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slavery, and bondage, are synonymes; they "Are there any modifications of the principle express one general idea, but present it under of slavery which can in any cases render it different phases, and with various modifica- abominable?" the articles of my opponents tions. If, then, we point out this general would have served as a triumphant flourish idea, or social principle, we shall be able at of trumpets in honour of an affirmative reply. once to decide upon its morality or immo- It has been shown that the principle of rality, its justice or injustice (since the dif- servitude is the same as that of slavery. Is ficulties of moral science arise always in there, then, any propriety in the relation of particular applications only); this done, we superior and inferior, of master and servant? shall then have to decide on the effect of the Are such relations justifiable under any cirsuperadded modifications of the principle in cumstances? It can scarcely be supposed each of the three cases. Now the one general that any reader of the Controversialist will meaning of, or idea expressed by, these words, do otherwise than give an affirmative reply. is the subjection of personal freedom to the "L'Ouvrier" seems to have felt this, and will of another. In the case of servitude, therefore tries to throw dust into our eyes by this subjection is only partial, both in nature the roundabout manner in which he estaband duration, and can only be enforced by lishes the old absurdity," All men are equal.” negative or indirect means. Thus, my ser- Conscious of the inherent weakness of his vant must perform certain duties, during a position, he endeavours to compensate for it given time and within certain bounds: he or by a display of the outward apparatus of she must entirely ignore their own freedom strict syllogism, and (for what earthly object of body or of will, and follow my directions-it is introduced none but himself can tell) a the dictates of my will; and if they refuse so to act and submit, I may enforce my claims indirectly by the aid of my country's laws, or negatively by withholding those rewards or privileges which I should otherwise be compelled to grant. In slavery and bondage, on the other hand, the subjection is absolute, and the compulsion direct and positive. The latter term (bondage), I believe, merely implies aggravated slavery-the addition of needless cruelty and wanton oppression. Here, then, is the first grand distinction, a close attention to which will show the futility (as a philosophic question) of most of the current declamation against slavery.* Bondage can never be justifiable under any cirThis distinction between bondage and slavery the scriptural student will remember to be very strongly marked in our admirable translation of the Bible. The two terms, however, are carefully confounded by "L'Ouvrier" and G. F., who are thereby enabled to make a display, by attacking that which no one asserts, and which (as has been shown) is really excluded by the terms of the question. Had the question for debate been,


I have previously endeavoured to impress upon all readers that this debate is one on abstract principles; but, at the risk of a charge of tautology, I feel compelled to repeat the warning. To decry slavery by painting the horrors of bondage is a dishonesty as gross as that of one, who purposely confounds religion with superstition.

solitary axiom of "Euclid." The fearfullooking syllogism contains a gross petitio principii in the first or major premiss, and an equally gross error in the minor premiss. What can be meant by the preposterous assertion that "existences having the same nature and origin are naturally equal?" Are all the apples grown on the same tree "naturally equal?" I presume they all have the same "nature and origin!" Let me have the right of using these words in admitted acceptations, and I could prove black to be white. The next assertion is equally absurd,—“ All men have the same nature and origin!" If by nature "L'Ouvrier" means the possession of two legs and the absence of feathers, his assertion may pass. The truth is, the word "nature" has different meanings in the two premises. Here is an absurd argument, produced by a similar play on the word "sinful;" it may serve as an elementary lesson in logic for "L'Ouvrier:"-" Christianity teaches us to hate what is sinful. All men are sinful. Therefore Christianity teaches us to hate all men." The premises of the pretended syllogism being foolish, the conclusion may be fairly doubted. Let it be examined. "All men are naturally equal!" Nay, surely not! Are the Aztec Lilliputians physically equal to the gigantic Patagonians? Is the cannibal dancing round his horrible feast morally equal to John Howard, or even the generality of Englishmen? Are the generality

superior power. The whole object of society is to abridge the natural liberty or powers (rights) of the savage. He must no longer have an uncontrolled will; he must put his neck under the yoke. As a member of society, man must bow to its decrees. Obedience to human laws, where they do not absolutely clash with those of the Deity, is imperative, and strongly enforced by scripture:-"Submit yourself to every ordinance of man;" "Render unto Cæsar the things that are Cæsar's;” “Let every soul be subject to the higher powers;" "Servants (i.e., slaves. See Cruden's "Concordance," in loc.) obey your masters," &c.

