Imágenes de páginas

which they were given, than by the suspicions which | rights; and that, having been so solemnly commitattached to the integrity of the parties by whom ted to the gurdianship of the excellent missionary, they were delivered, as appeared from the document transmitted to the board by Mr. Swartz, which is then detailed at length, and the substance of which has appeared in a preceding part of this narrative. "To the evidence of Mr. Swartz," it is observed, "no objection can be made; and the admission of it proves that the pundits, whose opinions were taken with regard to the succession, were either ig-parties concerned, to the purity and uprightness of norant or corrupt, and that their judgment is consequently entitled to no weight."

The conclusion of the supreme board, from all the preceding evidence, was, that the grounds upon which Serfojee's adoption was set aside by Sir Archibald Campbell were insufficient; and that it was now clearly relieved from those objections which precluded his acquisition of that right to which he had been appointed by his adoptive father, and to which, in the opinion of the board, he was in future entitled.

On receiving the foregoing able and comprehensive minute from the governor-general of Bengal, Lord Hobart expressed in council at Madras his entire concurrence in the principles and reasonings which it contained, and in the conclusion which it adopted in favor of Serfojee. Adverting to the supposed title of Ameer Sing, his lordship remarked that, had the question turned upon his legitimacy or illegitimacy, sufficient evidence had been adduced of the latter to exclude him from the succession; but that, as the laws of adoption equally precluded his pretensions, in either case, his being illegitimate could only be considered as an aggravation of the injustice which Serfojee had suffered.

Under this impression, and a conviction of the distress in which the inhabitants of the Tanjore country must be involved until its government should be settled upon a permanent footing, the president proposed that the board should concur in opinion with the governor-general in council, and that their opinion, with the papers which had been under their consideration, should be transmitted to the Court of Directors, by the earliest opportunity.

it became a sacred duty in him to exert himself to the utmost on his behalf. Perplexed and intricate as this question undoubtedly was, and involving such contrariety of opinions and interests, both native and European, it is most gratifying to observe, how completely his interference was justified by the result of the investigation, and how striking and honorable were the testimonies borne, by all the his conduct throughout the whole transaction. To Swartz himself it must have been a source of heartfelt satisfaction, that he had lived to conduct the case of Serfojee so nearly to its successful issue.It awaited only the final decision of the Court of Directors, which was confidently anticipated, but which did not arrive till the venerable friend of the young prince had ceased to take any interest in the affairs, however important, of this earthly scene.

In returning to the general narrative of the year 1796, it may be observed, that about this period Mr. Swartz was requested to give some instruction in the principles of the Christian religion to the son of a gentleman then resident in the neighborhood of Tanjore, who afterwards filled a distinguished station in the public service of India, and who still evinces a lively interest in all that relates to the welfare of our Oriental empire. "I well remember," says that learned and eminent person, "his peculiarly venerable and impressive appearance, the tall and erect figure, the head white with years, the features on which I loved to look, the mingled dignity and amenity of his demeanor. To his pupils he was more like a parent than a preceptor."+ The testimony to the revered missionary is, we perceive, the same from every quarter, and the im pression of his mild and attractive virtues, even on the youngest mind, deep and indelible.

In a letter to the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, dated Tanjore, June 28th, 1796, Mr. Swartz gratefully mentions "God's preservation of his life and health to the extent of nearly seventy years, and his ability still to go through his work in church and school, even without being much fatigued." Mr. Kohlhoff, he said, continued faithfully to assist him in the several duties of the mission.-Mr. Janicke had been to Ramanadapuram, not merely to inspect the congregation, but also to superintend the rebuilding of a new church at that place, the old one having fallen down. He had

The whole of this interesting question having turned principally on the evidence adduced by Mr. Swartz, it will be recollected that, in his letter to Lord Cornwallis, he professed his willingness to confirm some important parts of it in the most solemn manner. The following extract from a despatch of Lord Hobart to the resident, thus recog-suffered much from the hill fever, but then found nizes this offer.

