Imágenes de páginas

MONNET's Syftem of Mineralogy, OTHMAN Lillus Anconitanus, his
remarkable epic poem in praise
of Mahomet, and his great ex-
ploits, 547.

MONNIER, M. his memoir on the
variations of the magnet, 489.
On horizontal refractions at fun-
fetting, 497. On Saturn's Ring,
498. On the variations in the
obliquity of the ecliptic, ib.
MOREAU'S moral political dif-
courfes on the government of
France, 214.
MOSER's principles of the law of
nations, 57.
Mosquito fhore, country and in-

habitants of, defcribed, 473.
MOUNTAINS, new theory of the
original formation of, 550.
MUSGRAVE, Dr. his argument in
favour of Mr. Wilfon's electrical
experiments, and blunt conduc-
tors, 402.

NAIRNE, Mr. his electrical ex-
periments, 401.
NATURE, wonderful changes of,
in the earliest ages of the world,
NATURAL caufes, their influence
on the mind of man, 508.
NAVIGATION, feveral important
obfervations relative to, by Meff.
De Borda, Pingre, and De Ver-
dun, 498.

NAVIGATIONS, inland. See CA-


NECKER, M. De, his natural hif-
tory of the Tuffilago and Peta-
vites, 306.

NETLEY abbey, defcript. of, 14.
NICANDER, the poet characterised,

Nouvelles Obf fur l'Angleterre.

-recherches fur la fcience des
Medailles, &c. See SIVRY.
NOUVEAU Systeme de Mineralo-
gie. See MONNET.
ORGAN'S, ufe of, in churches,

when first introduced in this
country, 399, 480.
ORIENTAL legfiation lefs defpotic
than is generally fuppofed, 553.
ORIGINALS, literary, rare pro-
ductions, 17. The Seafons of
Thomfor, an original, 118.

OTWAY, his poetry cenfured, 189.
PAROS, ifle of, defcribed, 481.
Antiquities there, ib.
PASCAL, Blaife, his great charac-
ter for wit and learning, 505.
Account of a complete edition
of his writings, 507.
PERLIN, Stephen, his ftrange
account of the English, 12.
PERNETY, Dom. his memoir
concerning the influence of na-
tural caufes in the mind of
man, 508,
PERSECUTION, religious, account
of a late inftance of, in Ireland,
PERSIANS, ancient, remarks on
their religion, 529.

PHILIPPA, Queen, her oratorical
addrefs to King Edward, in fa-
vour of the burghers of Ca-
lais, 438.

PHILOSOPHERS, of ancient Greece,
their great contempt for poetry,

natural, experi
ments relating to, 162,
PHILOSOPHICAL inveftigations,
how to be conducted, 559.
PHILOXENUS, Bifhop, his Syriac
verfion of the gospels, 36.
PIGEONS, numerous catalogue of
the forts, 66.

PILEUR d' Apligny, M. le, his
treatife on colours and colour-
ing, 55.

PLATO's Io, an excellent French
tranflation of, 528.

PLANTS, experiments on, relative
to the properties of the air, 165.
POETRY, facred, why generally
unfuccefsful, 8.

— Of the ancient Greeks,
the repofitory of their wisdom
and philofophy, 509. Their
only means of recording history,
523. Its abufe of history, ib.
POETS, metaphyfical, an account
of, 2.


[blocks in formation]

PRAYER, an excellent one, of a
Indian Brahmin, 503.
PREACHING, remarks on the
progress of, 105.
PREGNANCY, an aftonishing cafe
of, 492.
PRUSSIA, King of, anecdotes re-
lative to, 462.
PULPIT, always in the fervice of
the ftate, 108.

de morale. See

PUTTER'S hiftory of the German

empire, 59.
UINZY, membranous.



READERS, the various kinds

and characters of, 111.
RECHERCHES Hiftoriques, Sc.
REIMARUS on thunder and light-
ning, 58.

REMBRANDT, remarks on his
ftyle of painting, 18. Compared
with Pouffin, ib.
REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua, his cri-
tical observations on the art of
painting, 17.
RICHARD, Abbé, his hiftory of
Tonquin, 54.
ROCHEFORT, M. de, his critical
history of the opinions of the
Ancients, 55.

his memoir concern-
ing the history of Herodotus,
His controverfy with
Abbé Batteaux concerning the
ancient Greek Tragedy, 525.
ROUSSEAU, John James, defended
against D'Alembert, 302.

