Imágenes de páginas

laceration of the right hemifphere of the brain from external injury discovered on diffection.

Scarification of the tunica conjunctiva of the eye, in inflammations of that organ and the eye-lids, is warmly recommended, and its good effects are proved by a decisive cafe.

The hiftory of a tumour proceeding from a blow, which thruft the globe of the eye entirely out of its focket, deferves notice, though it terminated fatally.

The fuccessful treatment of a cancerous disease of the mouth, in which corrofive fublimate appeared to be the most efficacious remedy, may afford instruction and encouragement in a fimilar cafe.

The account of a fingular and fatal difeafe of the cefophagus, entirely destroying the power of fwallowing even liquids, will be thought curious. On diffection, the whole annular fubftance of the upper part of this canal, to the extent of three inches, was found converted into a tough vifcid rotten mafs, of a dark brown colour.

Some cafes are given, corroborating Sir John Pringle's account of the good effects of bliners applied to the navel in the ileus. This remedy proved effectual, after the other means ufual in such cases had been employed without fuccefs.

A remarkable cafe is related, in which, before delivery, of a dead child in a very putrid ftate, an univerfal emphysema arose, attended with great heat and thir. The patient was recovered by a liberal ufe of fruit and other antifeptics.

This cafe is followed by that of a fatal retroverfion of the womb, in a woman about four months gone with child. Reduction was found impracticable; and the cleareft proof of the nature of the difeafe was obtained on diffection.

An uncommon and very perplexing cafe of lithotomy is given, where the tone, though frequently felt by the forceps, could not be laid hold of, nor extracted, till the fifteenth day from the operation, when a large purulent discharge from the bladder had taken place.

Some obfervations on compound factures clofe the collection, in which the author brings feveral arguments against Mr. Pott's obfervations on the neceffity of immediate amputation, in certain cafes of compound fractures and dislocations. These arguments are enforced by fome hiftories from the writer's own practice, of very dangerous and unfavourable accidents of this kind, which, according to Mr. Pott's doctrine, would have demanded amputation, but which were cured without this operation. Mr. W. imputes much of his fuccefs in thefe inftances, to the ufe of cold and aftringent applications, inflead of the greafy cataplaims and relaxing fomentations, fo commonly employed.

The Coventry method of cure in the bronchocele, mentioned in the Appendix, contains feveral circumftances of an empirical turn; but, when divested of these, appears to owe its fuccefs principally to calcined fpunge, adminiftered in a bolus, to be laid under the tongue, and fwallowed flowly.

Art. 19. Reports of the Humane Society, for the Recovery of PerJons apparently drowned. For the Year 1778. 8vo. I s. Rivington, &c. 1779.

The good effects of this benevolent inflitution evidently appear from the fummary of the laft year's fuccefs.-Out of 159 cales, 106

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proved fortunate. Although, out of this number, there are feveral which required no medical affiftance, and others in which the methods commonly known proved fpeedily efficacious; yet, from the relation here given, it cannot be doubted, that the encouragement offered by the Society, in the first instance, to take the fufferer out of the water, and afterwards to perfift in the proper means for recovery, has been the caufe of reftoring to life a number of our fellow-creatures who otherwife muft have perished. With respect to the particular cafes, there are scarcely any of them which, now we are accustomed to inftances of this fort, are fingular enough to be laid before our readers. The longest (even fuppofed) time of continuance under water, here mentioned, is a quarter of an hour; and the longest time of ufing the means for recovery before any figns of returning life appeared, half an hour. A pretty remarkable cafe is given of the recovery of a perfon apparently killed by lightning; but we cannot attribute much to the alliance of the gentleman who relates it, fince, among other means, he thought proper to draw twenty ounces of blood from the arm, and to pour volatiles into the mouth, before there was any power of fwallowing. We lefs wonder, that under fuch treatment the patient was an hour before he shewed figns of life, than that he recovered at all.

It may be worthy the confideration of the Society, how far it may be proper to continue the direction of throwing the fumes of tobacco into the bowels, against which practice fuch apparently reasonable objections have lately been raifed.

Art. 20. A Letter to F. C. Lettfom, M. D. &c. &c. Occafioned by Baron Dimfdale's Remarks on Dr. Lettfom's Letter upon General Inoculation. By an uninterested Spectator of the Controverfy between Baron Dimfdale and Dr. Watkinson, on the above mentioned fubject. 8vo. 1 s. Murray. 1779.