"The various documents you have submitted, are, to my mind, perfectly conclusive in favor of Serfojee, because they are authenticated by the respectable signature of Mr. Swartz; but as a future discussion may arise, when the course of nature may put it out of our power to resort to that gentleman, it is of infinite importance that we should avail ourselves of the proposition he has himself made, in his letter of the 8th of April, 1793, to Lord Cornwallis."

Lord Hobart then desired the resident to call on Mr. Swartz to verify his statements in the solemn manner he had suggested; and an oath was accordingly administered to him to that effect, which, together with the other documents, was transmitted to the Court of Directors.

It may, perhaps, be thought that too much prominence has been given to the preceding subject, and that it has been pursued too far in detail; but though to some readers it may appear uninteresting, it must be remembered, that it deeply involved the reputation of the British government with respect to a native prince, dependent in a great measure upon its protection for the establishment of his

himself better. He observes that they stood in need of a much greater number of books than they usually received, particularly for the schools, and then affectingly adds, "As I grow old and weak, and the work is great and extensive, I heartily wish that a new laborer could be sent out to assist us."

To his friend Dr. Schultz he thus mentions about this time the happy death of a young native convert. She was a person," he says, of a quiet disposition, and who feared God. She and her husband lived together in harmony; and if he, at any time, spoke harshly to her, she was silent; which is not often the case with wives here.

"During her illness she prayed fervently, and exhorted her husband to do the same, and was much pleased when we visited and encouraged her to a believing trust in Christ. Her aged parents mourned over her early death, but were comforted in thinking that she departed in humble confidence in the death of Christ.

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"I will add," he continues, an instance of a'

*The Right Honorable Sir Alexander Johnston, late Chief Justice of Ceylon.

+ Lives of Eminent Missionaries, p. 169.

and fellow-laborer, Gericke, has already appeared. In his journal for this year, he thus touchingly refers to a domestic affliction of this excellent man, and repeats the testimony which he had previously

"The Lord preserve our dear brother Gericke ! His daughter's early death affected him deeply.— His humility, contentment, and disinterested conduct, are observed and appreciated, both by heathens and Christians.-I cannot sufficiently praise Go for granting me in Mr. Kohlhoff such a humble, unwearied, and attentive fellow-laborer. He works from morning to night, and is always content."

sorrowful kind. A woman placed herself and her
two daughters under me for instruction; the latter
also attended the school. When the elder daughter
was grown up, she wished to be united to a Chris-
tian, and her mother consented. But soon after-borne to his character.
wards, one of their heathen relatives desired to mar-
ry her; and the mother preferred the match, both
she and her daughter became indifferent to Chris-
tianity, and apostatized. The wedding was cele-
brated in the heathen manner. The daughter in
her first confinement was in danger. Perceiving
her end draw near, she sent for an aged Christian
female, and said in the presence of her apostate
mother, Pray to God for me that he may forgive
my falling away. I was instructed in the Christian
doctrines; the Padre treated me as his child. I
have felt too the power of the divine word at preach-
ing, and have twice received the holy supper:-it
was my mother that seduced me away. And now
I die in beathenism through my mother's fault."

On his seventieth birth-day, Swartz addressed to his friend Professor Schultz, the following devout and interesting effusion.

Tanjore, Oct. 8, 1796. "Ebenezer! hitherto the Lord has helped me. In a subsequent letter to the same excellent friend, To-day I entered upon my seventy-first year. O Mr. Swartz says, "I have just risen from an exami- the riches of his grace, compassion, and forbearnation of the school-children, after having previous-ance, which I have experienced during seventy ly finished catechising. Such examinations we years! Praise, honor, and adoration, are due to a have once a month; and it is in many respects an gracious God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, for advantage to have them frequently; but particu- the numerous proofs of his abounding grace. Who larly because the school-master is thus encouraged am I, poor wretched sinner, that thou hast led me to fulfil his duty faithfully. We examine their till now? O my God, forsake me not in my old reading, writing, and arithmetic; and hear them age, but let me record, for the encouragement of repeat by heart the principal texts and a hymn."- others, the mercy which has spared, pardoned, and In another letter he mentions that they were also comforted me; and may they be induced to put taught to sing sacred melodies. their trust in thee!

