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wife of Deliro, a proud mincing lady, dotes upon Fastidius Brisk, a spruce affected courtier. The gallant being thrown into the counter, is there visited by Fallace; who concludes the expressions of her fondness in these words: "O master Brisk (as it is in Euphues) hard is the choice when one is compelled, either by silence to die with grief, or by speaking, to live with shame." Upon this passage, we have the fol lowing note by Mr. Whalley. " Euphues is the title of a Romance, wrote by one Lilly, that was in the highest vogue at this time, The court ladies had all the phrases by heart. The language is extremely affected, and like the specimen here quoted, consists chiefly of antitheses in the thought and expression,"


BARON of Burghley, Burleigh, or Burly, was born at Bourn in Lincolnshire, in 1520. After being initiated in grammar learning at the grammar schools of Grantham and Stamford, he was removed, in 1535, to St. John's College, Cambridge; and in 1541, entered at Gray's Inn as student of the law. There he distinguished himself by his application; the fruit of which was an intimate acquaintance with the constitution of his country.

On his introduction at court, his first promotion was to the office of Custos Brevium, in the beginning of the reign of Edward VI. In 1547, he was appointed master of requests; and the year after, obtained the post of secretary, which he enjoyed twice in Edward's reign. He was knighted and sworn of the privy council in 1551. In the reign of Mary he lost his office, for refusing to change his religion; but on the accession of Elizabeth, was again sworn privy counsellor and secretary of state, which offices he retained till his death.

He obtained also in 1561 the office of master of the wards. In 1571 the queen created him baron of Burleigh; the year following, knight of the garter; and about three months after, raised him to the office of lord high treasurer. He had the additional honour of being chancellor of the university of Cambridge. He died in 1598, at the age of 77..

Lord Burleigh, as Mr. Walpole has observed, " is one of those great names, better known in the annals of his country, than those in the republic of letters."

His works consist chiefly of letters and state papers.

1. When (as sir William Cecil) he accompanied the duke of Somerset on his expedition into Scotland, he kept a "Diary," which was afterwards published by William Patten, under the title of "Diarium Expeditionis Scotica, Lond. 1541, 12 mo." and which furnished materials for an account of that war. This is probably the reason why he is classed by Holinshed among the English historians.

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2. "The first Paper or Memorial of Sir W. Cecil, anno primo Eliz." This is merely a paper of memorandums, and has been printed in Somers's Tracts.

3. "A Speech in Parliament, 1592;" first published by Strype in his Annals, and since inserted in the parliamentary history, vol. 4, p. 356-363.

4. "Lord Burleigh's Precepts or Directions for the well ordering and carriage of a Man's Life," 1637.

These Precepts were addressed to his son Robert Cecil; and furnish perhaps the most curious specimen that could be selected of his manner as a writer, of his personal character, and in some sort of the character of the age in which he lived. The extract is taken from Peck's Desiderata Curiosa, vol. 1. p. 47-49; edit. 1779.

Son Robert,

The virtuous inclinations of thy matchless mo ther, by whose tender and godly care thy infancy was governed; together with thy education under so zealous and excellent a tutor; puts me in rather assurance than hype, that thou art not ignorant of that summum bonum, which is only able to make thee happy as well in thy death as life; I mean, the true knowledge and worship of thy Creator and Redeemer: without which all other things are vain and miserable. So that thy youth being guided by so sufficient a teacher, I make no doubt but he will furnish thy life with divine and moral documents. Yet, that I may not cast off the care of beseeming a parent towards his child; or that thou shouldst have cause to derive thy whole felicity and welfare rather from others than from whence thou receivedst thy breath and being; I think it fit and agreeable to the affection I hear thee, to help thee with such rules and advertisements for the squaring of thy life, as are rather gained by experience than by much read ing. To the end, that entering into this exorbitant age, thou mayest be the better prepared to shun those scandalous courses whereunto the world, and the lack of experience, may easily draw thee. And, because I will not confound thy memory, I have reduced them into ten precepts; and next unto Moses' tables, if thou imprint them in thy mind, thou shalt reap the benefit, and I the content. And they are these following:

1. When it shall please God to bring thee to man's estate, use great providence and circumspec tion in chusing thy wife. For from thence will spring all thy future good or evil. And it is an action of life, like unto a stratagem of war; wherein

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