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and out of Parliament, connected with India, it is not surprising that it should be unfavorably received. The late Lord Melville, then President of the Board of Control, acknowledged the importance of the measure, and promised not to lose sight of it, but expressed his doubts as to its present expediency, and his wish to obtain fuller information upon the subject. Mr. Wilberforce, in consequence, consent ed to withdraw the clauses in question; pledging himself, however, to bring them forward upon some future and more propitious occasion.*

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Tanjore, Feb, 13th, 1794.


"As his majesty's 74th regiment is partly stationed at Tanjore, and partly at Vallam, six English miles distant from Tanjore, we commonly go once in a week to Vallam, to perform divine service to four companies of that regiment.

"When I lately went to that place, the 210th number of a newspaper, called the Courier, Friday evening, May 24, 1793, was communicated to me.

"In that paper I found a paragraph, delivered by Mr. Montgomery Campbell, who came out to India with Sir Archibald Campbell, in the station of a private secretary, wherein my name was mentioned in the following manner.

In the course of the debate upon this interesting subject, Mr. Montgomery Campbell, who had a few years since held an official situation at Madras, took occasion to cast some severe reflections on the character of the native converts on the coast of Coromandel; and while speaking in terms of high and deserved respect of Swartz, to depreciate the value of his labors, and to treat as visionary the "Mr. Montgomery Campbell gave his decided hope of converting the Hindoos to Christianity.-vote against the clause, and reprobated the idea of The report of these injurious observations having reached him, unaccustomed as he was to controversy, and abhorrent as every appearance of boasting was from his disposition and habits, he felt it to be his duty to vindicate both his converts and himself from the unjust aspersions which had been thrown upon them, and to assert the beneficial results of missionary exertion in India.

With this view, he addressed a letter to the secretary of the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, in which he triumphantly replied to the animadversions of his parliamentary opponent and nobly vindicated the cause of missions." Perhaps," observes a very competent judge upon this subject.t "no Christian defence has appeared in these latter ages more characteristic of the apostolic simplicity and primitive energy of truth, than this apology of the venerable Swartz." It was, with great propriety, published in the annual report of the Society, preceded by the following emphatic testimony.

converting the Gentoos. It is true, missionaries have made proselytes of the Parriars; but they were the lowest order of people, and had even degraded the religion they professed to embrace.

"Mr. Swartz, whose character was held so deservedly high, could not have any reason to beast of the purity of his followers: they were proverbial for their profligacy. An instance occurred to his recollection perfectly in point. He had been preaching for many hours to this caste of proselytes, on the heinousness of theft, and, in the heat of his discourse, had taken off his stock, when that and his gold buckle were stolen by one of his virtuous and enlightened congregation. In such a description of natives did the doctrine of the missionaries operate. Men of high caste would spurn at the idea of changing the religion of their ancestors.'

"As this paragraph is found in a public paper, I thought it would not displease the honorable Society to make a few observations on it; not to boast, (which I detest,) but to declare the plain truth, and to defend my brethren and myself.

"As the Society, after forty years experience, have had constant reason to approve of Mr. Swartz's integrity and veracity as a correspondent, his zeal "About seventeen years ago, when I resided at as a promoter of Christian knowledge, and his Trichinopoly, I visited the congregation at Tanjore. labors as missionary, they take this opportunity of In my road, I arrived very early at a village inhaacknowledging his faithful services, and recom-bited by collaries, (a set of people who are infamous mending his letter to the consideration of the public, for stealing ;) even the name of a collary, (or better, as containing a just statement of facts, relating to kallar,) signifieth a thief. These collaries make the mission: believing that he is incapable of de- nightly excursions, in order to rob. They drive parting from the truth, in the minutest particular." away bullocks and sheep, and whatever they can To this deserved testimonial of the Society was find, for which outrage, they annually pay fifteen added that of the late Marquis Cornwallis, from hundred chakr, or seven hundred and fifty pagodas, his personal knowledge, and from what he had to the Rajah. Of this caste of people, many live heard in India, to the high respectability of Swartz's in the Tanjore country; still more in Tondiman's country; and likewise in the nabob's country.