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Referring again to his valuable plan of preparing catechists and school-masters, he says, I have selected from the school ten lively boys, whom I daily instruct in the doctrines of Christianity, and churchhistory, as well as in the method of explaining the principal passages of Scripture. I allow them each a small sum monthly, to prevent the necessity of their applying to other labor for support. Not that we expect that every one of them will be fit to be employed in church offices; but they are thus previously instructed, and their abilities as well as conduct are in the way of being proved. Those of whom we entertain hopes of usefulness we send with the catechists into the country, in order to afford them some assistance." This, as he mentions in another letter, was to read to the people, when the catechists became fatigued with speaking to them. May God endue them," adds this pious and venerable man, "with his Spirit, sanctify their hearts, and make them useful to the benefit of the congregation, and the glory of his name!"

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Towards the close of this year, the Society succeeded in obtaining, through Professor Schultz, of Halle, two candidates for the mission in India, one of whom was destined to the Calcutta station, and the other to the coast of Coromandel. The earnest wishes so repeatedly expressed by Swartz for fresh laborers, were thus, it was hoped, likely to be realized; and in the spring of the following year, after a very able and eloquent charge by the late Archdeacon Owen, who had himself served with distinction as one of the chaplains to the presidency of Calcutta, in which, in common with his predecessors in this solemn duty, he spoke of Swartz, as of one whose "praise in the gospel is indeed great," Messrs. Ringeltaube and Holtzberg embarked for India. Of these missionaries, however, one soon quitted the service of the Society, and the other, whose arrival cheered for a time the declining days of his venerable superior, had unhappily imbibed the Neologian views, which already pervaded the German Universities, and, though spared for several years, diminished instead of augmenting the strength and efficiency of the mission.

The affection of Swartz for his admirable friend

"I am still able to go through the labor of instructing both young and old, without being over fatigued. This duty is so great a refreshment to me, that I heartily praise God for continued health and strength to declare to heathens and Christians his name, who has sent Christ as a Saviour, and made him our wisdom and righteousness, sanctification and redemption.' Let worldlings boast as much as they please; my boast is in the Lord, from whom alone cometh my salvation."

The following extract from another letter intimates his knowledge of the painful departure of some of the German churches from the fundamental doctrines of the gospel; and while adverting to his continued, but necessarily decreasing labors, announces his watchful preparation for a higher world.

"Our circumstances are rather depressing, but the Lord is never at a loss for means. He can send forth laborers into his vineyard. Alas! the faithful laborers are few.

"The present condition of the churches in Germany is truly deplorable. They have invented a gospel to which St. Paul and the other apostles were entire strangers. Many reject the doctrine of the atonement, and of the sanctifying influence of the Holy Spirit.

"I have now attained my seventieth year.Hitherto the Lord has preserved and protected me. I cannot any longer undertake distant excursions to the heathen; but am still able to perform my ordinary functions, both in church and school. I also pay occasional visits to such Christians as are dispersed in the vicinity, for which I humbly praise God. I have till now personally instructed all those who wished to be baptized, or to receive the holy supper.

"How much longer God may permit me to occupy my station, is known to him alone. My times. are in his hands.' He has heard my unworthy prayer, that I might not become quite useless in old age. I consider it one of my highest privileges that I can still daily proclaim his n me, both among Christians and heathens. A few months ago, I

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"I have received your kind letter along with the little books for the benefit of the children. They have been highly pleased with them, and have frequently perused them.

that I frequently remember him. In his present situation he may do much good, but will likewise meet with many temptations. May he be strong in the Lord! "I remain sincerely,

"Dear madam, "Your affectionate friend, "C. F. SWARTZ."

