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To the Editor of the Odd-Fellows' Covenant.

DEAR SIR:-You were kind enough to hand me the April and May numbers of the "Covenant," for perusal, and beg leave to call your attention to the following statements upon the correctness of which you may implicitly rely.

In your editorial remarks in the April number of the "Covenant," you make the following statement. The Baltimore Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, has recently been held in the city of Baltimore, among the proceedings of which body we notice a resolution offered by a certain Rev'd J. A. Collins, that upon the examination of character the following question should be propounded to each preacher: "Are you a member of the Odd Fellows?" The object of calling your attention to this paragraph is to assure you that you are wholly mistaken, in ascribing the above resolution to the Rev'd J. A. Collins. He did not offer it, nor was he in the Conference Room when it was presented. It was offered by another person who might be named were it necessary. This statement is made upon the best possible authority in the premises. It is due to the gentleman therefore, that you correct the error into which you have been lead. You misapprehend also as I have been informed, the grounds upon which the order of the Conference in relation to "Odd-Fellowship," among its members was based. That order was not taken either in the spirit of proscription, bigotry or intolerance, nor was it founded in exceptions to the principles of the institution, of which in the nature of the case the Conference could know but little-and what it did know on representation, embracing only the benevolent feature of the "Order," was of course favourable to it. Still less had the action of the Conference reference to the character of the members of the association as they, doubtless, have as high and just claims to respectability as any portion of the community. The resolution of the Conference was passed mainly, if not altogether in view of the prejudice prevailing in different sections of the country, against what are called "SECRET ASSOCIATIONS," which was understood to be a feature of Odd-Fellowship. This prejudice is entertained by a large portion of the members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. There are places where it is believed a preacher would not be received cordially-his usefulness would be greatly abridged-were he known to belong to a "secret society." The action of the Conference therefore, (which took place the session before the last) was intended to prevent its members who are all ministers, from adopting a course which, however innocent in itself, and well-intentioned in them, might in view of what is above referred to endanger their usefulness in some quarters.

Baltimore, June 20, 1843.

I. P. C.

[The resolution referred to in the subjoined letter from the G. M. of Ohio upon which we commented in the June No. of the Covenant, we copied from the "Rainbow," as having been passed by the Grand Lodge of Ohio. We regret the error into which we were lead and hasten to correct it. It gives us great pleasure to find that the Grand Lodge of Ohio, ever so distinguished in its elevated and proper convictions of the true welfare of the Order, still maintains the same steady and enlightened course.]


CINCINNATI, July 6, 1843.

In the Editor's Table of the June number of the Covenant (received yesterday) I observed an article, in which you express regret at the passage of a resolution by the Grand Lodge of Ohio, in relation to the English Mission.

On reference to the printed proceedings G. L. of Ohio for 1842, pp. 15 and 16, you will perceive that instead of being adopted that resolution was laid on the table until the return of the Mission from England.

I trust you will make the correction in your next number-at a meeting in May last, the subject was taken up, and the circulars were issued to the Subordinates in this jurisdiction, with a request that they should give such assistance as they might deem proper. Some two or three Lodges have made appropriations, the amount of which will be forwarded to you in a few days.

I am happy to have it in my power to inform you that the Order continues to be highly prosperous in this State.

Since January last five new Lodges have been instituted, viz:—
Hamilton Lodge, No. 17, in Hamilton, Butler County.

Marion Lodge, No. 18, in Miamisburg, Montgomery County.
Mansfield Lodge, No. 19, in Mansfield, Richland County,
Mount Vernon Lodge, No. 20, in Mount Vernon, Knox County.
Friendship Lodge, No. 21, in Germantown, Montgomery County.
All have commenced under flattering auspices, and will no doubt do

A Subordinate Encampment has been instituted in Piqua, Miami County, and another is to be opened in Cleveland on the 25th inst.

Yours in F. L. and T.

TH. SHERLOCK, G. M. of Ohio.

[We present with great pleasure to our readers the subjoined advertisement, and take this occasion to assure them that the work has our hearty good wishes for its success. Every publication upon the subject of OddFellowship from the pens of competent authors promotes its welfare, by enlightening the public mind as to its true character and thus dispelling the many idle prejudices with which it is its misfortune to have to contend. Brother Donaldson needs no commendation from us, having been so favourably known for several years among his brethren as an author and editor; a good book may therefore be expected at the low price of one dollar and twenty-five cents per copy and if patronized as we have no doubt it will deserve to be in a community of some forty thousand members, he may reasonably expect notwithstanding the state of the times an abundant reward for the toil, labour and risk attending such an enterprize.]


Brothers Adee and Estabrook will oblige the subscriber by announcing

to the Brotherhood that the Odd-Fellows' Offering for the year 1844 is now in press, and that it will be issued as early as the middle of September next.

The work will contain 300 pages of ORIGINAL MATTER, from the pens of intelligent Odd-Fellows, on subjects interesting and useful to the Fraternity: it will also be embellished with elegant Steel Engravings, among which an accurate likeness of a well-known and much-respected Brother will be presented. The book will be printed and bound in the style of the American Annuals, and sold at the low price of one DOLLAR AND TWEN


Communications on business, and articles for the pages of the Offering, must be addressed to the subscriber, New York city. All articles intended for publication must be received prior to the 25th of August. PASCHAL DONALDSON.


South Carolina-Extract of a letter from D. D. G. Sire Albert Case, dated Charleston, June 19, 1843.

I deputized P. G. Laurence Ryan to open Lodge No. 2, at Black Creek, East Florida, in honour of our Grand Sire Kennedy-"Kennedy Lodge, No. 2."

