Imágenes de páginas

Statius, his station on the floating Parnassus, 263. His poetry cha-
racterized by Strada, 286. A poet of great virtues and great faults,

Steele, a course of, a cure for the spleen, 90. Humour of the expres-
sion, ib. note. The quickness with which he resented the advice of the
Examiner noticed, 204, note. A quibble contrived to introduce a
compliment to him, 221, note.

Stocks, why a better metaphor than anvil, in a certain passage, 56,


Stool-ball, D'Urfey's little ode on, alluded to, 191.

Stories, tellers of them always aim at surprise, 75. Abuse of this
practice, 76. Ways of correcting it, 77.

Strada, his description of a fire-work, 223. A critic and poet, ac-
count of his prolusion, 262, 281, &c.

Streights-mouth, the key of the Levant, 406.

Stripping ladies, their resolution to level their breast-works, and trust
to no defence but their own virtue, 271.

Style, in modern writing, its requisites, 145. Remarks on the fami-
liar and the solemn, 312, note.

Subject, not to be described without defining the king, 465.

Sublime, how given to modern tragedies, 174. In writing, compared
with the gusto grunde in art, 176. Whence arising, 267. Instance
from Racine, ib.

Sultan of Persia, story of one, performing an act of justice, 210.
Superstitious fears, destroy the pleasures of conversation, 15.
Supreme Being, sublimely described by Plato, 31. A proof of his
goodness in the extent and variety of animal existence, 51. De-
monstrations of his wisdom, power, and goodness, 86. His omni-
presence, 122. His omniscience, 123. His mercy, 124. Has de-
signed the soul of man for a state of future happiness, 184. Essen-
tially present in heaven, 151. His eternity, 170, 171. His unut-
terable goodness, 173. The fear of him is the foundation of forti-

tude and courage, 268.

Surprise, the life of story-telling, 75.

Swallow (Lady Catherine), widow of two husbands and two coach-
men, 113.

Swearing, profane, its horrible absurdity, 66.

Sweden, the king of, holds the balance of European power, 421.
Swift (Dr.), extracts from his letters, relating to Mr. Addison and Mr.
Steele, 186. Allusion to a political paper in which he was concern-
ed, 436, note.

Switzerland, might furnish troops to Britain, 418.

Sybils, their prophecies subsequent to the events they pretend to fore-
tel, 20.

Syncopists, political, a specimen of their style, 126.

Syphax, in Cato, his notion of honour, 366.

Syracuse, prince of, procures a whelp of Vulcan's breed of dogs to
prove the chastity of his wife, 150.

Syrisea's ladle, where lost, 445.


T— (Mr.), ill used by his angel, goes to sea and makes a fortune,
355. His letter on marrying her, 357.

Talkativeness of the French, 217.

Tall Club, letter of remonstrance from the secretary, 239. Qualifica-
tions of its members, 240.

Tariff, Count, his trial and conviction, 431. Origin of the paper, ib.
note. Charges, 432. Answers, 434. Calls witnesses, 435. Loses
his cause, 437.

Tartar, General, takes a town in China, and sets all the women to sale,

Tate, Mr. his epigram on the Spectator, 10.

Taureas, or Toryas, the brewer, his contest with Alcibiades, 455.
Telauges, an eminent philosopher, son of Pythagoras, 377.

Temper, rules for moderating, 179. A discontented one, described,

Tempest, prospect of one, creates an agreeable horror in the mind,


'Tempest,' a chest containing a violent storm for that play, 174.
Tenebrificous stars, certain writers compared to, 157.

Teraminta, resents Mr. Ironside's paper on tuckers, 242.

Terence, a sentence from, in reproof of stolen jests, 119. His obser-

vation on men of genius, 176.

Terror, its tendency to turn the hair grey, 78.

Thales, his saying on tyrants and flatterers, 468.
Thames, fireworks on, described, 221.