"The kind present which you left for me in the hands of my dear brother, Mr. Gericke, I have received, and thank you heartily for it."

The day following, Mr. Swartz informed the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, that through the divine mercy Mr. Kohlhoff and himself had been preserved in the enjoyment of health and strength, for which he humbly praised God. He particularly mentioned Mr. Joenicke as indefatigable in his missionary labors. He reported that in the Tamul school, in which fifty boys and ten girls were educated, two of the senior boys were instructed, not only in the doctrine, but also in the evidences of Christianity, in order to their being hereafter employed as schoolmasters and catechists. provincial schools at Tanjore and Cumbagonam were continued as before. As a proof of their caution in the admission of the native Christians to divine ordinances, "When the holy sacrament,' he observed, "is administered, we admit no more than thirty or forty at one time, that we may be able to ascertain the knowledge of the communicants; but that all may have an opportunity to re ceive, it is administered four or five Sundays suc

"The account you have been pleased to give me of your and my deceased friend's children, is, as you may readily conceive, rejoicing my heart.—cessively." Your children are your treasure, which, if they are well educated, you will find in heaven; whereas all other things will leave you. The modern way of educating children is far from being hopeful. To make them useful members of society is good; but to make them genuine disciples of Jesus is infinitely better.

"You mention the present corruption of the clergy. At the same time you pleasingly add, that, in the midst of hirelings, God has several true servants. This I believe with all my heart; and in spite of ridicule they are the pillars which support the state more than all political machines.


In conclusion, he assures the Society, that their work of love in that country was not altogether fruitless; and that many would bless God through all eternity, for the kindness which they had bestowed upon them.

In another letter to the Society, dated Feb. 22, he expresses his most humble thanks, not only for their usual stores and presents, but for their additional allowance of £50. He also mentioned the excellent Sattianaden as diligent in the discharge of his duties at Palamcotta, and as worthy of the gratuity intended for him by the Society.

Adverting, in the preceding letter, to the infor

missionaries in India, and of the probability that one of them would be accompanied by his wife, he thus briefly but pointedly expressed his sentiments upon this difficult subject.

"I rejoice particularly at your delight in abstain-mation which he had received of the arrival of new ing from the fashionable ways of the world. How is it possible to preserve faith, love, and hope, in the dissipations which are in vogue? Our days are soon gone. Eternity is at hand. What will a poor worldling at last feel when, leaving the world, he finds himself destitute of a lively hope of a blessed eternity?

"But how comfortable is the end of a genuine disciple of Jesus! Adorned with his righteousness, justified and absolved from sin, having the joyful testimony of the Spirit of God, he quits the world with divine comfort.

"How animating the words of our blessed Saviour, Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest!' None but the Redeemer is able to give us that desirable blessing. Having obtained mercy, pardon, and peace with God, well may we take his yoke upon us. His commandments are then not grievous; his discipline, and even sufferings, are salutary, promoting our internal peace of mind.

"May you, dear madam, and your dear children walk in the light of his countenance! May God always grant you righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost!

"Remember me to Mr. Grant, and assure him

* Doubtless those of his schools.

"I confess, dear sir, I was grieved at it. I assure you that I honor the state of matrimony as a divinely-instituted state; but if a new missionary comes out, he ought to be unembarrassed. His first work, besides his attention to his personal religion, is the learning of some languages, which requires great attention, and unwearied application. I will not say that a married man is unable to learn languages; but this I know from experience in others, that the work goes on slowly. Besides, a new missionary who comes out in the married state, wants many things to maintain his family decently, which may distract him. If one should enter into that state after he had become qualified for his office, the difficulty would be less; but even then, he ought to be well assured of the real piety of his wife; otherwise, she will be a sore impediment to him in the discharge of his duty."

