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CHAP. 2. Proving both from Holy Scriptures and Fathers, that Man cannot attain to a certain and perfect Knowledge of Truth, by the Help of Reafon. p. 17 CHAP. 3. Proof. ii. That Man cannot be perfectly and intirely certain, that an external Object doth exactly answer the imprinted Idea he has of it. Because ift. The Images, Forms or Shadows, which emanate from external Bodies, are no Ways like them. 2d. We may justly doubt of the Fidelity of the interpofing Medium, through which the Images or Shadows pass from the outward Object to the Organs of our Senfation. 3d. The Fidelity of our Senfes is doubtful. 4th. The Fidelity of the Nerves and animal Spirits is doubtful. sth. The Fidelity of the Brain is doubtful. 6th. The Fidelity of our Mind or Understanding is doubtful, and its Nature unknown to

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P. 25 CHAP. 4. Proof iii. That Human UnderStanding cannot know the Nature of Things with a perfect Certainty, P.40 CHAP. 5. Proof iv. That Things can never be perfectly and certainly known by reason of their continual Changes.

P. 45

CHAP. 6. Proof v. That Nothing can be certainly known by reason of the Difference of Men.

P. 48





CHAP. 14. Proof xiii. That the Law of doubting has been established by many excellent Philofophers. 1. By Anacharfis. 2. Pherecydes. 3. Pythagoras. 4. Empedocles, s. Gorgias Lcontinus. 6. Xenophancs. 7. Epicharmes. 7. Epicharmes. 8. Parmenides. 9. Xeniades. 10. Zeno Elenfis. 11. He12. Anaxagoras. 13. Demo14. Protagoras. IS. Socrates. 16. Plato, Author of the firft Acade17. Ariftotle. 18. Arcefilaus, Author of the fecond Academy. 19. Lacides. 20. Carneades, Author of the third Academy. 21. Clitomachus. 22. Philo, Author of the fourth Academy. 23. Antiochus, Author of the fifth Academy. 24. Cicero. 25. Varro, Pifo, Lucullus and Brutus. 26. The Origin of Pyrrho. nifm. 27. Metrodorus. 28. Anaxarchus. 29. Pyrrho. 30. How many real Academies there have been, and the Dif ference between the Academy and Pyrrhonism. 31. That there have been but two Academies, the Ancient and the Modern, which last was a real Pyrrhonifm. 32. Wherein the Difference between the new Academy, and the Sect of the Scepticks, is fhewn, and reconciled. Firft Difference. 33. Second Dif-· ference. 34. Third Difference. 35. Fourth Difference. 36. Fifth Difference. 37. Sixth Difference. 38. Seventh Diffe rence. 39. Why thofe Philofophers, who


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