Imágenes de páginas

M. Mag. Sige. mio OssTM.

Io diedi i Mesi passati a V. S. un libro del Sige. Alessandro Gendaglia: nel quale erano alcuni miei concieti, hora ha mandato un suo a dimandarlomi. Laonde vi prego, che glie le diate: et havendo qualche risposta de l' Illmo. Patriarca Gonzaga, mi farete piacere di portarlami senza indugio e vi bacio le mani. Di S. Anna il pmo. di Dicem". del 1585.

Al Mt. Magco. Sig. mio Osso. il Sig.

Luca Scalabrino.

Di V. S.
Ser. Torq. Tasso.

Very magnif. and my respect. Signor.

I gave, during the last months, to

your Worship a book of the Signor Alessandro Gendaglia, in which were some thoughts of my own: he has now sent a person to ask me for it. Therefore, I pray you, that you will give it to him and when you have any answer from the Most Illustrious Patriarch Gonzaga, you will do me a favour to bring it to me without delay, and I kiss your hands.

From your Worship's Servant,
Torq. Tasso.

St. Anna, the 1st of December, 1585.

For the very magnificent my

Sig". the respectable Sig".

Luca Scalabrino.

Ilmo. Sigre. e Padron mio Oss.

Mandai a V. S. Illma. queste setti

mane passate cinquanta scudi d'oro: et moneta perch' io non li posso tener sicuri: e credo, chè l' Sige. Luca Scalabrino; al quale io gli diedi li manderà a buon ricapito: non dico altro, se non ch' in questa camera c'è un folletto ch' apre le Casse e toglie i danari: benche non in gran quantità ma non cosi piccola, che non possa discomodare un povero come son io. Se V. S. Illma. vuol' farmi questa gratia di serbarmeli, me ne dia aviso e frattanto ch' io provedo d' altro sia contenta, di pigliarli e le bacio le mani. Di S. Anna li 9 di Dice. del 1585.

Di V. S. Rmo.

Aff. Ser. Torq". Tasso.

All' Illmo. e Rmo. Sige.


e Pron mio Colmo. Il

Sig. Patriarca Gonzaga.


1 In the original MSS. the u and v are indifferently used.

Most illustrious Signor, and my very respectable Lord,

I sent your most illustrious Lord

ship, these few weeks back, fifty crowns in gold, because I cannot keep them safely myself: and


presume that the Signor Luca Scalabrino, to whom I gave them, will see them conveyed safe to hand: I shall only say, that in this room of mine there is a demon that opens the boxes, and takes out the money: in no great quantity, indeed; but not so little as not to incommode a poor fellow such as I am. If your most illustrious Lordship will do me this favour to take care of them for me, let me have advice of it, and whilst I provide otherwise, perhaps you will have no objection to take them into your keeping. I kiss your hands.

Of your very Rev. Lordship,

The affectionate servant,

Torquato Tasso.


From St. Anna, the 9th of December, of the


To the most Illustrious and most

Rev. Lord, and my very respectable Patron, the Lord Patriarch Gonzaga.


No. II.


TIRABOSCHI1 has given Rienzi a place amongst the restorers of literature, but he seems never to have seen some specimens of the tribune's composition existing in the royal library at Turin. Indeed the Abbe de Sade appears to be the only compiler, who has consulted these manuscripts, and he transcribes such only as relate to Petrarch. The continuer of Baronius cites letters of Rienzi amongst the secret epistles of the Vatican, but cannot be inferred to have seen a copy of the Turin papers. By a strange fatality the acts of the Roman tribune have been preserved in the annals of a monastery at Liege3. The Canon Hocsemius has supplied us with three documents which are to be found also in the Turin manuscripts, and with two others which are not in that collection. Hocsemius was cited


1 Storia della Lett. tom. v. lib. ii. p. 313. et seq. edit. Moden. 1775.

* Raynaldus contin. Baronii ad an. 1347. num. xiii. xiv. et seq. tom. vi. p. 442. et seq. edit. Lucæ, 1750.

› Gesta Pontificum. Leodiens. scripserunt auctores Leodii anno 1613. tom. ii. Joan. Hocsemii Canon Leod. cap. xxxv. Admiranda de Nicolao filio cujusdam molendarii Tribuno Romanæ urbis affecto, p. 494. et seq.

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