It can scarcely be necessary to state that Mr. Swartz himself never married. His solemn and entire dedication of himself to the work of a missionary had probably induced him at a very early period to resolve on a life of celibacy, upon the elevated principle suggested by the great apostle to the

Gentiles,* that he might be unincumbered by domestic cares, and free to devote his undivided thoughts and energies to the service of Christ. It is not surprising, therefore, that the choice which he had thus made for himself, he should deliberately approve for others engaged in similar undertakings. In point of fact, he was decidedly unfriendly to the marriage of missionaries, at least during the first years of their ministry.

tive example of the United Brethren, Protestant missionaries in the present day would determinately consider themselves as ministers of a distinct and peculiar order, "separated unto the gospel of God;" and if, when conscientiously uniting themselves in marriage, they would never forget the apostolic admonition, "that they that have wives be as though they had none," as entirely devoted to God, and as simply dependent on his providential care, as if, The opinion thus expressed by the venerable like Swartz, they were alone in the world, and had, missionary is certainly at variance with that of ma- like him, or rather like the blessed apostle, whose ny others on this important point; and some may, example he so closely followed, but "one thing" to perhaps, be disposed to think that his view of it do-to fulfil the ministry which they have received, was unduly influenced by his own feelings and ex-" to testify the gospel of the grace of God;" to live, ample. No man, was, however, more perfectly not unto themselves, but unto Him who died for free from prejudice or mere personal considerations them and rose again. in forming his judgment upon any subject than A letter about this time, from Mr. John, one of Swartz; and it deserves to be remembered, that the missionaries at Tranquebar, contains the followfrom his peculiarly social and affectionate disposi- ing just and pious testimony to the importance and tion, few men were better qualified to impart and to value of Swartz's labors, and of the mission in India. enjoy the happiness of a married life. This only Speaking of Mr. Gericke, he says, "May God proves the sincerity and strength of that conviction keep this dear brother long in life and strength, of duty which could reconcile him to privations of as he is of great assistance to us, and a guide, a fawhich he could not but be deeply susceptible; and ther, and friend, to very many children, widows, the remunerating goodness of God, who, by the and orphans; and whose patience, disinterestedcheering light of his countenance, the visits of his ness, and perseverance, we all admire, and endeagrace, and the hopes and visions of his glory, could, vor to imitate. He and our dear patriarch, Mr. even in solitude, give to his devoted servant "the Swartz have been, and are, a great blessing to the desires of his heart," and provide for him a satisfy-country. We are all joined in fraternal love, and ing portion of personal happiness.

The sentiments of such a man, therefore, more particularly when viewed in connection with those of the apostle already referred to, well deserve the serious consideration of all candidates for the office of a missionary. The difficulties and dangers to which those are exposed who follow the example of Swartz in a life of celibacy are, doubtless, great and obvious; nor should they ever be encountered without the deliberate and well founded assurance, which he possessed, of a faith which endures in the hour of trial, which effectually purifies the thoughts and imaginations of the heart, and which, overcoming all the allurements of the world, has "respect unto the recompense of the reward." Examples may, indeed, be adduced of married missionaries, eminently devoted and successful, who have owed much of their comfort and even of their usefulness, to the partners of their labors and their cares. Such was the pious and admirable Ziegenbalg, yet not before he had solidly laid the foundation, and had advanced considerably in the promotion of his great work at Tranquebar;t such was Eliot, the apostle of the North American Indians; such was Gericke, nearest, perhaps, to Swartz himself, in zeal, in disinterestedness, in success; and such, to mention no others, have been, in general, the Moravian brethren, pre-eminent, it may almost be said, in the highest qualities and achievements of missionary character and labor.

