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that the Miffionary principle is not confined to their own affociation. It hath penetrated to the diftant parts of the State, and produced, fome months fince, another Society, founded on the fame doctrines, devoted to the fame objects, and defirous of co-operating in the fame plan, by the ftile of "The Northern Miffionary Society in the State of New-York." Articles of union between that inftitution and the New-York Miffionary Society, have been propofed, and acceded to by the Directors, and will be laid before the Society for final ratification. They cannot but indulge the confoling. thought, that the Spirit of the Higheft hath begun the good work, and that he will carry it on till his people throughout thefe States fhall combine their counfels, and confolidate their ftrength, in one grand and triumphant exertion, to introduce his Gofpel into the "dark places of the earth, which are yet full of the habitations of cruelty."

It is to them a fpring of no common elevation to learn, that the zeal for Miffions in the island of GreatBritain, which firft fuggefted the idea of Miffionary Societies here, is fo far from declining, that it gathers vigor with its age. Obloquy only ferves to cement its friends, and oppofition to call forth its energies. And the probability in which every gracious heart muft rejoice, is, that at this moment Chrift crucified is preached among the Pagans in the islands of the Pacific Ocean. Befides which, an evangelical Miffion is projected, and before now, perhaps, executed, into the interior of Africa. The Lord blefs them, and keep them! grant Christians here to emulate, and even furpass their apoftolic example; and crown every embaffy to the Gentiles with greater and greater fuccefs, till the whole earth be filled with his glory.


New-York, Nov. 6, 1797.

In their proceedings on the above report, the Society refolved, that the education of proper perfons to be

fent out as Miffionaries comes within their defign: and it will, no doubt, receive their particular attention as foon as their funds will permit.

The Society alfo agreed upon articles of union, and principles of co-operation, with the Northern Miffionary Society in the State of New-York, to take effect whenever they fhall be ratified by faid Society.

The objects contemplated by the Society involving heavy expenfes, and requiring the united exertions of its friends, it was judged neceffary to folicit from all the congregations throughout the country, with which it has any connection, annual collections for its funds. -Little can be done in pecuniary efforts, unlefs those who long for the profperity of Zion fhall give their cheerful and perfevering aid; and from fuch aid, with the bleffing of Zion's King, the happiest success may be rationally anticipated.

The Society having agreed that two fermons fhall be preached at their next annual meeting, the Rev. Dr. LIVINGSTON, and the Rev. Dr. M'KNIGHT, were appointed to preach them; the former in the Scots Prefbyterian Church, on the evening of the first day of their meeting, and the latter in the North Dutch Church, on the evening following.

The Society having transacted their business, with the harmony and affection of Chriftian brethren, and filled with pleafing hope that their labours fhall not be in vain in the Lord, adjourned till the firft Tuesday of November, 1798.

On the first Tuesday of November the Society met, according to adjournment; but fuch was the general derangenient, occafioned by a malignant and mortal disease which had prevailed for fome time before, that little was done, more than to elect officers and directors for the enfuing year. They adjourned to meet on the 23d of April following, then to hear the fermons which had been appointed, and to tranfact whatever business might come before them.

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The Society, according to the faid adjournment, met on the 23d of April, 1799. In the evening of that day Dr. LIVINGSTON delivered a fermon, according to appointment, in the Scots Prefbyterian Church in Cedarftreet, from Coloffians iii. 11. Chrift is all, and in all.-The audience was large, attentive, and folemn; and the collection made after the fervice was conformable to the ufual liberality of the citizens of New-York.-On the next evening, Wednesday, the 24th of April, Dr. MCKNIGHT delivered a fermon, according to appointment, before the Society, in the North Dutch Church, from Ezekiel xxxvii. 3. And he faid unto me, Son of man, can thefe bones live? And I anfwered, O Lord God, thou knowest. This fervice alfo, notwithstanding very unfavourable weather, was very refpectably attended, and another liberal collection was made for the benefit of the Society.

The operations which have been fet on foot in the Miffionary bufinefs, by the Society, will appear from the following report of the Directors, then made, to wear a favourable afpect.


