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polar regions is highly interesting. We proceed to make some extracts

"The island Bressay lies to the east of Mainland, and is about four miles long and two broad. "Adjoining to this island, and on the southeast side of it, lies the small but fertile island of Noss, the south headland of which is not less than four

hundred and eighty feet high. Opposite to this, and distant ninety-six feet from the island, stands another rock or holm, of the same height. The holm is quite level at the top, and produces excellent pasture for sheep.

"To transport them there might well have

From the Philosophical Magazine for been thought impossible. Human ingenuity, how

June, 1817.

CHARCOAL FIRE. Notwithstanding the numerous accidents arising from burning charcoal in close rooms, a correspondent assures us, that he, as well as several of his friends, to whom he has recommended it, has experienced almost immediate relief from cough and catarrhal affections by sitting a few hours in his library with a chaffingdish of burning charcoal near his feet. He has found this practice so effectual a check to the effects of cold during the winter season, that he can assuage even a violent catarrhal cough in the course of a single day. It has even relieved persons with weak lungs, and who are consequently subject to coughs during the continuance of cold weather or easterly winds.


An exhibition of this sort took place lately, at Dartmouth, Eng. A brute of a fellow dragged his wife to the public quay for sale. The poor young woman so degraded excited considerable interest. She had been married about a twelvemonth, is not yet twenty, and could scarcely be sustained from fainting as her unworthy husband dragged her along. She was purchased for two guineas by her first sweetheart. To rescue her from further insult, a respectable family received her into their house, accommodated her with a change of dress, a veil, &c. and in this disguise she was conveyed to a place of safety.

M. Werner, the celebrated mineralogist, who died at Dresden on the 30th of June, at the age of 67, has bequeathed his excellent collection of minerals, consisting of more than one hundred thousand specimens, and valued at 150,000 crowns, to the Mineralogical Academy of Freyberg.


Don Eloy Valenzuela, curate of Bucaramanga, in South America, has discovered that meat may be preserved fresh for many months by keeping it immersed in molasses.


In the years 1806, and 1807, Mr. Laing accompanied the celebrated navigator, Scoresby, in a voyage to Spitzbergen. During this voyage a nearer approximation was made to the North Pole than had been effected by any other scientific voyagers. Mr. Laing's account of the Shetland isles and animals which frequent the

ever, requires only the exhibition of difficulties in order to overcome them. An islander climbed up the rock, and having fastened some ropes to stakes, which he drove into the soil on the top, threw them across the intervening chasm to the headland, where they were in like manner fastened. A cradle or basket is drawn along these ropes, and sheep are thus transported to and from the holm. And the eggs or young of the sea-fowl, which there breed in vast numbers, fall an easy prey to the skill and industry of man.

"The adventurous islander who first ascended the holm, and shewed the possibility of joining it to the island, from an excess of bravery, me with an untimely end. Disdaining to pass over in the cradle, and trusting that the same expertness which had conducted him to the summit of the rock, would enable him to descend to its base -he fell and was killed.

"It may be observed, that both men and horses are transported over the rapid rivers of South America in a similar manner. Vid. Ull. Voyage de l'Amerique, vol. 1, p. 358."

"The method of making butter used in Shetland, being curious, have thought proper to describe it. They fill their churn with milk, which they churn in the usual way, till the oleaginous part be made to separate from the serum. They then throw in some red hot stones, and continue churning till the butter floats at the top, when it is taken out, and carefully washed and salted. The buttermilk being boiled, what floats on the surface is used for food, and the residue is esteemed an excellent beverage; and when kept over winter, they reckon it an efficacious antidote against the bad effects arising from a constant use

of fish."

From an account of a voyage to Spitzbergen, written by John Laing, Surgeon.


Since the new order of things, the Russians have borrowed from Europe not only its higher sciences, but all the familiar means of diffusing just such knowledge as the government might find to be profitable. The Petersburg Gazette, the oldest n Russia, has been published in Russ and German, under the academy of sciences, embracing all foreign affairs, and such commercial notices as the interest and convenience of commerce might require. The Northport or New Gazette, twice a week, began in 1809, under the minister of the interior, for the purpose of the police, and for such other objects as the tranquility of Russia might admit. The Russian Invalid, which had as its first object military affairs, appeared in 1813, continued till 1815, and contained all the military arrangements and documents of the empire, with such use of the papers of Hamburg and Berlin as might fulfil its purpose. To this was added the Patriot, which appeared in 1812, and continued till the end of 1813. Its