Failures, both in the one class and in the other, might, unhappily, be enumerated. The truth seems to be, that as in many other points of Christian practice, no certain and invariable rule can be laid down, which shall in all cases determine the choice of the missionary concerning a married or a single life. Much must depend upon circumstances, of which a truly upright, devout, and devoted mind can alone rightly judge. Two things may, however, be safely affirmed upon this subject: the one, that, in strict analogy with the apostle's argument before alluded to, the preponderance both of reason and experience is, in general, in favor of the unmarried missionary; the other, that this preponderance would be greatly lessened, if, after the primi

*1 Cor. vii. 32, 33.
+ See Preliminary Sketch.

assist each other upon every occasion. Much good has, doubtless, been done by the missions, and will continue to flow from them in proportion as the missionaries prove themselves to be faithful servants of Christ. Let those who are either quite unacquainted with the mission, or who place their happiness in wealth or sensual pleasures, judge, speak, and write what they please, we trust that God Almighty will never forsake his work, but continue his kind providence, which has hitherto been so manifest, and ought to be acknowledged with thanks and gratitude."

To Dr. Schultz Mr. Swartz wrote as follows, in various letters in the course of this year.

"Up to this day, I have still been enabled to fulfil my labors. I am now at Vallam. There are three companies of English soldiers here, who have requested me to give them a word of exhortation once or twice this month.

"Mr. Kohlhoff is well, and unwearied in his labors. He has a meeting for worship every evening with the Europeans in the fort of Tanjore. God has his own people among them, who es..em it a blessing to have the word of salvation preached to them. Seventy or eighty regularly attend. In the church without the fort, I have a similar meeting every morning and evening."-"The gospel has continued to be fully preached in Tanjore, and the villages around. To the ten youths whom I selected for the purpose, I explain at large the doctrines of Christianity, with the evidences for them out of the Old and New Testaments; so as to enable them to perceive the reasons of their faith distinctly and convincingly."

"We labor in the congregation, and see in many the fruits of our labor. But truly the hinderances to the work of the Lord are not few. Still, if only some are gained, our labor is not in vain.God can make all grace abound to us; to him we commend ourselves and his work."

The next extract is strikingly descriptive of his zealous and disinterested anxiety for the missionary


"Early this morning I happened to meet with a letter of my late pious friend -, which he addressed to you in 1788, and which was then forwarded to me. He says in it: 'Ought not my son to be a missionary? O how ardently do I pray that

God will not forsake his work, now that he has
opened to our times a wider field than heretofore!
If God cause his Spirit to rest on both my sons,
they shall hereafter prove active laborers in his
"Now if this son of my deceased friend have na-
tural gifts, and grace,—if he have a desire to preach
Christ among the heathen, I beg you to send him
out at my expense. And if I should be called away
by the Lord before his arrival, my brethren will
make it good out of the property I leave. The mis-
sion is my heir. Our hope standeth in the Lord
who made heaven and earth. May he be merciful
to us, and promote his work to his own glory!"

"A dark cloud appears to be rising. War with Tippoo is apparently inevitable. He is now on the frontiers with a strong army; and, it is said, expects help from the French."

"I feel my weakness more and more-how long the Lord will yet preserve and use me, rests with him. My times are in his hands. May he be merciful to me, and grant me at last a blessed end! Amen." The last communication which the Society received from their venerable missionary, was dated from Tanjore, on the 4th of September, 1797, in which he acknowledged the receipt of the secretary's letter for that year, together with the usual stores and presents, salaries and gratuities, for all of which he assured the Society of his brethren's sincere thankfulness. "God," he continued, "had graciously preserved their lives and health, so that he was still able to go through his accustomed work, though with less vigor than heretofore. He added, that, should his life be prolonged, he intended to give a full account of the mission, at the end of the year; and concluded with a prayer, that God would prosper the work of their revered superiors."

The labors, however, of this apostolic man were now drawing to a close. Within little more than a month after the date of the preceding letter, his last illness commenced; and on the 2nd of February, 1798, Mr. Gericke, in a letter to the Society, communicated the painful and afflicting intelligence, that Mr. Swartz had been, for three months past, dangerously ill, and was not expected to preach again, his illness having affected not only his bodily strength, but also his memory.

