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our ambassador, who apprized our ministry of his fufpicions laft week, which is likely to produce fome debates.

Letters from Warfaw, dated the 14th inft. reprefent things as drawing to a crifis. The king, and the greatest part of the fenators and nuncios, refuse to agree to the difmemberment of their country, and 14,000 Pruffians were advancing towards Warfaw to force them to agree.

The king of Pruffia has iffued two ordinances in his newly acquired dominions: the first forbids any perfons, either in town or the country, to dif. mifs any of their men fervants, without giving previous notice to the ad. ministrators or commiffaries of his Majefty; and the fecond contains orders that the governors of all hofpitals, as well as all religious bodies, of whatever profeflion in religion they may be, fhall give an exact account of their refpective incomes to the chamber at Marienwerder within a certain time.

A letter from Toulon, of the 9th inft. fays, "It is whifpered here, that the four new men of war, lately launched at this port, are fold to the Court of Spain at a very high price."

Yesterday the Hudson's Bay fleet failed from Gravefend for Hudfon's Bay, confifting of the following faips, viz. the King George, Fowler; the Sea-Horfe,Chriftopher; and the Prince Rupert, Richards.

IVar-Office, May 31. King's own regiment of dragoons. Lieut. Thomas Clarke is appointed to be Captainlieutenant, vice Robert Keily; Cornet Nathaniel Curzon to be Lieutenant; Crifp Chandler Gafcoyne, gent. to be Cornet; all by purchase.

2d Regiment of foot guards. Captain Cofino Gordon to be CaptainLieutenant, vice Alexander Campbell, deceafed. Enfign William Faucitt to be Lieut.; John St. Leger Douglas, to be Enfign.

2d Battalion of the Royal Regiment of foot.David Grahan, gent. to be VOL. IV.

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Enfign, vice Thomas Erfkin, perferred; by purchase.

Royal Regiment of Fuzileers. Lieutenant Henry Charles Selwyn to be quarter-mafter, vice John Harrison; by purchase.

13th Regiment of foot. James Johnfton, gent. to be Enfign, vice John Wate tel; by purchase.

14 Regiment of foot. Thomas Pellet Scrimfhire, Gent. to be Enfign, vice Francis Wilkie; by purchase.

22d Regiment of foot. Captain Edward Brabazon to be Captain, vice Edward Brabazon. Lieutenant Robert Timpfon to be Captain-Lieutenant; Enfign Adam Gouldney to be Lieut.; Robert Poterfield, gent. to be Enfign; ali by purchase.

Royal Regiment of Welsh Fuzileers. Second lieutenant Richard Williams to be First Lieutenant, vice Thomas Pemberton, preferred; John Boadie Forlow, gent. to be Second Lieutenant, vice Richard Williams; both by pur chafe.

31 Regiment of foot. Captain John Rofs to be Major, vice Alexander MacKenzie, preferred; Captain Henry Pilot to be Captain Lieutenant James Boucher to be Captain Lieutenant. Enlign Robert Stordy to be Lieutenant; Thomas Huffey, gent. to be Enfign.

Freke Dilkes Hore, gent. to be Commiffary of the Mufters, and Judge Advocate of Annapolis Royal in Nova Scotia, vice Edington who refigns.

(L. Gaz.) Extract of a letter from Petersburgh, May 4.

"On Sunday laft her Imperial Majefty's birth-day was celebrated at Zarfco-Zelo; upon which occafion one of the most numerous promotions took place that has beem made fince her Majefty's coming to the throne. Thirteen officers were raifed to the rank of Generals in Chief, only fix of whom (M. Berg, Counts Soltikow and Bruce, Mellrs. Bibikow, Glebow, and Wadkowfky) have at prefent military employments. Eight. gentlemen were XX promoted

promoted to the rank of acting Privy-
Counsellors; twenty-two to that of
Lieutenant-General; nineteen to that
of Privy counsellors; fix Chamberlains;
five Counsellors of ftate; eighteen Ma-
jor Generals; nine Colonels. Lieu
tenant-General Sievers had the order
of St. Alexander Newfky conferred on
him, and Major-General Czernichew
was made Commandant of Petersburgh;
Monf. Narifchkin was made mafter
of the horfe; Prince Galitzin Grand
Marfhal; and Monf. Orlow Marihal of
the Court.
(Lon. Gaz.)