Among the various writers who have lately appeared on the very interefling fubject of general inoculation, we cannot but think, that the author of the pamphlet before us has come clofeft to the point, and has hit upon the moft folid and conclufive argument in favour of the practice. Without following him through his introductory obfervations and particular criticifms on Baron Dimfdale, we shall briefly mention his main argument; which is, that in London, the fmall pox already, from natural infection, prevails nearly as generally as it is capable of doing; and therefore, that any local spread of infection from inoculation would be of no confequence, as it would only anticipate a little the certain progrefs of epidemic contagion, Every inoculated individual may therefore be confidered as one fnatched from the danger of a very hazardous difeafe; while those he may poffibly infect, undergo only the common chance they would otherwife be expofed to. The proof of this point he deduces from the annual deaths from the fmall-pox ftated in the bills of mortality, compared with the annual births, with proper allowance for annual ingreffors from the country, and deduction for children who die of other difeafes under two years of age. Though we are fenfible, that thefe calculations are fomewhat vague and arbitrary, we are yet inclined to place a good deal of confidence in the argument in general; as we are certainly informed, that from the most accurate calculation, and actual enumeration in a provincial city, it appeared, that


the number escaping the fmall-pox, for want of infection, was fo extremely inconfiderable, that fuppofing them all infected in confe4. quence of inoculation (a moft improbable fuppofition), all the lofs which could poffibly be fuftained, would be overbalanced by the annual inoculation of fewer than a thousandth part of the inhabitants. The fame thing is as likely to happen in every great town; and most of all in London, where fach a quantity of contagious matter is continually exifting.


Art. 21. Plymouth in an Uproar; a Mufical Farce, as it is per formed at the Theatre-Koyal in Covent Garden. The Mufic compofed by Mr. Dibdin. 8vo. 1 s. Keartley. 1779. Infipid and ill-timed buffoonery!


Art. 22. A plain State of Facts, or the Justice and Propriety of a late Verdia impartially confidered: In a Letter to Sir Alexander Leith, Bart. 8vo. 1 s. Cooper, in Drury-lane. 1779.

The extraordinary perfon to whom this narrative is addreffed, feems to have very little reafon to plume himfelf on the mark of diftinction which the Writer has paid to him. If he is not here "damn'd to everlatting fame," he may, perhaps, be indebted for it folely to the perishable nature of a fugitive pamphlet.

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From this plain State of Facts,' the Public will be greatly affifted in determining how far Mr. Pope (who lately profecuted Sir A L. for a fy) has been directed by malice, and how justly the Baronet, who brought a cross-action against Mr. P. for ufury, was entitled to a verdict for 10,000 1.-The story abounds with most extraordinary circumftances; and it is well told.-It will give the honeft, inexperienced reader an horrid idea of the arts too frequently employed in matters relative to the adminiftration of Law and Jus TICE.-There is more rafcality in the world than good men would think. Art. 23. Authentic Memoirs of Capt. Paul Jones, the American Corfair. Containing his numerous Exploits and furprising Revolutions of Fortune in England, Scotland, Ireland, France, &c. &c. By Mr. Theophilus Smart, who efcaped from Jones's Veffel a few Moments before the funk. 8vo. Is. Hogg.

Proper exercise for the credulity of failors. porters, hoftlers, poftchaife drivers, and court politicians.-A fine print of the Captain is prefixed.

Art. 24. Transplantation; or, Poor Crocus pluckt up by the Root. 8vo. 1 S. Evans, Paternofter Row.

Recites, in a plaintive, yet Shandyan kind of drollery, the hard cafe of Mr. Rymer, late furgeon of the Conqueftadore guardship; who has been difmiffed the fervice, on account of fome mitunderstanding which had unfortunately broken out between our Author and the Admiral who was his commanding officer.-As Mr. R. feems to be an ingenious man, and poffeffed of a good heart, we hope his petition to the King, introduced in the conclufion of this pamphlet, will procure him fome redress.

Sir A. L. obtained, from the Court, a copy of his indi&ment.

RELIGIOUS and CONTROVERSIAL. Art. 25. A copious Comment on Pfalm LXVIII. In which Salvation by David, the Type of Meffiah, is preached to all Nations, Tongues, and Tribes, and Peoples. With Strictures on Ainf worth, Calmet. Vitringa, Bythner, Bishop Lowth, Profeffor Michaelis, De Muis, Merrick, and other Writers on this Pfalm. 8vo. 4 s. 6d. Boards. Wilkie, &c.

A very myftical performance, tending, in our opinion, rather to obfcure than explain the pfalm on which it is written. Far be it from us to fay, that there is nothing typical of the Chriftian scheme in the ancient Jewish ceremonial, &c. but this learned writer would bewilder us in a perplexing, endless labyrinth, where truth may be fought without attaining any certainty or fat:sfaction. But we will difmifs the fubje, left we expofe ourselves farther to the cenfures of this Author, who fays concerning Calmet, that he has learn ing enough for an hundred fcholars, without one glimpse of fpiritual knowledge.'