of woolly-headed negroes intellectually equal to "L'Ouvrier;" or he, again, to the Astronomer Royal or Baron Humboldt? One other phrase only remains,―social equality. Now, "L'Ouvrier's" reasoning was to the intent that, all men being naturally (what is meant?) equal, therefore they ought to be socially equal. Borrowing this scheme, I may say, “All men being naturally (i. e., in their physical, moral, and intellectual natures) unequal, therefore they ought to be socially unequal." Look round on human society; are men socially equal? No, we say. The wife is subject to the husband, the child to the parent, class to class, subject to ruler, the apprentice to his teacher, the servant (ie, the half-slave) to his master; then why not, also, the slave to his owner? The only reply can be, that it is not necessary to the present condition of this age and country; in other words, circumstances may either justify or condemn it. It is relatively unjust, and not morally wrong in itself. Society is based, and depends for existence, on an admission of the principle of slavery: it is nothing but an orderly arrangement of ranks and classes, whose existence and interdistinction depend on the acknowledgment and practical use of the doctrine, that beings naturally unequal should be so socially, And why should we indulge this foolish longing after universal equality? Does not each star differ from all other stars in glory? Can we suppose that God's universe is a disjointed series of creations without connecting links-a number of isolated classes, where each class is but a multitudinous reproduction of the same type? Let the reader ponder on the fearful truths contained in those pithy and apposite remarks quoted by "Benjamin from the pages of Tupper. We need not follow "L'Ouvrier" any fur-fying to G. F.'s sympathies, as it is to all culther. “Benjamin" has exposed, with great force and clearness, that old absurdity, "natural rights," a remnant of the subtle cobwebs of the scholastic age, which has been cast aside by all the great modern writers on social ethics and jurisprudence-bas "been abandoned by all just thinkers." A "right" is solely a creature of law. The "rights" of a man in a state of nature are simply his natural powers to do what he pleases. It is very unfortunate that our language should confound "right," ie, "not wrong with “right,” i, e., a privilege granted by some

A few words with G. F.: we trust he is now in a calmer mood. With the true Pharisaic spirit he speaks of his "pious opponents... who garble scripture," by whom "holy writ is desecrated," who “fully display Jesuitism,” and “render apparent the selfishness and baseness of... their cupidity and injustice,” &c.! Not one word is addressed to X's arguments. No! "The Bible cannot (?!) defend slavery." There is the assertion; and X., who reasons against it, together with all future writers who might adopt the same course, were to be branded with infamy. Like certain Jews of old. G. F. stops his ears to our arguments, and rushes into the pages of the Controversialist, exclaiming, "Away with them! stone them! They are worthy to die!" I should be sorry to repay him in kind; prejudice is the worst word I will apply to him; to his arguments I can apply no other term than dogmatism, i. e., assertions without proof, conclusions without premises. The Bible cannot defend slavery;" therefore, slavery is not right. Such is the style of reasoning! The substance of his whole paper is, that cruel bondage is horri

tivated hearts; so G. F. runs off into one of those fits of virtuous indignation so admirably described in Macaulay's Essays" (that on Byron), and becomes a mere bull in the china-shop of arguments. He shuts his eyes and charges madly. The abuse of slavery is wrong and cruel; therefore its use is so also. G. F. falls into the same errors as "L'Ouvrier" as to human equality. I need reiterate their exposure. If his principles were carried out fully, society would be at an end. When unable to reconcile Christianity with slavery, let him remember that Paul directed

that masters should treat their servants (slaves) well. Like many other things, Christianity will soften the horrors of bondage; it does not pretend to gratify all the yearnings of our nature.

The space I have already occupied compels me to pass over many interesting topics, or I might have shown that in some ages and circumstances of the world slavery has been an absolute necessity, and a boon even to its subjects; and that at others it has proved a powerful agent of civilization. I must, however, confine myself to a very brief notice of the most important phase of the question. X. has pointed out sufficient instances in the Old Testament to show that slavery was admitted and approved by God. Nor has the Gospel brought in any new doctrine: it specifically commands mas

ters to treat well their servants, and servants
to obey, &c., their masters; and every one
who has any knowledge of the social con-
dition of those days will be aware that their
servants were slaves. Servus, a slave, is one
of the first scraps of knowledge picked up
in the Latin grammar. Moreover, we find
Paul writing an epistle to Philemon, and
sending it by the hand of a fugitive slave
(Onesimus), and entreating him to forgive
that slave's offence. Very strange, this, if
slavery is intrinsically evil and unjust! Now
the question comes, Can anything which has
been approved by God under certain circum-
stances be really unjustifiable under all? In
other words, Is God unjust? I leave the
opposition to the consideration of this fearful
H. B.