rifon is to remain here to prevent any diforder; but in the mean time no bo dy is permitted to enter or pafs the city gates without being examined. Such is the confequence of a nation's not being fatisfied with its fate; and fuch is the confequence of an aristocratic form of a government! its members are very easily bought by places and penfions, and for the leaft private in tereft will fell the whole nation, which has been the cause of all our misfortunes; for we are fure, that the most terrible menaces could not have prevailed, had not bribery been the

Extract of a letter from Warsaw, dated_cafe."

May 14.

May 22.

"The fleets of Ruffia are now in the moft flourishing fituation; in fact, they never were fo refpectable before. There are now at Revel 28 fail of the line, four of which are new 74 gun fhips, and were built under the direction of Sir Charles Knowles. Most of the other new fhips were built under the orders of English Artifts; and great numbers of the naval officers are English, Scotch, or Irish. The maritime force in the Archipelago, &c. is very great, mounting to 40 fail of the line at least, befides frigates &c."

"This day will be for ever a fhock- Extract of a letter from Petersburgh, ing one to all free and independent nations, a moft curfed and fhameful one to ours; for liberty, which was bred and born in this country, and nourished with the blood of her true friends, and fupported with bravery upon our throne for thefe eight or nine centuries paft, and had fo mildly governed her 'children, is ftained this day by bribery and corruption, and the whole nation become everlasting flaves to tyranny, as the divifion of this vaft empire a mongst the three united plunderers has been agreed on by a Majority of our Diet, and figned this very day by our 'king and miniftry. The foreign troops came into this city, all the street were filled by Auftrian and Pruffian huffars, with drawn fwords, in this manner the queftion was put to the affembly. The Diet or Parliament, after a fhort de bate, was divided, when there were found, fifty votes for the King, against the queftion, and fifty-two against the King, for the question: the majority was declared for the queftion, and the King, together with his party against it, were immediately obliged to fign it. The foreign troops ftill remain in the public streets, for fear of an infurred tion amongst the people, but the minifters of the three united powers de. clare, that their troops fhall withdraw to-morrow, and that but a fmall gar

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Extract of a letter from the Hague,
May 15.

"Some letters have just arrived here from the Dutch Governors on the coaft of Guinea, which give very dif agreeable accounts of the falling off of trade, the rebellion of the Negroes, &c. But no Europeans fuffer fo much by thefe affairs as the Portuguese, the natives in general refufe to trade with them, and if any goods are fold to them, they are fold at a very dear rate; fo that confiderable fums must be loft by their fale in Europe. All thefe misfortunes are faid to have arofe from the fevere behaviour of the Portuguefe to the natives and Slaves."

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By the laft accounts from Conftantinople

tinople we are informed, the Porte is determined to open the enfuing campaign against the Ruffians with all ima ginable vigour. Orders for large levies have been dispatched to the lever al governors both in Europe, and Afia, and two formidable fleets are ready to put to fea, one of which is intended to cruise off the Dardanelles, and the other destined for the Black Sea.

of France, before the miniftry can ven ture to lay there will be no war. France, 'tis faid, has lately fecretly, as well as openly, acted against the Ruffians, and the clearing up this, is one of the mifunderstandings to be got over before matters can be fettled.

Orders are fent. to the captains of two frigates ftationed on the coaft of Scotland, to fail to Zetland, tor the better protection of the herring fishery; and to prevent smuggling on the coaft,

Extract of a letter from Warsaw,
May 13.

The following is an account of all the operations of the Ruffian army fince the expiration of the armistice:

When the Dutchefs of Gloucester was taken ill on Saturday night, mef fengers, were difpatched to the following perfonages, who all gave their ats Lendance as foon as pothible, and were prefent at the birth of the Princefs: Dukes of Richmond, Dorfet and Man chefter; Earls of Cholmondley, and Thanet; Lords Walpole, Buckleugh," The 29th of March, Major BogNewnham, George Germain; Sir Wm. Meredith, Bart. Hon. Colonel Weit, Meffrs Haywood, Walfingham, Jen nings, Townsend, &c. and a number of Ladies. Breakfasting being about five o'clock, and lafted feveral hours: Numbers dined at Gloucetter-house, but fome went home and returned.

