Imágenes de páginas

systematizing or generalizing, and the idea of classifications, are formed by the reflecting faculties. Dr. Spurzheim mentions, that the Sauvage de l'Aveyron at Paris, though an idiot in a very high degree, cannot bear to see a chair, or any other object out of its place; and as soon as any thing is deranged, he, without being excited to it, directly replaces it. He saw also in Edinburgh a girl, who, in many respects, was idiotic, but in whom the love of order was very active. She avoided her brother's apartment, in consequence of the confusion which prevailed in it.

Dr. Gall mentions, that he has met with facts which strongly Indicate, that "order" depends on a primitive faculty; but that, on account of the difficulty of observing the organs placed in the superciliary ridge, and the small size of this organ in particular, as pointed out by Dr. Spurzheim, he has not been able to collect a sufficiency of determinate facts to authorize him to decide on its situation.*

I have seen several instances in confirmation of this organ. A gentleman of this city, whose mask is sold as an illustration of "order," has a large developement of it; and his perception of symmetrical arrangement is exceedingly acute. On each supereiliary ridge of this cast, there is an elevation resembling a small pea, which is frequently mistaken for the organ; that, however, appears to be merely a projecting point of the frontal bone, to which some fibres of the temporal muscle are attached. The developement of the organ is indicated by a great fulness, producing a square appearance at the external angles of the lower part of the forehead. I have seen other cases, in which that part of the brain was very small, and the love of order was extremely deficient. On the whole, therefore, I am disposed to admit the organ as ascertained. The organ is large in the mask marked "French M. D.," in Douglas, and in Humboldt, brother of the traveller, and small in Anne Ormerod.

* Sur les Fonctions du Cerveau, tom. iv. p 467.


THIS organ, when large, gives prominence or rounded fulness. to the middle of the forehead.

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After Dr. Gall had discovered an external sign of the talent for learning by heart, he was not long in perceiving that it by no means indicated every species of memory. He observed, that, among his school-fellows, some excelled in verbal memory, and remembered even words which they did not understand; while others were deficient in this qualification, but recollected with uncommon facility facts and events; that some were distinguished by a great memory of places; some were able to repeat, without mistake, a piece of music which they had heard only once or twice, while others excelled in recollecting numbers and dates; but no individual possessed all of these talents combined in himself. Subsequently to these observations, he learned that philosophers before him had arrived at similar conclusions, and had distinguished three varieties of memory,-memory of things, "memoria realis;" verbal memory, "memoria verbalis;" and memory of places, "memoria localis." In society, he observed persons who, though not always profound, were learned, had a superficial knowledge of all the arts and sciences, and knew enough to be capable of speaking on them with facility; and he found in them the middle of the lower part of the forehead very much developed. At first he regarded this as the organ of the "memory of things;" but, on farther reflec

tion, he perceived, that the name "memory of things" does not include the whole sphere of activity of the organ now under consideration. He observed, that persons who had this part of the brain large, possessed not only a great memory for facts, but were distinguished by prompt conception in general, and an extreme facility of apprehension; a strong desire for information and instruction; a disposition to study all branches of knowledge, and to teach these to others; and also, that, if not restrained by the higher faculties, such persons were naturally prone to adopt the opinions of others, to embrace new doctrines, and to modify their own minds according to the manners, customs, and circumstances with which they were surrounded. He therefore rejected the name, memory of things," and he adopted the appellations "Sens des choses, sens d'educabilité, de perfectibilité;" to distinguish this faculty.

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These observations of Dr. Gall apply chiefly to the part of the brain now designated by Eventuality; he did not treat of Individuality as a separate organ; and in bis plates it is left without mark or number.