editor belongs to the Petersburg school establishment, and its object was for political, historical, and literary information. It contained many articles which might assist the history and geogra phy of Russia, as well as of the state of the press in that country. The Spirit of the Times, was also another paper which appeared weekly in 1815, of which the object was general, but it is said to have contained interesting original documents. The persons to whom these papers were committed were persons of reputation, and under protection of the government. Such publications were not confined to Petersburg. At Moscow, in 1815, several papers appeared. Already in 1802 had been published the European Herald, from Karamzin, the celebrated poet and traveller, and afterwards by other hands. In this work was much literature, history and useful information. Besides this, at the same place was the Russian Herald, under Major Clinks, containing much domestic information, with all the ardor of national attachment. The Moscow Newspaper, a common paper, twice a week, was under the direction of the University. In Astrachan, twice a week appeared the Oriental Advertiser, a political and literary paper in the Rass and Armenian. The Casan Advertiser was well conducted, and appeared once a week, and was under the authority of the university at Petersburg. In Charkow was the Ukraine Herald, a literary paper from the youth of the University. Another paper also appeared in this place called Democritus in Charkow, a monthly, satyrical paper, from a teacher in that place. In Riga was a Russ weekly paper, under the direction of some distinguished persons in that place, directed to all the objects of the common newspapers in other parts of Europe. Salem Register.

From the Quarterly Review, for November, 1816 POWER OF THE IMAGINATION. One of the most striking instances of the amazing influence which the imagination possesses, not over the feelings merely, but upon the actual state and functions of the bodily organization, is related by professor Hufeland; this case is so interesting, and, we may add, so instructive, that we are tempted, notwithstanding its length, to lay it before our readers.

66 A student at Jena, about sixteen years of age, having a weak and irritable nervous frame, but in other respects healthy, left his apartments during twilight, and suddenly returned with a pale, dismal countenance, assuring his companion that he was doomed to die in thirty-six hours, or at nine o'clock in the morning of the second day. This sudden change of a cheerful young mind, naturally alarmed his friend; but no explanation was given of its cause. Every attempt at ridiculing this whimsical notion was fruitless, and he persisted in affirming that his death was certain and inevitable. A numerous circle of his fellow-students soon assembled, with a view to dispel those gloomy ideas, and to convince him of his folly, by arguments, satire and mirth. He remained, however, unshaken in his strange conviction; being appareatly inanimate in their company, and expressing his indignation at the frolics and witticisms applied to his peculiar situation. Nevertheless, it was conjectured that a calm repose during the night would produce a more favourable change in his fancy; but sleep was banished, and the approaching dissolution engrossed his attention during the nocturnal hours. Early next morning, he sent for professor Hufeland, who found him employed in mak.

ing arrangements for his burial; taking an affec tionate leave of his friends; and on the point of concluding a letter to his father: in which he announced the fatal catastrophe that was speedily to happen. After examining his condition of mind and body, the professor could discover no remarkable deviation from his usual state of health, excepting a small contracted pulse, a pale countenance, dull or drowsy eyes, and cold extremities: these symptoms, however, sufficiently indicated a general spasmodic action of the nervous system, which also exerted its influence over the mental faculties. The most serious reasoning on the subject, and all the philosopirical and medical eloquence of Dr. Hufeland had not the desired effect; and though the studentadmitted that there might be no ostensible cause of death discoverable, yet this very circumstance , was peculiar to his case; and such was his inexorable destiny, that he must die next morning, without any visible morbid symptoms. In this dilemma, Dr. Hufeland proposed to treat him as a patient. Politeness induced the latter to accept of such offer, but he assured the physician that medicines would not operate. As no time was to be lost, there being only twenty-four hours left for his life, Dr. Hufeland deemed proper to direct such remedies as prove powerful excitants, in order to rouse the vital energy of his pupil, and to relieve him from his captivated faney.Hence he prescribed a strong emetic and purgative; ordered blisters to be applied to both calves of the legs, and at the same time stimulating clysters to be administered. Quietly submitting to the doctor's treatment, he observed, that his body being already half a corps, all means of recovering it would be in vain. Indeed Dr. Hufeland was not a little surprised, on his repeating his visit in the evening, to learn that the emetic bad but very little operated, and that the blisters had not even reddened the skin.The case became more serious; and the suppos. ed victim of death began to tumph over the incredulity of the professor and his friends. Thus circumstanced, Dr. Hufeland perceived, how deeply and destructively that mental spasm must have acted on the body, to produce a degree of insensibility from which the worst consequences might be apprehended. All the inquiries into the origin of this singular belief had hitherto been unsuccessful. Now only, he disclosed the secret to one of his intimate friends, namely, that on the preceding evening he had met with a white figure in the passage, which nodded to him, and, in the same moment, he heard a voice exclaiming-"The day after to-morrow, at nine o'clock in the morning, thou shalt die!"-He continued to settle his domestic affairs; made his will; minutely appointed his funeral; and even desired his friends to send for a clergyman; which request, however, was counteracted.--Night appeared, and he began to compute the hours be had to live, till the ominous next morning. His anxiety evidently increased with the striking of every clock within hearing. Hufeland was not without apprehension, when he recollected instances in which mere imagination had produced melancholy effects; but, as every thing depended on procrastinating, or retarding that hour in which the event was predicted; and on appeasing the tempest on a perturbed imagination, till reason had again obtainef the ascendancy, he resolved upon the following expedient: Having a complaisant patient, who refused not to take the remedies prescribed for him, (because he seemed conscious of the ste


