Imágenes de páginas

Gummere, F. B. A Handbook of Poetics for Students of English Verse.

Boston. 1885.

Harrison, Frederic. Tennyson, Ruskin, Mill, and Other Literary Estimates. New York.

Hazlitt, W. See Waller.


Hennequin, E. La Critique scientifique. Paris. 1888.

Howells, W. D. Criticism and Fiction. New York. 1891.
James, H. Partial Portraits. London and New York. 1888.
The Varieties of Religious Experience. New York.
See Gates.

James, W.
Jeffrey, F.
Johnson, S.



The Lives of the Poets, ed. by G. B. Hill. 3 vols. Ox-

Ker, W. P. The Essays of John Dryden. 2 vols.
Oxford. 1900.
Lamb, C. The Poems, Plays, and Miscellaneous Essays of Charles
Lamb, in Collected Works, ed. by Alfred Ainger. 6 vols. New
York. 1885.

Specimens of the English Dramatic Poets who lived about the time of
Shakespeare. London. 1901. (Bohn.)

Lamont, H. English Composition. New York. 1906.

Lee, S. A Life of William Shakespeare. New York and London.


Lounsbury, T. R. Studies in Chaucer. 3 vols. New York.


The Text of Shakespeare. Vol. III. of Shakespearian Wars. New
York. 1901-1906.

Lowell, J. R. The Writings of —. Io vols. Boston. 1892. Vol. IV.,

Wordsworth, Dante.

Mackail, J. W. The Life of William Morris.

2 vols.

London. 1899. Maitland, F. W. The Life and Letters of Leslie Stephen. London. 1906. Masson, D. De Quincey. In the English Men of Letters. London. 1881. See also De Quincey.

Morley, J. Miscellanies.

3 vols. London. 1886.

Studies in Literature. London. 1891.
(Editor). English Men of Letters.

Nichol, J. Carlyle. In the English Men of Letters.

Pater, W. Appreciations, with an Essay on Style. London and New York. 1890.

The Renaissance. London and New York. 1890.

Payne, W. M. American Literary Criticism. New York and London.


Peacock, T. L. The Four Ages of Poetry. Appendix. Vol. VII. of the complete works of Shelley (whom see).

Perry, B. A Study of Prose Fiction. Boston.


Poe, E. A. The Fall of the House of Usher, and Other Tales and Prose
Writings of Edgar Poe. Ed. by Ernest Rhys. London.
The Poetic Principle. The Philosophy of Composition.

Ringwalt, R. C. Modern American Oratory. New York. 1898.
Robertson, E. S. (editor). Great Writers Series.

Robertson, F. W. Lectures and Addresses on Literary and Social
Topics. Boston. 1859.

Robertson, J. M. Essays towards a Critical Method. London. 1889. New Essays towards a Critical Method. London and New York. 1897.

Modern Humanists, Sociological Studies of Carlyle, Mill, Emerson,
Arnold, Ruskin, and Spencer.

Rossetti, M. F. A Shadow of Dante.



Ruskin, J. Modern Painters. 5 vols. New York, n. d. Vol. III., Chapter XII., The Pathetic Fallacy.

Saintsbury, G. A History of Criticism and Literary Taste in Europe.
3 vols. New York, Edinburgh, and London. 1900-1904.
Loci Critici. Boston and London. 1903.

Scott, W. Memoirs of Jonathan Swift, D.D.
Swift. 19 vols. 2d ed. Edinburgh

Shaw, G. B. Introductions to:

Vol. I. of the Works of


Plays Pleasant and Unpleasant. 2 vols. Chicago and New York.

Three Plays for Puritans. Chicago and New York. 1901.
Man and Superman. New York. 1904.

The Quintessence of Ibsenism. Boston. 1891.

The Perfect Wagnerite. Chicago. 1899.

Shelley, P. B. Works in Prose and Verse. Ed. by H. B. Forman.

8 vols. London. 1880.

Stephen, L. Hours in a Library. 3 vols. London and New York. 1894.

Samuel Johnson, Alexander Pope, and Jonathan Swift, in the English Men of Letters.

Studies of a Biographer. 4 vols. New York. 1898-1902.

The Dictionary of National Biography (with Sidney Lee). London. 1885-1900.

Stevenson, R. L. Memories and Portraits. New York. 1894. A

Humble Remonstrance.

On Style in Literature: Its Technical Elements. Contemporary
Review: Vol. XLVII. p. 548. (April. 1885).

Swinburne, A. C. Miscellanies. London. 1886.

Tolstoy, Count L. F. What is Art? Translated by Aylmer Maude. New York, n. d.

Trent, W. P. The Authority of Criticism and Other Essays. New York. 1899.

Greatness in Literature, and Other Papers. New York. 1905. Trevelyan, G. O. The Life and Letters of Macaulay. 2 vols. New York. 1876.

Vaughan, C. E. English Literary Criticism. London. 1903.
Waller, A. R., and Glover, A. The Collected Works of William Hazlitt.
12 vols. London and New York. 1902-1904. Vol. IV.,
The Spirit of the Age.

Ward, T. H. The English Poets. 4 vols. 3d ed. London. 1885. Winchester, C. T. Some Principles of Literary Criticism. New York. 1899.

Woodberry, G. E. The Makers of Literature. New York. 1900. Wordsworth, W. The Complete Poetical Works of, with an introduction by John Morley. New York and London. 1889. Essays in the appendix.


In this index proper names appear in small capitals, titles in italics, and topics (including
fictitious characters) in small type.

Absalom and Achitophel, 200.

Academy, 136.

Accent, Quantity, and Feet, 164.

ACCIUS, 321.

ANACREON, 23, 48, 297.

Analects from Richter, 25.

Analysis of composition, 258-259.
Analysis of the Raven, 260-268.

Account of the Williams Murders, 17, ANAXAGORAS, 22.


Achilles, 186, 234, 276, 314.

Acting, Elocution in, 223-225, fashion
for acting Shakespeare, 221, identi-
fication of actors and parts, 221-222,
impossibility of acting Lear, 231-232,
its deadening effect, 222-223, scenes
suitable to, 223, tendency to level
distinctions, 228-229, vulgar esti-
mates of, 229.

Actor, see Acting.

Ancient Mariner, xxviii, 295.
Anecdotage, 17.

Annabel Lee, 151, 351.
Annus Mirabilis, 345.
Antigone of Sophocles, 25, 31.

Appreciations, 111, 343, 357.
Appreciative criticism, xix.
Arachne and Pallas, 4.

ADDISON, xxvii, xxxii, 31, 284, 287, 318, ARCHER, Xxvii.


[blocks in formation]

Arcite, 189, 199.

ARIOSTO, 61, 302, 325.
ARISTOPHANES, quoted, 304; 22, 200,


ARISTOTLE, on seriousness, 278; xii,
xiv, xix, 22, 45, 198, 283, 344.
ARNOLD, definition of criticism, x; On
the study of poetry, 269-293:
classics, true and false, 272-273, 282-
284, fallacies in the estimating of
poetry, 271-275, importance of
poetry, 269-270, methods of study,
273-275, need of high standards,
270-271, seriousness in, 278; sur-
vey of English poetry, 279-293,
"touchstones," 275-278;

Notes on Arnold, 351-353;
Quoted, x, 269, 345, 352, 353;
ix, xi, xviii, xix, xx, xxii, xxiii,
xxv, xxix, xxxii, 83, 113, 141, 147,
164, 166, 167, 340, 341, 342, 343,

355, 356.

Art in fiction, 240–241.

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