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and the governed are allowed a voice in framed according to his narrow conceplaw-making. This power is exercised tion of Deity; masculine in spirit and somewhat in limited monarchies, such administration, cold, philosophical and as exist in some of the states and king- cheerless, they lack the true love element. doms of Europe, where the supremacy It will only be in the greater enlightenof the king, is prescribed by a constitu- ment, mental and spiritual, of the futtion; yet, in that amended form of ure, when feminine qualities are acgovernment, the machinery of state oft- knowledged and infused into civil and en plays into the hands of the aristoc- religious systems, that the grand ideal racy, and the nobles rule ou a grander of social, civil and religious liberty will scale of monopoly, of human rights and be attained. privileges.

Government may be classified under four heads. First, that of a family, which requires children to be subject to parental guidance and instruction.

Third, Ecclesiastical.

Personal obligation to yield to the authority of that organization which the people choose.

Another step in advance, is where monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy are combined as is the case with Great Britain, where in the houses, of Com- Second, Civil. That which binds mons, and Parliament the representative the individual to the maintenance of law-makers of the various classes of the laws of his country. society meet. Some persons deem this the strongest and best of human governments; but, the love of liberty and increasing knowledge, leads on in the grand march of the world's progress, and Republicanism with its broad basis for the universal brotherhood of man, by the annihilation of caste and class, takes hold of the minds of the masses, since its establishment and successful working on the free soil of America.

"The voice of the people is the voice of God," has rung through the courts and countries of Europe; till, like Sinai's thunders it has shaken empires and kingdoms to their foundations, engendering revolution and anarchy; but, out of these, shall come forth order and a more just form of government. "Forever the right comes uppermost, and even is justice done." Jefferson said; "Where there is no government, there is no God. This is true, the godless elements of unprogressed human nature alone repel law, order and discipline.

All man-made governments, are

Fourth, Self-government. The restriction, voluntarily placed upon the unsubdued passions and propensities of unregenerate man. Those who have advanced to this, have the law of God written within; acknowledging a Divine Theocracy, which supercedes all human governments. To such, it is easy to be law-abiding wherever they are; and, when associated in spiritual communion and relation, self-love and interest become absorbed in the highest of human attainments; an organization, which brings into harmony, for the well-being of all the noblest and purest gifts of unfolded humanity.

Mount Lebanon, N. Y.

I WANT to feel blest of God and his people for honest efforts to sustain right and correct principles in all respects.-J. S. K.

HABIT-Whose character is reviling, he can as easily revile you as your friend.-M. W.



THE home sphere is one in which a good and Christian influence should abound with beautiful graces. This is a truth which we have reason to fear is not fully estimated by many persons, but we should find here the best opportunity of doing good. Some seem to feel that they have not much influence at home. Such have yet to learn that home is the sphere, not only of duty, but of the best influences. It is natural to aspire after something great. Perhaps we need to work more in our own vineyard, to know ourselves, before our influence can be very elevating.

This knowledge is gained by entering frequently into the closet (of our hearts and honestly, humbly pray for the graces of the spirit to abide with us. We can exert an influence for good, and become bright and shining lights, and will be able by divine influence to eradicate much evil and establish order, peace, joy and harmony in society. There are some pleasures and influences which result from storing the mind with useful knowledge, but enjoyments, and benefits greater, by far, result from the cultivation of the mind, and from the exercise and reciprocation of friendly feelings.

The world is full of the praises of some of the most elevated men and women, but without the parental influence, which guided their youth, what would they have been? Their first lessons were received at home. There they commenced their education of mind and heart which rendered them eminently useful in after life. Are we not indebted to the parents of those meritorious people for the good influence which they exerted over them and through them, over a nation?

John Quincy Adams has been acknowledged to be one of the brightest ornaments of Massachusetts. His Father was questioned with regard to the means by which his son was so early brought forward and became so prominent and useful. The Father gave a description of the various means employed in his instruction and adds, he had a Mother. When Governor Briggs returned to his seat in Congress, he told Mr. Adams that he had

been reading the letters of his mother, and had just found out the secret that made him what he was, "The old man eloquent." He replied, with the liveliest emotions, that what ever there had been in his life which was good and useful was to be ascribed to his mother. Let us take a critical view of his long life of usefulness such as accompanying his father to Europe on a foreign mission, while in his boyhood unparalleled activity, of spotless purity, of highest honor, brilliancy and usefulness; then trace all this back to the honored mother, and consider the importance of her influence. This is only one instance out of many. There are numerous accounts on record of pious females exerting a heavenly and benign influence, not only on their own families, but on all around them. Who can measure the responsibility resting upon parents and guardians of children. The ornaments of society, are in no small degree, the result of that maternal influence which has been tacitly and without being perceived, exerted in the domestic circle.