perior agency of his mind over that of the body,). In the following well-pointed, but good-na

Dr. Hufeland had recourse to laudanum, combined with the extract of hen-bane: twenty drops of the former, and two grains of the latter, were given to the youth, with such effect, that he fell into a profound sleep, from which he did not awake till eleven o'clock on the next morning. Thus, the prognosticated fatal hour elapsed; and his friends, waiting to welcome the bashful patient, who had agreeably disappointed them, turned the whole affair into ridicule. The first question, however, after recovering from this artificial sleep, was "What is the hour of the morning?" On being informed that his presages had not been verified by experience, he assured the company that all these transactions appeared but a dream. After that time, he long enjoyed a good state of health, and was completely cured of a morbid imagination."

Had this youth fallen into less sagacious hands, the event would, it is more than probable, have answered to the prediction; and the occurrence would have stood as irrefragable evidence of that creed which imagines that the times have not long since passed of individual and immediate communication between the world of sense and the world of spirits. How the fancy originated, it is difficult to say; but it is not less difficult to explain the phenomena of dreams.'

In the Zoonomia, we meet with the following well authenticated tale, which has been versified by Mr. Wadsworth:

"A young farmer in Warwickshire, finding his hedges broken, and the sticks carried away during a frosty season, determined to watch for the thief. He lay many cold hours under a haystack, and at length an old woman, like a witch in a play, approached and began to pull up the hedge; he waited till she had tied her bundle of sticks, and was carrying them off, that he might convict her of the theft, and then springing from his concealment, he seized his prey with violent threats. After some altercation, in which her load was left upon the ground, she kneeled upon the bundle of sticks, and raising her arms to heaven, beneath the bright moon, then at the full, spoke to the farmer, already shivering with cold, "Heaven grant that thou mayest never know again the blessing to be warm." He complained of cold all the next day, and wore an upper coat, and in a few days, another, and in a fortnight, took to his bed, always saying nothing made him warm; he covered himself with very many blankets, and had a sieve over his face as he lay; and from this one insane idea, he kept his bed above twenty years, for fear of the cold air, till at length he died."

"Sauvages relates a similar incident, upon the authority of Zacutus Lusitanus, of a melancholic who was always complaining of invincible cold, till he was subjected by artifice to a large quantity of spirits of wine in a state of combustion; he was convinced, from his sensations during this experiment, that he was capable of feeling heat, and thenceforth his cold left him. Dr. Haygarth, it will be in the recollection of many of our readers, operated very important changes in the bodiJy functions of several individuals who were, as they supposed, brought under the agency of Perkins' tractors, in reality merely acted upon by pieces of rotton wood, or rusty iron;-under this supposition, however, several chronic maladies, which had refused to yield to medicine, were materially mitigated, and at least temporarily cured.'

tured fable, the application of which is easily understood, we recognize the pen of a poet who has often successfully indulged his vein of pleasantry.


For Connecticut folks and others, as the case may be.

"Mutato nomine de te fabula narratur."


A canine Species, plumply nourish'd,
In days of Esop, talk'd and flourish'd;
On a fine Island, well located,

With wealth and prowess much elated,
Seiz'd Neptune's trident, car and thunder,
And claim'd his patent-right to plunder.
Their laws were just for some-while others
Were us'd as bastards by their brothers.
Till forc'd by wrongs to separation,
These form'd an independent nation.

