Imágenes de páginas
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4. On - ward, there-fore, pil - grim brothers, On - ward, with the cross our aid;

4 4

Singing songs of ex

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pec ta - tion, March-ing to the prom-ised land: Chas-ing far the gloom and terror, Bright'ning all the path we tread; One the conflict, one the the march in God be - gun; Bear its shame, and fight its we rest be - heath its shade:


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per il, One
tle, Till

Clear before us through the dark-ness Gleams and burns the guid-ing light;
One the ob- ject of
One the glad-ness of rc
Soon shall come the great a

our jour-ny, One the faith which never tires,

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joicing On the far e ternal shore,
wa-ing, Soon the rend - ing of
the tomb;

Broth - er clasps the hand of broth-er, Step-ping fear-less thro' the night.
One the earn- est look-ing for- ward, One the hope our God in-spires;
Where the One Al-might-y Fa-ther Reigns in love for
Then the scat-t'ring of all shad-ows, And the end of toil and gloom. A-men.

ev - er-more.

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1. From ev -'ry storm-y wind that blows,From ev-'ry swell-ing tide of woes, 2. There is a place where Jesus sheds The oil of glad-ness on our heads, 3. There is a spot where spirits blend, Where friend holds fellow-ship with friend; 4. There,there, on ea-gle's wing we soar, And time and sense seems all no more,

4 64

There is a calm, a sure re- treat; 'Tis found beneath the

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A place than all besides more sweet; It is the blood-bought mer-cy Tho' sunder'd far, by faith they meet Around one com-mon mer-cy And heav'n comes down,our souls to greet, And glory crowns the mer-cy

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1. From ev'ry storm-y wind that blows, From ev'ry swell-ing tide of woes,

There is a calm, a sure re-treat; 'Tis found beneath the mer-cy - seat. A-men.

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1. Jesus, wher-e'er Thy people meet, There they be- hold Thy 2. For Thou, with-in no walls con-fined, In habit est the 3. Dear Shepherd of Thy chosen few, Thy form-er mer - cies 4. Here may we prove the pow'r of pray'r To strengthen faith, and

mercy - seat; hum-ble mind; here re-new; sweet-en care,

Wher-e'er they seek Thee, Thou art found, And ev'ry place is hallowed ground.
Such ev-er bring Thee where they come,And go-ing,take Thee to their home.
Here to our wait-ing hearts pro-claim The sweetness of Thy sav-ing name.
To teach our faint de- sires to rise, And bring all heav'n before our eyes. A-men.

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He Him-self has bid thee pray,

There-fore will not say thee nay.
free from guilt.

Let Thy blood,for sin-ners spilt, Set my conscience

There Thy blood-bought right maintain And with-out a ri - val reign. my Guide, my Guard,my Friend, Lead me to my jour-ney's end. A-men.


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Thy mercy sweet.

My soul, a dor-ing, pleads Thy word, And owns Thy mercy sweet.
Thou hast the justice truth re-quires, And I
There I de-light in Thee to rest, And find
e ke ke

Thy mercy sweet. A-men.

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