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History recording the Actions of GEORGE the THIRD



12 DEC1932





HE proprietors of the British Magazine gladly seize this opportunity of the new year, to acknowledge the deep sense they have of the obligations they owe to the public, for the indulgence with which their labours have been received.

They beg leave to express their sentiments of gratitude, to all those correfpondents who have contributed towards the execution of the work; and to make a tender of their beft refpects to that gentleman in particular, who has favoured them with an uninterrupted series of agreeable articles on the subjects of biography and natural hiftory; articles equally replete with entertainment and


Should any young writer be mortified in finding that no notice has been taken of the favours he has tranfmitted to the publisher of the Magazine, we hope he will put the moft favourable interpretation on our filence, and assure himself, we shall always infert with pleasure, whatever pieces may be fent, if we think they will conduce to the reputation of their respective authors; having still an eye to the defign of the work and the fatisfaction of the reader.

Some productions, both in verse and prose, we have been obliged to withold from the public view, on account of their length: others we have declined on the score of their tendency, which are thought inconsistent with the plan of our Magazine; and many we have referved until a favourable opportunity shall render them the proper objects of


January 1762.



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