The letter itself contains various particulars re- "When I arrived at one of those villages called specting the beneficial influence of Christianity, Pudaloor, I took off my stock, putting it upon a and of the excellent missionary and his fellow-la-sand-bank. Advancing a little, to look out for the borers in the south of India, which have been al- man who carried my linen clothes, I was regardless ready detailed in these Memoirs; but though many of the stock; at which time some thievish boys of the events and circumstances to which he refers took it away. When the inhabitants heard of the have been thus anticipated, there is a vividness and theft, they desired me to confine all those boys, and variety in the manner in which they are related, to punish them as severely as I pleased. But I which invest them with fresh interest, and compen- refused to do that, not thinking that the trifle which sates for any repetition in the narrative. Some ad- I had lost was worth so much trouble. ditional facts also are mentioned, which, combined with the manly sense and elevated piety which it contains, tend greatly to strengthen the general

How nobly this truly Christian senator redeemed his pledge, may be seen by referring to the proceedings in parliament twenty years afterwards; when an ecclesiastical establishment was provided for British India, and facilities were afforded to Christian missions in that country.

+ Dr. Buchanan.-Ecclesiastical Memoir, p. 66.

"That such boys, whose fathers are professed thieves, should commit a theft, can be no matter of wonder. All the inhabitants of that village were heathens; not one Christian family was found therein. Many of our gentlemen, travelling through

*Obviously resembling the ancient predatory tribes of Scotland.

+ In the year 1809, Mr. Kohlhoff, referring, in a letter to the Society, to this story, mentions that many Christians were then to be found in that village.

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that village, have been robbed. The trifle of a buckle I did therefore not lose by a Christian, as Mr. Montgomery Campbell will have it, but by heathen boys. Neither did I preach at that time. Mr. Campbell says that I preached two hours. I did not so much as converse with any man. This poor story, totally misrepresented, is alleged by Mr. M. Campbell to prove the profligacy of Christians, whom he called, with a sneer, virtuous and enlightened people. If he has no better proof, his conclusion is built upon a bad foundation, and I shall not admire his logic: truth is against him.

people, by his managers, to come and help us; bur all was in vain.

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At last, the Rajah said to one of our principal gentlemen,- We all, you and 1, have lost our credit; let us try whether the inhabitants will trust Mr. Swartz. Accordingly he sent me a blank paper, empowering me to make a proper agreement with the people. There was no time for hesitation. The sepoys fell down as dead people, being emaciated with hunger. Our streets were lined with dead corpses every morning. Our condition was deplorable. I sent, therefore, letters, every where round about, promising to pay every one with my own hands; and to indemnify them for the loss of every bullock which might be taken by the enemy. In one or two days, I got above a thousand oxen, and sent one of our catechists, and other Christians, into the country. They went at the risk of their "Our intention is not to boast; but this I may lives, made all possible haste, and brought into the safely say, that many of those who have been in- fort, in a very short time, eighty thousand kalams structed, have left this world with comfort, and By this means, the fort was saved. When all was with a well grounded hope of everlasting life. That over, I paid the people, (even with some money some of those who have been instructed and bap-which belonged to others,) made them a small pretized, have abused the benefit of instruction, is sent, and sent them home. certain. But all sincere servants of God, nay, even the apostles, have experienced this grief.

"Neither is it true, that the best part of those people who have been instructed, are Parriars. Had Mr. M. Campbell visited, even once, our church, he would have observed that more than two thirds were of the higher caste; and so it is at Tranquebar and Vepery.