WHEN we saw this question proposed on | pretend to find that the Bible sanctions the the wrapper of the Controversialist, we at holding of their fellow men in involuntary once supposed that there would be no debate servitude. The advocates of slavery rest upon it. But, however, the reverse is the their defence of the system on the servitude case, and it appears that this. iniquitous which existed among the Jews, and many of system, like others, has its defenders. The them assert that the patriarch Abraham January number of the Controversialist was a slaveholder. But it is quite clear contains a pro-slavery article by X., in which, that no defence of modern slavery can be after declaring that "Uncle Tom's Cabin" is based on the Jewish system of servitude; an untruthful book, he attempts to prove and we maintain that Jewish servitude was that the Bible sanctions slavery. He is not slavery, and that such a system can find followed by "Benjamin," in the February no support in the Bible. number, who maintains, that in the practice of slavery, no moral principle is violated. With reference to "Uncle Tom's Cabin" being an untruthful book, we just refer X. to the "Key," lately published by Mrs. Stowe, where he will find all the characters and incidents supported by real facts; and we will proceed to show that no part of the inspired volume contains an approval of the system of slavery, and that it is morally wrong. Can our readers suppose that God, who in the moral law commanded his people to love their neighbours as themselves, or that our Lord, who came breathing "peace on earth and goodwill towards men," could sanction such a system of oppression and injustice as this! Our opponents do not appeal to the New Testament to prove their arguments. They shrink from its glorious light, and hide among the dark shadows of the Mosaic Dispensation; and here they


In modern slavery, the slave is the absolute property of his master, who can barter or sell him like any kind of merchandize; but in Jewish servitude, he was not considered as a slave, but as a servant. servant, by voluntary act, bound himself for a sum of money to serve his master, who did not regard him as a piece of property that could be bartered or sold, but allowed him many privileges, and after his time of service, set him at liberty. In support of this assertion, we quote the following, by the Rev. J. Symington:-" It will greatly assist us in our inquiry, and remove a fallacy thrown around the question, to ascertain at once the meaning of the Hebrew word, on the use of which some apologists rest their allegation that Abraham was a slaveholder. And notwithstanding the insinuations of learned Hebraists, that the word 'eved' is more cognate to the word slave than to


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In the Jewish system of servitude the service was voluntary on the part of the servant. He sold his services to his master, and received the money himself; in the same manner as our English servants do, who enter into a contract with their master, to serve him for a certain period, and for a certain sum. And how, indeed, could Jewish service be otherwise, as stealing and selling men were forbidden, as well as the holding of them after they had been stolen, as the following passage will show:-" He that stealeth a man and selleth him, or if he be found in his hands, he shall surely be put to death." But how stands the case in modern slavery? The poor negro is stolen from the land of his birth, and condemned to involuntary servitude. His service is not purchased, as in Jewish servitude; but he is torn from his home, put on the auction block, and sold to the highest bidder. And this is done by men who profess to take the system of slavery from the Bible! Some of our American slaveholders have quite an honest horror of the practice of man-stealing; but still the middle clause of the verse before quoted condemns them: "Or if he be found in his hands . . . he shall surely be put to death."

In modern slavery, the service of the slave is perpetual; in Jewish servitude it was limited. The Jewish servant only remained with his master until the year of jubilee, when he was set at liberty, and might return to his native land; but not only loes the modern slave serve his master, he may be bequeathed by him to another. X. says: "These native servants or slaves became free on the completion of the seventh year of their servitude, or were liberated in the year of jubilee; but not so the alien slaves, these were perpetual bondmen." The latter sentence we positively deny. The Jewish servants, as above stated, became free in the seventh year of their servitude; or, if the year of jubilee happened before that

*United Presbyterian Magazine, August, 1847.

time they became free, and we assert that in this year the alien slaves also became free. "Hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land, to ALL the inhabitants thereof; and he shall return, EVERY MAN unto his family." There is no exception here. Liberty was proclaimed to ALL the inhabitants of the land, both Jews and aliens, and every man was to return to his family, which they could not do very well were they still held in bondage. In connexion with this part of the subject, X. quotes the following passage. "And ye shall take them as an inheritance for your children after you, to inherit them for a possession; and they shall be your bondmen for ever." At first sight this passage seems rather striking, and as if sanctioning the holding of the servant in perpetual bondage; but it is thus very clearly and well explained by the author before quoted. "From the word 'bondmen,' nothing can be adduced in support of slavery, for it is the same word that is uniformly rendered servant elsewhere. Nor does the phrase 'for ever,' refer to the perpetual bondage of the individual servant, but to the source from which the Hebrews were to continue to draw their supply of servants. As if God had said, 'Ye must not make servants of your brethren, for ye are my servants. Here is a perpetual source of supply among the surrounding heathen nations. Generation after generation, and jubilee after jubilee, although you must periodically set your servants free according to my laws, you will here find a fresh stock. The source of supply was permanent; the service of the individual bondman was regulated by specific laws, and universal liberty was proclaimed at the jubilee."

