Imágenes de páginas
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IN the fore ground is the Genius of Taste presenting her choicest gifts, to enrich the Cabinet of Britannia.

On the sides of the Cabinet, are the Sister Arts of Painting and Engraving-Above are Biography and Criticism.

The Base consists of Poetry, attended by Tragedy and Comedy-The Sphinx and Minerva, are emblematical of Learning in General.


IT is not now necessary to explain, much at large, the objects of a Magazine; nor, when it is considered how many long established works of that description are already before the world, and that several others have recently appeared, is it easy to submit any fresh grounds for soliciting the favour of the Public towards a NEW Periodical Publication. Still, however, we will venture to add one more to the many, and notwithstanding such numerous and powerful competitors, we have the confidence to think that, as well on the score of novelty of design as superior taste in the execution, we shall have some right to ask, and to hope for a very considerable share of the Public Patronage.

A share then of that Patronage, we now beg leave earnestly to request for the CABINET; which is the Title we have chosen for our work. It has often been asked "what's in a name?" We believe in truth not much; for "as that which we call a rose by any "other name would smell as sweet," so will a Magazine, if ably conducted, find its way into public notice as well under one appellation as another; yet as our reasons for selecting this title will also afford a good general view of the work itself, those reasons we shall proceed to state. A Cabinet is an elegant Repository for any thing curious or valuable. It is intended to make the new work correspond with this definition by the splendour of its embellishments, the beauty of its type, and the superior quality of its paper. Calculating, we trust not vainly, from our literary arrangements and resources, we may likewise pronounce that the contents of our CABINET will not be unworthy of their exterior ornament. In the different departments of BIOGRAPHYThe ARTS---General and particular CRITICISM---MISCELLANY---POETRY---The DRAMA, written and acted, in London, in the country, and abroad---many curious articles will be found; and none, we presume, that will not prove valuable in themselves, and highly interesting to the friends of elegant LITerature.

A Cabinet is also a place set apart for the exhibition of pictures, engravings, and other specimens of the

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FINE ARTS. In this sense our title is not a misnomer; it being our purpose to present a splendid series of choice performances from the pencil of celebrated painters, and the burin of our most eminent engravers: PORTRAITS of distinguised public characters living and deceased; POETS, AUTHORS, CRITICS, MUSICIANS, PAINTERS, ACTORS, DRAMATISTS.

Politics, so uncongenial with literary attachment sand pursuits, are not included in our plan; but, parva componere magnis, our proceedings, like the affairs of the state, will nevertheless be regulated by a sort of CABINET COUNCIL. Our Chancellor, presiding in equity, shall have the guardianship of all oppressed and injured authors, artists and actors. They shall be peculiarly the objects of his care and protection. Managers also shall have their cause fairly advocated; and none shall have reason to complain of the injustice of his decrees. Should it be found that from any defect of evidence, or detected error of judgment, the decision is questionable, the cause shall be again brought on, re-argued, and the decree amended or reversed. Our Secretary for the Home Department shall have cognizance of the progress of literature, taste, and the stage in the Metropolis. The Foreign Secretary will have but little business to trouble him from abroad; he therefore shall have controul over the articles respecting the Provincial Theatres, the Opera House, the Sub-urbian Amphitheatres, &c. The War Secretary shall conduct our controversial discussions, and all our personal disputes, should any unhappily occur. Our Chancellor of the Exchequer must find the Ways and Means if he can, and we hope without laying any other tax on our Readers than such as they may be inclined chearfully to pay. Our Master General of the Ordnance must supply us with ammunition as often as called upon; but of this we do not apprehend any want. At present our Magazine is full. And having an aversion like Hotspur's fop to "those vile guns" or any thing like them, be they ever so small, we trust his official services in that way will never be required. Indeed this minister and the First Lord of the Admiralty who, except in the case of a great naval victory, which should not fail to be recorded in every English work, may be considered as holding sinecures, and as honorary, rather than efficient members of our Cabinet. The Privy Seal shall apply the stamp of secresy to every article of correspon dence that may require it. The PREMIER, consistently with uniform usage, must have the direction of the Treasury, which we hope will soon be in a flourishing

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