"The next year, when Colonel Braithwaite, with his whole detachment, was made prisoner, Major "It is asserted, that a missionary is a disgrace Alcock commanded this fort, and behaved very to any country. Lord Macartney and the late kindly to the poor starving people. We were then, General Coote would have entertained a very dif- a second time, in the same miserable condition. ferent opinion. They, and many other gentlemen, The enemy always invaded the country when the know and acknowledge, that the missionaries have harvest was nigh at hand. I was again desired to been beneficial to government, and a comfort to the try my former expedient, and succeeded. The country. This I am able to prove in the strongest people knowing that they were not to be deprived manner. Many gentlemen, who live now in Eng-of their pay, came with their cattle. But now the land, and in this country, would corroborate my danger was greater, as the enemy was very near. The Christians conducted the inhabitants to proper


"That the Rev. Mr. Gericke has been of emi-places, surely with no small danger of losing their nent service at Cuddalore, every gentleman who was at that place when the war broke out, knows. He was the instrument, in the hands of Providence, by which Cuddalore was saved from plunder and bloodshed. He saved many gentlemen from becoming prisoners to Hyder, which Lord Macartney kindly acknowledged.

"When Negapatam, that rich and populous city, fell into the deepest poverty, by the unavoidable consequences of war, Mr. Gericke behaved like a father to the distressed inhabitants. He forgot that he had a family to provide for. Many impoverished families were supported by him; so that when I, a few months ago, preached and administered the sacrament in that place, I saw many who owed their own and their children's lives to his disinterested care. Surely this, my friend, could not be called a disgrace to that place. When the honorable Society ordered him to attend the congregation at Madras, all lamented his departure. And at Madras he is esteemed by the governor, and many other gentlemen, to this day.

"It is a most disagreeable task to speak of one's self. However, I hope that the honorable Society will not look upon some observations which I am about to make as e vain and sinful boasting, but rather as a necessary self-defence. Neither the missionaries, nor any of the Christians, have hurt the welfare of the country.

"In the course of the late war, the fort of Tanjore was in a very critical condition. A powerful enemy was near; the people in the fort numerous; and not provision even for the garrison. There was grain enough in the country, but we had no bullocks to bring it into the fort. When the country people formerly brought paddy into the fort, the rapacious dubashes deprived them of their due pay. Hence, all confidence was lost; so that the inhabitants drove away their cattle, refusing to assist the fort. The late Rajah ordered, nay, entreated the

lives. Accordingly they wept, and went, and supplied the fort with grain. When the people were paid, I strictly inquired whether any of the Christians had taken from them a present. They all said, 'No, no! As we were regularly paid, we offered to your catechist a cloth of small value, but he absolutely refused it.'

"But Mr. M. Campbell says, that the Christians are profligate to a proverb. If he were near me, I would explain to him who are the profligate people who drain the country. When a dubash, in the space of ten or fifteen years, scrapes together two, three, or four lacs of pagodas, is not this extortion a high degree of profligacy? Nay, government was obliged to send an order that three of those Gentoo dubashes should quit the Tanjore country. The enormous crimes committed by them, filled the country with complaints; but I have no mind to enumerate them.

"It is asserted, that the inhabitants of the country would suffer by missionaries. If they are sincere Christians, it is impossible that the inhabitants should suffer any damage by them; if they are not what they profess to be, they ought to be dismissed.

"When Sir Archibald Campbell was governor, and Mr. M. Campbell his private secretary, the inhabitants of Tanjore were so miserably oppressed by the manager and the Madras dubashes, that they quitted the country. Of course, all cultivation ceased. In the month of June it should commence; but nothing was done, even at the beginning of September. Every one dreaded the calamity of a famine. I entreated the Rajah to remove that shameful oppression, and to recall the inhabitants. He sent them word that justice should be done to them; but they disbelieved his promises. He then desired me to write to them, and to assure them, that he, at my intercession, would show kindness to them. I did so. All immediately returned; and first of all, the kallar, (or, as they are commonly

become exorbitant, they have no resource, as they think, but of plundering.