Soon after the laft report, the Directors adopted a plan for focial prayer, which has been carried into execution, and, it is believed, has been attended with beneficial effects. The fecond Wednesday in every month, meetings are held for this purpose, in rotation, in all the churches of which the Minifters are members. of the Society; and, though no contributions are urged, yet whatever are made, are applied for the benefit of the Society.

The Directors judged it to be their duty to begin a Miffion as foon as poffible, and accordingly they early appointed a committee to obtain Miffionaries, and arrange what appeared neceffary on this head. The committee advertised, time after time, with little apparent fuccefs. Receiving however intimation, from the Rev. Mr. Jofeph Bullen, of Vermont, that he would be willing to accept an appointment as a Miffionary, and

being afcertained as to his character and qualifications, they recommended him; and the Directors agreed to employ him at the annual falary of three hundred and feventy-five dollars, and to.defray his expences in travelling to the place of his deftination. They agreed, at the fame time, that it would be moft eligible to attempt the establishment of a Miffion firft among the Chickafaw Indians, a nation on the western borders of the State of Georgia; and Mr. Bullen was requested to come on without delay. They alfo advanced him part of his falary to affift in his preparation, and requested him to preach on a certain evening in one of the churches, on which occafion the Prefident of the Society was appointed to give him a charge as to the duties of his miffion. The above request was complied with on the 21ft of last month, when he preached, received a charge, and was fet apart to his work by folemn prayer. The Directors fupplied him with a few books and articles, which were deemed proper, and advanced him two hundred and fifty dollars to defray the expenfes incidental to his journey and miffion. He left this city on the 26th of laft month, accompanied by his fon, a lad of about feventeen years of age, and who, it is fuppofed, will readily acquire the Indian language, and may be useful in teaching the Indian children; but he is not, at prefent, in the employ of the Directors. Certain documents from the Government of the United States were cheerfully granted at Philadelphia, to Mr. Bullen, and private directions and letters were given.him by gentlemen who kindly and warmly interefted themselves in the business. The laft account of him is from Lancafter in Pennsylvania, on the firft of this month, when he wrote that his journey had been fo far profperous, and that he had not been without evident tokens of the divine prefence.

The Directors farther report, that on the petition referred by the Society to them, from the Rev. Mr. John Sergeant, a Miffionary to the Stockbridge Indians, they have fent for his relief one hundred dollars, and they

have been happy to learn that the relief was uncommonly feasonable. They have alfo granted fixty dollars for one year to Paul, an Indian preacher who labours among the remains of the Shinnecock, Montuck, and Poofpettuck tribes, in Suffolk county, Long-Ifland.

Letters have been received by the Secretary from the Glasgow Miffionary Society, and from the particular Baptift Miffionary Society in England, in answer to letters written to them.

The general inftructions to Miffionaries, the Address to the Chiefs and Indians of the Chickafaw nations, and the Charge given to the firft Miffionary, accompany this report.

The Society and its benevolent fupporters will fee that the Directors have not been inattentive to the important trust repofed in them; but that they have profecuted it, under the fmiles of heaven, to a degree of fuccefs. If the profpects of the Miffionary already fent fhould prove encouraging, it is intended to ftrengthen him by others; nor are refources to be defpaired of, in this glorious undertaking. Inconfiderable as the beginnings may seem, no one can calculate their probable increase, and tendency to promote the kingdom of the divine Redeemer. He is King on the holy hill of Zion, and it is the irreversible decree of God the Father to give to his Son, the heathen for his inheritance, and the uttermoft parts of the earth for his poffeffion.

Signed by order of the Board of Directors,

JOHN M. MASON, Sec'ry. New-York, April 23, 1799.

The Society having gone through the bufinefs which came before them, with harmony and affection, with gratitude to God, who had profpered them thus far, and with pleafing hope that he would crown their labours with more abundant fuccefs, appointed the Rev. Dr. Linn, to deliver a fermon, at the annual meeting, in the Brick Prefbyterian Church, on the firft Tuesday of November in the prefent year, to which time they adjourned.

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