The function of this faculty is to take cognizance of motion or active phenomena, indicated by verbs. In such expressions as the ROCK falls, the HORSE gallops, the BATTLE is fought, the substantive springs from Individuality, and the verb from Eventuality.

prompts to investigation by experiment, while Individuality leads to observation. Individuality gives the tendency to personify abstract ideas, such as Ignorance or Wisdom; and Eventuality to represent them as acting. In a work written by an author with whom I was acquainted, and in whom both of these organs were large, Ignorance and Common-sense were represented as personages who addressed the people, excited them to action, and themselves performed a variety of parts; Ignorance "stole a march on Common-sense," who by dexterous expedients extricated himself from the difficulty. An author in whom Individuality is large and Eventuality small, will treat his subjects by description chiefly; and one in whom Eventuality is large and Individuality small, will narrate actions, but deal little in physical description.

Sheridan possessed both organs large, with those of Size ana Locality amply developed; and the following passage affords an example of the prominence which the physical appearances of objects obtain in his composition. Speaking of a woman and her husband, he says, "Her fat arms are strangled with bracelets, which belt them like corded brawn.-You wish to draw her out as you would an opera-glass.-A long lean man, with all his arms rambling, no way to reduce him to compass, unless you could double him up like a pocket rule.-With his arms spread he'd lie on the bed of ware, like a cross on a Good Friday bun.-If he stands cross-legged, he looks like a caduceus, and put him in a fencing attitude, you would take him for a chevau-de-frise,-to make any use of him, it must be as a spontoon or a fishing-rod.When his wife's by, he follows like a note of admiration.-See them together, one 's a mast, and the other all hulk,—she's a dome, and he 's built like a glass-house; when they part, you wonder to see the steeple separate from the chancel, and were they to embrace, he must hang round her neck like a skein of thread on a lacemaker's bolster; to sing her praise, you should choose a ron-, deau, and to celebrate him you must write all alexandrines."


In the busts and portraits of Pope, Individuality is greatly inferior in dimensions to Eventuality; and this author rarely excels in describing physical appearances, while he surpasses in representing action. The following lines from the Rape of the Lock are intended to describe a beautiful lady; but it will be observed that they represent action, condition, and quality, almost to the exclusion of substantive existence, with its attributes of form, color, size, and proportion.*

"Not with more glories in the etherial plain,

The sun first rises o'er the purpled main,

Than, issuing forth, the rival of his beams

Launched on the bosom of the silver Thames.

Fair nymphs and well-dressed youths around her shone;

But every eye was fixed on her alone.

Some acute and interesting observations by Mr. Hewett Watson, on the relation between the writings of these and other authors, and their cerebral organs, will be found in Nos. 24 and 25 of the Phrenological Journal.

On her white breast a sparkling cross she wore,
Which Jews might kiss, and infidels adore.
Her lively looks a sprightly mind disclose,
Quick as her eyes and as unfixed as those:
Favors to none, to all she smiles extends:
Oft she rejects, but never once offends.
Bright as the sun her eyes the gazers strike,
And, like that sun, they shine on all alike.
Yet graceful ease, and sweetness void of pride,
Might hide her faults, if belles had faults to hide :
If to her share some female errors fall,

Look on her face, and you'll forget them all."

Rape of the Lock.

This organ is largely developed in children, and gives them an appetite for knowledge, in the form of stories and narratives. In practical life, it chiefly gives the talent of observing, recollecting, and describing action; in other words, of observing the occurrences of which history is composed, and of telling the story of what we know. When deficient, great difficulty is experienced in observing, recollecting, and describing active phenomena. Such a person may have his head filled with general impressions of conversations, without any precise ideas of the topics discussed; so that when he shall attempt to report what he has heard, he will discover that he cannot do so, from knowing no part of it distinctly.

When the organ is large, the individual will remember the precise statements of an author, whose works he has read; when small, he will recollect only the general import.

If Eventuality be large, and Concentrativeness deficient, the qualities of observation and narration may be possessed, but the narrative will resemble a description of figures in a carnival; it will be full of life, action, and incident, but deficient in onward continuity; with Concentrativeness large, the story would more nearly resemble a regular drama.

If Individuality be large, physical substances may be remembered vividly by it, their relations by Locality, and their causes and effects by Causality; but if Eventuality be deficient, extreme difficulty will be experienced in bringing together these items of information, and presenting them in the form of a natural narrative.

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