called, collaries,) believed my word; so that seven thousand men came back on one day. The other inhabitants followed their example. When I ex- "At length some of the thievish collaries desired horted them to exert themselves to the utmost, be- to be instructed. I said, 'I am obliged to instruct cause the time for cultivation was almost lost, they you; but I am afraid that you will prove very bad replied in the following manner:-'As you have Christians.' Their promises were fair. I instructshowed kindness to us, you shall not have reason to re-ed them; and when they had a tolerable knowledge, pent of it: we intend to work night and day, to I baptized them. I then exhorted them to steal no show our regard for you.' Sir Archibald Campbell more, but to work industriously. After that, I visitwas happy when he heard of it; and we had the ed then, and, having examined their knowledge, I satisfaction of having a better crop than the pre- desired to see their work. I observed with pleasure ceding year. that their fields were excellently cultivated. 'Now,' said I, 'one thing remains to be done. You must acted by military force;' which, otherwise, is their custom. Soon after that, I found that they had paid off their tribute exactly. The only complaint against those Christian collaries was, that they refused to go upon plundering expeditions, as they had done before.

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As there was hardly any administration of justice, I begged and entreated the Rajah to esta-pay your tribute readily, and not wait till it is exblish it in his country. 'Well,' said he, 'let me know wherein my people are oppressed.' I did so. He immediately consented to my proposal, and told his manager that he should feel his indignation, if the oppression did not cease immediately. But as he soon died, he did not see the execution.

"When the present Rajah began his reign, I put "Now, I am well aware that some will accuse Sir Archibald Campbell in mind of that necessary me of having boasted. I confess the charge willingpoint. He desired me to make a plan for a courtly, but lay all the blame upon those who have conof justice, which I did; but it was soon neglected by the servants of the Rajah, who commonly sold justice to the best bidder.




"If Christians were employed in some important offices, they should, if they misbehaved, be doubly punished; but to reject them entirely, is not right, and discourageth.

strained me to commit that folly. I might have enlarged my account; but, fearing that some characters would have suffered by it, I stop here. "When the honorable Company took possession thing, however, I affirm, before God and man, THAT of the country, during the war, the plan for intro-IF CHRISTIANITY, IN ITS PLAIN AND UNDISGUISED FORM, ducing justice was re-assumed; by which many people were made happy. But when it was restored to the Rajah, the former irregularities took place. "During the assumption, government desired me to assist the gentlemen collectors. The district to wards the west of Tanjore had been very much neglected, so that the water-courses had not been cleansed for the last fifteen years. I proposed that the collector should advance five hundred pagodas to cleanse them. He consented, if I would inspect the business. The work was begun and finished, being superintended by Christians. All that part of the country rejoiced in getting one hundred

thousand kalams more than before. The inhabitants confessed that, instead of one kalam, they now reaped four.

"No native has suffered by Christians; none has complained of it. On the contrary, one of the richest inhabitants said to me, 'Sir, if you send a person to us, send us one who has learned all your ten commandments.' For he and many hundred natives had been present when I explained the Christian doctrine to heathen and Christians.

commanded his apostles to preach the gospel to all "The glorious God and our blessed Redeemer, nations. The knowledge of God, of his divine perfections, and of his mercy to mankind, may be abused; but there is no other method of reclaiming the heathens will lead a good life without the knowmen than by instructing them well. To hope that ledge of God, is a chimera.

"The praise bestowed on the heathens of this country by many of our historians, is refuted by a close (I might almost say a superficial) inspection of their lives. Many historical works are more like astonished how some historians have prostituted a romance than history. Many gentlemen here are their talents by writing fables.

moment I declare that I do not repent of having "I am now on the brink of eternity; but to this spent forty-three years here in the service of my divine Master. Who knows but God may remove some of the great obstacles to the propagation of the gospel? Should a reformation take place amongst

"The inhabitants dread the conduct of a Madras dubash. These people lend money to the Rajah, at an exorbitant interest, and then are permitted to collect their money and interest in an appointed dis-the trict.* It is needless to mention the consequences.

Europeans, it would no doubt be the greatest blessing to the country.

