Imágenes de páginas

made mufual arrangements to carry it into full effect.

The population of Russia, according to the St. Petersburg Almanac for 1806, amounts to forty-two millions: but since that period Alexander has added 193,800 square miles to the empire, including the duchy of Warsaw, Finland, Georgia, &c. so that this estimate of 42 millions is probably several millions too low. Of this population, not above five millions are Asiatic; the rest is concentrated in European Russia. Notwith standing a destructive invasion, and wars of great waste and expenditure, out of.

an establishment of one million two hundred thousand men exclusive of militia, Tartars, cavalry, &c. she can range in order of battle 640,000 men.



It is computed by Mr. Raffles, in his history of the Island of Java, that from the year 1730 to 1752, twenty-two years, the deaths in the city of Batavia exceeded the enormous amount of 50,000 a year.

A most desolating volcanic eruption took place in Java, in January last; immense columns of fire and smoke, and ignited substances, ascended from the mountain with a noise like thunder or the roar of artillery, and the earth quaked for many miles round. The cinders, earth, and sand, vomited forth by the mountain soon covered all the fields in the vicinity, and utterly destroyed the crops of rice, which were very promising. The air became so filled with ashes and sulphurous smoke that it was hardly possible to breathe, and for several days the light of day was almost wholly intercepted. Multitudes of birds have perished, and the rivers are almost covered with dead fish. Enormous masses of rock, and large trees, were thrown from the heights of the mountain, and the rivers every where burst their banks, rising in many places 14 feet above their ordinary level. The desolation was so great that much distress was apprehended from the scarcity of provisions that would probably ensue, and much has already been caused by sickness occasioned by the bad quality given to the water. In the district of Gabang, a mountain tumbled down on the 27th of February, and buried eight families who dwelt under it. A similar event took place in the night of the 4th and 5th of March, in the district of Talaga, when a number of houses, with all their in

mates, were in like manner overwhelmed
to ruin, and not a trace of their existence


A revolution has taken place in the government of Algiers, and the Dey is dead. On the 30th of September a number of Janissaries assembled round the palace and summoned the Dey to descend, who, being obliged to comply, was taken by the soldiers to the house of the Kishna-Aga, where he was strangled, and a merchant, who had retired from business, by the name of Ali Cogia, was declared successor. The ministers of the deceased Dey were exiled to different cities of the regency. The reason assigned for this violence was, that the reign of the Dey had been attended by nothing but disaster. The plague in Algiers is said to be growing less destructive.



The Gazettes of Caraccas, under date of 24th of September, report a dispatch from Colonel Pimines to General Morillo, dated Guiria, 28th of August, which states that he arrived before that place on the day before; that the enemy not coming out to meet him, he stormed the town, which was taken at the point of the bayonet amid a tremendous fire of the patriots, who were compelled to retreat on board their boats, and that the fruits of the victory were 4 pieces of cannon, 4 colours, 6 ammunition chests, and many muskets.

The Curracoa accounts had mentioned that the General Paez had been defeated, but later advices state that he has been completely victorious, and the patriots continue to prosper generally. One of their armies is in Valencia, and the royalists are removing all the valuables they can. The city and province of Cumana and Barcelona are in their possession also, and Morillo, after having pillaged Caraccas, has abandoned it and proceeded to La Guira, which it is expected he will be obliged to evacuate. Brion has had a naval engagement, in which he gained the victory, but lost a leg.

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has been effected by the persevering at tacks of the guerillas, and the militia of the patriot governor Guemes, assisted by Colonel La Madrid. The army of Tucuman was to be put in motion for the purpose of acting in concert with the above officers, and it was expected that the entire evacuation of that province by the royalists would be the result.