P. G. Ryan, has made his returns to me after performing that duty. The Lodge was organized on the 24th of May under favourable circumstances, for so small a village. The officers present quarter are―

JOHN T. SHEKell, V. G.
A. CAY, Secretary.

JAMES FAGAN, Treasurer.

Two were elected and initiated, several joined by card.

On the morning of the 25th the brethren formed a procession and paid the last tribute of respect to P. V. G. Ward, of Florida Lodge, No. 1.— He was buried at Black Creek. At night several applications were received for membership.

Extract of a letter from Grand Secretary John A. Gyles, dated Charleston, June 30, 1843.

The Order with us still continues to increase in members and influence; a new Lodge was opened at Winnsboro', Fairfield District, on the 6th March last, on the night of opening twenty-three propositions were received. Its return up to the 1st June, shews its force to consist of fifty members and its Lodge receipts to that time to be $605. The first N. G. was the Rev Mr. Reynolds, an estimable clergyman of the Baptist Church. A dispensation has been granted to open a new Lodge at Aiken, and it is expected that it will be opened in the ensuing week.

Mississippi-Extract of a letter from brother J. R. Stockman, dated Natchez, June 12, 1843.

Grand Master Geo. J. Dicks will be in your city in September and will hand you amount of all sales made by me previous to his departure hence. As you have been apprised by others of the progress and present condition of Odd-Fellowship in this region it is not necessary that I should trouble you with "a thrice told tale," yet at the risk of being considered tedious I cannot refrain from bearing testimony to the high state of prosperity to which the Order has attained in Mississippi, and particularly in this city-new members are being initiated at almost every regular meeting of both Lodges and it is making rapid strides in the attainment of that regard on the eye of general society to which the humane and benevolent character of its principles and correct deportment of its members entitle it. It affords me sincere pleasure to have it in my power to say that our new members are gentlemen of the first standing in our city.-All the learned professions, as well as the mechanic, merchant, working man and public officers of every grade are numerously represented in our Lodges and are among our most active members.

In the early progress of the Order here some men were received in our Lodges who have since proved unworthy, and even now with all our care occasionally a black sheep is discovered among us, but in every such case prompt measures are always taken to repudiate him, as soon as discovered, thus proving to the world that vice can find no refuge among Odd-Fellows-This purgation of our Lodges, and the severe scrutiny to which the character of all applicants for membership are subjected have produced the most salutary effects, not only on our members but those who may hope to become so are not uninfluenced by them-our Lodges now comprise as large an amount of intelligence, sobriety and industry as any other society of equal numbers, I will venture to say, here or elsewhere. This may seem like boasting, but it is not so intended, and is only what I believe to be the simple truth.

The Lodges in this city have combined for the purpose of creating a fund for the relief of the orphan children of deceased Odd-Fellows, and have appropriated a portion of their revenue (10 per cent. per annum) to that object, which (as we have no such charge at present) it is contemplated and hoped may reach in the course of time to their education as well as other wants.-This fund is entrusted to a board of five Trustees for management and safe keeping.

THE ODD-FELLOWS.-Saturday, always a gay day and a busy one with us of Wilmington, was particularly so last week on account of the OddFellows' procession and the ceremonies attendant on the dedication of their new Hall. Of the Hall itself, its furniture and decoration, we have spoken before. The members, together with such guests of the Order as had joined them from other parts of the State, from Philadelphia and Manayunk, assembled early in the afternoon in the Hall at the Temperance building and proceeded thence in procession about 2 o'clock to Trinity

Church, to listen to the oration and address by Horn R. Kneass, Esq. of Philadelphia, and the Rev. Mr. Barnes, of Smyrna. Of course the procession was a curiosity, a wonder, a subject of general observation, remark and admiration. Even the sober-minded and sedate, who are not moved by outward show, looked on with interest, if for nothing else, at least to know who were Odd-Fellows. At the Church the proceedings were commenced with prayer by the Rev. Mr. Barnes, Chaplain for the occasion, a piece of music was sung by the choir, and then came the oration by Mr. Kneass; a well written and well delivered composition, rather long, we should say, but that we are not disposed to criticise. It was well received by the large and attentive audience, many of whom, we have no doubt, had their prejudices against Odd-Fellowship shaken by the argument, explanation and eulogium by the worthy Vice Grand Sire. Another piece from the choir; and now the Rev. Mr. Barnes appears before the audience. He is a young man, a pastor in the Methodist Protestant Church, and resident in this State at Smyrna. His address on the occasion was extemporaneous, and of such elegance and strength as we have seldom had the pleasure of listening to. Setting aside the apologetic manner in which he commenced, it was a perfect jewel. Indeed if we have been justified in saying that the oration of Mr. Kneass shook the crumbling wall which prejudice has reared between Odd-Fellowship and the multitude, we may with truth add that the subsequent address swept away the rubbish of the ruin, and smoothed the path to those who may hereafter wish to walk in it. We should like to do justice to the effort of Mr. Barnes, but space will not permit, even had we the ability. Suffice it to say, that young though he is, and looking still more youthful in the pulpit, his mind evinces a sturdy maturity, mingling however, with its sager operations the revelry of a young and luxuriant fancy.-His gesture was easy, his language flowery and appropriate, his acquaintance with his subject intimate, and his manner of treating it confident and self-possessed. In short we were pleased, very much and very unexpectedly pleased, and we have yet to see the man, a stranger to Mr. Barnes, as we were, who was not so. His voice musical, his manner easy.-Del. Gaz.

The continuation of the Coquette from our talented and estimable Mrs. Sawyer, we regret was received too late for this number.

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