When long the monarchy had thriven,
At last, this part far off were driven,
Across a pond-or else were thrown
In prison, for their cunting tone:
To make these stiff-rump sinners humbler
And still each non-conforming grumbler,
For dogs of yore, (as was most rational)
Had Hierarchies and orders national;
To teach plebian curs good manners,
Or fit their hides for use of Tanner;
To wind the system up still tighter,
They stole froin CERBERUS his mitre:
And toleration so absurd—
Was not a Dictionary word.

Some pilloried, with ears cropp'd shorter,
Fled for their lives, the land of Porter;
Not Lot left home with more activity,
Than these the place of their nativity.
Where many a Rev'rence, Grace and Cur-ship,
Made dev'lish work with their sky worship.
In church and state, this zeal was Laud-ed;
While some were burnt, the rest applauded.

At first, these outcasts own'd allegiance,
And paid the Parent State obedience:
Most of their chiefs, by them elected,
Their land and freedom they protected.
The mother Country felt no grudges,
To send them Governors and Judges.

But tir'd of vice-roy mongrel whelps,
They set up government themselves.
Unknown, unnotic'd, unbefriended,
'Twas long before their struggles ended.
In dreary wilds, midst many mad dogs,
Long years, they pass'd the life of sad dogs.
How long their difficulties lasted,
How much they whin'd and pin'd and fasted;
What tricks were play'd upon these travellers;
How cunningly they trick'd their cavillers;
How their petitions were rejected,
And how their Kennels they protected ;
How bold they grew from monster quelling,
There's neither time nor room for telling.
Attack'd, at home, by blood-relations,
They beat them off from all their stations.
By land and sea, in fine, victorious,
Peace made them happy, free and glorious.

Finish'd all foreign claims and quarrels,
Brim-full of meat, and crown'd with laurels,
What more could wish these favor'd elves?
Alas! to quarrel with themselves.
To logger-heads, about their dishes,
The Bull-dogs went for loaves and fishes.

One little District, fraught with knowledge
Was famous for its schools and college;
For valued institutions noted,

A second Athens, well nigh, voted.
Yet these shrewd pups, with rash dexterity,
Would aim a blow at their prosperity.

Instead of ancient steady habits,

Of hunting foxes, wolves, bears, rabbits,
(For Aborigenes had thinn'd off,
And game, in turn, began to wind off.)
Greedy of gain and office titles,

They turn'd their teeth on their own vitals;
And growling sounds, from Caucus Den,
Show'd dogs, when mad, are just like men.
Now nought was seen and heard but fighting,
Town-meetings, squabling, spouting, writing,
Calling hard names in all their speeches,
Feds, Demos, Curs, and Sons of B-

At length was found a hound sagacious
For Moderator, not loquacious,

But fill'd with grave experience'd sapience—
Not caring for their votes a ha'pence,
By pelf or place ne'er set agog,
Deem'd quite an independent dog;
Who thus, in council, warn'd the dogs,
"Grow poultry, cattle, sheep, and hogs.
Quarrel no more for bone or bonus,*
And mighty good will come upon us—
Enough your native State will yield,
No puppy needs go more afield.
Your Pilgrim-Sires, a patriot band,
For valour fam'd throughout the land,
In peace, as in our revolution,
Adher'd like wax to constitution;
In their blue code, to us descended,
Perchance, there's something might be mended.
Whate'er is bad, change when you will,
But keep your good old habits still.
Be not degenerate whipper-snappers,
Nor cut, like madcap monkies, capers."
Hound, Mastiff, Spaniel, Pointer, Harrier,
The Wolf-dog, Sheep-dog, Lap-dog, Terrier,
Even dogs of every kind and station,
Bark'd their assent" by acclamation.”


So be contentions always ended.
Destroy not. Be the imperfect mended.
Others reform. Make no demurring.
Improve in all things. Up! be stirring!
Nor, smit with rage of innovation.
Misname destruction, melioration.[Boston Centinel.

MODERN BRITISH POETS. Modern Ports-Under this title, an ingenious writer in the London Observer, indulging in a lawful fiction, brings Boswell (in a dream) from the shades, who relates a conversation between Dr. Johnson, Sir Joshua Reynolds, &c. in the world of spirits, in which the following opinions are expressed concerning Campbell, Moore, Southey, Scott, &c.

What think you, sir, of Campbell as a poet?' I put this question to him with some alarm; knowing that Campbell was a Scotchman, and knowing the good man's antipathy to the Scotch.

