manufacturing it under license from our Government.

The Abbott Laboratories have already begun the manufacture of Barbital (formerly known as Veronal), and we understand that in short time it expects to have an abundant supply of this well-known hynoptic, and that it will be made generally available through the trade. The quality of the product is guaranteed. Those interested are urged to communicate with The Abbott Laboratories, Chicago.

Urethritis, Cystitis Etc.

Have you tried Merz Santal Comp. Capsules in Urethritis, Cystitis, Prostatic troubles, difficult micturition, etc.? Many physicians have found that they give excellent results in these conditions. Dispensing physicians can buy of the company direct. Prices and samples will be sent to you on request. Address: Merz Capsule Co., Detroit, Mich.

Colloidal Therapy.

Progressive physicians are devoting more and more attention to the therapeutic importance of the use of certain metals and metallic substances, such as silver, mercury, iron, iodine, etc., in colloidal form. Colloidal therapy bids fair to occupy a prominent place in medical practice. The theory of its action is scientfically correct and the clinical results obtained from the employment of colloidal therapy are very gratifying.

One of the best examples of this class is Electragol, one of the many scientific products of the Clin Laboratories of Paris. Electragol is a true colloid of silver and is applicable to a number of conditions in which it may be relied upon to do effective work.

The physician who is interested in colloidal therapy will find it to his advantage to get acquainted with Electragol and may obtain literature and reports upon it by addressing the American agents, E. Fougera & Co., Inc., 90 Beekman Street, New York City.

A Product That Gives Results. Fellows' Syrup is the one preparation of the Hypophosphites that has stood the test of time. Leading clinicians in all parts of the world have recognized the difference between this and other preparations of the Hypophosphites, and have taken care to insure good results, by prescribing the genuine Syr. Hypophos. Comp. Fellows'.

Treatment of Hemorrhoids.

Stanolind Liquid Paraffin, used regularly, very generally relieves hemorrhoids and fissure, even when of some years' standing. Since these morbid conditions are usually the result of constipation, and are aggravated by straining, Stanolind Liquid Paraffin aids by rendering the intestinal contents less adhesive by allaying irritation and thus by permitting the diseased to become healed.

The special advantage of Stanolind Liquid Paraffin lies in the fact that its beneficial effects are not diminished by continual use, as is the case with almost any other laxative. It acts by lubrication and by adding bulk to the indigestible intestinal residue. A trial quantity with informative booklet will be sent on request. Address Standard Oil Company, 72 West Adams street, Chicago. (Helpful Points continued one leaf over.) You can buy with Confidence-See "Service Guarantee to Readers" on page 100

Whitehall Building


We are Both Working for the Same End

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OU, doctor, by your strict physical examinations must discover the appalling prevalence of spinal troubles and diseases. In your practice, adapted to giving efficient aid in all such cases, doubtless you have discovered the need of some practical appliance designed on scientific principles, as a substitute for the old, cumbersome and painful Plaster, Leather and Steel and Celluloid Jackets, as an adjunct to your treatment of spinal deformities.

We have such an appliance. We ask you to carefully consider our claims of excellence and effectiveness for the

Philo Burt Appliance

Light and comfortable to wear, easy of adjustment, bring-
ing the desired pressure upon the parts, made only to
individual measurements to meet the requirements of each
case, from materials of lasting quality, OUR APPLIANCE
is the adjunct you need to your treatments.

"The Philo Burt Method of Curing Spinal Curvature"
contains a full description, fully illustrated from actual
photographs, of Our No. 1 Appliance, in use. Let us send
you a copy of this book and other literature_bearing upon
the subject of Diseases and Disorders of the Spine.

We hope also to interest you in our plan of co-operation
with you in reducing the enormous total of sufferers from
Spinal troubles which is producing a generation of hunch-
backs and cripples. Write to us.

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Detroit, Mich.



Our Bairds
Air Cushion

is designed to aid
in the correction
of uterine dis-
placements, espe-
cially cases of
procidentia, pro-
lapsus, retrover-
sion, etc. The price to
physicians is $5.00
complete or $3.00

without the shoulder attachments. Send check with order and we will refund the money if you are dissatisfied after faithfully using the outfit for ten days.