Art. 26. A Calm Reply to the First Part of Mr. De Courcy's Rejoinder, as far as it relates to the Scriptural Mode of Bapua. By Jofeph Jenkins, A. M. 12mo. I s. Wrexham printed, and fold by Keith, &c. in London. 1778.

A fhort account of the Rejoinder is to be found in the fifty-eighth volume of our Review, p. 321. The different antagonists which have appeared againft Mr. De Courcy, feem to give fome importance to his work. Mr. Jenkins, who here enters the lifts, may be fometimes a little warm, but he is not chargeable with that fcurrility which writers on this fubje&t have too often difcovered. Mr. De Courcy has no doubt been provoked; yet his own manner of writing has fometimes afforded an unhappy advantage to his opponents. The author of the Reply is not deftitute of fenfe or learning; but the fame obfervations which are offered on each fide have been frequently repeated. The principal inference from the controverfy, is, that each party fhould cultivate moderation and candour, and endeavour to regard one another as good chriftians, though they do not exactly agree concerning the mode of baptifm.

Art. 27. A Letter to the Rev. Benjamin Fawcett, M. A. Occafioned by his Pamphlet, intitled, "Candid Reflections on the different Manner in which the Learned and Pious have exprefied their Conceptions concerning the Doctrine of the Trinity." 8vo. 6 d. Buckland. 1779.

The intention of Mr. Fawcett's pamphlet appeared to have been. very worthy of a christian minister. We fhould have hoped, that all confiderate perfons would agree in the neceflity of exerciling moderation and charity on a fubject, concerning which, the wife and vir tuous in every age have entertained a variety of opinions. We do not recollect that Mr. Fawcett writes with feverity. When, indeed, he cenfures a bigotted, uncharitable fpirit, it may excite a degree of warmth not wholly improper; or he may poffibly be sometimes off his guard; but we apprehend, he is far from condemning any for the fentiment they embrace on the topic in quellion. The pamphlet before us, charges him with the want of that candour for which he feems to plead, and produces paffages which are fuppofed to prove

it: but it is to be observed, that fentences, or parts of fentences, detached from a work, and intermingled with reflections by another writer, may affume a very different air, and appear to imply what was far from the author's defign. It is not, however, our business to enter into the difpute. Thus much feemed due to justice; and we will add, that perfons engaged in religious controverfy are apt to forget that diftinction, which ought to be always kept in view, between forms and phrafes of man's device, and the declarations of Scripture. We have not feen any thing in this performance, that should induce us to alter our judgment of Mr. Fawcett's defign and prevailing fentiment; and furely the confideration of that uncertainty, perplexity, and variety, in which the pious and the learned, as well as the bigotted and the weak, have been involved, on the point immediately alluded to, is fufficient to teach us, that we ought to be humble, diffident, and candid, in this as well as in all other inftances.

For Mr. Fawcett's " Candid Reflections, &c." See Review, vol. lvii. p. 333. Alfo vol. lix. p. 234.

Art. 28. Three Sermons, entitled, I. Liberty, when used as a Cloke of Malicioufnels, the worst of Evils. II, The Evil of Rebellion, as applicable to American Conduct, confidered. III. Great Britain oppreffing America, a groundless Charge. Preached on the Three preceding Falt Days, appointed to be obferved on account of the American Rebellion; in the Parish Churches of Twyford and Ouzlebury, Hampshire. By Cornelius Murdin, M. A. Vicar. 4to. 1 s. Baker. 1779:

Mr. Murdin very juftly obferves, that a minifter of the gospel has much better fubjects to employ his time about than thofe above mentioned, and acknowledges, it is with fome reluctance that he has deviated into the thorny path of politics. Poffibly the time allotted to this deviation, might have been more ufefully employed in perfuading his hearers to repentance of their fins, and the fteady practice of piety and virtue. Many objections may be made to his political creed and difcuffions: if he allows himself to read and think on the other fide, he may perhaps find it dificult to defend all his afsertions: but however that is, Mr. Murdin appears to be an honest, well meaning writer, who, if he errs, does not do it wilfully, or to ferve a private purpofe.' We could heartily join with him in the with, that the cruel meffenger of war fent against the Americans, may be speedily changed into a meffenger of peace and reconciliation,' and that harmony and concord may be speedily restored to thefe divided nations.

Art. 29. A Charge, delivered in the Lodge of True Friendship, in Bulwark Street, Dover, on the Festival of St. John the Evangelift, December 27, 1778, and published at the Defire of the faid Lodge. By the Reverend Brother James Smith, Vicar of Alkham, in Kent, and Author of "The Errors of the Church of Rome detected," 4to. Is. Canterbury, printed; London, fold by G. Robinson. 1779.

As we have not the honour to belong to the fraternity of FreeMafons, we can fay little or nothing concerning the royal craft. A brother, a reverend brother, here appears to extol the inflitution,

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