I think Campbell a poet. He has written little, but he has written well. He succeeds in the lofty, and excels in the pathetic. I read his Gertrude of Wyoming lately, and think it a pleasing poem. He has made Pennsylvania a pretty place, sir.' Do you, think, sir,' said I,


he should write oftener?" "Yes, sir! unless he thinks he should write worse. He seems to me

*Bonus of the Phoenix Bank.

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an idle man, which is not national in "him. But Campbell is a poet, and I like him well! Sir Joshua asked the great man if he had read any of Moore's works I have read them, sir, and I like their fancies vastly. But they are too classical for the young, and too luxurious for the old; they confuse youth in a mystic depravity, and ele vate age with amorous recollections." But,' said sir Joshua, 'you speak now of his early poems there is surely great feeling and unblemished fancy in his latter productions.' 'His Irish melodies are indeed the melodies of Ireland. They are national; and not like Twiss' melodies of Scotland, which ought to be called the Discords of Twiss. Sir, Moore is a patriot as well as a poet. He makes me love his country. But he should not continue to circulate the melodious immoralities of his boyhood. When once the muse forfeits her chastity, she stains her beauty and insults her comliness. Moore, sir, writes such songs as will sing of themselves: Twiss writes such as no one can sing.' I observed that Moore appeared to have read the old theological writers well. Sir, he has, and in his boyish books he tacked the notes of Old Divinity on the verses of Young Desire. Sir, he made Anacreon and Martin Luther join hands and dance a reel together. He made Beda hold a candle to the devil.' Sir Joshua Reynolds thought that Moore was as powerful in the fanciful as in the pathetic. I ventured to support the same opinion. You are both wrong. Moore is as commanding in his pathos as he is captivating in his fancy; he would sooner make me weep than dance." I spoke of his sociality.

Sir, (said the great moralist) Moore is a sprightly man.' I observed that it was said he sung well. Sir, (said the doctor angrily,) that has nothing to do with the nature of his poetry, Singing is not genius.. Moore's immortality will not depend upon his own voice, but on the voice of distant ages. You stray from the argument."

Southey. What think you, Doctor, of Southey? Is he not a great poet?' I felt that I had put a lucky question to him-for his feainres bespoke the working of his mind.Southey, sir, is a vast writer. He inundates one with a deluge of prose and verse. I would not be the muse of this bard for all the honours she may get. Her place is a place of all work. Southey, sir, is a court poet: and I now think that a man cannot speak freely and truly there at the same time. He has genius, but he wants moderation. His mind thinks more than his hand can write, and his hand writes more than posterity will read.'

I changed by speaking of Walter Scott. Sir Joshua-I have always admired the richness of Scott's descriptions, and really look on him as a painter of poets. He colours richly and from nature.' Johnson-Walter Scott is a pretty poet, sir, but he puts too many trees into his sce

nery for Scotch scenery. He makes a Tivoli of the Highlands.' I remarked, that he ought to be a little ornamental. But, sir, you may dress a truth so finely that it may look like a lie. Walter is, however, a nice writer: he reminds one of chivalrous times, and I love him for it. I have read his Lay, and I think it a good thing,' Sir Joshua-Have you read Marmion? The battle is full of fire.' 'So a battle ought to be; Walter Scott makes a stupendous baule. Marmion, sir, is a very magnificent rascal.' I observed that it was a bold character. Johnson- sir, you might as well talk of the character of a highwayinan. Marmion is a bold

black villian: you must not say character. Macbeth is not a good character; he is a Marmion, without his fine clothes and name.' He further said, 'He writes too much to win an untarnished fame. He sacrifices worth to quantity, which will injure his immortality. Fame, sir, is but the reflection of genius in the stream of time'Sir Joshua-'I think Walter Scott amongst poets, is what Westall was amongst painters, an excellent mannerist.' Johnson- Sir, I remember the features of Walter's heroes so well, that I should know one if I saw him in a crowd of other robbers. Marmion and Bertram, and William of Delorain, are brothers. They are black bearded ruffians, and do not know their letters. Here Burke joined us, and I looked forward to a lively conversation. I asked Dr. Johnson what he thought of Amos Cottle. Sir, I never heard of him.