Accounts are very contrariant in regard to the success of the patriots in this province. Advices from Guanaxuato, dated 5th of August, stated positively that Generals Mina, Ortices, Moreno, and Borga, with the main strength of the patriot forces, were blocked up in the fort at Comauja, and that there was no possibility of their escape. Comauja is situated about three hundred miles northwesterly from Mexico city, and is in that part of the country where the only remains of the insurgent people of colour are to be found..

two proclamations of the "Supreme Junta of the Floridas," one of which ascribes the dissensions which have taken place to the intrigues of the royalists, and congratulates the people upon the happy result which had been achieved by his seamen; and the other, addressed to the inhabitants of Fernandina, charging the party which had been attached to Hubbard, (as it should seem) with treachery and cowardice, and proclaiming martial law, for the sake of better preserving PORTUGUESE AMERICA.




The royal authority does not appear to be by any means settled in the province of Pernambuco, if indeed the whole southern part of the Brazils be not on the eve of another insurrection. In the

month of November, it is stated, ten thousand Portuguese troops invaded that part of the territory that borders upon the La Plata, which, though assisted by a considerable body of cavalry, are now in possession only of the city of Monte Video, the garrison of which does not

amount to five thousand men. The in

Later news than the above states that Mina was not in the fort, but that General Moreno, after being besieged for twentyone days by the royalists under General Linau, fought their way through the roy-surgents are commanded by General Aral troops in the night, and proceeded to join General Mina, who lay not far distant, but could not come up to their relief. Still later advices represent that Mina was within a short distance of the city of Mexico, and that the above reports were circulated, in order to obviate the effect such information might produce at Havana. In consequence of Mina's advancement all speculations in the trade to Vera Cruz and Mexico had ceased at



The arrival of Commodore Aury at Amelia Island, though for a time it appeared to have brought a great accession of strength to the cause of the patriots, yet it ended in squabbles between his forces and those which were previously there, and threw every thing into confusion. Many skirmishes took place between the party which were attached to Governor Hubbard and the coloured troops of Aury, and the death of Hubbard occurring by fever brought on by his exertions to quell the disturbance; Aury came off triumphant, and has taken the management of affairs into his hands. The Hubbard party, however, are by no means extinct, and are said to be only waiting the arrival of Commodores Taylor and Champlin, who were shortly expected with considerable reinforcements. In the mean time Aury has published

tigas, who is said to be an able and intrepid commander, under whom, and second to Artigas, is Colonel Ribeiro, a most indefatigable officer, who by the last accounts, was besieging the city of Monte Video, and repulsing the royal troops in all their sallies.



A meeting has been held at the Courthouse in Montreal for the purpose of considering certain resolutions, there offered, for the establishment of an agricultural society.

The commerce on the lakes is in a very flourishing state, both on the Canadian and United States shores. The ports of Kingston, York, and Niagara, publish regular marine lists; and Ogdensburgh, Sackets Harbour, Oswego, Sodus, and Niagara, exhibit on their lists, sometimes, twenty arrivals in a week, of vessels of 150 to 200 tons burden, fully laden.

Under date of September 11, the Quebec papers assert that two hundred and forty vessels had arrived at that port during the current season ; and the number of settlers arrived, chiefly from Great-Britain, is stated at four thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven; and two hundred more were expected from Germany.

In the latter end of September a new Steam-boat, the Lauzon, of three hundred and forty tons burthen, with all her equipments and apparatus on board, was

launched at Quebec. Her engine is of twenty-eight horse power.

In the vicinity of Quebec the snow, which fell at the close of September, retarded the gathering of the fall crops, and did them some damage. In the neighbourhood of Montreal, the snow fell, early in October, to the depth of six or seven inches; the crops had been principally secured, but pasture was very much injured.

Died.] At Quebec, Peter Sambre, founder of the Roustigouche Society, celebrated for its athletic exercises; no person was admitted a member who could not throw a javelin of one hundred pounds weight twenty-six yards.


The following are the names of the men who fill the executive branch of Government, and its several departments. James Monroe, of Virginia, President of the United States; John Quincy Adams, of Massachusetts, Secretary of State; Wm. H. Crawford, of Georgia, Secretary of the Treasury; John C. Calhoun, of South Carolina, Secretary of War; Benjamin W. Crowningshield, of Massa chusetts, Secretary of the Navy, and Wm. Wirt, of Virginia, Attorney General.

