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My honourable Lord,

LEST Mr. Secretary (b) should be come away before the delivery of this packet, I have thought fit to direct it to your lordship, with this letter to your lordship about the court of wards, and another to the lords from his majesty. Which is all I have now to write, but that I ever rest

Your Lordship's faithful friend and servant,

Newmarket, the 7th of December, 1617.



My honourable Lord,

I HAVE acquainted his majesty with your lordship's letter, who hath followed your directions therein, and written to the lords accordingly. Which is all I have now to write to your lordship, but that I shall

ever rest

Your Lordship's faithful friend and servant,

Newmarket, the 9th day of December, 1617.



My lord of Buckingham to your lordship, shewing the king's liking of your opinion and choice of names for sub-commission.

(a) Harl. MSS. Vol. 7006.

(b) Sir Thomas Lake. His colleague, secretary Winwood, died October 27, 1617; and Sir Robert Naunton succeeded to the post of secretary, January 8, 1613, from that of surveyor of the Court of Wards.

(c) Harl. MSS. Vol. 7006.


My very good Lord,

YOUR lordship's letters patents (a) are ready. I would be glad to be one of the witnesses at the delivery; and therefore, if the king and your lordship will give me leave, I will bring it to-morrow at any hour shall be appointed.

New-Year's eve, 1617.

Your Lordship's ever,


I was bold to send your lordship, for your new-year's gift, a plain cap of essay, in token, that if your lordship in any thing shall make me your sayman, I will be hurt before your lordship shall be hurt. I present therefore to you my best service, which shall be my All-Years gift.


My very good Lord,

SIR George Chaworth and I am agreed, so that now I shall retain the grace of my place, and yet he rewarded. The king hath no ill bargain; for he hath four times as much as he was offered by Sir George of increase; and yet I take upon me to content my servants, and to content him. Nevertheless, I shall think myself pleasured by his majesty, and do acknowledge, that your lordship hath dealt very honourably and nobly with me.

I send inclosed a letter, whereby your lordship signifieth his majesty's pleasure to me; and I shall

(a) For the title of marquis of Buckingham to himself and the male heirs of his body.

make the warrant to Mr. Attorney. I desire it may be carried in privateness. I ever rest

Your Lordship's true friend

and devoted servant,

This New-Year's eve, 1617.



I PRESUME to send his highness this pair of small candlesticks, that his light, and the light of his posterity, upon the church and commonwealth, may never fail. I pray you do me the favour to present it to his highness, with my best and humblest service. Your most affectionate and assured friend,



My honourable Lord,

I HAVE heretofore recommended unto your lordship the determination of the cause between Sir Rowland Egerton and Edward Egerton, (c) who, I understand, did both agree, being before your lordship, upon the values of the whole lands. And as your lordship hath already made so good an entrance into

(a) He had been surveyor of the lands to prince Charles, when duke of York; and was groom of the stole to him, when king. He died in January, 1630-1.

(b) Sir Francis Bacon had that title given him January 4.

(c) This was one of the causes mentioned in the charge of the House of Commons against the lord Bacon; in his answer to which, he acknowledged, that some days after perfecting his award, which was done with the advice and consent of the lord chief justice Hobart, and publishing it to the parties, he received 3007, of Mr. Edward Egerton, by whom, soon after his coming to the seal, he had likewise been presented with 4007. in a purse.

the business, I doubt not but you will be as noble in furthering the full agreement between the parties: whereunto, I am informed, Sir Rowland Egerton is very forward, offering on his part that, which to me seemeth very reasonable, either to divide the lands, and his adverse party to choose; or the other to divide, and he to choose. Whereupon my desire to your lordship is, that you would accordingly make a final end between them, in making a division, and setting forth the lands, according to the values agreed upon by the parties themselves. Wherein, besides the charitable work your lordship shall do in making an end of a controversy between those, whom name and blood should tie together, and keep in unity, I will acknowledge your favour as unto myself, and will

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His majesty having given order to Mr. Solicitor (b) to acquaint your lordship with a business touching alehouses, (c) that upon consideration thereof you might certify your opinion unto his majesty, whether it be fit to be granted or not; I have thought fit to desire

(a) Harl. MSS. Vol. 7006.

(b) Sir Thomas Coventry.

(c) The lord chancellor, in his letter to the marquis of Buckingham, dated January 25, 1617, printed in his works, has the following passage: "For the suit of the ale-houses, which concerneth your "brother, Mr. Christopher Villiers, and Mr. Patrick Maule, I have "conferred with my lord chief justice, and Mr. Solicitor thereupon, " and there is a scruple in it, that it should be one of the grievances put down in parliament; which if it be, I may not, in my duty and "love to you, advise you to deal in it; if it be not, I will mould in "the best manner, and help it forward." A patent for licensing ale-houses being afterward granted to Sir Giles Mompesson and Sir Francis Mitchel, and greatly abused by them, they were punished for those abuses by the parliament, which met January 30, 1620-1.

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your lordship to give it what favour and furtherance you may, if you find it reasonable and not prejudicial to his majesty's service, because it concerneth Mr. Patrick Maule. and my brother, Christopher Villiers, whose benefit I have reason to wish and advance by any just courses. And so I rest

Your Lordship's faithful servant,

Royston, Jan. 11th, 1617.



My honourable Lord,

SIR John Cotton (b) having acquainted me with a petition he intended to exhibit to his majesty, that, without any apparent fault committed by him, he was put from his office of Custos Rotulorum; I have persuaded him to forbear the presenting of his petition, until I had written to your lordship, and received your answer. I have therefore thought fit to signify unto your lordship, that he is a gentleman, of whom his majesty maketh good esteem, and hath often occasion to use his service: and therefore, besides that he is a man of good years, and hath served long in the place, I know his majesty, out of these respects, will be loth he should receive any disgrace. I desire therefore to understand from your lordship the reasons of his remove, that, if I cannot give satisfaction to the gentleman himself, I may at least make answer to his majesty for that act of your lordship's, which is alledged to be very unusual, unless upon some precedent misdemeanor of the party. Thus, having in this point discharged my part in taking the best course I

(a) Harl. MSS. Vol. 7006.

(b) Of Lanwade, in Cambridgeshire, knight. He served many years as knight of the shire for that county, and died in 1620, at the age of seventy-seven. His eldest son, Sir John Cotton, was created a baronet, July 14, 1641.

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