Imágenes de páginas

Greenock, View of Highland

Table-land from, 105.
Greenstone, Weathering of, 292.
Grey Mare's Tail, 238, 260.

Haddingtonshire, 234.
Hall, Sir James, cited, 295.
Harris, Isle of, 68.
Hartfell, 142, 238.
"Haughs," 30.

Hebrides, 67.
Helmsdale, 109.

Hibbert's Shetland Islands quoted,
Highlands, Geological Structure
of, 91, 108, 270.
Denudation of, 98, 114, 122,
139, 149-185, 212, 217.
Ancient Table-land of, 99.
Geological age of table-land
of, 108-III.
Origin of Valleys of, 114.
Glaciation of, 151.
Origin of Lakes of, 171.
Glaciers of, 180, 191, 201, 299.
Higher Elevation of, during
glacial period, 183, 188.
Submergence of, during glacial
period, 189.

Local varieties of scenery
in, 207.
Precipices in, 224.

Landscapes on borders of,

Atmospheric waste in, 119,
208, et seq.

Holy Loch, 223.
Hutton, 10.

Ice, Geological Effects of, 37, 77,

et seq. 151, 159, 173, 181, 195,
256, 299.

Icebergs, 82, 161, 164, 173, 256,
304, 316, 344.

Ice-worn Rocks, 151, et seq. 228,
262, 299.
Weathering of, 228, 264, 316.
Innellan, 222.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Lothian, Mid, 234, 268, 269, 271.
West, 269, 278.

Lowther Hills, 238.

Luce, Bay of, 252, 261.
Lyell, Sir C. cited, 57, 160.
Lyne Water, 250.

Maclaren, Mr. C. cited, 160, 167,
295, 320.

Macrihanish Bay, Cantyre, 75-
Maitland, History of Edinburgh,
quoted, 49.

Mammoth, Bones of, in drift, 304.
Man, Aspect of Scotland at first
coming of, 327.

Influence of, upon scenery,

Changes of scenery since his
advent, 319.

Marine denudation, Chap. III.
Forms a platform or plain,
72, 106, 244.

Mathers, Kincardine, 57.
Merrick, 242, 256, 261.
Midland Valley, 266.

Geological structure of, 266.
Denudation of, 272, 291.
River-systems of, 282.
Local varieties of scenery in,


Prominence of igneous rocks
in, 292.

Tameness of stratified rocks
in, 298.

Glaciation of, 299-317.

Miller, Hugh, cited, 66, 75, 187.
Moffatdale, 238.

Monadhleadh Mountains, 142, 180.
Moncrieff Hill, 274, 284.

Mountains and Valleys, Popular
ideas regarding, I.

Due to erosion of valleys,
10, 13.

Moraines, 81, 192.

Moray Firth, 58, 75, 92, 109,

155, 177, 187, 225.

Muck, Water of, 253.
Mull, Isle of, 226.

[blocks in formation]

River, 144.

Ness, River, 144.
Newhaven, 50.

Nithsdale, 234, 235, 249, 250,

North Berwick, 49.

Berwick Law, 269, 277, 293.
Norway, 162.

Ochil Hills, 190, 267, 278, 286,
293, 300, 315.

Old Red Sandstone of Highlands,
91, 108, 110, 225.
Midland Valley, 267, 270.
Southern Uplands, 233, 246,

Oolitic strata, Influence of, in
landscape, 225.
Orkney Islands, 62.

Parallel Roads of Glen Roy,

[blocks in formation]

Pot-holes in bed of a river, 28.
formed by sea on a beach,

.Precipices of the Highlands, 224.

Quartz-rock, Occurrence of, in
Highlands, 93.

Scenery of, 214.
Queensferry, 52.

Rain, 15, 139.

"Rain-wash," 16.
Raised Beaches, 193, 318.
Ramsay, Professor A. C. cited,
17, 38, 81, 107, 112, 115, 126,
172, 303.
Rannoch, Moor of, 97, 142, 223.
Ravines, Popular view of their
origin, 21.

Geological history of, 22, 32.
Reindeer, Bones of, in drift, 304.
Renfrewshire, 268, 297.
River-action, 20, 34.

Systems, their nice adjust-
ment, 6.

Valley, Playfair's description
of a, 10.
Terraces, 30.

Rivers of Highlands, 137.

Midland Valley, 282.

Southern Uplands, 249.
Scottish, Diminution of water
in, 337.

Roan Island, 109.

"Rock-basins" in glaciated coun-

tries, 81, 128.

Rosemarkie, 188.

Ross, Easter, Plains of, 132.
Ross-shire, Coast of, 210.

Geology of, 92, 109.
Mountains of, 210.
Valleys in, 124, 138, 143.
Rothesay, 324
Roy, Bridge of, 194.

St. Abb's Head, 46.
Andrew's, 52, 75, 320.
David's, 52.

[blocks in formation]

Sand-spits, 129, 130.

Scenery, Prevalent uncertainty re-
garding origin of, 5.
Schehallien, 214.

Schistose rocks of Highlands,

Influence of, on scenery, 208.
Scottish scenery, Types of, 89.
Sea, as a geological agent, 39 et seq.
Sea-lochs, 125, 144, 183.
Shandwick, 134, 177.
Shee, River, 145.

Sheep-drains converted into gullies
by rain, 19.

Shells, Northern, in deeper parts
of Scottish seas, 205, 306.
in glacial drift, 305.
Shetland Islands, 63.
Sidlaw Hills, 267, 274, 278, 284,
300, 315.
Silurian Metamorphic Rocks of
Highlands, 92-95.

Their scenery, 208, 214-225.
Rocks of Southern Uplands,

Influence of, on scenery, 234
Skateraw, 48.

Skerries and reefs, Production of,

Skerryvore Rock, Breakers at, 67.
Skye, Hills of, 208, 210, 223,

Kyles of, 205.
Smith, Mr. James, of Jordanhill,
305, 320.

Spey, River, 138, 144.
Springs, 34.

Stevenson, Mr. quoted, 49 et seq.
Stincher, Valley of, 253, 254.
Stirling, 286, 302.

Castle Rock, 269, 277, 294.
Stranraer, 71.
Strath Brora, 203.
Spey, 200.

Stroma, 62.

Submergence of Scotland during
glacial period, 188, 190, 258,
287, 316.

movements, In-

fluence of, in determining the
configuration of a country, 86,
121, 133, 140, 146, 270, 282,
note, 323. (See also under
Earthquakes and Faults.)
Sutherlandshire, Coast of, 203,
210, 225.

Geology of, 92, 108.
Mountains of, 210.
Valleys of, 138, 143.

Tain, 132, 188.

Talla, Valley of, 238, 240, 258.
Tarbat Ness, 132.

Tay, Firth of, 53, 75, 274, 283.
River, 145, 284.

Tent's Muir, 75.
Teviot, 253.

Till, or boulder-clay, 185.

Time, its value in geological his-
tory, 8, 121, 350.

Tinto, 288, 293.

Tiree, Island of, 75.

Topley, Mr. (Geological Survey),
cited, 17.

Traprain Law, 293.

Trap-rocks, Influence of on scenery,
208, 215, 226, 267, 268, 274,
Trosachs, 208, 218.

Tweed, River, 46, 148, 253, 288.
Tyne, 49.

Uplands of South Scotland, 231.
Geology of, 231.

Scenery of, 234, 255.
Surface of, an old sea-bottom,

Age of table-land of, 246.
Valleys of, 248.

Ancient glaciers and icebergs

of, 256, 300.

Recent atmospheric waste in,


[blocks in formation]


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