"These observations I beg leave to lay before the honorable Society, with my humble thanks for all their benefits bestowed on this work, and sincere wishes that their pious and generous endeavors to disseminate the knowledge of God, and of Jesus Christ, may be beneficial to many thousands. "I am sincerely,

"Reverend and dear Sir,

"When the collaries committed great outrages, in their plundering expeditions, sepoys were sent out to adjust matters; but it had no effect. Government desired me to inquire into that thievish business. I therefore sent letters to the head collaries. They appeared. We found out, in some degree, how much the Tanjore and Tondimans, and the nabob's collaries had stolen; and we insisted upon restoration, which was done accordingly. At "Your affectionate brother and humble servant, last, all gave it in writing, that they would steal no more. This promise they kept very well for eight months, and then they began their old work; however, not as before. Had that inspection over their conduct been continued, they might have been made useful people. I insisted upon their cultivating their fields, which they readily did. But if the demands

This flagrant abuse was a few years afterwards corrected, by the transfer of the collection of the revenue from the Rajah to the East India Company. Number 34.


Various reflections present themselves on the perusal of this admirable letter. The circumstance which occasioned it, and which proved to have been so entirely distorted and misrepresented by Mr. Montgomery Campbell, affords a striking example of the little dependence which can be placed on accounts of missionaries and their proceedings, which are not unfrequently given to the world by those who boast of their personal and local know


"Your kind letter I have received. It seems that the eldest lady will hardly become satisfied, though her servants, I believe, are much to be blamed, who stir up her mind to make so many unreasonable demands.

ledge; but who are either unfriendly or indifferent to the propagation of Christianity in heathen countries. It is remarkable, also, that a few months only before Mr. Campbell brought forward his charges against the converts on the coast of Coromandel, the important reformation which Swartz details had been effected, by the blessing of God upon his "I entreat you very much to read and write and labors, among the very class of people who had speak English as much as you can. If you are able been so unjustly stigmatized as Christian thieves.—to converse freely with the gentlemen, and particuThe pagan collaries, it will be remembered, assem- larly the governor, that will recommend you very bled, and threatened to extirpate Christianity out of much. their country; but were, at length, persuaded, by the exhortations of Swartz and his catechists, and the mild and patient conduct of their converted countrymen, to desist from their opposition, and returned to their habitations in peace.

Nothing can be more convincing and triumphant than the evidence thus adduced in favor of the beneficial influence of Christianity on the temporal interests of heathen nations; while the singular ability, the genuine modesty, and the elevated piety of the venerable missionary, threw additional light on the extraordinary excellence of his character, and the value of his Christian labors. Though it was impossible in such a document to avoid referring chiefly to his own services, it is remarkable, that he assigns a prominent place to those of his friend and coadjutor, Mr. Gericke, in proof of the benefits resulting to the country from the labors of Christian missionaries.

It is but justice to Mr. Campbell to add, that on finding how completely Swartz had replied to his misrepresentations, he wrote and apologized to him; and excused himself by assuring him that his speech had been erroneously reported in the newspapers.It can scarcely be regretted that any statement, however inaccurate, should have been the occasion of calling forth so noble a defence of his mission, and so fine an illustration of his character as the preceding letter affords.

"As Colonel Braithwaite has given you a globe, you ought to learn something of geography, as you live in the world which God has created, that you may get some idea of the great God, the creator of heaven and earth. It is ignorance of the works of God that inclines us to value the creature more than God. A good prince is obliged to imitate God.But how can he imitate him if he does not know him, and his goodness, wisdom, power and justice? "God complains that the heathen have not worshipped worthily, though they might have known him by the works of creation and providence. A great king therefore prayed to God, saying, 'Open thou mine eyes that I may see the wonders of thy works and words.'

"That you may be happy here and hereafter, is the wish of "Your affectionate friend,

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"Just now I received Dattajee's letter, concerning the reception you met with from Lord Hobart. am very glad that he behaved so kindly towards you, and I hope that from hence you will endeavor to improve in the English language. The English are fond of their language, and like every one who speaks it with tolerable propriety. If Lord Hobart In a letter to a friend, who had suggested the im- sends you books, he will inquire whether you have portance of writing something to show that the mis-read them, and what improvement you have made sion in which he had so long labored had proved advantageous to India, after referring to the preceding vindication of it, Mr. Swartz adds the following sensible observations, upon a point which he had only slightly touched, the justice of which has at length been publicly recognized, in the eligibility now afforded to native Christians to offices of every kind in India.