"That great and good man," he writes, "had often spoken to me of his death. When he mentioned any providential circumstances that had attended him in life, he had been accustomed to add, 'And so God will show me mercy at the end;' and we have great reason to praise Him for the mercies our father and brother experienced during the last days of his abode upon earth. When I arrived at Tanjore, he was in perfect health of body, though his recollection failed him. During the few days in which I went to see our brother Pohle, at Trichinopoly, he had been afflicted with a mortification in his left foot, which for years past had occasionally been painful. On my return I was fearful that this would prove fatal. We were thankful, however, to observe, that the power of recollection had almost fully returned. The mortification also was checked, and shortly after removed; and the last days of his life became some of his best. He frequently conversed with Christians and heathens, who visited him, in the same easy and agreeable manner he had been accustomed to when in health. He affectionately exhorted every European that visited him to the earnest care of his soul." He prayed, and he praised God. He desired us to pray with him; and though he must have felt much pain, (which was evident from his groans, when left alone, in the hope of getting rest,) yet when we heard him speak with others, or pray, it was with as much ease as if he had no pain.

Respecting the mission, he made the following emphatic observation. 'I hope the work will continue; but you will suffer much in carrying it on: he who will suffer nothing is not fit for it.' Of his own congregation, by which he chiefly intended those who lived on either side of his garden, and attended his hours of daily devotion, he said, that it would be well if those who expect too much, or, at least, too hastily, from heathen converts, would bear in mind,-' There is a good beginning in all. If others say, there is nothing perfect; I say, look into your own hearts.'

"Our dear fellow-laborer, Mr. Swartz," thus the missionaries of Tranquebar mention him in their report of January, 1798, "was a few months ago near death. He is now tolerably recovered. The chief subject which constantly engages his attention, He did not at first apprehend that it would prove is the great goodness of God, and his glorious salfatal; but appeared to entertain a wish and expecta-vation in Christ, by the contemplation of which his tion of recovery;

mind is exceedingly cheered, and inspired with a blessed hope full of immortality. Both his heart and mouth overflow with this subject—it is the constant theme of his addresses to the congregation, and of his private conversation."

"When I spoke to him on the subject," says Mr. Joenicke, in a letter to one of his brethren, "and expressed a hope that God might yet restore him to health, he said, 'But I should not be able to preach on account of my teeth.' I replied, 'If you only sit "Mr. Comerer," writes one of the Tranquebar here as you do at present, and aid us with your brethren, "will give you a more explicit account counsel, all things would go on quite differently of the present state of Mr. Swartz. This venerable from what they would if you were to leave us.' But servant of God is extremely comfortable and happy, when I next saw him, he said as soon as I entered, and enjoys, in Christ his Redeemer, whom he has 'I think the Lord will at last take me to himself.' served so long and with such exemplary fidelity, I spoke to him a great deal on the subject, but he re- the most delightful fruits of his faith. He also mained silent, settled some pecuniary matters with greatly edifies the congregation by his truly paterme, and gave me some money for Palamcotta.-nal exhortations. But he is no longer competent All this troubled me much. I prayed and wept; could get no sleep for several nights, and lost my appetite and strength: for various thoughts how things would go on after his departure made me very wakeful. The physicians say there is no danger as yet; but it now appears to me that our dear father will soon leave us. O if God would graciously strengthen him, and spare him to us yet a little while! If he depart to his rest, what shall we both do ?"

In his next letter, Mr. Gericke communicated the following interesting particulars of the last sufferings, and of the patience, resignation, and hope, of the revered and venerable missionary.

to transact other business; he appears, as it were, dead to this world, and he longs to depart and to be with Christ. His bright and cheering example is constantly present to my mind, and will leave an indelible impression on the whole of my future life."

The following is the truly interesting report of Mr. Camerer, referred to in the preceding extract.

"In November of last year, we received distress.. ing accounts of the illness of our revered father Swartz. A cold laid the foundation of this severe illness, which none could have encountered without sinking under it, unless blessed with such a sound constitution as his was, Both Mr. Jonicke and

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