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never be opened nor forced but by the will and leave of those within. The names of the gates were these-Ear-gate, Eyegate, Mouth-gate, Nose-gate, and Feel-gate.

Other things there were that belonged to the town of Mansoul, which, if you adjoin to these, will yet give further demonstration to all of the glory and strength of the place. It had always a sufficiency of provision within its walls; it had the best, most wholesome, and excellent law that then was extant in the world. There was not a rascal, rogue, or traitorous person then within its walls; they were all true men, and fast joined together; and this you know is a great matter. And to all these, it had always (so long as it had the goodness to keep true to Shaddai the king) his countenance, his protection, and it was his delight.

The Siege.

When the captains saw the answer of the great ones, and that they could not get a hearing from the old natives of the town, and that Mansoul was resolved to give the king's army battle; they prepared themselves to receive them, and to try it out by the power of the arm. And first they made their force more formidable against Ear-gate. For they knew that unless they could penetrate that, no good could be done upon the town. This done, they put the rest of their men in their places. After which they gave out the word, which was, "Ye must be born again." Then they sounded the trumpet; then they in the town made them answer, with shout against shout, charge against charge, and so the battle began. Now, they in the town had planted upon the tower over Ear-gate two great guns, the one called High-mind, and the other Heady. Unto these two guns they trusted much they were cast in the castle by Diabolus's founder, whose name was Mr Puff-up; and mischievous pieces they were. But so vigilant and watchful,

when the captains saw them, were they, that though sometimes their shot would go by their ears with a whizz, yet they did them no harm. By these two guns the townsfolk made no question, but greatly to annoy the camp of Shaddai, and well enough to secure the gate; but they had not much cause to boast of what execution they did, as by what follows will be gathered.

They from the camp did as stoutly, and with as much of that as may (in truth) be called valour, let fly as fast at the town and at Ear-gate for they saw, that unless they could break open Ear-gate, it would be but in vain to batter the wall. Now, the king's captains had brought with them several slings, and two or three battering rams with their slings; therefore they battered the houses and people of the town, and with their rams they sought to break Ear-gate open.

The camp and the town had several skirmishes and brisk encounters; while the captains with their engines made many brave attempts to break open or beat down the tower that was over Ear-gate, and at the said gate to make their entrance. But Mansoul stood it out so lustily, through the rage of Diabolus, the valour of the Lord Will-be-will, and the conduct of old Incredulity the mayor, and Mr Forget-good the recorder, that the charge and expense of that summer's wars (on the King's side) seemed to be almost quite lost, and the advantage to return to Mansoul. But when the captains saw how it was, they made a fair retreat, and intrenched themselves in their winter quarters.

They of the camp did also some execution upon the town; for they beat down the roof of the old mayor's house, and so laid him more open than he was before. They had almost (with a sling) slain my Lord Will-be-will outright; but he made a shift to recover again. But they made a notable slaughter among the aldermen, for with only one shot they cut off six of them; to wit, Mr Swearing, Mr Whoring, Mr Fury, Mr Standto-lies, Mr Drunkenness, and Mr Cheating.

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They also dismounted the two guns that stood upon the tower over Ear-gate, and laid them flat in the dirt. I told you before, that the King's noble captains had drawn off to their winter quarters, and had there intrenched themselves and their carriages, so as, with the best advantage to their King, and the greatest annoyance to the enemy, they might give seasonable and warm alarms to the town of Mansoul. And this design of them did so hit, that I may say they did almost what they would to the molestation of the corporation.