"All my letters, together with my remarks, I first submitted to Mr. Gericke, and my brethren here. There is one, of which I have nearly forgotten whether I gave a hint of it to the Society. It is this. It is necessary that the Christians should be able to obtain situations. Now Europeans despise them. A Brahmin said to me lately, 'You do your business by halves. After you have instructed us, you say Go and labor. But what labor shall we do? If you could get us situations suited to our abilities, you would see things wear a different aspect. But you take us out of all our own connections, and are not able to place us in any other.' This is an appeal which bears with too much force on us unfriended missionaries. Yes, we are constrained to admit the fact, that if any one confesses the Christian doctrines, he is not only despised by his own connections, but by Europeans also. This is a hard trial."

The statement of the excellent missionary was but too well founded; but it is hoped, that with the advancing piety of Europeans in India, and the increased privileges of the native Christians, the prejudice and the hardship of which he so justly complains will gradually cease.

The next two letters to Serfojee will be read with much interest and pleasure.

by the perusal of them.

"But above all, be careful to have the glorious God on your side. His loving-kindness is better than life. Pray to him, fear him, do not dare to do any thing against his will, and he will be with you.

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We are here very well. Mr. Kohlhoff sends his salam. The country is very well cultivated; August we have had many refreshing showers. "Tell Dattajee that I shall soon answer his letter. May God bless you!

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"I am in sincerity, '
"Your affectionate friend,

Tanjore, Oct. 9th, 1794."

The correspondence of Swartz, never very extensive or voluminous, was now becoming less frequent and communicative; and his letters, like the visits of those angelic spirits with whom he was ere long to be associated, were "few and far between." The following to Mr. and Mrs. Duffin was written in this year, and proves how vigorously he was still engaged in duty, how watchfully he was trimming his lamp, how sincerely he loved his friends, and how ardently he was aspiring to the happiness of eternity.


"Your kind letters of Dec. 30, 1792, and 10th of April, 1793, I have received, and rejoice that you are so happily situated in the company of Colonel and Mrs. Flint.

"I bless God that in my sixty-eighth year I can go through all my duties with tolerable ease. Some months ago I visited Cuddalore and Negapatam,

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when I commonly preached thrice every day, viz. in English, Portuguese, and Malabar. My dear friends here are likewise well. Mr. Kohlhoff thinks often of you and the kindness you showed him at Warriore. Your letters I communicated to Colonel and Mrs. Knox. Both are well, with their daughter. The place they do not like; almost two thirds of the people died by a dreadful famine which lasted three years.

"Do not, my dear friend, indulge in sloth and idleness, be diligent in every laudable thing. "I have rebuked Dattejee for neglecting you.He learns the English language very well, but doth not, as it seems, care for you.

"Dada's son has not acquainted me how far you have advanced in arithmetic. Tell him not to be slothful. His father was a faithful friend to you. As for his son, and your other servants, I am afraid "Whether I shall write again is uncertain. Our they mind their own interest more than yours. time, our life, is in the hands of God. One thing My love to you inclineth me to write in this is certain, namely, that we must die. But if we die manner. I wish to hear from the Rev. Mr. Gein the Lord, united to Jesus, interested in his atone-ricke, that you improve in all that is good. I am ment, and actuated, at least in some degree, by his "Your faithful friend, Spirit, and having a well-grounded hope of everlasting life, all is well-Death has lost his sting, that is, his power to hurt us. O blessed eternity!

"You know, my dear friends, that I have loved you. I love you still. My love was not founded on a selfish interest. No, I wish to see you in a happy eternity. There we shall praise him who has redeemed us with his blood, and sanctified us with his Spirit.

"Wherever we are, we are tempted by the world -by the fine, polite world above all. 'Love not the world,' its proud, ambitious, covetous and sensual conduct. Love Him who laid down his life for us.