Doctor! Incorrect Diagnosis, Incorrect
Treatment-NO CURE

Minimize the possibility of making
an incorrect diagnosis by using



The Only Differential

A postcard request brings
our explanatory circular.
Better yet, $3.50 will bring
you the Akouophone com-
plete in neat leather pouch.
Try it ten days. Send it back
if you don't like it. Your
money will be refunded with-
out quibbling.

Slips into your pocket like a watch. Its cost

is less than your fee for just one diagnosis.

Price $3.50

HUSTON BROS. CO., Atlas Huston Building, CHICAGO
Mfrs. and retailers complete lines Surg'l and Elect'l Instr.

Mention Medical Council-it insures prompt attention and special service.



"I think it my duty to tell you how I used Save-The-Horse," writes J. Moss (Baliff) of Northampton, Worcester, Ireland. "The horse is here for any man to look at. There isn't the slightest mark of spavin on either of his hocks. He has been working hard all the time. About four months back he was kicked again, swelling very badly. I used the rest of the remedy on him and he is now the same as ever."


(Trade-Mark, Registered)

has a record of curing when all hope is given up, extending over 22 years. Guaranteed by signed contract to cure Ringbone, Thoropin, SPAVIN or Shoulder, Knee, Ankle, Hoof or Tendon Disease, or your money refunded. Be prepared! Write today for FREE Save-The-Horse BOOK, telling how to treat almost every kind of lameness; copies of Guarantee and Veterinary's advice-ALL FREE. Always keep a bottle on hand.


71 State Street, Binghamton, N. Y. Druggists everywhere sell Save-the-Horse, with signed Guarantee, or we send it direct by Parcel Post Prepaid.


a booklet of valuable instruction for mothers and
prospective mothers. Sold to only one physician in
a town. Your name and address on front cover
free in lots of 25 or more. New sixth edition just
out. Send 10c. for specimen copy. A surprise awaits

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Helpful Points

Therapeutics in Pneumonia.

Every physician who is interested in perfecting his method of treating pneumonia will be interested in the timely article on page 161 of this issue. In this article, which is quoted from the "Practitioner," London, Dr. Leonard Williams brings out a very helpful and interesting aspect of the treatment of this disease, and one that the clinician should bear in mind

Iodotone in Asthma and Bronchitis.

When the expectoration is difficult and the cough hard and spasmodic, the mucous membrane dry and thickened, Iodotone should be administered. The sitmulating action of the Iodine upon the mucuous glands, together with the soothing and demulcent effect of the glycerine, loosens the morbid and inflammatory products, which cling to the lining of the bronchial passages, enabling the patient to freely expectorate. The air passages are opened, respiration becomes natural and the alternative action of the Iodine restores the normal functions of the mucous membranes.

In Bronchial Asthma very gratifying results are obtained. When combined with Codeine or Heroin, as the physician may desire, a remedy is obtained which relieves respiratory distress in a short time. Dose-One teaspoonful in water before food.

Free samples of Iodotone may be procured by physi cians by applying to Elmer & Amend, 209 Third Avenue, New York.

Ampoule Medication.

When hypodermatic medication is indicated, except during a course of systemic treatment, the recovery of the patient may hinge upon its immediate administration. On such occasions the temptation to use unsterile water in dissolving the tablet is very great and there is always chance of uncertain dosage. Then, too, in emergency calls, it occasionally happens that no water whatever is immediately available.

To provide the medical profession with definite doses of sterile solutions of known activity and in a handy form for immediate use Norwich Ampoules may be purchased direct from the makers, The Norwich Pharmacal Company, or through your usual source of sup ply. Hypitin (Pituitary Extract), camphor in oil and a score or more of other products are put up in this manner, ready for immediate use. The solution is not only of definite dosage and sterile, but its activity is assured through chemical assay, physiologic test and a rigid control. Ask them for samples and literature. Address: Norwich Pharmacal Co., Norwich, N. Y. (Helpful Points continued one leaf over.)

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