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It is faid, that though there was not the leaft doubt of the legality of the marriage of the Duke of Gr, yet as the Rev. Mr Morton, who perform ed the ceremony, is dead, it was thought advisable that it fhould be performed again before the delivery of the D—s, which was accordingly done the preceding day.

The Dutchefs of Cumberland paid a vifit yesterday to the Dutchefs of Gloucefter.

Yesterday the general turnpike bill was taken into further confideration by the Lower Affembly, and fome amendments having been made thereto, the fame was ordered to be engroffed.

The Right Hon. the Lord Mayor and the Lady Mayorefs went this day to St. Jame's, to pay their compliments to his Majefty; they were both very elegantly dreffed in the manufactures of this kingdom.

There are fome neceffary matters to be adjusted between our Court and that

danow attacked 80 Turks near Turno, and killed 13 men. The 31ft of the fame month Prince Gallitzin attacked a corps of 500 Turkifh Cavalry near Siliftria and killed 40 of them. The Coffacks have taken a vast quantity of cattle, and burnt nine mills. The ift. of April Lieutenant Ferzen, with 300 grenadiers, routed feveral detachments of Turks in the night, and attacked those who entrenched near Husbal, on the Danube, and killed a hundred men, and one Emir Aga. The 2d of April the Ruffians took feveral Turkish vef fels on the Danube. The 16th Gene ral Potemkin beat a corps of 2000 Turks, who had come to an island in the Danube, oppofite Lihareft and kil. led 500 of them. The 20th Major Jochemfon took 30 Turkish veffels. The 26th and 27th, Col. Kitchka, with 600 grenadiers, 400 light troops, and 1400 Coffacks, with fix pieces of can non, paffed over the Danube, and beat a detatchment of 2000 Turks, made one Aga prifoner, and took a standard. The 28th the fame Colonel met a Ba fha with 2000 men; 300 of whom he killed, made 53 prifoners, and took fix ftandards. The fame day Major Lalafz, with two regiments of Coffacks, overtook the Baffa Czerkies, plunder. ed his whole army, and even took his X X 2

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"The Ocean of 90 guns; and Reafonable of 74 guns from Plymouth; and the Triumph and Marlborough, of 74 guns, from Chatham, are daily expected to arrive to join the fleet at Spithead; the Admirals, Lord Edg cumbe and Spry are to hoist their flags on board different fhips, fo that we fhall have three Admirals flags flying at a time, which will make a very grand appearance. We hear that all his Majefty's Yatchts are ordered round here from the river."

Several of the principal perfons belonging to the Admiralty department, will fet out for Portsmouth to-morrow, to give directions for the neceffary preparations to be made for the grand na. val review.

Yesterday came on to be tried by a fpecial jury, a caufe between Mr. Rofs the player, and Mr. Foote, about an agreement relative to the theatre at Edinburgh. Mr. Foote fubponed Mr. Bland, who is concerned in the theatre; and he not attending accordingly, was the means of Mr. Foote's loofing the cause, when a verdict was given against him for 180l. Mr Foote, it is imagined

will move for a new trial.

.. By a person just arrived from Paris, we are informed, that an English gen tleman of diftinction being caught in an amorous fituation with a French la dy, was run through the body by her hufband, and killed on the spot.

A few days ago an officer belonging to Burgoyne's light horse, with his la dy and young child, were overturned in a fingle-horfe chaife at Evesham bridge, in Worcestershire, owing to the rapidity of the current and the wa ters being out. The lady and child were drowned in fight of feveral people, who could not give them the leaft affiftance, but the officer was faved.