Thanksgiving-day for peace, procession of charity-children on, 228.
Theano, wife of Pythagoras, taught philosophy after his death, 376.
A saying, honourable to her wisdom and virtue, ib.
Theodosius, the emperor, married to Athenais, 336.
Theophrastus, complains of his wife's gaming, 275.

Theophrastus, characters of, translated by Mr. Budgell, 393. Merits
of the work, 394.

Theutilla, story of, resembling that of Judith, 287.

Thought in sickness, 41. A hymn on that subject, 44.

Thoughts, in poetry, none can be beautiful which are not just, 54.
An exception, which greatly reduces the rule, ib. note.

Thunder, new, rehearsed at the theatre, 174. A common drug
among the chemists, 221.

Tillotson (Archbishop), extract from an elegant sermon of his, 102.
Deservedly called the great British preacher, ib. note. His remark
on the happiness of the blessed, 181.

Timogenes, a man of false honour, 365.

Timoleon, referred all his successes to Providence, 269. His extraordi-
nary deliverance from a conspiracy, ib.

Tom, cousin to the Lizards, his character, 367.

Topknot, (Dr.), 265.

Tories, called by the Examiner the whole body of the English nation,


Toulon, how lost to the duke of Savoy, 417, 418. On whom the

fault lay, 450.

Town, infested by lions, 192, 193.

Tradewell, his remark on his wife's china, 390.

Tragedy, writers of, take precedence of those of comedy, 59. De-
fective in proper sentiments, 245.

Translators, Horace's rule for, 394. Difference between putting an
author into English and translating him, 397.

Tremble, Tom, a Quaker, his letter to Mr. Ironside on naked bosoms,

Trial of wit, a safe one, proposed, 205, 206.

Trial and conviction of Count Tariff, 431.

Tried to out-rival,' a bad expression, 313, note.
Trophonius's cave, its properties described, 179.

Troubled ocean, creates an agreeable horror in the mind, 11.
Truelove, Tom, his sensible mode of making love, 257. His success,

Truth, the natural food of the understanding, 31. Nothing so de-
lightful as hearing or speaking it, 101.

Tucker, a female ornament, lately laid aside, 211. Married women
mostly the leaders of this fashion, 213. Reproaches and applauses
on the discourse against them, 242. Reformation in at Rome, 266.
Letter to the pope upon it, 320.

Tullia, an accomplished woman, 374.

Turkey-merchant, his letter on fashionable nakedness, 297.

Turkish tale, of Sultan Mahmoud and his vizier, 39.

Turks, all their commands performed by mutes, 278.

Tyrants and flatterers always exist together, 469.


Ulysses's bow, the Guardian's papers compared to, 205.
Unhappy marriages, a particular occasion of them, 257.

Unicorn's head, to be erected for the ladies, 260. Likely to prove a
cornucopiæ, 293.

Union, of the French and Spanish monarchies, advantageous to
France and injurious to Great Britain, 401.

United Provinces, their public debt, 426.

Universe, its magnificent harmony, 85.


Vanity of a man's valuing himself on his ancestors, 307.

Variety, of happiness in a future state, 182, 183. The notion con-
firmed by revelation, 183. Variety studied by the Guardian in his
daily dissertations, 311.

Vauban, calculates the reduced population of France at the peace of
Ryswick, 413.

Venice, lions at, 198. One erected by Mr. Ironside at Button's, in
imitation, 207.

Venus, Semireducta, 214.

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Versailles, the palace of, described, 216.

Vices, of ill consequence in the head of a family, 375. None so in-
curable as those which men are apt to glory in, 130.

Victories, of the British considered as a reward for their national cha-
rity, 229.

Vienna, siege of, a story relating to it, 286.

Vigils of the card-table, wear out a fine face, 276.
Violated, where a most happily chosen word, 96, note.
Violin, and the maid servant, a story, 205.

Virgil, has written a whole book on the subject of planting, 161. His
retired station on the floating Parnassus, 264. His poetry charac-
terized by Strada, 287. Represents a regard to posterity as an in-
centive to glory, 312. His fine compliment to Augustus, 313.
Virgin-martyrs, inquiry whether they wore hoop-petticoats, 321.
Virtue, its business is not to extirpate, but to regulate the affections of
the mind, 16, 17. The perfection and happiness of the will, 31.
The true source of nobility, 307. A general in the war of the
sexes, 324. A distinct principle from honour, 364.