The moral precepts and teachings, both of the Old and New Testaments, are directly opposed to slavery. Universal love and affection among men are required by the moral law, "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." How can the slaveholder obey this law? For assuredly to take his fellowman and place him to bondage, and deny him the blessing of liberty, cannot be loving his neighbour as himself. And also the golden rule, quoted by G. F., "Whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, ye even so to them," stands in direct opposition to the "peculiar institution."


The fearful plagues with which God afflicted Egypt, are at once a proof of his divine displeasure and disapproval of slavery. During the reign of that Pharoah who advanced Joseph, the Israelites were contented and happy in the land. But we are told that "another king arose who knew not Joseph," and who reduced the Israelites to slavery. "Their cry came up to God by reason of the bondage, and God heard their groanings," and he commanded Pharoah to emancipate them. On his refusal, God sent grievous plagues upon him, and finally destroyed him with all his host in the Red Sea. This is a standing monument which shall always bear witness that slavery is an accursed thing that God hates.

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'Benjamin" asks, "Whence comes the doctrine, that all should be equal and free?" We answer, from the Bible! The declarations that "God hath made of one blood all nations of men," and "God is no respecter of persons," plainly show that all men are equal and free, and that one has no right to submit another to involuntary bondage.

And now, reader, we have shown you that there is no such system as slavery sanctioned in the Bible; that it is opposed to the moral precepts of the word of God, and that it is viewed by God himself with displeasure. We think that we have established the fact that slavery is morally wrong, and therefore unjustifiable.


The Inquirer.

QUESTIONS REQUIRING ANSWERS. 203. I shall feel indebted to the writer of the article in favour of Shakspere in last September's Controversialist, or to any correspondent who will inform me who is the author of those exquisitely beautiful lines commencing

"Oh! I seem to stand

Trembling, where foot of mortal ne'er hath been," and quoted, p. 335-6, Vol. IV. The context appears to intimate that Milton was the author; but I believe that is not the fact; nor, indeed, the intention of "Excelsior."-B. S.

204. Milton says, in his preface to "Samson Agonistes," that the following verse (1 Cor. xv. 33), "Evil communications corrupt good manners," is from the writings of Euripides. In the British Controversialist, Vol. III., No. 27, p. 247, it is said that it is from Menander's. Which of these is correct?-TEXTOR.

205. Could any of your readers, in the "Inquirer's" column, give me any particulars regarding Samuel Warren and his works. I would be obliged if you yourselves could give me any information regarding his place of birth, &c.-J. C. 206. Can any of your readers oblige by answering the following questions, through the medium of your valuable periodical:-What are the best and most modern publications on the steamengine, practical mechanics, and mechanical and civil engineering? and, Which is the best (monthly or quarterly) periodical on the above subjects, and on modern machinery?-J. T.

207. What sort of a lamp-gas, candle, or oilshould a student use, when studying, which would be least hurtful to the eyes? My eyes (and sometimes my head) feel sore and weak after study. Is there any means of remedying this disagreeable feeling by medicine, &c.? Perhaps some of your correspondents will kindly inform me.-J. W. B. 208. How is it that the moon appears larger

when rising and setting than when it is at the meridian.-TEXTOR.

209. Your readiness to reply to the inquiries of your correspondents has induced me to send you the following, in the hope that you will give it a place in the next number of the Controversialist, in order to have an explanation from some of your readers :

1. Illustrate by examples from the predicable, "Vegetable," the meaning of the terms, species, genus, difference, property, and accident. 2. Draw out a "tree of division" from the summum genus, "body.""-J. C.


177. Greek Syntax.-In reply to J. B. M'C.'s question, I venture, in the protracted silence of all other correspondents, to offer the following suggestions:-.

1. The particle uev is not seldom used in putting a question, as implying that the querist expects to be answered in a certain manner, though he speaks with some degree of doubt. I think the phrase adduced might be orally translated by a good elocutionist as an assertion, "You are well?" his intonation conveying an interrogative force to the hearer-a feeling that the speaker has a slight doubt of the truth of his assertion, and wishes to have it fully dispelled. It is, however, difficult to form an opinion in the absence of the context, and I am unable at the moment to call to mind appropriate examples of my positions.

2. This second question, I think, is answered by the following quotation from Bloomfield's translation of Matthiæ's Greek Grammar (4th edition, vol. ii., p. 768):-"Frequently the conjunctive mood is used, although the preceding verb be in the past time, viz., when the verb, which depends upon the conjunction, shows an action which is continued to the present time, e. g., ' Iliad,' E' 127

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