Imágenes de páginas


"Ah, la foudre en crevant la nue
L'a jeté sur la roche nue!
S'il n'a pas cessé de souffrir,
Descendons l'aider à mourir ! "

Et les enfants des matelots
Retirerent Jame des flots.
C'était Jame! et la fiancée
Vint toucher à sa main glacée
Son doux lien, son anneau d'or;
Car Jame le portait encore !

Qu'ils sont bien sous la roche nue,
A l'abri de l'errante nue,
Oublieux de leurs mauvais jours,
Morts - et mariés pour toujours!


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A maiden came gliding o'er the sea.

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And ever as he travelled he would climb

As I came round the harbor buoy

As I stand by the cross on the lone mountain's crest

As ships, becalmed at eve, that lay

At anchor in Hampton Roads we lay

A thousand miles from land are we .

A wave-worn boulder with green sea-moss wrapping
A wet sheet and a flowing sea.

Ay, tear her tattered ensign down
Beneath the low-hung night cloud
Break, break, break

By the billows and blasts driven and tost in the gloom
Can it be women that walk in the sea-mist
Come, dear children, let us away

Consider the sea's listless chime

"Courage," he said, and pointed towards the land
Counting the hours by bells and lights

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Dark and light are mingled on the sea, on the shore

Des vastes mers tableau philosophique

Down in the wide, gray river.

Down on the shore, on the sunny shore

Down to the wharves, as the sun goes down.

Eastward as far as the eye can see

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