Virtuoso of France, his artificial snow shower, 221. Remark on the
plural of Virtuoso, ib. note.

Vision of the Mountain of Miseries, 106, 108, &c. Of a window in
a lady's bosom, 232. (See Dreams.)

Vowels, omitted in a certain way of writing, 125.

Vulcan, his temple on Mount Etna guarded by dogs, who could dis-
tinguish the chaste from the unchaste, 149. He and Venus repre-
sented in fireworks, 223.

Vulgarism, 424, note.


Waddle, (Lady) buried her second husband in the honeymoon, 113.
Waller, his success in a certain way of writing, 54.

Wallis, (Dr.) De Adjectivis, referred to, on the use of the pronoun his,
205, note.

Walsingham, said to have had many spies in his service, 193. The
most eminent among them one Lion, a barber, 194. His treatment
of them, ib.

War, the present state of, 401. A model for political pamphlets, 427,


Ward, an obedient one, her letter to the Guardian, 279.

Warriors, two made into one, 287.

Warwick, Countess of, laid out Mr. Addison in four years, 116, note.
Wealth and power, signify the same thing in the present constitution
of the world, 408.

Weather, its extremes, how to be borne, 219.

Welshman's owl, compared to the members of the Silent Club, 278.
Westphalian treaty, guaranteed by the King of Sweden, 422.

What, used for that of which, allowably, 408, note.

Which, why used for who in the Lord's prayer, 361, note.
Whig-Examiner, design of that work, 441.

Whigs, accused of monopolizing riches and sense, 442.

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Whiston and Ditton's letter to Mr. Ironside on the longitude, 237.
White, Thomas, an alchymist, his letter to Mr. Ironside, whom he had
deluded, 381.

Who, which, and that, rules for applying those relatives, 360, note.
Whole Duty of Man, converted into a parish-libel, 129. The error
corrected, and the book proved to be written against all the sinners
in England, 130.

Widow-club, account of one, 112. Members, 113, 114. Rules-Politics
-Doctrines on management of husbands, 113.

Wildfire, (Widow) her suite of lovers, 114.

Wilkins, (Bishop) confident of success in the art of flying, 252.
William, King, extract from his last speech to parliament on war with
France, 404.

Wine, heightens indifference into love, love into jealousy, and jealousy
into madness, 132.

Wise men of old, often gave counsel to their kings in fables, 39.

With, compounded with verbs, has an adversative sense, 138, note.
Wives, bad, as numerous as bad husbands, 20.

Wizards, their number in Great Britain inconceivable, 28.

Wolsey, Cardinal, his violent egotism, 117. Exceeded by the Exa-
miner, 450.

Woman-haters, how requited, 60.

Women, their conjugal affection at the siege of Hensberg, 21. How
disposed of at a fair in Persia, 35. Sold in sacks by a Tartar ge-
neral, 36. Judged at the tribunal of Rhadamanthus, 351.
Women of quality, learning a proper ingredient in their education,
333. Gifted with a copia verborum, 334. Eminent philosophers of
the sex, 335. Sir Thomas More's verses on the choice of one for a
wife, 373. Their passions for chalk and china, surprising, 389.
Inconveniences thence resulting, 390.

Women's men, or beaux, how to be employed, 72.

Wonder, produces reflection, 224.

Woollen manufacture, the strength of Britain, 406.

Wormwood, Will, his character, 392.

Writers, some of them stars of light, others of darkness, 157.


Young men, of fortune and quality, prone to dissipation, 249. Ex-
amples proposed to them, ib.

Young woman, judged by Rhadamanthus, 353.


Zamolxes, a servant of Pythagoras, eminent in the list of his disciples,

Zelinda, a rich widow, pays to Silvio his bill of costs during his court-
ship of her, 202, 203.

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