But influence is by no means confined to the parental sphere. A brother, sister, or friend, may sometimes become as influential as parents.-Upon such, will great blessings be pronounced. "Blessed are the Peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God." How careful and prayerful we should be, that we do not exert a wrong influence upon society. Let slander, calumny, or anything that would hurt or wound the tender feelings of another be banished henceforth and forever; no matter what grade or station we may occupy, such traits of character are not justifiable. No community can be prosperous, harmonious, peaceful, and happy, where such ruinous vices exist. Let us carefully, and continually pray that we may so possess the spirit of Christ, that we can love and bless one another with a pure heart fervently. Our influence then will always be cast on the right side, and become what it should be, holy and acceptable to God. North Union, Ohio.

THE wise keep memory of themselves, and are never deceived or elevated by the applause of others.-M. W.

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"And Jesus said unto her, neither do I condemn thee, go, and sin no more." John, viii., 11.

BENIGNANT Savior! 'Twas not thine
To spurn the erring from thy sight,
Nor did thy smile of love divine
Turn from the penitent its light.

O then, shall we, who own thy name,
A brother's fault too sternly view,
Or think thy holy law can blame
The tear, to human frailty due?
May we,
while human guilt awakes
Upon our cheek the generous glow,
Spare the offender's heart, that breaks
Beneath its load of shame and woe.

Conscious of frailty, may we yield
Forgiveness of the wrongs we bear;
And strive the penitent to shield
From further sin, or dark despair.
And when our own offences weigh
Upon our hearts with anguish sore,
Lord! let thy pardoning mercy say
Like Jesus, "Go, and sin no more.

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ONE language Believers in union proclaim, That Christ in his kingdom, in triumph does reign, And in true Believers his glory displays, As prophets predicted in primitive days. The substance, predicted by figures and signs, Has drawn the attention of all the divines; And many have labored with earnest desire, And looked for a kingdom that's revealed by fire. The time has expired, the book is unsealed, The kingdom to thousands is truly revealed, And many, like gold in the furnace, are tried, And brought into union with Christ and his Bride. These two were anointed and suffered on earth, And travailed in union, and found the new birth; They conquered the evil which Satan devised, And firmly established the Kingdom of Christ. The language of all in the Kingdom is one, And by it are faithful Believers well known, Nor can a deceiver, though many have tried, Dissemble the voice of the Bridegroom and Bride. The true gospel language cannot be expressed, But by the Believer, by whom 'tis possessed, 'Tis spirit and life, and can only be known By such as have gained it, and made it their own. When infinite Wisdom unfolded her plan, Then Christ in his glory revealed it to man, Here man by obedience, salvation obtains; And this is the language on Mount Zion's plains. Now tell me, ye learned, ye noble and wise, What natural wisdom could ever devise A plan so effective, and bring it to view, To slay the old man, and give life to the new? The work is effected, the Kingdom's begun, And in it the language and spirit are one; We bless the great work, and we own the first cause Which gave to Mount Zion her language and laws.



The new wine is the resurrecting spirit. The new bottles are resurrected truths and souls.

THAT a Christianity which opposes a candid and free investigation of spiritual truth, progress, and the emancipation of the mind from error; which opposes violence with violence and hate with hate; which allows its votaries to contend for honors and emoluments of the world, to grind the face of the poor, and to propagate the corrupt and rebellious life of the world, by natural generation; which fails to repress sinful desires in the heart, and to

TRUTH reduced to practice-incarnated, is nip evil designs and practices in the bad; a crystalization of divine light.-D. F. which fails to organize its subjects on a social

basis of equity that will protect innocence, and in serious doubt whether its reputed encourage goodness, reward virtue, and se- author was a myth or reality, lo! it appears cure the perpetual ascendency of justice, a second time upon the stage of human life, unity, purity, holiness, chastity, charity and and this time, contrary to all previous theory righteousness in the conduct and counsels of and mortal expectation, it is made known by its leaders; that if such is Christianity, it is a woman. not the genuine Christianity of the wise and gentle Nazarene, we think no one who has carefully and candidly investigated his life and doctrine recorded in the New Testament can reasonably dispute.

We know it to be the same by its fruits, and that its mediator is no myth, the writer being for years acquainted with those who received their faith and testimony direct from Ann Lee; people who had sought in vain elsewhere for that deliverance from the galling yoke of their passions which they obtained by obedience to Ann's testimony. She affirmed that she received her doctrine and testimony from the spirit of Jesus, a part of whose earthly record we have in the New Testament, and concerning whom she testi

And if there is a people now on earth, living the life and forming the character ascribed to him and his first witnesses, we reason that Christ must be present with and in them as much as it is possible for him to be present with mortals, and it behooves those who are honestly and anxiously expecting Christ's second advent, to seriously ex-fied, "I have often seen St. Peter and St. amine their credentials and testimony.