CASE OF HYDROPHOBIA. Madame Bruneau, wife of Mr. neau, of the Ordnance Department, had her arm violently lacerated by the bite of a cat, about the commencement of November last. The animal fastened upon her with such ferocity, that it would not loosen its hold until some of its bones were broken-it was immediately killed. The laceration was washed with brine, and dressed with some domestic remedy, such as the family had been in the habit of applying to wounds and sores. It continued open for several weeks, and healed at last with much difficulty. About the beginning of May, the scars became inflamed and very itchy, attended with a sort of pinching pain which extended in the direction of the lymphatics to the Axilla, and side of the neck. On the morning of the 12th, when attempting to take a little cordial for the relief of a pain in the stomach, she found herself seized with an indescribable feeling of horror and constriction of the throat, as the liquid approached her mouth attributing this to the smell of the cordial, she tried a little tea, and afterwards, some water; but the same feeling was excited, the instant she looked at either of these. Her husband being employed in the Ordnance, sent for a medical officer of that department, who immediately attended, and after much inquiry obtained the history above related of the case. Care was taken in putting the necessary questions to the husband that the patient should not hear them, in order that she might have no suspicion of the real nature of the disease; she, however, overheard some observations that were made about the cat, and instantly exclaimed, 'Ce n'est pas cela car mon enfant a ete mordu dans le meme tems que moi." The case being considered an important one, was reported to the Inspector of hospitals, and permission was obtained from the family to call in an eminent physician, who, upon seeing the case, did not he sitate to coincide in opinion with the Ordnance medical officer, that it was a distinct case of hydrophobia. This opinion was on the following morning further confirmed by that of the Inspector of hospitals, and the surgeon to the forces. Notice was given of the case to all the medical gentlemen in town who could be found. The progress of the disease was so rapid as to afford but little time for medical treatment. Copious bleeding having been latterly recommended froin high authority, was put in practice, but with evident disadvantage-large doses of mercurial purgatives (indicated by the state of her bowels) were administered with some degree of tempo

rary relief-antispasmodics were then attempted to be given, but the power of deglutition was so soon lost, that very little was taken-(about three grains of the extract of Hyosciamus.) The same sense of horror, and spasmodic constriction of the throat, &c. were excited by looking at a mirror, or any other substance having a polished reflecting surface. On the morning of the 13th, these sensations came on spontaneously, and very frequently followed by violent convulsions, the moment any liquid was brought in sight-the power of swallowing solids now began to diminish, and by ten o'clock not even the saliva could be got down, but issued abundantly out of the mouth, in a viscid and stringy state-From this moment, the convulsions continued incessantly, until two P. M. when she died. The body became perfectly putrid in a few hours after her decease. Quebec Laper.


Haydn, at the age of 78, died at Vienna, during the attack of that capital by the French in 1809. The following account of his death, which we extract from a life of that celebrated composer, recently published, is not destitute of in


"On my return to the Austrian capital, I have to inform you my dear friend, that the larva of Haydn has also quitted us. That great man no longer exists, except in our memory. I have often told you, that he was become extremely weak before he entered his 78th year. It was the last of his life. No, sooner did lie approach his-pianoforte, than the vertigo returned, and his hands quitted the keys to take up the rosary, that last consolation.

"The war broke out between Austria and France. This intelligence roused Haydn and exhausted the remnant of his strength. He was continually inquiring for news; he went every moment to his piano, and sang, with the small thread of voice which he yet retained

God preserve the Emperor!'

"The French armies advanced with gigantic strides. At length, on the night of the 10th of May, having reached Schonbrun, half a league's distance from Hadyn's little garden, they fired, the next morning, fifteen hundred cannon shot within two yards of his house, upon Vienna, the town which he so much loved. The old man's imagination represented it as given up to fire and sword. Four bombs fell close to his house. His two servants ran to him, full of terror. The old man, rousing himself, got up from his easy chair, and, with a dignified air, demanded, why this terror? know that no disaster can come where Haydn is.' A convulsive shivering prevented him from proceeding, and he was carried to his bed. On the 26th of May, his strength diminished sensibly. Nevertheless, having caused himself to carried to his piano, he sung thrice, as loud as he was able

'God preserve the Emperor!' It was the song of the swan. While at the piano, he fell into a kind of stupor, and, at last, expired on the morning of the 31st, aged 78 years and two months.

"Madame de Kurzbeck, at the moment of the occupation of Vienna, had entreated him to allow of his being removed to her house, in the interior of the city; he thanked her, but declined leaving his beloved retreat.

"During all his life, Haydn was very religi Without assuming the preacher, it may be said, that his talent was increased by his sincere


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