RUSSIA, revenue, &c. of the em❤

pire of, 59. Wonderful bones
of gigantic animals found in,
535, 551.
RUSSIANS, preferved from the
fcurvy by their antifeptic diet,
279, 410.

SACHEVEREL, Dr. compared to

a louse, 359.

SAINTE CROIX, Baron de, his
tranflation of the Ezour Ve-
dam, 501.

SAMANEANS, a fect of Indian
philofophers, 501.

SCIENCES, their influence on
poetry, 509.

SCIROS, ifle of, fome ac. of, 483.
SCOTLAND, propofal for an uni-

formity of weights and mea-
fures in that kingdom, 21.
SCURVY, obfervations and reme-
dies relative to that diforder,

SER. rapturous address tɔ, 115.
SEXES, the different, of mankind,

treatise on the means of render-
ing them nearly equal to each o-
ther in point of number, 459.
SHERLOCK, Martin, his counfel
to a young poet, 465.

His letters of a travel-

ler, 462.
SIBERIA, Curious relics found
there, of the bones of ele-
phants, &c. 535, 551.
SIVRY, M. De, his inquiries
concerning medals, infcrip-
tions, &c. 304. His opinion
relative to the fuppofed Egyp-
tian bust at Turin, 306.
SKIDDY, Mr. his account of the
efficacy of wort, as a remedy
for the fcurvy, 277.
SOCIETY, remarks on the pro-
grefs of, from the fettlement of
the modern nations, to the
eleventh century, 181.
SORE THROAT, putrid, remedy
for, 30.
SOUL, human, treatise in proof of
the existence and immateriality


of, in German, 224. Theory
of, by a French writer, 486.
Of the foul that animates the
brute creation, 487.~
SPAIN, antiquities in that king-
dom defcribed, 139.
SPRAT, Dr. remark on his lite-
rary character, 189.

[ocr errors]

STEPNEY, his merit as a poet efti-

mated, 189.

STREATLAM CASTLE, ac. of, 283.
SUSANNA and Margaret, their
dialogue on religion, 97.
SWIFT, Dean, his genius and
character, 356. Anecdotes of,
357. His abusive characters of
Lord Wharton, and other per-
fons of diftinction, 361. His
"unhappy end, 363.
TAMERLANE, his military infti-
His great cha-

tutes, 451.
racter, 458.
TEETH, difeafed, extraordinary
cafe of, 62.
TEUTSCHE Reichfgefchichte, &c.

THEOCRITUS, his poetry charac-

terifed, 513.
TIME-KILLING, a ferious bu-
finefs, 114.
TITIAN, remark on his picture
of Bacchus and Ariadne, 20.
TONQUIN, people, refemblance
of to the Chinese, 54.
TRAILLES, Dr. his treatife on
the foul, 224.

TRAITE des couleurs materielles

et de la maniere de colorer,

&c. 55.
VARIATIONS in the obliquity of
the ecliptic faid to amount to
not a minute in 100 years, 497.
VEDAMS, four diftinct forts of
thole facred books of the

Brahmins, &c. 502. When
publifhed, ib.

VOLCANOS, evident veftiges of,
throughout Greece ftill obferv
able, 483. A volcano in Lem-
nos fuppofed to have given
rife to the fable of Vulcan's
forge there, ib. Whimsical
theory of the ancient Grecian
volcanos, ib. Farther account
of their operation in the origi-
nal formation of mountains, &c.

VOLTAIRE, academical discourse
in honour of, 220. Anecdotes
of his life, 514. Of his death,

Voм Blitze, &c. 58.
WALLER, his failure in facred

poetry accounted for, 8. Ge-
neral character of his poetry, 9.
WATTS, Dr. Ifaac, memoirs of,
425. His pofthumous poetry
and controverfial writings cen-
fured, 429.
WEGUELIN, M. his memoirs
concerning the philofophy of
history, 514.
WEIGHTS and Meafures. See

WILSON, Ben. electrical experi
ments by, 407.
WINKELMAN, Abbé, Heine's
eulogy on, 223.
WOMEN, fketches relating to, in
various ages and nations, 415,


WYCK, Thomas, his fine picture
of old London, 13.

YEAR, enquiry concerning the
diminution of the length of,


ENDS, learned books of an-
cient Perfians, 529.
ZENO, his great contempt for
poetry, 512.
ZOROASTER, tenets of his reli-
gion, 529.


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