Mr. Rush, minister to the British Government, has embarked at Annapolis, on board the Franklin 74, for England. Mr. Benjamin Ogle Tayloe, of Virginia, goes out with Mr. Rush, as his private secretary, and Mr. John Adams Smith, now in England, as American Charge des Affaires, will remain, as Secretary of Legation.

The foreign ministers, now in the United States, are Mr. Bagot, the British minister; M. Hyde de Neuville, the French; Don Onis, the Spanish; the chevalier Correa de Serra, the Portuguese; M. Dashchoff, the Russian; M. Greuhm, the Prussian, and the first ever appointed by the king of Prussia to the United States; and M. Pedersen, the Danish Minister; besides several unaccredited agents, from the South-American provinces.


There is also at the seat of government a deputation of six Cherokee Chiefs; their names are En-a-taw-naw-ae ; speaker for the deputation, Roman Nose, James Brown, Richard Taylor, Richard Riley and George Harlin. The two first are aborigines, the rest are descendants from intermarriages between white men and Cherokee women.



HE decision of the Superior Court of

which at four days old weighed one hundred lbs. being fed from the cow during the time.

Tthis Site, in the case of the Trustees of Her milk is so good that a quart of cream al

Dartmouth College versus the Treasurer of Dartmouth University, was pronounced in favor of the the Treasurer. The judges were


Mr. H. G. de Grandval, of Portsmouth, advertises an invention in the construction of carriages, whereby the passengers may be preserved from danger in case the horses run away, beyond the control of the driver, or the driver be thrown from his seat; or the motion of the carriage may be stopped to prevent its running down a precipice. For this invention he has secured a patent.

Mr. Laighton of this State is the owner of a cow, now thirteen years old, of which he makes the following statement, which is entitled to full credit. The cow is of singular beauty of shape, of a delicate milk-white colour, weighs one thousand lbs. and girts six feet two inches. Her average mess of milk, for several months after leaving her calf, is eleven quarts, or twenty-two a day. From the cream twelve lbs. of butter are made per week, and it is not unusual to find in the pail, after milking, particles of butter already formed. The cream taken from her milk during the thirteen first days after having her last calf, measured three gallons; the calf, VOL. II.-No. 11.


ways makes one pound of butter. She is never fed on corn or meal, but eats a peck of raw potatoes per day. The second calf raised from this cow is now seven years old, and of the same size and colour with the parent. The quality of her milk is thought to be a little inferior, and the quantity about a quarter less. The two cows furnish a family of twelve to fifteen persons with milk and cream for domestic uses, and of butter, there is often on hand a surplus of fifty to one hundred lbs. besides about 50 dollars worth of milk sold annually to customers.


At a meeting held at the hall of the Union Bank, in Boston, on the 10th November, for the purpose of considering the subject of a canal across the isthmus of Cape Cod, a committee of thirteen was appointed to investigate the matter, and report accordingly.

The trustees of the Massachusetts General Hospital propose to commence the following spring the erection of a General Hospital for the reception and cure of the sick poor, or any others, being resident within the Commonwealth, and have advertised for proposals of plans for the building; and to enable artists to form some idea of its required size,

the Trustees observe that they would wish to have it so constructed or planned as to be capable of containing and accommodating one hundred and fifty patients at a time, with suitable rooms for the matron, apothecary, and trustees, together with all the offices and conveniences usually attached to such an establishment. It is required that each plan submitted shall be such as that each section or wing shall contain so complete an arrangement in every respect, as to be capable of being improved with full convenience be fore the other parts shall have been erected; it being probable that the trustees will erect one wing, and wait to see the extent which will probably be required in future.