Paul, and conversed with them, and with all Jesus foretold a total apostacy, from the the Apostles, and with Christ Jesus, my Lord light and life of his first appearing, and the and head. For no man is my head, but substitution of false Christs and unauthorized | Christ Jesus, he is my Lord and head." At teachers in his name. The Apostle Paul Watervliet, in the last year of her earth life, and the Revelations of John confirm the she testified in presence of a large number same, while the history of the dark ages, the of people; "Christ is ever with me, both in testimony of inspired witnesses, and the pro- sitting down and rising up; in going out and phetic numbers of Daniel and John, prove coming in. If I walk in groves or valleys, that this time has already passed. Conse- there he is with me and I converse with quently a new revelation is absolutely neces-him as one friend converses with another, sary not only to revivify the truths of the face to face." past so far as they are needed for present growth, but to set up on earth the kingdom of the God of heaven, which is to consume in its progress, all other kingdoms (whether of beasts or men,) and to increase in order, growth, and stability without end. Also to fulfill ancient predictions, and vindicate the spirit that gave them.

She would sometimes say to those who addressed her as Madam or Mrs., "I am Ann, the Word." The relation which she claimed as subsisting between her and Jesus was confirmed by other reliable witnesses, and by her own conduct. Ann was a medium from childhood.

According to the testimony of her friends, she was industrious, discreet, truthful and upright, and possessed a strong, practical common sense and good judgment in relation to the ordinary affairs of life. She also possessed a knowledge and wisdom in spiritual things which enabled her to compass the spiritual state of all who applied to her for aid or instruction. There is evidence of this

Hence our faith is not founded primarily upon any record, but upon a new and present revelation of the same spirit, which illuminates and is illustrated by the record, and by the character of its subjects. Thus, the character of Ann Lee's revelation may be known by her own subsequent character and teachings, and by the conduct of her disciples. At a period when intellectual skep-in the quality of her disciples, among whom ticism is stoutly laboring to discredit the historic evidence of Christ's first appearing, when rational inquirers are perplexed as to what really constitutes genuine Christianity,

were Baptist elders, preachers, college graduates, business men and heads of families who had secured prosperity and success in worldly affairs, and in the high moral charac

ter which these people sustained to the end instructions as these, impressed by example,

of their days.

People qualified by their subsequent training and guidance to make community life a success, a desideratum sought by many without success, for centuries since the overthrow of the primitive Christian communal church. These were Ann's epistles seen and read for sixty years after her decease. Ann's good sense and judgment are amply vindicated in the following


Ann's qualifications as a witness, may be in some measure inferred.

VISIONS AND REVELATIONS, concerning the spirit of Jesus have been common among the disciples of Ann, one of which, the testimony of William Harlow, given at Mount Lebanon, in 1790, is here presented.

the light of the sun, and shone at noonday as a great light; and I heard a voice from heaven saying "The tabernacle of God is with men, and the Father and the Son have come to dwell with them whom God hath called and chosen, and who are found faithful." And I saw the Lord Jesus sitting up

Feeling my spirit in union with. Father Joseph [the presiding Elder] my mind exercised toward God, and my sensations in "Put your hands at work and give your the heavens, I saw the kingdom of our Lord heart to God. The devil tempts others, but Jesus Christ, set up on earth in this place, an idle person tempts the devil. Do all and it was the most glorious of anything I your work as you would if you had a thou-ever saw. The glory thereof far exceeded sand years to live, and as you would if you knew you must die to-morrow. Be diligent with your hands, for godliness doth not lead to idleness. Be neat and industrious; keep your family's clothes clean and decent; see that your house is kept clean, and your food prepared in good order. Keep your dwellings, your shops and your fields, and on a great white throne. And I saw a numeverything you possess in order. In the Spring of the year, every faithful man will go forth and put up his fences, plough his ground, and plant his crops in season, and then with confidence he may look for a blessing. But the slothful and indolent will say to-morrow will do as well. Such a man never finds a blessing. So is he in spiritual things. He will be slothful in the work of God, and will reap his reward. He that is unfaithful in the unrighteous mammon, how can he be trusted with the true riches? Be prudent and saving of every good thing.

Beware of covetousness. Remember the poor and needy, the widow, and the fatherless. If you do not hear the cries of those who are in distress, God will not hear your cries. You can never enter the kingdom of God with hardness against any one; for God is love, and if you love God, you will love one another. You cannot make a spear of grass nor a kernel of grain grow. It is by the blessing of God that these things come, therefore you ought not to waste the least thing. If you improve in one talent, God will give you more. God is a fountain of light, love and goodness, and no soul can truly know God, but that will love Him. From such

ber standing before the throne, clothed in white. And I saw Mother and the Elders that were with her [out of the body] standing between him that sat on the throne and Elder Joseph [in the body] and he stood between them and the people. And they bowed down and worshipped God, and sang unto the Lord, Hosanna to God and the Lamb; blessed is He who has given us the victory over the beast and his image, and over him that hath the power of death.

And he who sat on the throne spoke saying; "This is the first resurrection, and blessed are ye that have part in it. Ye are my witnesses. Ye shall reign with me on the earth. I have come to set up my kingdom, wherein dwelleth righteousness, and I will be a father to you and ye shall be my sons and daughters, for ye testify of me in the world."

William Harlow deceased at Mount Leb

anon while yet a young man, highly esteemed by those who knew him, for his manly Chris

tian virtues.

Mt. Lebanon, N. Y.

THE first ingredient in conversation is truth; the next, good sense; the third, good humor; and the fourth, wit.-Sir W. Temple.

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