No man knows how to put off bad money, and to obtain vaft fums by fuch a practice, better than the great northern hero. In October, 1771, when his troops had entered Poland, he pu blifhed an edict, commanding every perfon, under the fevereft penalties, and even corporal punishment, to take in payment for forage, corn, horfes, &c. &c. the money offered by his troops and commiffaries. This money was worth one third of its nominal value. With a quantity of this bafe coin he bought up corn and forage enough; not only to fupply his army two years, but to ftock magazines in the country itself, where the inhabitants were forced to come and repur chafe corn for their daily fubfiftance at an advanced price, and with good money; his commiffaries refufing to take the fame coin they had paid. At the lowest calculation he gained by this manœuvre, feven millions of dollars.

Extract of a letter from Conftantinople, April 17.

"Laft Tuesday a Tartar arrived here with the news, that three days af ter the Plenipotentiaries, had feparated, there had been a fharp fkirmish near Coule, between the Ottomans and the Ruffians, to the difadvantage of the former; that the Ruffians had advanced as far as Ruffing, within twelve miles


of the Grand Vizier's camp. Nevertheless, a report prevails that there has been an action between the Turks and the Ruffian Coffacks, between Siliftria and Ruling, in which the latter were defeated; moreover, that the Maniottes, who have been joined by fome hundreds of Albanians, are deftroying part of the Morea.

"A few days ago, five different quarters of this city were fet on fire, but the authors of the conflagration who were flaves, have been taken up and strangled.

"Yesterday, the Porte fent for all the first interpreters of the foreign ministers, to notify to them the prefent fituation of affairs."

The following is the lift of the Danifh fleet now ready to put to fea: The Arefund of 80 guns, the Prince Royal of 70, the Prince Frederick 70, the Northern Lyon 70, the Sophia 70, the Neptune 70, the Jutland 60, the Stormaric 60, the Zealand 60, the St. Cro ix 50, the Ebenezer 50, and the three frigates Langlande, Falfter, and SeaHorse, of 38, 30 and 18 guns.

Letters from St. Kitt's, dated April 6, mention, that the feaion has been fo very unfavourable to the lime-trees, that they had yielded little or no fruit. Thefe letters further add, that instead of their making 18,000 hogfhhead of fugar, which was the ufual quantity, they will scarce be able to make 8000..

Lord Chatham, we hear, if able, will attend the house next week, when it is expected the affairs of the Eaft India Company, will be finally fettled.

We hear the leisure hours of a great lady are chiefly employed on a moft faperb piece of tapestry, the fubject of which is taken from the Hiftory of England, and is intended for a prefent to his Royal Highnefs the Prince of Wales.


The laft letters from Hanover brought advice, that Prince Charles of Mecklenburgh-Strelitz died the zoth of May, about 14 months old.

As he was the only fon, his lofs is ex tremely regretted by his illuftrious Pas


The lodgings at Portsmouth are al ready fo extravagant, on account of their Majefties intended vifit, that three guineas have been refufed for a room only during their Majesties refidence


Advice from Dublin, May 25. fays, "Laft week failed from Newry, the fhip Nedham, Capt. Cheevers, for Phi ladelphia, with near 500 paffengers.

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"On Saturday laft the fhip Robert, Capt. Ruffel, failed from the fame port with 420 paffengers for Philadelphia.

Extract of a leter from Vienna, dated May 15.

"Our Court has purchased, for 18,000 florins of the empire, the lib. rary of the late Baron Van Swieten, which confifts of little elfe befides books of medicine.

"The Emprefs Queen bas caufed, within this fortnight, a number of chil dren of the nobility of both fexes, to be innoculated, under the inspection of Mr. Storck, her firft physician, at her own feat at Hetzendorff, where they are treated with the greateft tenderness and care. When they have perfectly recovered their healths, they are to be replaced by an equal number of other children, to whom her Majefty is defirous to render the like good service."

A letter from Paris, dated May 21. fays, "We are continually receiving accounts of fresh tumults and infurrec tions in different parts of the kingdom, on account of the dearnefs of bread. In Guyenne the peafants have armed themselves, and ranged all over the province, breaking open and plunder ing the magazines, bakers fhops, &c. The first prefident hath wrote to the minifter for a body of troops to be fent with all speed to quell thefe diforders."

Yesterday as the bill for regulating the Eaft India Company stood the laft upon the list of the order of the day,


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