According to the report of a committee appointed for the purpose, it appears that there are educated, in the several public schools, in Boston, at the expense of the town, two thousand three hundred and sixtyfive pupils. There are in Boston eight Charity Schools, which contain three hundred and sixty-five pupils; there are nineteen private schools kept by men, and one hundred and thirty-five kept by women, in which are taught one thousand four hundred and ninety-seven boys, and two thousand two hundred and eighty-eight girls-and in a population of about forty thousand, which Boston contains, there are only two hundred and forty-three children above seven years of age who do not receive instruction.

Ten acres of land, cultivated by Capt. Jonathan Allen, of Pittsfield, Secretary to the Berkshire Agricultural Society, yielded the present year as follows. Two acres, in spring wheat, produced eighty bushels; two acres, in corn, one hundred bushels; two acres, in rye, sixty bushels; two acres, in grass, five tons of hay, and two acres, in potatoes, two hundred and twenty-seven bushels. The produce of ten acres is deemed sufficient to subsist a family of ten persons, and to keep two cows and a horse.

J. F. Mansony, Esq. has been appointed the consul general of his royal highness the grand duke of Tuscany, for the New-EngJand States, to reside in Boston-and has recerved the necessary papers from the American government to authorise him to act in that capacity.


Resolutions were brought into the assembly of this State, during its last session, providing for the calling of a convention of the people, authorised to form a constitution of government for the state; the full consideration of the resolutions was postponed till the meeting of the legislature in February next. During the last session, also, the proposition from the State of New-Jersey, to amend the Constitution of the United States, by making choice of representatives and electors by districts, was disapproved.

The expense of supporting the poor in the town of Providence is said to average near $10,000 per annum.

passed at the last October session, the civil authority and select men of the several towns in this State are authorised to adopt such measures for the general Vaccination of the inhabitants of their respective towns, as they shall think proper and necessary, to prevent the introduction, or arrest the progress of the Small Pox, and to defray the expenses in whole, or in part, of such general Vaccination, out of the public treasury of such town.

During the last session of the legislature, also, an elegant sword and a pair of pistols, both mounted with gold, with suitable inscription, and to be manufactured in the State, were voted to be presented by the Governor, to Commodore Isaac Hull, who is a native of Connecticut, as a token of the high esteem in which he is held for his private worth and public services.

A young man named Williams, who keeps a retail store at Middletown, Connecticut, is ascertained to be the rightful heir to an Earldom in England, with an income of £15,000 sterling per annum; and documents authoris ing him to take immediate possession of his estate and title, have been received. His parents emigrated from Bermuda. He is said to be a man of fair character, and of unassuming manners.


The Otsego Agricultural Society held its first annual cattle show and fair on the 14th of October. The exhibitions were numerous, and several premiums were awarded. Addresses were delivered on the occasion by General Morris and E. Watson, Esq. and from the interest manifested, much utility is expected to result from the association.

Robert Spencer, of Canandaigua, raised this season, from one field bean, six hundred and thirty-eight beans, of a good quality; and from two seeds of the pye squash, one hundred and sixty-three lbs. of squash: two of the squashes weighed forty-two lbs. each.

The Northern Canal, connecting the waters of Lake Champlain with the river Hudson, was commenced on the fifth of November, and will be prosecuted till stopped by the frost; the whole, it is expected, will be completed next summer.

At the Ontario Factory, under the management of Messrs. Buck, Brewster, & Co. at Manchester, wool was taken from the sack, in its natural state, and after going through all the necessary operations, was made into cloth; the cloth fulled, coloured, four times shorn, pressed, carried to the tailors, and the coat completed and worn, in the short space of nine hours and fifteen minutes precisely.

Mr. William Bard, of the town of Clinton, Duchess. County, raised, this year, on one acre. ninety-seven bushels and one quart of shelled corn, and this acre was in a field of twenty acres, all covered with excellent corn,


acres of which, Mr. Bard estimated would yield as much as the acre measured. This corn was planted in hills, at the usual By an act of the legislature of this State, distance, in a field which had been pasture



for sheep for a few years prior, and received no manure except the usual quantity of gypsum; but the ground was well tilled, and the corn carefully tended.