For now could not Mansoul keep securely as before, nor could they now go to their debaucheries with that quietness as in times past. For they had from the camp of Shaddai such frequent, warm, and terrifying alarms; yea, alarms upon alarms, first at one gate, and then at another, and again at all the gates at once, that they were broken as to former peace. Yea, they had their alarms so frequently, and that when the nights were at longest, the weather coldest, and so, consequently, the season most unseasonable, that that winter was to the town of Mansoul a winter by itself. Sometimes the trumpet would sound, and sometimes the slings would whirl the stones into the town. Sometimes ten thousand of the King's soldiers would be running round the walls of Mansoul at midnight, shouting, and lifting up the voice for the battle. Sometimes, again, some of those in the town would be wounded, and their cry and lamentable voice would be heard, to the great molestation of the now languishing town of Mansoul. Yea, so distressed with those that laid siege against them were they, that I dare say Diabolus, their king, had in these days his rest much broken.

In these days, as I was informed, new thoughts, and thoughts that began to run counter one to another, began to possess the minds of the men of the town of Mansoul. Some would say, "There is no living thus." Others would then reply, will be over shortly." Then would a third stand up and an


swer, "Let us turn to the King Shaddai, and so put an end to these troubles." And a fourth would come in with a fear, saying, "I doubt he will not receive us." The old gentleman, too, the recorder, that was so before Diabolus took Mansoul, he also began to talk aloud, and his words were now to the town of Mansoul as if they were great claps of thunder. No noise now so terrible to Mansoul as was his, with the noise of the soldiers, and shoutings of the captains.

Also things began to grow scarce in Mansoul, now the things that her soul lusted after were departing from her. Upon all her pleasant things there was a blast, and burning instead of beauty. Wrinkles now, and some shows of the shadow of death, were upon the inhabitants of Mansoul. And now, oh! how glad would Mansoul have been to have enjoyed quietness and satisfaction of mind, though joined with the meanest condition in the world.

The Trial of the Traitors.

Then said Mr DoAtheism to the bar,

So the prisoners were set to the bar. right (for he was the town-clerk), Set jailer. So he was set to the bar. Then said the clerk, Atheism, hold up thy hand. Thou art here indicted by the name of Atheism (an intruder upon the town of Mansoul), for that thou hast perniciously and devilishly taught and maintained that there is no God, and so no heed to be taken to religion. This hast thou done, against the being, honour, and glory of the King, and against the peace and safety of the town of Mansoul. What sayest thou; art thou guilty of this indictment, or not?”

Atheism. Not guilty.

Cryer. Call Mr Know-all, Mr Tell-true, and Mr Hate-lies into the court.

So they were called, and they appeared.

* The recorder: i.e., conscience.

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Clerk. Then said the clerk, You, the witnesses for the King, look upon the prisoner at the bar. Do you know him?

Know. Then said Mr Know-all, Yes, my Lord, we know him; his name is Atheism; he has been a very pestilent fellow for many years in the miserable town of Mansoul.

Clerk. You are sure you know him.

Know. Know him? Yes, my Lord: I have heretofore too often been in his company, to be at this time ignorant of him. He is a Diabolonian, the son of a Diabolonian; I knew his grandfather and his father.

Clerk. Well said. He standeth here indicted by the name of Atheism, &c., and is charged, that he hath maintained and taught that there is no God, and so no heed need be taken to any religion. What say you, the King's witnesses, to this? Is: he guilty, or not?

Know. My Lord, I and he were once in Villain's Lane together, and he at that time did briskly talk of divers opinions, and then and there I heard him say, that for his part he did believe that there was no God; but, said he, I can profess one, and be as religious too, if the company I am in, and the circumstances of other things, said he, shall put me upon it.

Clerk. You are sure you heard him say thus?

Know. Upon mine oath I heard him say thus.

Then said the clerk, Mr Tell-true, what say you to the King's judges, touching the prisoner at the bar?

* Tell. My Lord, I formerly was a great companion of his (for the which I now repent me), and I have often heard him say, and that with very great stomachfulness, that he believed there was neither God, angel, nor spirit.

Clerk. Where did you hear him say so?

Tell. In Blackmouth Lane, and in Blasphemers' Row, and in many other places besides.

Clerk. Have you much knowledge of him?

Tell. I know him to be a Diabolonian, the son of a Diabo

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