"Remember me to Colonel and Mrs. F. Tell them that I wish to be with them, in the house of my heavenly Father. I am now on the brink of eternity. Oh! when shall I see God, and praise him for ever? When shall I be perfectly wise, holy, and happy-when shall I live for ever?

ແ To the love of God and Jesus Christ I commend you both, and Colonel and Mrs. F., and am sincerely, to the last breath of my life,

"Dear friends,

"Your most obedient humble servant, "C. F. SWARTZ."

Early in 1795, Mr. Swartz addressed another instructive letter to his young pupil Serfojee, at Madras.


"At present I have no letter to answer. The season of the new year puts me in mind to wish you true happiness. Hitherto God has preserved


To this moment we enjoy his mercy. But surely we do not know how long we are to enjoy it. We are planted by God as trees. These trees are to bring forth good fruit, by which God is to be honored. What sort of fruit we have borne, we are to inquire by searching our hearts. If we do not bear good fruit, we shall at last be cut down. I heartily wish and beseech God to make you a good tree, which bears good fruit to the praise of God, your Maker and Benefactor. Besides the welfare of our souls, which ought to be our first concern, we are obliged to prepare for the wise exercise of every duty to which God calls us.

"You in your station ought to learn all virtues, by the exercise of which you may become beneficial to mankind-justice, benevolence, patience, and resignation to the will of God.

"I wish you may read history, by which you may be instructed in every necessary point. History shows how many princes have exercised justice, benevolence, and diligence, by which they have made a whole nation happy. But history informs you likewise how many princes have indulged in wickedness, and impiety, and sloth, and cruelty, by which they have even ruined their lives. In short, it is and will always be true, what was said to an Israelitish king, Thou hast forsaken God, therefore God will forsake thee.'

Tanjore, Jan. 5th, 1795."


It was probably to the preceding letter, that the following pleasing extract from the journal of Mr. Gericke for the year 1795, refers.

"On the second of June I read to the prince of Tanjore a letter addressed to him by Mr. Swartz, for whom he entertains a filial respect. I took some pains to illustrate the various points contained in this excellent letter, by additional observations of my own, first in English, and then in Malabar, in order that the relatives and servants of the prince might also derive some profit. They all united in expressing their admiration of the many useful hints, and of the very wholesome advice contained in the letter. Mr. Swartz affectionately entreated the prince to redeem his time, to fear God, to be truly humble, to qualify himself by a constant improvement of his talents for extensive usefulness, so as to become a real blessing to his people; and he encouraged him to fresh exertions by setting before him the bright examples of eminent men who had devoted their time, their influence, power, and wealth for the attainment of such benevolent purposes."

In the report of this venerable and indefatigable man to the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, of the state of the mission during this year, he repeated his former assurances as to the anxiety of himself and his brethren, in affording to the catechumens the fullest instruction in the doctrines of Christianity previously to their baptism— "the missionaries," he observes, "being convinced that pious conduct could not be expected without competent knowledge. After baptism, instruction is renewed at all convenient opportunities; and whenever the holy sacrament is administered, the communicants attend some days before, that their increase or decrease in knowledge may be known. To persons resident at a considerable distance, a catechist is sent to instruct them, and to observe their moral conduct."

Sattianaden, he informed the Society, had been sent to Ramanadapuram, where some heathens had expressed a desire to be instructed. In that work he was to be employed for some time, and then to return to his station at Palamcotta. In the course of the year, the small-pox had raged violently at Tanjore, by which fifty members of the congregation had been swept away. Recourse, however, having been had to inoculation, many lives had been saved.

Contemplating, upon the whole, the circumstances of the missionaries, he could not but feel much sorrow. One worthy brother at Tranquebar, Mr. Koenig, who had during twenty-seven years been in charge of the Portuguese congregation, had died, reducing the number of the Danish missionaries to two. Mr. John had been ill, and Mr. Pohle was unwell. "We entreat God," he adds, to send new laborers into his vineyard."

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