The New-York Female Assistance Society has expended, during the year ending Nov. 10th, 1817, $1,970 25 cents.


The Legislature of this State convened at Trenton, on the 28th of October, when, in a joint-meeting of both houses, Isaac Williamson was chosen Governor, Audrew Kirkpatrick, Chief Justice, and Theodore Frelinghuysen Attorney General of the State for the ensuing year.

A society for the suppression of vice and immorality, and the encouragement of good morals, has been recently established in NewJersey.

The committee appointed to settle the accounts of the State-Prison, for the last year, report that the stock on hand, October 1st, 1316, amounted to $28,605 63; and the amount drawn from the treasury for the payment of salaries, transportation of prisoners, &c. to 1st of Oct. 1817. to $11,760 84. The amount of stock on hand. Oct 1st, 1817, was $46,361 84; from which deduct balance due sundry persons, for transportation, &c. $9,456 81; and for losses $2,961 44, and there will remain $34,443 59. The comof mittee further report, that the sum $3,870 99, of the money drawn from the treasury, hath been expended in costs of prisoners on conviction, transportation, and clothing, being for 77, sent to the Stateprison the year ending Oct. 1. 1817, many of whom were for a term less than one year, and could not in that time earn any part of the charges against them. The committee therefore suggest, that if some other punishment were devised for smaller crimes, the system would be improved.


Two commissioners, appointed by the Gov ernor of this State, have arrived at Newtown, Tioga, to explore the route of the canal authorised by the legislature, of New-York, to connect the waters of Seneca Lake with the Susquehanna. This survey is undertaken with the view of reporting to the legislature of Pennsylvania on the expediency of uniting with the State of New-York to complete the said canal.

In October last, Benjamin Kite, of Philadelphia, cut down three Lombardy poplars, and on splitting one of them, about fifteen feet from the ground, he found a quantity of quicksilver in the tree. It did not appear that a hole could have been bored and the mineral poured in, for the trees grew in his court yard were very small when he took possession, and had thrived well, nor could any trace of boring be discovered.

Married.] In Philadelphia, at the residence of Stephen Girard, Esq. General Henry Lallemand to Miss Harriet Girard, niece of Stephen Girard, Esq. There were present, besides the other friends of the parties, the

Count de Survilliers, Marshal Grouchy and his son, General Vandamme, and General Charles Lallemand, senior.


It is now ascertained by actual experiment in this State, that the description of Wheat known by the name of the Lawler Wheat is not secure from the ravages of the Hessian fly. A quantity of Wheat, represented as genuine Lawler was obtained from Virginia by a gentleman whose farm is about ten miles from Baltimore, and sown this fall; within a few days past the young blade has been blighted as with a blast from a fur

and on examination it appears nace, that the destruction has been caused by the well known Hessian Fly.

We learn, that the Lawler Wheat sown on the Eastern shore of this State, and in some parts of Virginia, has experienced a similar fate.

A Beet has been raised by a gentleman of Annapolis, the present year,. from the seed, of the following dimensions and weight; it measured round the thickest part 2 feet 6 inches; its length was 2 feet 2 inches, and its weight 15 pounds 10 ounces!


The following Indians are now on a visit to the seat of government, from the north-western country. They are under the direction of Mr. Isaac Walker, their business is with the government. Wyandots. Daanquote, or Half King, head chief of the nation, from Sandusky.

Tau-yau-ro-too-yau, head speaker.

Dawautout; Manoncue; Scotosh, Tau-yau-dou-tou-sou; Squindecte; Youdou-tou-sou. Delawares, Captain Pipe; Silas Armstrong. Senecas. Captain Smith; Con-gu-tou.

These are the identical chiefs among whom the president of the United States passed a night, as he travelled through the wilderness from Detroit, and by whom he was voluntarily guarded during his stay with them.

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